I think we should sell Detroit to Canada

Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

At the cost of whom?

Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Uhm the Unions drove out the jobs, fuck everyone else, they got their high paying jobs and killed a city in return.

Yup. The UAW did a great job in Detroit. They got they're high wages and everyone else got the shaft.

Who the hell would want Detroit anyway?? I doubt you could give the fucker to anyoe.
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Uhm the Unions drove out the jobs, fuck everyone else, they got their high paying jobs and killed a city in return.

No, shitty products and piss poor management decisions drove the jobs out of Detroit.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I was recently in Detroit, on our vacation, and as far as I can tell it was a war zone.
2. Houses destroyed.
3. It was a wreak.
4. We got the hell out of there and fast!
5. We were's scared-ed.....


Sir James, why the hell would a southern man like yourself vacation in Detroit. Dude, WTF?

1. We were just passing through thank God!!!
2. The part we braved looked like a God Forsaken hell hole.
3. So this is what the negro ownership of a city will end up like huh?
4. No real surprise just a shock because I have seen it myself.
5. Our negro population here in the metroplex is also the *run down* area of town, with crime rampant, shootings, and homeless people roaming around pushing shopping carts and talking to themselves.
6. Of course whitey is responsible.
7. We just don't care enough to go and maintain those areas I guess???

Nothing to do with lack of investment in infrastructure, education, and training, raising taxes and fees on the nonrich, ruin of manufacturing etc etc. See sig pp 1. When the non rich get the flu, blacks die.

Liberals like you in the media refuse to talk about the real causes of Detroit's problem: Liberals.

Liberal democrats have been in charge since the early 1960's. Their wasteful urban housing programs began the decline. Greedy labor unions helped destroy the auto industry there. Corrupt Blacks in power bled money from the coffers. And most importantly, the leftist-Black population in the majority there still will not hold criminals accoutable for their crimes, so Detroit is the most dangerous city in America, with the worst neighborhoods.

Why would anyone want to raise anything but a familyof welfare rats or gangbangers there?
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

What America needs is a workforce that is realistic enough not to demand wages that a person with EDUCATION and ACCOMPLISHMENT earns, and not the pie-in-the-sky and totally unrealistic wages the unions demand.

All employers are not only willing, but happy to pay their employees wages that reflect the value of the work of said employees. They are willing to give their employees reasonable vacation time, sick time and time off for maternity, time off for death in the family and most companies give time off to employees to get their lives back together.

That last one refers to addicts, who make an honest effort to quit their addiction, but I know a case, where a longtime employees's son committed a vicious murder, which - understandably - devastated that employee's life. That employee was ready to use his vacation time to attend his son's trial, recover and get on with his life.

The company he worked for allowed him unspecified length of time off, because the company knew that the employee will not take undue advantage. When there is a measure of mutual respect between employer and employee it is an unwritten understanding that everybody will do their BEST to earn the trust of the other.

And, sadly, this is what is lost to unions. Everything that their predecessors fought and sometimes died for is now encoded in law. Unions today are about as relevant as buggy whips and dodo birds and flat Earth promoters.
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

You have trouble keeping up, don't you?

This is but one of THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of examples of what YOUR side does to .... Everything they touch.



Nobody else... Your side and your side only, with no help from Republicans (Dee-Troit had its last Republican Mayor 51 years ago)....

Your side, with YOUR stupid ideas. YOUR stupid politics. YOUR corruption. YOUR incompetence.

You can't blame the Japanese or the Chinese or the Germans or the Martians or the Bogey Man.

Totally and completely and absolutely 100%, not 99% or 99.9%... ONE HUNDRED PERCENT the fault of dimocrap morons like you.

You people couldn't run a fucking Kool Aid Stand much less a City in distress.
Being bankrupt, we would have to pay them to take it.

I have long advocated for ceding Detroit to Canada. Now...we'll have to pay.

But consider what it'll do to the demographic of The Great WHITE North. They need to learn that diversity isn't just letting in rich Hong Kong types.

Has it ever occurred to you that the word `white`perhaps, may mean `snow` or ìce`
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

What America needs is a workforce that is realistic enough not to demand wages that a person with EDUCATION and ACCOMPLISHMENT earns, and not the pie-in-the-sky and totally unrealistic wages the unions demand.

All employers are not only willing, but happy to pay their employees wages that reflect the value of the work of said employees. They are willing to give their employees reasonable vacation time, sick time and time off for maternity, time off for death in the family and most companies give time off to employees to get their lives back together.

That last one refers to addicts, who make an honest effort to quit their addiction, but I know a case, where a longtime employees's son committed a vicious murder, which - understandably - devastated that employee's life. That employee was ready to use his vacation time to attend his son's trial, recover and get on with his life.

The company he worked for allowed him unspecified length of time off, because the company knew that the employee will not take undue advantage. When there is a measure of mutual respect between employer and employee it is an unwritten understanding that everybody will do their BEST to earn the trust of the other.

And, sadly, this is what is lost to unions. Everything that their predecessors fought and sometimes died for is now encoded in law. Unions today are about as relevant as buggy whips and dodo birds and flat Earth promoters.

I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can. It only takes about 30 (Thirty) Man Hours to make a car. From the Engine to the transmission, to the body and the electronics and rear-end and steering wheel... About 30 Man Hours.

Here's what they CAN'T Handle...

Work Stoppages. It costs them MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars. In your bigger Companies, sometimes BILLIONS.

And what the communists in the Unions of America LOVE doing is shutting Companies down for the tiniest of of things.

Last time I was in Cleveland, (it's been a while) the Unions were Striking over some insignificant Holiday. Forgot which one it was, but they shut down GM, Ford and Chrysler for weeks for -- Shit. Nothing.

Then, the Unions insisted on having a 'Jobs Bank' where workers show up for work, go to the break room and play Pinochle or do crossword puzzles all day.

Fer real.

I believe in Unions. Germany has them and they kick some serious ass.

Plus the fact, the German Auto Workers? They make double what an American UAW worker makes.

BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen....? Three of the strongest Companies on the Planet.

Ford is strong but Generic Motors and Crapler? Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see them go under -- Again.

The problem in this Country with Manufacturing is our Unions.

They're communist inspired.

In German and Japan.... They HATE communists and they HATE communism. The Unions WORK WITH the manufacturers and both parties do pretty well. Real well, in fact. (And please don't tell me about the German Constitution. I already know)

Think dimocrap scum are smart enough to do that.

Fuck no.

They're the stupidest people on Earth.
Being bankrupt, we would have to pay them to take it.

I have long advocated for ceding Detroit to Canada. Now...we'll have to pay.

But consider what it'll do to the demographic of The Great WHITE North. They need to learn that diversity isn't just letting in rich Hong Kong types.

Has it ever occurred to you that the word `white`perhaps, may mean `snow` or ìce`

You're asking a dimocrap to think?
Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Uhm the Unions drove out the jobs, fuck everyone else, they got their high paying jobs and killed a city in return.

No, shitty products and piss poor management decisions drove the jobs out of Detroit.

IT'S Called LIBERALS------ dummy! You Zombies are the biggest idiots on this earth.. You destroy cities, states with your progressive out of control policies then whine like biatches when they go bankrupt and continue with the same behavior elsewhere.. INSANE.. it's called INSANITY
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4ZQooPHHAA&feature=player_embedded]PURE DETROIT! (Pure Michigan Parody) - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

What America needs is a workforce that is realistic enough not to demand wages that a person with EDUCATION and ACCOMPLISHMENT earns, and not the pie-in-the-sky and totally unrealistic wages the unions demand.

All employers are not only willing, but happy to pay their employees wages that reflect the value of the work of said employees. They are willing to give their employees reasonable vacation time, sick time and time off for maternity, time off for death in the family and most companies give time off to employees to get their lives back together.

That last one refers to addicts, who make an honest effort to quit their addiction, but I know a case, where a longtime employees's son committed a vicious murder, which - understandably - devastated that employee's life. That employee was ready to use his vacation time to attend his son's trial, recover and get on with his life.

The company he worked for allowed him unspecified length of time off, because the company knew that the employee will not take undue advantage. When there is a measure of mutual respect between employer and employee it is an unwritten understanding that everybody will do their BEST to earn the trust of the other.

And, sadly, this is what is lost to unions. Everything that their predecessors fought and sometimes died for is now encoded in law. Unions today are about as relevant as buggy whips and dodo birds and flat Earth promoters.

I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can.

At what cost? What many fail to understand is business will pass the cost on to the customer. You and me that is.

I'm tired of paying inflated 'comfort' prices for everything from welfare to union prices. It's no wonder the Mexicans are doing work we will not.

Wages are paid commensurate of work preformed

How did this happen when obama saved Detroit and single handedly saved the entire auto industry?

obama last year preened that he refused to let Detroit go bankrupt.

Flashback: Obama boasted in 2012: ?We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt? | WashingtonExaminer.com

On October 13, 2012, President Obama boasted to Americans in his weekly address that he refused to “let Detroit go bankrupt.”

“[W]e refused to throw in the towel and do nothing,” Obama said. “We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt, I bet on American workers, and American ingenuity and three years later that bet is paying off in a big way.”

Of course Obama was referring to the auto industry – alluding to Mitt Romney’s unfortunate New York Times op-ed headline from 2008.

Now we know how correct Mitt Romney was and how prescient he was in 2008.
What America needs is a workforce that is realistic enough not to demand wages that a person with EDUCATION and ACCOMPLISHMENT earns, and not the pie-in-the-sky and totally unrealistic wages the unions demand.

All employers are not only willing, but happy to pay their employees wages that reflect the value of the work of said employees. They are willing to give their employees reasonable vacation time, sick time and time off for maternity, time off for death in the family and most companies give time off to employees to get their lives back together.

That last one refers to addicts, who make an honest effort to quit their addiction, but I know a case, where a longtime employees's son committed a vicious murder, which - understandably - devastated that employee's life. That employee was ready to use his vacation time to attend his son's trial, recover and get on with his life.

The company he worked for allowed him unspecified length of time off, because the company knew that the employee will not take undue advantage. When there is a measure of mutual respect between employer and employee it is an unwritten understanding that everybody will do their BEST to earn the trust of the other.

And, sadly, this is what is lost to unions. Everything that their predecessors fought and sometimes died for is now encoded in law. Unions today are about as relevant as buggy whips and dodo birds and flat Earth promoters.

I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can.

At what cost? What many fail to understand is business will pass the cost on to the customer. You and me that is.

I'm tired of paying inflated 'comfort' prices for everything from welfare to union prices. It's no wonder the Mexicans are doing work we will not.

Wages are paid commensurate of work preformed


Look..... We're on the same side but I have to tell it like it is....

Let's say we pay a UAW worker $50 an hour (including benefits) to do his job. That's a lot of money and a VERY good living.

I'm not even going to talk about Japan or Germany because they pay their workers even more than we do.

So let's talk about..... Brazil. Lots of cars being made there.

So let's say that Brazil pays its workers about $10 an hour.

That's exactly $1,200 per car in savings based on the FACT it takes about 30 Man Hours to make a Car.

But wait!!

You gotta ship it here from Brazil. What's that cost? Around $500 per car, I'd say.

So now you're down to $700 in savings.

Then, any car whose Final Assembly Point is outside the United States (except for Canada and maybe Mexico??) must pay a 2.5% Import Duty.

So let's say it's $30,000 Car.

OOPSIE!!! Guess what? They're LOSING Money!!! $50 in the hole.

If it's a $20,000 car, they're $250 ahead. Whoopie-freaking-doopie.

Ain't worth the hassle.

The UAW and other Unions have hurt themselves by being completely unreasonable with manufacturing.

Just like you'll hear in this very forum time and time again, they think they're 'Partners'

They're not. They're EMPLOYEES. Well-Paid employees.

So American Unions get their tits in a tangle when they can't get their way and shut Companies down.

So you know what? The Companies give them the finger and move offshore.

American Unions -- The Big ones, are stupid beyond belief.

They're dimcraps. Every last one of them. dimocraps.

And like any dimocrap anywhere, they fuck up everything they touch.
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How did this happen when obama saved Detroit and single handedly saved the entire auto industry?

obama last year preened that he refused to let Detroit go bankrupt.

Flashback: Obama boasted in 2012: ?We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt? | WashingtonExaminer.com

On October 13, 2012, President Obama boasted to Americans in his weekly address that he refused to “let Detroit go bankrupt.”

“[W]e refused to throw in the towel and do nothing,” Obama said. “We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt, I bet on American workers, and American ingenuity and three years later that bet is paying off in a big way.”

Of course Obama was referring to the auto industry – alluding to Mitt Romney’s unfortunate New York Times op-ed headline from 2008.

Now we know how correct Mitt Romney was and how prescient he was in 2008.

He didnt give a fuck about the city he cared about the Union vote...
Uhm the Unions drove out the jobs, fuck everyone else, they got their high paying jobs and killed a city in return.

No, shitty products and piss poor management decisions drove the jobs out of Detroit.

IT'S Called LIBERALS------ dummy! You Zombies are the biggest idiots on this earth.. You destroy cities, states with your progressive out of control policies then whine like biatches when they go bankrupt and continue with the same behavior elsewhere.. INSANE.. it's called INSANITY

Yeah, prosperity runs rampant in the red states, doesn't it.

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