I think we should sell Detroit to Canada

It depends. If that would be Alberta taking over Detroit - it will be good, if the leftist-leaning province - same shit
I think North Korea or Cuba. Its residents could see what a socialist workers paradise is supposed to look like. And they get a foothold in North America. Win-win.
Detroit is but the first to go bankrupt; liberals will ruin every city in their controll. Canada doesn't want Detroit, or it's indigenous population.
If only we could move the people that are still there
and then just bulldoze the city and find a way to start over.

Let China buy it and have them claim it as a province of their country
immune from our crippling restrictions.See if they can make a go of it.
How about turning Detroit into the running man. It can be televised. NBC would pay millions to air it. The city looks like the movie already. It would be huge ratings and would help pay back the American people for a bailout. the show could hire the residents as stage hand throughout the city. Helping with traps and hauling away the dead players and etc.
What makes anyone think CanaDUH would invest in a bankrupt, minority, mulsim, hate whitey shit hole like that? They're stupid but not that stupid.

Personally, as a treasure hunter, I'd LOVE it if the vagrant population was forced out of that city so I could dig the bounty of silver coins in those old yards in front of the burned down houses that white people fled from in horror in the late 60's and 70's. I'd need my own security team to do that now plus some buy off money, skittles and a truck of malt liquor to dig that treasure up as it currently stands.

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