I think we should sell Detroit to Canada

Canada is solvent and actually has accomplished universal care. The only thing they want from us, besides money, is for us to stop blowing up their cute tourist towns. (-:

They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."

Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.

That's an absurdity.

Oil Sheiks worth Billions don't travel to Manitoba to get a Heart Operation. They go to the Cleveland Clinic.

They don't go to anyplace in Canada for eye surgery, they go to the best Opthalmology Hospital on Earth, Bascom Palmer.

And they don't go to the back woods of Manitoba for Cancer treatment, they go the Fermi Institute, the Mayo Clinic or the best of them all, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Get real
Canada is solvent and actually has accomplished universal care. The only thing they want from us, besides money, is for us to stop blowing up their cute tourist towns. (-:

They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."

Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.

Fair enough. I was comparing the systems overall. If you get cancer or have heart disease, you are statistically more likely to die in Canada than the US.
I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can. It only takes about 30 (Thirty) Man Hours to make a car. From the Engine to the transmission, to the body and the electronics and rear-end and steering wheel... About 30 Man Hours.

Here's what they CAN'T Handle...

Work Stoppages. It costs them MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars. In your bigger Companies, sometimes BILLIONS.

And what the communists in the Unions of America LOVE doing is shutting Companies down for the tiniest of of things.

Last time I was in Cleveland, (it's been a while) the Unions were Striking over some insignificant Holiday. Forgot which one it was, but they shut down GM, Ford and Chrysler for weeks for -- Shit. Nothing.

Then, the Unions insisted on having a 'Jobs Bank' where workers show up for work, go to the break room and play Pinochle or do crossword puzzles all day.

Fer real.

I believe in Unions. Germany has them and they kick some serious ass.

Plus the fact, the German Auto Workers? They make double what an American UAW worker makes.

BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen....? Three of the strongest Companies on the Planet.

Ford is strong but Generic Motors and Crapler? Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see them go under -- Again.

The problem in this Country with Manufacturing is our Unions.

They're communist inspired.

In German and Japan.... They HATE communists and they HATE communism. The Unions WORK WITH the manufacturers and both parties do pretty well. Real well, in fact. (And please don't tell me about the German Constitution. I already know)

Think dimocrap scum are smart enough to do that.

Fuck no.

They're the stupidest people on Earth.

When I was young I took advantage of a program that the company I worked for, offered, which was working your way through all phases of the manufacturing of the product that puts bread and butter on your table, towards a managerial position, if you earn it along the way.

The detour I took was that among the options I had, I had the option of learning and working with computers, and, specifically, learn COBOL and apply that knowledge to the business the company I worked for was involved in.

I, for an immigrant, who had no college education, did, pretty well. I proof read reports written by college graduates, for grammatical and linguistic accuracy. I developed a random numbering system, not native to COBOL, which the company I worked for used until more up-to-date methods were discovered and established.

Congratulations and good on you!!!

Your point is..? :)

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I was attracted to that program, because of the idiotic presense of unions.

To wit:

When I was hired to do factory floor work, I was a member of a three-men crew, one of which was the operator of the machine the other two had to supply material for, while one of the other two was weighing the ingredients going into the mix, and the other bringing in the heavy load of raw materials. These last two positions alternated from day to day.

One day I was on the "heavy end". I was trying my best to get the load to the mixer, but since I had only a hand operated lift truck, I needed help to move the heavy load. I yelled come give me a hand, thinking, perhaps foolishly, that since we are part of one crew and or earnings are dependent on helping each other, maybe another member of my crew would come and help. Alas, the response to my asking for help was: "Fuck you, it's not my job".

That was a watershed moment for me. I swore off unions forever. I joined the company training program, and in subsequent years I was happily crossing picket lines and proudly working as a "SCAB" in order to avoid the company to be forced to close business.
at one time probably the most modern advanced city in the country.....therefore the world....

s'long Motown....:bye1:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyJEL9fdxWo]Motown Megamix - YouTube[/ame]
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More Weaponized Stupidity from the left.

We're better off flushing the money down the toilet than giving it to stupid fucking dimocraps.

At least the toilet won't breed

With all due 'respect', in your short time here, you've proven you're an asshole. I wonder, what or who made you into the piece of shit you have become?

tsk, tsk, tsk.....

Did you get kicked out of the Mall Bathroom again?

Shame on you.

But you didn't answer the question (one I'm sure you've contemplated at times). Who or what made you into the piece of shit you are today?
If only we could move the people that are still there
and then just bulldoze the city and find a way to start over.

Let China buy it and have them claim it as a province of their country
immune from our crippling restrictions.See if they can make a go of it.

The people of Detroit created the problem by electing politicians who promised to screw business and the "rich." When they all left, it became a ghost town. If you move the people who did that out, they'll just go somewhere else and do the same thing wherever they go. I'm from Michigan, "kaz" is short for my home town, "Kalamazoo." I love the give Detroit to Canada solution. The left would never go for it though because Michigan would become a solid red State.

Not all "people of Detroit" voted that way. Businesses left mostly after riots back in 80's. That's about time when Detroit start to fall. When you have a brother voting for brother just because he's brother and not because he can do the job, then you get someone like Kwame Kilpatrick or Kenneth Cockrel, all black city council with family members on most of city government positions...
Only way Detroit can be great again is to level it and start over.
They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."

Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.

That's an absurdity.

Oil Sheiks worth Billions don't travel to Manitoba to get a Heart Operation. They go to the Cleveland Clinic.

They don't go to anyplace in Canada for eye surgery, they go to the best Opthalmology Hospital on Earth, Bascom Palmer.

And they don't go to the back woods of Manitoba for Cancer treatment, they go the Fermi Institute, the Mayo Clinic or the best of them all, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Get real

I don't care how oil sheiks get their heath restored and where they go to get it done.

I am talking about me, us, everyday ordinary folks.

I am talking about a colleague of mine in Akron, Ohio who traveled to London, Ontario for laser eye surgery.

I am talking about recognizing that America is not necessarily the end all and be all of everything that is excellent.

Attitude like yours, with snobbish references to "back woods" you know nothing about makes many in the world resent Americans.
Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.

That's an absurdity.

Oil Sheiks worth Billions don't travel to Manitoba to get a Heart Operation. They go to the Cleveland Clinic.

They don't go to anyplace in Canada for eye surgery, they go to the best Opthalmology Hospital on Earth, Bascom Palmer.

And they don't go to the back woods of Manitoba for Cancer treatment, they go the Fermi Institute, the Mayo Clinic or the best of them all, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Get real

I don't care how oil sheiks get their heath restored and where they go to get it done.

I am talking about me, us, everyday ordinary folks.

I am talking about a colleague of mine in Akron, Ohio who traveled to London, Ontario for laser eye surgery.

I am talking about recognizing that America is not necessarily the end all and be all of everything that is excellent.

Attitude like yours, with snobbish references to "back woods" you know nothing about makes many in the world resent Americans.

I have no idea why an American Citizen would travel to a Country with a National Health system for ANY kind of Health treatment of any kind.

I already told you, Bascom Palmer is the best Opthalmology Hospital on the Planet. It's in Miami, part of Jackson Memorial.

Believe it or not, the USSR used to be the leader in Opthalmology. Didn't last long. A couple years, tops.

commies.. They'd fuck up a one car funeral.

The only reason I can think of that a US Citizen would travel to another Country, especially Canada where their own Citizens have trouble getting timely care, would be for experimental surgery or some unapproved treatments.

But 'Laser Surgery'?

We wrote the book on that.

And I'm not knocking Canada. I like Canada and I like Canadians.

Just that when it comes to Health Care, NOBODY beats the US of A. Nobody even gets close. It's not a contest.

I go to the VA and a lot of my Doctors are Foreign Born. Because it's easier for them to get a license to practice in a Federal Facility than it is in a State facility. Don't know exactly why, but it is. Same with Pharmacists.

I talk to Doctors from, literally, all over the world. Literally.

And they will all tell you.. Nobody gets close to us in Education, talent and especially -- The machines.

Our Medical Equipment is so far ahead of everybody else's, it ain't even funny.

Know why?

Because our Medical System is (or rather 'Was') competitively based.

Bascom would come up with a new machine and Wills in Philly would try to top it.

Same with the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic.

In Canada (not picking on Canada, just sayin') or anywhere else with socialized medicine...?

What incentive is there to modernize, to improve to COMPETE?

There isn't any. None.

Once we go socialist, the next Hot Spot for offshore medical care?

Costa Rica.

Mark my words. Costa Rica is kicking ass already and they're only going to go apehsit even more when the Stuttering Clusterfukk introduces his abortion.

I can afford to go there if I have to. Besides, it's close to me.

What about you?

Get in line, shut up and take what we give you or go home.

Welcome to AmeriCCCPa

Sorry to be so long.

I ain't picking on Canada. They do a good job for what they have to work with.
This responding to post #128 without quoting it.

I speak from personal experience, while you are not.

For years I suffered from all the pains of arthritis one can think of. All this while i was a resident of Ontario. During this time my company got me working in its head quarters in Akron, Ohio.

Thinking that while I work in the States, I might as well avail myself to American health care. At this point I was waiting to see a specialist in Ontario, who would refer me to an MRI, for many months, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

While working in Akron, I made an appointment with a rheumatologist in Cayahoga Falls. He was available in less than three weeks, and when he diagnosed my shoulder, he was ready to do the necessary surgery in four weeks.

For timing this was incredibly prompt. For expenses it was incredibly incredible.

I passed, I came back to Ontario, got my surgery and thought that my life would be pain free. So much for that. The pain came back, and persisted, and in the meantime I moved to Manitoba, because my daughter announced the arrival of my first grand child and there was nothing to keep me in Ontario.

My health problems, of course, came along with with me. I needed to find a doctor, which I did. Unlike in Ontario, the specialists he referred me to, could see me in a matter of two weeks.

One of them prescribed a medication that rendered me totally pain free for the last six years, allowed me to be a 171 average bowler and give piggy back rides to my grand kids, pain free.

When I said that the health care in Manitoba was as good as any anywhere, I said that because at least in my personal experience there is no way that the Mayo Clinic or any of the places oil sheiks go to could have done better.

But if it makes you fell better to call a place you know nothing about "back water", go for it.
How did this happen when obama saved Detroit and single handedly saved the entire auto industry?

obama last year preened that he refused to let Detroit go bankrupt.

Flashback: Obama boasted in 2012: ?We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt? | WashingtonExaminer.com

On October 13, 2012, President Obama boasted to Americans in his weekly address that he refused to “let Detroit go bankrupt.”

“[W]e refused to throw in the towel and do nothing,” Obama said. “We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt, I bet on American workers, and American ingenuity and three years later that bet is paying off in a big way.”

Of course Obama was referring to the auto industry – alluding to Mitt Romney’s unfortunate New York Times op-ed headline from 2008.

Now we know how correct Mitt Romney was and how prescient he was in 2008.

He didnt give a fuck about the city he cared about the Union vote...

Wow got a death threat over this post....lol....
They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."

Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.

Fair enough. I was comparing the systems overall. If you get cancer or have heart disease, you are statistically more likely to die in Canada than the US.

No, rich can afford better healthcare.
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Union greed played a significant part. As did automakers weakness in facing down the crippling demands..

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