I think this was all planned.

Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic?
Why are you a paranoid loon who wishes to deny the utility of predicting future events from previous history?
Did Fauci Warn Trump in 2017 That a ‘Surprise Outbreak’ Was Coming?
[...] “The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,” he said.
Why is it that sheep who are in denial mode don’t want to look at the facts,git news for you Einstein,the elite have had a depopulation agenda planned against us for DECADES now and this is the year they got the ball rolling,the world never be the same again after this.there are hundreds of doctors out there if not thousands thst have been exposing the numbers of this virus are fake and totally inflated,thst the yearly flu virus has killed more people this year than Covid,yet they don’t go closing businesses and schools and go into lockdown mode over that every year.
If "they" could so well plan out and execute something, it is hard to believe "this" is what they would have done with the capacity.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.

Additional to what I previously posted.

Dr. Fauci led the NIAID for more than three decades, advising five U.S. presidents on global health threats. Therefore, as the head of the NIAID no other was better qualified to speak about the health challenges the next administration would be faced with based on his experience and the history of the last 32 years during his appearance at the forum held at Georgetown University in January 2017.

That's all it was. No Conspiracy. Nothing Sinister. Nothing planned as you seem to think.

Personally, I think that anyone that chooses to ignore CDC’s latest advice and refuses to adopt recommended health/safety measures should sign a waiver that they will NOT burden the US Government, the Health system & the taxpayers should they come down with Covid-19 - just like the waiver Trump supporters attending his rallies had to sign. It was good enough for Trump supporters, it is good enough for others too.
If you choose to take the risk, you should also foot the bill.

Maybe you should stop “listening” to your gut. You could use your “twatter jail” time to do a little research on matters that confound you.

On the other hand, if your gut is telling you something truly stinks and one can look at all the crap ... ermm, never mind.
Learn how to quote.

I know how to quote.

You had so many disorderly thoughts going on in your OP that needed to be presented in an orderly, methodical manner in my reply to facilitate comprehension by the reader. I quoted your each thought separately and inserted my reply just below each of your thoughts making everything perfectly clear and easy to follow. It is an effective and accurate way to reply to a post with multiple thoughts running through it.

I shall seek private clarification whether this simplified style of quoting/replying is permitted, and if not, of course I shall follow the USMB ruling.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.

The Covid outbreak is the perfect storm of lack of political leadership and an entitled society. Unless you've been on mars, you know the virus is deadly and that the steps to mitigate it is: Hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask when you can't. You know that disease mitigation in general is hand washing, Vitamin C, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Can you take all of the precautions and still die from it? Sure. But from what I see, most people are not taking it seriously. Restaurants are full. People are buying cruises. Parks are full.

Terrorists are watching this. I wouldn't be surprised if nation-states that may want to militarily challenge us are watching this too. Can you imagine if we had to start rationing like we did during the world wars--what sort of backlash there would be from the public if they were asked to do something as strenuous as not light campfires on the beach (tankers can be silhouetted against lights)?
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.

Additional to what I previously posted.

Dr. Fauci led the NIAID for more than three decades, advising five U.S. presidents on global health threats. Therefore, as the head of the NIAID no other was better qualified to speak about the health challenges the next administration would be faced with based on his experience and the history of the last 32 years during his appearance at the forum held at Georgetown University in January 2017.

That's all it was. No Conspiracy. Nothing Sinister. Nothing planned as you seem to think.

Personally, I think that anyone that chooses to ignore CDC’s latest advice and refuses to adopt recommended health/safety measures should sign a waiver that they will NOT burden the US Government, the Health system & the taxpayers should they come down with Covid-19 - just like the waiver Trump supporters attending his rallies had to sign. It was good enough for Trump supporters, it is good enough for others too.
If you choose to take the risk, you should also foot the bill.

Maybe you should stop “listening” to your gut. You could use your “twatter jail” time to do a little research on matters that confound you.

On the other hand, if your gut is telling you something truly stinks and one can look at all the crap ... ermm, never mind.
Damn are you ever a sheep,you have clearly been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media,the flu virus has killed ten times more people this year than the Covid despite the lies of the cia media you listen to,and wow are you dense listening to Fauci and the cdc,Fauci is evil as hell and the cdc is as much an evil organization as the cia and fbi are.let me guess,your going to say they are not evil organizations? Lol

I take it back gracie,I’m with you now,learn to quote newbie.Lol
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.

The Covid outbreak is the perfect storm of lack of political leadership and an entitled society. Unless you've been on mars, you know the virus is deadly and that the steps to mitigate it is: Hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask when you can't. You know that disease mitigation in general is hand washing, Vitamin C, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Can you take all of the precautions and still die from it? Sure. But from what I see, most people are not taking it seriously. Restaurants are full. People are buying cruises. Parks are full.

Terrorists are watching this. I wouldn't be surprised if nation-states that may want to militarily challenge us are watching this too. Can you imagine if we had to start rationing like we did during the world wars--what sort of backlash there would be from the public if they were asked to do something as strenuous as not light campfires on the beach (tankers can be silhouetted against lights)?
Well count PJ and I in on the healthy life style. The whole family, each individually made me promise no more CPR on people that drop dead unless it is a blood relative. Unless we get it from one of the grandkids, I think we can avoid it in the future as we will not be flying to ski this year. If we go, we'll tack on a few more travel days each way and take precautions there. I assure you trying to ski with it suck really bad and is a waste of vacation money. When a vaccine does become available and has been on the market a couple of months we will take it.

Do not worry about terrorist trying to take advantage or nation states for that matter, as there is not a measurable advantage to take. I am not in a large city, but do not see rationing in our future. Campfire silhouette is not how one targets tankers, so I think beach campfire are safe, far safer than backyard barbeque in hills of California.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.

The Covid outbreak is the perfect storm of lack of political leadership and an entitled society. Unless you've been on mars, you know the virus is deadly and that the steps to mitigate it is: Hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask when you can't. You know that disease mitigation in general is hand washing, Vitamin C, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Can you take all of the precautions and still die from it? Sure. But from what I see, most people are not taking it seriously. Restaurants are full. People are buying cruises. Parks are full.

Terrorists are watching this. I wouldn't be surprised if nation-states that may want to militarily challenge us are watching this too. Can you imagine if we had to start rationing like we did during the world wars--what sort of backlash there would be from the public if they were asked to do something as strenuous as not light campfires on the beach (tankers can be silhouetted against lights)?
Well count PJ and I in on the healthy life style. The whole family, each individually made me promise no more CPR on people that drop dead unless it is a blood relative. Unless we get it from one of the grandkids, I think we can avoid it in the future as we will not be flying to ski this year. If we go, we'll tack on a few more travel days each way and take precautions there. I assure you trying to ski with it suck really bad and is a waste of vacation money. When a vaccine does become available and has been on the market a couple of months we will take it.

Do not worry about terrorist trying to take advantage or nation states for that matter, as there is not a measurable advantage to take. I am not in a large city, but do not see rationing in our future. Campfire silhouette is not how one targets tankers, so I think beach campfire are safe, far safer than backyard barbeque in hills of California.

Good to hear that you're leading a healthy lifestyle. I try to as well. I work overnights at a hospital so it's more challenging for me in my opinion. I'm sure they vary though.

As far as terrorist go, long term hardships probably wouldn't register. It's more of a hit and run. The 9/11 terrorists aren't walking around anymore terrorizing anyone. As for nation states...I seriously disagree. Anything that forces Americans to sacrifice will not be tolerated for very long. I do wonder about the food supply though. If there was a way to poison the supply of food--lets take beef for example, do you think that Americans would simply shrug and say, "Well, no more steak for me!" You'd have idiots cooking steak that is laced with the poisoning agent and ingesting it as a "protest" against government over-reach.

According to the PBS documentary on WWII, people were prohibited against having beach bonfires in Alabama because U-Boat commanders could use them to view shipping traffic at night.
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Learn how to quote.

I know how to quote.

You had so many disorderly thoughts going on in your OP that needed to be presented in an orderly, methodical manner in my reply to facilitate comprehension by the reader. I quoted your each thought separately and inserted my reply just below each of your thoughts making everything perfectly clear and easy to follow. It is an effective and accurate way to reply to a post with multiple thoughts running through it.

I shall seek private clarification whether this simplified style of quoting/replying is permitted, and if not, of course I shall follow the USMB ruling.
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! You take shit too fucking seriously. Now go munch on some grass like a good lamb.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.

The Covid outbreak is the perfect storm of lack of political leadership and an entitled society. Unless you've been on mars, you know the virus is deadly and that the steps to mitigate it is: Hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask when you can't. You know that disease mitigation in general is hand washing, Vitamin C, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Can you take all of the precautions and still die from it? Sure. But from what I see, most people are not taking it seriously. Restaurants are full. People are buying cruises. Parks are full.

Terrorists are watching this. I wouldn't be surprised if nation-states that may want to militarily challenge us are watching this too. Can you imagine if we had to start rationing like we did during the world wars--what sort of backlash there would be from the public if they were asked to do something as strenuous as not light campfires on the beach (tankers can be silhouetted against lights)?
Well count PJ and I in on the healthy life style. The whole family, each individually made me promise no more CPR on people that drop dead unless it is a blood relative. Unless we get it from one of the grandkids, I think we can avoid it in the future as we will not be flying to ski this year. If we go, we'll tack on a few more travel days each way and take precautions there. I assure you trying to ski with it suck really bad and is a waste of vacation money. When a vaccine does become available and has been on the market a couple of months we will take it.

Do not worry about terrorist trying to take advantage or nation states for that matter, as there is not a measurable advantage to take. I am not in a large city, but do not see rationing in our future. Campfire silhouette is not how one targets tankers, so I think beach campfire are safe, far safer than backyard barbeque in hills of California.

Good to hear that you're leading a healthy lifestyle. I try to as well. I work overnights at a hospital so it's more challenging for me in my opinion. I'm sure they vary though.

As far as terrorist go, long term hardships probably wouldn't register. It's more of a hit and run. The 9/11 terrorists aren't walking around anymore terrorizing anyone. As for nation states...I seriously disagree. Anything that forces Americans to sacrifice will not be tolerated for very long. I do wonder about the food supply though. If there was a way to poison the supply of food--lets take beef for example, do you think that Americans would simply shrug and say, "Well, no more steak for me!" You'd have idiots cooking steak that is laced with the poisoning agent and ingesting it as a "protest" against government over-reach.

According to the PBS documentary on WWII, people were prohibited against having beach bonfires in Alabama because U-Boat commanders could use them to view shipping traffic at night.
It is too decentralized with commercial packing houses across the country and the speed at which it would work, be caught, traced and stopped. Just about any steak can almost be tracked back to the steer in came from if they chose to. Many years ago, I was plant manager of a freezer storage warehouse that did freeze out on meat coming from a processing plant and dealt with the inspectors on daily basis. I have confidence in the handling, processing, storage and traceability of the meats we eat.
Times have changed. Beach fires are immaterial compared to the radar, sonar, sat locations available and used. As for optically seeing, I have used imaging capable of seeing a hand print on a metal pole on a clouded moonless night a minute after the hand was taken off the pole.
Last edited:
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.

The Covid outbreak is the perfect storm of lack of political leadership and an entitled society. Unless you've been on mars, you know the virus is deadly and that the steps to mitigate it is: Hand washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask when you can't. You know that disease mitigation in general is hand washing, Vitamin C, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Can you take all of the precautions and still die from it? Sure. But from what I see, most people are not taking it seriously. Restaurants are full. People are buying cruises. Parks are full.

Terrorists are watching this. I wouldn't be surprised if nation-states that may want to militarily challenge us are watching this too. Can you imagine if we had to start rationing like we did during the world wars--what sort of backlash there would be from the public if they were asked to do something as strenuous as not light campfires on the beach (tankers can be silhouetted against lights)?
Well count PJ and I in on the healthy life style. The whole family, each individually made me promise no more CPR on people that drop dead unless it is a blood relative. Unless we get it from one of the grandkids, I think we can avoid it in the future as we will not be flying to ski this year. If we go, we'll tack on a few more travel days each way and take precautions there. I assure you trying to ski with it suck really bad and is a waste of vacation money. When a vaccine does become available and has been on the market a couple of months we will take it.

Do not worry about terrorist trying to take advantage or nation states for that matter, as there is not a measurable advantage to take. I am not in a large city, but do not see rationing in our future. Campfire silhouette is not how one targets tankers, so I think beach campfire are safe, far safer than backyard barbeque in hills of California.

Good to hear that you're leading a healthy lifestyle. I try to as well. I work overnights at a hospital so it's more challenging for me in my opinion. I'm sure they vary though.

As far as terrorist go, long term hardships probably wouldn't register. It's more of a hit and run. The 9/11 terrorists aren't walking around anymore terrorizing anyone. As for nation states...I seriously disagree. Anything that forces Americans to sacrifice will not be tolerated for very long. I do wonder about the food supply though. If there was a way to poison the supply of food--lets take beef for example, do you think that Americans would simply shrug and say, "Well, no more steak for me!" You'd have idiots cooking steak that is laced with the poisoning agent and ingesting it as a "protest" against government over-reach.

According to the PBS documentary on WWII, people were prohibited against having beach bonfires in Alabama because U-Boat commanders could use them to view shipping traffic at night.
It is too decentralized with commercial packing houses across the country and the speed at which it would work, be caught, traced and stopped. Just about any steak can almost be tracked back to the steer in came from if they chose to. Many years ago, I was plant manager of a freezer storage warehouse that did freeze out on meat coming from a processing plant and dealt with the inspectors on daily basis. I have confidence in the handling, processing, storage and traceability of the meats we eat.
Times have changed. Beach fires are immaterial compared to the radar, sonar, sat locations available and used. As for optically seeing, I have used imaging capable of seeing a hand print on a metal pole on a clouded moonless night a minute after the hand was taken off the pole.

I'm in twatter jail. Why? Because some schmuck reported me commenting in a thread over there about the big black woman smacking a kid in church and her needing her ass kicked.
So....looks like y'all will be stuck with me more often than not, lol.
I got a permanent ban from Twatter for posting negative stuff about the hideous non-assimilating Muslims in our country. I guess it's a huge no-no to post anything negative about the savages on Twatter. My ban was over a year ago and I don't miss the site one bit.
I have not been banned on Twitter but I find this site too à la Française we cannot express ourselves freely we have a sword on the head that lurks us at every moment
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
I'm in twatter jail. Why? Because some schmuck reported me commenting in a thread over there about the big black woman smacking a kid in church and her needing her ass kicked.
So....looks like y'all will be stuck with me more often than not, lol.
I got a permanent ban from Twatter for posting negative stuff about the hideous non-assimilating Muslims in our country. I guess it's a huge no-no to post anything negative about the savages on Twatter. My ban was over a year ago and I don't miss the site one bit.
I have not been banned on Twitter but I find this site too à la Française we cannot express ourselves freely we have a sword on the head that lurks us at every moment
What do you mean? 'Splain.
Did you mean small pox vaccines/polio...etc? Yes. I had them as a child. It was not my choice either. It ws my parents choice.

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