I think that American politicians have hijacked Christianity just to get votes?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
This has really burned me up over the last few years. Especially when my friends and family say they are going to vote for someone because they claim to be Christians. Almost doesn't matter what their other policies are, cause If they claim to be Christians they must be alright.
Is it OK for any political progress?
This has really burned me up over the last few years. Especially when my friends and family say they are going to vote for someone because they claim to be Christians. Almost doesn't matter what their other policies are, cause If they claim to be Christians they must be alright.
Is it OK for any political progress?

People who have no idea what Christianity is about nor do they recognize the fruits of those who claim to be Christian but are not are not really Christians to begin with.
Of course it happens... Democrat candidates speak and campaign in black churches all the time, in spite of the fact that it's illegal....

Charities Churches and Politics

The ban on political campaign activity by charities and churches was created by Congress more than a half century ago. The Internal Revenue Service administers the tax laws written by Congress and has enforcement authority over tax-exempt organizations. Here is some background information on the political campaign activity ban and the latest IRS enforcement statistics regarding its administration of this congressional ban.

In 1954, Congress approved an amendment by Sen. Lyndon Johnson to prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations, which includes charities and churches, from engaging in any political campaign activity. To the extent Congress has revisited the ban over the years, it has in fact strengthened the ban. The most recent change came in 1987 when Congress amended the language to clarify that the prohibition also applies to statements opposing candidates.

Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one "which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
This has really burned me up over the last few years. Especially when my friends and family say they are going to vote for someone because they claim to be Christians. Almost doesn't matter what their other policies are, cause If they claim to be Christians they must be alright.
Is it OK for any political progress?

Most people that claim to be Christian are not, they are kristian. Fake Christians. They use the religion for political gain, for cover to hate other people, for cover to harm other people, and a way to keep a cohort of voters in line as a voting block. Faux News is the ministry of this fake kristianity. The preachers are the con-talk-radio hosts.

The worship the false god of money. They ignore everything Jesus Christ stood for or said, "what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me". Kristians spit on the poor and lick the feet of the wealthy. It is in fact false idolatry.

And they attack with false witness anyone that calls out this fake kristian cult.

"Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.
Reagan is the guy who made an alliance between the Christian "Moral Majority" under the leadership of Jerry Fallwell, in order to secure the Presidency. He recognized then that without the Christian right. no Republican had a chance to be elected President, ever again.

He promised a "family values" agenda which would be anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, and uphold Christian values. Once elected, Reagan forgot all about the "family values" agenda. He didn't legislate against abortion, or try to get prayer back in the schools. He tried to cut food stamps by tightening the income requirements, and the school lunch program. Cutting food stamps was a failure because his programs created so many more poor, that by the end of Reagan's first term, food stamp useage had doubled.

Republicans have been pandering to the Christian right ever since, and other than supporting DOMA and other measures restricting abortions, many of which fail to pass muster with the Supreme Court, abortion is still legal, and now gay marriage is as well. Despite being screwed over by Republicans, time and time again, the Christian right continues to vote Republican because the Democrats refuse to accept their restrictive social agenda.
Reagan is the guy who made an alliance between the Christian "Moral Majority" under the leadership of Jerry Fallwell, in order to secure the Presidency. He recognized then that without the Christian right. no Republican had a chance to be elected President, ever again.

He promised a "family values" agenda which would be anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, and uphold Christian values. Once elected, Reagan forgot all about the "family values" agenda. He didn't legislate against abortion, or try to get prayer back in the schools. He tried to cut food stamps by tightening the income requirements, and the school lunch program. Cutting food stamps was a failure because his programs created so many more poor, that by the end of Reagan's first term, food stamp useage had doubled.

Republicans have been pandering to the Christian right ever since, and other than supporting DOMA and other measures restricting abortions, many of which fail to pass muster with the Supreme Court, abortion is still legal, and now gay marriage is as well. Despite being screwed over by Republicans, time and time again, the Christian right continues to vote Republican because the Democrats refuse to accept their restrictive social agenda.
And I am tired of being a criminal for smoking a joint....
Reagan is the guy who made an alliance between the Christian "Moral Majority" under the leadership of Jerry Fallwell, in order to secure the Presidency. He recognized then that without the Christian right. no Republican had a chance to be elected President, ever again.

He promised a "family values" agenda which would be anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, and uphold Christian values. Once elected, Reagan forgot all about the "family values" agenda. He didn't legislate against abortion, or try to get prayer back in the schools. He tried to cut food stamps by tightening the income requirements, and the school lunch program. Cutting food stamps was a failure because his programs created so many more poor, that by the end of Reagan's first term, food stamp useage had doubled.

Republicans have been pandering to the Christian right ever since, and other than supporting DOMA and other measures restricting abortions, many of which fail to pass muster with the Supreme Court, abortion is still legal, and now gay marriage is as well. Despite being screwed over by Republicans, time and time again, the Christian right continues to vote Republican because the Democrats refuse to accept their restrictive social agenda.
And I am tired of being a criminal for smoking a joint....

Just don't drink a biggie soda and all will be well with the world.
Politicians, not even those on the far right or far left, have an "inner Hitler" whom they are nourishing by reaching out to religious voters.

Religious opinion, religious values, and religious faith have every right to access to the political process.

Only religious organizations who wish to keep their tax-exempt status are barred.
This has really burned me up over the last few years. Especially when my friends and family say they are going to vote for someone because they claim to be Christians. Almost doesn't matter what their other policies are, cause If they claim to be Christians they must be alright.
Is it OK for any political progress?

You must be really young because Christianity and American Politics have been in bed with each other since the dawn of this country.

Is it ok?

No, but it has been part of the process forever...
This has really burned me up over the last few years. Especially when my friends and family say they are going to vote for someone because they claim to be Christians. Almost doesn't matter what their other policies are, cause If they claim to be Christians they must be alright.
Is it OK for any political progress?

That sounds pretty rare.

What you are more likely to hear, is that Christians who vote for someone who they consider "one of them".

On the gut feeling that someone who is "one of them" will be sympathetic to their interests.

This is normal human behavior, and not limited to the Religious Right by any means.

Note the common practice of picking a VP candidate from a swing state.

One of the arguments for Bill Clinton, way back in the day, is that it would help the dems in the South to have a Southern Candidate.
hey use the religion for political gain, for cover to hate other people, for cover to harm other people, and a way to keep a cohort of voters in line as a voting block.
Thank you… thank you… thank you!!!! for making a reference to Jeremiah Wright.
LOL. The "Jeremiah Wright voting block ". Comprised of what? A dozen people? Compared to typical RW televangelists like Falwell, Graham, Bakker, Swaggert, etc?
hey use the religion for political gain, for cover to hate other people, for cover to harm other people, and a way to keep a cohort of voters in line as a voting block.
Thank you… thank you… thank you!!!! for making a reference to Jeremiah Wright.
LOL. The "Jeremiah Wright voting block ". Comprised of what? A dozen people? Compared to typical RW televangelists like Falwell, Graham, Bakker, Swaggert, etc?
Falwell is dead
Graham is too old an with his health ailing, out of circulation
Bakker was busted for fucking on the side and fraudulent accounting and imprisoned
Swaggert was caught fucking prostitutes - not once
I have no idea how many people watch them or if they are even on tv or not. I do not keep up with it.
Next time you need to do a better the list you gave.
Politicians are masters at being everything to everyone. Both sides claim to be religious in order to appeal to those demographics. As with anyone we will know the real Christians by their fruits. However, I won't be looking for the faithful in politics. Too much power.
hey use the religion for political gain, for cover to hate other people, for cover to harm other people, and a way to keep a cohort of voters in line as a voting block.
Thank you… thank you… thank you!!!! for making a reference to Jeremiah Wright.
LOL. The "Jeremiah Wright voting block ". Comprised of what? A dozen people? Compared to typical RW televangelists like Falwell, Graham, Bakker, Swaggert, etc?
Falwell is dead
Graham is too old an with his health ailing, out of circulation
Bakker was busted for fucking on the side and fraudulent accounting and imprisoned
Swaggert was caught fucking prostitutes - not once
I have no idea how many people watch them or if they are even on tv or not. I do not keep up with it.
Next time you need to do a better the list you gave.
I'm aware of their current status. My point is that any one of them at their peak had hundreds or even thousands the number of followers that Rev Wright has or had. His influence is practically nil, certainly not enough to constitute a voting block.

I'm also aware of Swaggert's and Bakker's legal and moral problems. I included them to show that many of them are con artists just trying to make coin and peddle influence.

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