I think this was all planned.

USPS mail
Harris of all people
Biden...who has mush brain
Governors/mayors ignoring whats happening
Russia again
School teachers teaching marxism
Schools making parents sign something to NOT look at what the kids are being taught
Businesses going broke
Can't go to church

The list goes on and on and on. All in an election year.
Of course all this shit was planned.

. . . and some of it? I think Trump knew about. I am not sure to what extent, or if he knew there was some organized plan, I have not figured that out. . .

I hate to believe the worst, but that whole shit he was doing with BlackRock back in the summer of last Year? That is pretty damning in my book.

The COVID Coup: The BlackRock Takeover Of American Interests

we still don't have an INFORMATIVE button...so I'll make my own.

*Informative* is this !!!
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
Wow. No vaccines until 64? That is amazing. You have done well on the herd immunity thing. In your shoes, I do not blame you. I would not have started at 64 and cannot imagine why you would have started. To be sure, most people do not have violent dangerous reactions. I have had them since a young child in Kentucky and then the US Army started sticking things in me for over 20 years, especially if I went someplace interesting. Not like I had much of a choice or even gave it much thought, but it did not hurt me. Hope you keep using good covid precautions and it works out for you.
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
Wow. No vaccines until 64? That is amazing. You have done well on the herd immunity thing. In your shoes, I do not blame you. I would not have started at 64 and cannot imagine why you would have started. To be sure, most people do not have violent dangerous reactions. I have had them since a young child in Kentucky and then the US Army started sticking things in me for over 20 years, especially if I went someplace interesting. Not like I had much of a choice or even gave it much thought, but it did not hurt me. Hope you keep using good covid precautions and it works out for you.
Covid is a flu...bas as swine flu and the others that caused some deaths. This virus is no different. None whatsoever. It was all plotted and planned.

4 years ago, I did as my doctors told me to do because I was over 60. Standard operating bullshit...protect the elderly and most vulnerable. Well..I was stupid even at 64 when it came to shots, flu, whatnot. I am no longer stupid. If I catch a flu, and die...so be it. I really don't give a damn.
To back up my stance.....google Sun Tzu quotes. Look familiar of what is going on today? Dude was a chinese warrior. Whatcha wanna bet China is following Tzu's commentaries. And why wouldn't they? He was Chinese. Very smart Chinese man.

So yeah..go read a few. Lightbulbs will be going off over your heads, and you will begin to understand what was, what is, and what will be. Especially if their puppet Biden gets in the WH.
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
Wow. No vaccines until 64? That is amazing. You have done well on the herd immunity thing. In your shoes, I do not blame you. I would not have started at 64 and cannot imagine why you would have started. To be sure, most people do not have violent dangerous reactions. I have had them since a young child in Kentucky and then the US Army started sticking things in me for over 20 years, especially if I went someplace interesting. Not like I had much of a choice or even gave it much thought, but it did not hurt me. Hope you keep using good covid precautions and it works out for you.
Covid is a flu...bas as swine flu and the others that caused some deaths. This virus is no different. None whatsoever. It was all plotted and planned.

4 years ago, I did as my doctors told me to do because I was over 60. Standard operating bullshit...protect the elderly and most vulnerable. Well..I was stupid even at 64 when it came to shots, flu, whatnot. I am no longer stupid. If I catch a flu, and die...so be it. I really don't give a damn.
Could be like any other, but not so sure. I'll be 66 on 9/11 and l have never had someone I know die of the flu. Two people died next door within 18 days of each other after one of the came back for Detroit during the height of their battle with covid. LabCorp say I have the antibodies and I still don't feel safe. I plan to linger, keep taking precautions and keep having a good time as long as possible.
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
Wow. No vaccines until 64? That is amazing. You have done well on the herd immunity thing. In your shoes, I do not blame you. I would not have started at 64 and cannot imagine why you would have started. To be sure, most people do not have violent dangerous reactions. I have had them since a young child in Kentucky and then the US Army started sticking things in me for over 20 years, especially if I went someplace interesting. Not like I had much of a choice or even gave it much thought, but it did not hurt me. Hope you keep using good covid precautions and it works out for you.
Covid is a flu...bas as swine flu and the others that caused some deaths. This virus is no different. None whatsoever. It was all plotted and planned.

4 years ago, I did as my doctors told me to do because I was over 60. Standard operating bullshit...protect the elderly and most vulnerable. Well..I was stupid even at 64 when it came to shots, flu, whatnot. I am no longer stupid. If I catch a flu, and die...so be it. I really don't give a damn.
Could be like any other, but not so sure. I'll be 66 on 9/11 and l have never had someone I know die of the flu. Two people died next door within 18 days of each other after one of the came back for Detroit during the height of their battle with covid. LabCorp say I have the antibodies and I still don't feel safe. I plan to linger, keep taking precautions and keep having a good time as long as possible.
lol. I'll be 68 on 10/11. I have not been tested. They can kiss my ass with that shit.
I, too, plan to keep having a normal life and not many precautions though. No mask. No vaccine. No distancing. Why live if we have to do it in a box being poked and swabbed? Oh hell no.
I'm in twatter jail. Why? Because some schmuck reported me commenting in a thread over there about the big black woman smacking a kid in church and her needing her ass kicked.
So....looks like y'all will be stuck with me more often than not, lol.
I got a permanent ban from Twatter for posting negative stuff about the hideous non-assimilating Muslims in our country. I guess it's a huge no-no to post anything negative about the savages on Twatter. My ban was over a year ago and I don't miss the site one bit.
I have not been banned on Twitter but I find this site too à la Française we cannot express ourselves freely we have a sword on the head that lurks us at every moment
What do you mean? 'Splain.
I mean that we cannot say what we think, there is no freedom of Speech as one example after the attacks in France in 2015, we cannot talk about the terrorists without being seen as racist, I find for a example Twitter Anti-Trump like many other site on the web.
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
Wow. No vaccines until 64? That is amazing. You have done well on the herd immunity thing. In your shoes, I do not blame you. I would not have started at 64 and cannot imagine why you would have started. To be sure, most people do not have violent dangerous reactions. I have had them since a young child in Kentucky and then the US Army started sticking things in me for over 20 years, especially if I went someplace interesting. Not like I had much of a choice or even gave it much thought, but it did not hurt me. Hope you keep using good covid precautions and it works out for you.
Covid is a flu...bas as swine flu and the others that caused some deaths. This virus is no different. None whatsoever. It was all plotted and planned.

4 years ago, I did as my doctors told me to do because I was over 60. Standard operating bullshit...protect the elderly and most vulnerable. Well..I was stupid even at 64 when it came to shots, flu, whatnot. I am no longer stupid. If I catch a flu, and die...so be it. I really don't give a damn.
Could be like any other, but not so sure. I'll be 66 on 9/11 and l have never had someone I know die of the flu. Two people died next door within 18 days of each other after one of the came back for Detroit during the height of their battle with covid. LabCorp say I have the antibodies and I still don't feel safe. I plan to linger, keep taking precautions and keep having a good time as long as possible.
lol. I'll be 68 on 10/11. I have not been tested. They can kiss my ass with that shit.
I, too, plan to keep having a normal life and not many precautions though. No mask. No vaccine. No distancing. Why live if we have to do it in a box being poked and swabbed? Oh hell no.
Same here,it’s only places I go to where I HAVE to wear a mask like a grocery store do I ever put one on.if this is the new normal then my traveling days are over,can’t have fun if I have to wear a mask for an inflated virus For every state I visit.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.

Don't forget Event 201, a "drill" for a global pandemic, held last October in NYC, a couple months before this whole scam started.

And as I've posted before, also don't forget the Rockefeller Foundation paper written in 2010 on "scenarios" for the future, about a global pandemic that is almost exactly what we're experiencing right now.

Yes, this is absolutely a Problem- Reaction-Solution scam. Fear and "crises" are always used as the PTSB's best pretext for power grabs and manipulating the public to go along with their globalist agendas.

The criminals behind this are the last people I would trust, about anything.
As James Corbett talks about in this video, the new paradigm for this era we're in is the biosecurity paradigm. Before it was the "war on terror." There always has to be an elusive "enemy," just like in the book 1984, there's always that boogeyman that's the perfect pretext for control and manipulating the public into just about anything.

I'm in twatter jail. Why? Because some schmuck reported me commenting in a thread over there about the big black woman smacking a kid in church and her needing her ass kicked.
So....looks like y'all will be stuck with me more often than not, lol.
I got a permanent ban from Twatter for posting negative stuff about the hideous non-assimilating Muslims in our country. I guess it's a huge no-no to post anything negative about the savages on Twatter. My ban was over a year ago and I don't miss the site one bit.
I have not been banned on Twitter but I find this site too à la Française we cannot express ourselves freely we have a sword on the head that lurks us at every moment
What do you mean? 'Splain.
I mean that we cannot say what we think, there is no freedom of Speech as one example after the attacks in France in 2015, we cannot talk about the terrorists without being seen as racist, I find for a example Twitter Anti-Trump like many other site on the web.
Oh. The way you said it, it was like you were saying we cannot say what we think HERE at usmb. Thanks for clarifying.
I saw where Rand Paul and his wife, and other people leaving the RNC festivities were attacked by a mob. Nobody helped the old man that was punched (separate incident) but I did notice when the cop was punched and fell back, Rand Paul stayed with him and helped him steady himself. Nobody else bothered. He did.

So why do dems condone this stuff. Has ANY democrat here at USMB ever said its a bad thing their party is doing, or are they as silent as all dems Ive seen on tv so far. Not one word about the violence. Nothing. Zilch. Silence. And there are some dems here that I thought for sure would speak against it...yet...they haven't. Seems it would make them think twice about their own party. Alas...it hasn't.

Was it planned way in advance to brainwash ALL democrats to see nothing bad at all? And how did they do it? Sneak blue pills in their wheaties?
I will never take a vaccine. Not even this years flu shot. Too many fingers in those pies.
Did you have the usual vaccination in this country as a child? What changed?
I started vaccines when I hit 64. The last vaccine I had was last year. And that will be the last vaccine I ever take. I'll take my chances from now on. What changed? Fauci and Gates. There is NO WAY I will ever allow it again with those two at the helm.
Wow. No vaccines until 64? That is amazing. You have done well on the herd immunity thing. In your shoes, I do not blame you. I would not have started at 64 and cannot imagine why you would have started. To be sure, most people do not have violent dangerous reactions. I have had them since a young child in Kentucky and then the US Army started sticking things in me for over 20 years, especially if I went someplace interesting. Not like I had much of a choice or even gave it much thought, but it did not hurt me. Hope you keep using good covid precautions and it works out for you.
Covid is a flu...bas as swine flu and the others that caused some deaths. This virus is no different. None whatsoever. It was all plotted and planned.

4 years ago, I did as my doctors told me to do because I was over 60. Standard operating bullshit...protect the elderly and most vulnerable. Well..I was stupid even at 64 when it came to shots, flu, whatnot. I am no longer stupid. If I catch a flu, and die...so be it. I really don't give a damn.
Could be like any other, but not so sure. I'll be 66 on 9/11 and l have never had someone I know die of the flu. Two people died next door within 18 days of each other after one of the came back for Detroit during the height of their battle with covid. LabCorp say I have the antibodies and I still don't feel safe. I plan to linger, keep taking precautions and keep having a good time as long as possible.
How old were those two people that died of Covid,let me guess,over 65.
I am so blessed I am not in a really LARGE city. There is no way on Gods green earth I would be able to keep my mouth shut..which means I would be kicked and pummeled to death. Those people yelling and screaming at that old couple in a vid I saw.....I wouldn't have kept my head down and kept walking. I would have throat punched that fucker as soon as he got in my face. And I'll do it until I'm 85 years old if I have to. It isn't in my genes to be humble or quiet or tiptoe around thugs. No such thing in my DNA. Even if I have to cram my cane up their ass. I'll die fighting. Fuckers. Pisses me off. I'll see if I can find the vid.

I saw where Rand Paul and his wife, and other people leaving the RNC festivities were attacked by a mob. Nobody helped the old man that was punched (separate incident) but I did notice when the cop was punched and fell back, Rand Paul stayed with him and helped him steady himself. Nobody else bothered. He did.

So why do dems condone this stuff. Has ANY democrat here at USMB ever said its a bad thing their party is doing, or are they as silent as all dems Ive seen on tv so far. Not one word about the violence. Nothing. Zilch. Silence. And there are some dems here that I thought for sure would speak against it...yet...they haven't. Seems it would make them think twice about their own party. Alas...it hasn't.

Was it planned way in advance to brainwash ALL democrats to see nothing bad at all? And how did they do it? Sneak blue pills in their wheaties?
Sealybozo is the biggest dem fan in the world,he is one of the very biggest trolls here at USMB for sure,I strongly suspect he is a paid shill for the DNC committee because he blatantly ignores facts that Obama who he thinks is the greatest,not only continued bush’s policys but expanded them ignoring how he lied to the people and said he would reverse bush’s policys and ignoring that he expanded the war in the Mideast,also ignoring that Clinton was as much in favor of nafta as bush was plus ignoring and changing the subject when I gave cold go hard facts to himof his governor in Michigan where he lives,Gretchen whitmere,is very evil and corrupt.he would probably dismiss it knowing what a troll he is.

Care4all might not be as closed minded as he is,Obama and hitlery seem to be her hero’s,She says that she is not an Obama supporter but her posts contradict it,he was a mass murderer and ran the most corrupt administration,him and bush both,but she never once said one bad thing about him when he was in office where trump to her is the anti christ even though he did not start any new wars in the Mid East as Obama did,go figure,sheesh. You might pm her and ask her to come over to see what she has to say,can’t be as ignorant as sealybozo that’s for sure.lol
I have that guy on ignore (smellybozo), so I can't see a word he says. I am presuming most dems here will be like MrGracie. Blind.

MrGracie is dem. I showed him the vid and said the same thing to him. As usual, he got the deer in headlights look, then said he didn't want to hear it, and they were 6 feet away so what's the problem? He flat out refuses to SEE. He lives in JFK days. Refuses to see that dem party is dead as JFK is. Sigh.
Speaking of.....were any conservatives waiting after the DNC did their thing, waiting to pounce, trounce, attack, flip off, throw water on those leaving? Or were they left in peace. Why is it ONE party is so dam fucking violent?

Asking for a friend.

Can't even walk down the street anymore without being attacked.
Cops aren't being paid enough.

Do you bank with Bank Of America? Might wanna rethink that. They gave BLM millions.

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