I think we should sell Detroit to Canada

IT'S Called LIBERALS------ dummy! You Zombies are the biggest idiots on this earth.. You destroy cities, states with your progressive out of control policies then whine like biatches when they go bankrupt and continue with the same behavior elsewhere.. INSANE.. it's called INSANITY

Yeah, prosperity runs rampant in the red states, doesn't it.

Yea.. Republican Governors are balancing their States budgets, cutting taxes and seeing the lowest unemployment rates in the country.. It really pisses you Socialists off too..

Michigan's Governor is a Rep.
Detroit Airport: I wonder how many millions of flyers avoid having to land there to switch planes. you couldn't pay me to land there and watch CNN for two hours! Its like they look at the 25/35 flights to choose from and take a close look at where they change planes, Detroit? F No !!!

Detroit's not a bad airport. The old one was a decrepit pain in the ass to navigate from terminal to terminal, but the new layout that opened a few years ago is a breeze. It's still an airport though so food and drink is beyond expensive but I'll take it over lots of other major airports.

Technically, I don't think its even in the city of Detroit. A suburb whose name escapes me.

It's about 25 miles west of the city on I-94. And yes, it's a lot better than the old one.
Ame®icano;7562794 said:
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?


Majority of residents would get nice welfare and free health benefits. Thats what they were voting for last 50 years anyways. Canada will let Moroun family to build new bridge and solve problem with importing garbage from Detroit. All casino money will stay in Canada too. Everyone's happy.

Canada already put up the $$ so Maroun gets locked out.
How did this happen when obama saved Detroit and single handedly saved the entire auto industry?

obama last year preened that he refused to let Detroit go bankrupt.

Flashback: Obama boasted in 2012: ?We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt? | WashingtonExaminer.com

On October 13, 2012, President Obama boasted to Americans in his weekly address that he refused to “let Detroit go bankrupt.”

“[W]e refused to throw in the towel and do nothing,” Obama said. “We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt, I bet on American workers, and American ingenuity and three years later that bet is paying off in a big way.”

Of course Obama was referring to the auto industry – alluding to Mitt Romney’s unfortunate New York Times op-ed headline from 2008.

Now we know how correct Mitt Romney was and how prescient he was in 2008.

He didnt give a fuck about the city he cared about the Union vote...

Wow got a death threat over this post....lol....

This board is increasingly fucked up.
Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.

Fair enough. I was comparing the systems overall. If you get cancer or have heart disease, you are statistically more likely to die in Canada than the US.

No, rich can afford better healthcare.

Don't you guys get what that means?





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