I think Trump will probably win the debate

Harris will win for 3 reasons:

A: she's female

B: she's black

3: Shes not Trump.
Trump is funny even when he's being mean.

He whipped Jeb Bush's ass when Jeb tried getting nasty with him.

Trump is used to exchanging wise-assed comments because he grew up in Queens.

He knows how to counter a bully or a jerk.
But not under oath
What crackpot is saying he might win the popular vote?

I think Hitler in 1945 said something like "One day Trump will win the popular vote". Of course Hitler wasn't talking about the US Presidential election, but the beauty pageant in Kissing in Bavaria.
Kamala was given the questions in advance and she keeps giving these prepared statements based on lies.

One of the questions they asked her about was totally lost by her wild pontificating and fake flowery words and phrases.

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