I think we should sell Detroit to Canada

No, shitty products and piss poor management decisions drove the jobs out of Detroit.

IT'S Called LIBERALS------ dummy! You Zombies are the biggest idiots on this earth.. You destroy cities, states with your progressive out of control policies then whine like biatches when they go bankrupt and continue with the same behavior elsewhere.. INSANE.. it's called INSANITY

Yeah, prosperity runs rampant in the red states, doesn't it.

Yes, it does actually.
Under obama, in the last three years, 36 democratic run cities have gone bankrupt.

The market solution will be that cities showing a democratic leadership won't be able to sell municipal bonds. Bondholders will likely never be paid in Detroit's bankruptcy. There will be democrat investments and republican investments. Buy bonds in states and cities with republican leadership. The democrats are losers.
Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

What America needs is a workforce that is realistic enough not to demand wages that a person with EDUCATION and ACCOMPLISHMENT earns, and not the pie-in-the-sky and totally unrealistic wages the unions demand.

All employers are not only willing, but happy to pay their employees wages that reflect the value of the work of said employees. They are willing to give their employees reasonable vacation time, sick time and time off for maternity, time off for death in the family and most companies give time off to employees to get their lives back together.

That last one refers to addicts, who make an honest effort to quit their addiction, but I know a case, where a longtime employees's son committed a vicious murder, which - understandably - devastated that employee's life. That employee was ready to use his vacation time to attend his son's trial, recover and get on with his life.

The company he worked for allowed him unspecified length of time off, because the company knew that the employee will not take undue advantage. When there is a measure of mutual respect between employer and employee it is an unwritten understanding that everybody will do their BEST to earn the trust of the other.

And, sadly, this is what is lost to unions. Everything that their predecessors fought and sometimes died for is now encoded in law. Unions today are about as relevant as buggy whips and dodo birds and flat Earth promoters.

I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can. It only takes about 30 (Thirty) Man Hours to make a car. From the Engine to the transmission, to the body and the electronics and rear-end and steering wheel... About 30 Man Hours.

Here's what they CAN'T Handle...

Work Stoppages. It costs them MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars. In your bigger Companies, sometimes BILLIONS.

And what the communists in the Unions of America LOVE doing is shutting Companies down for the tiniest of of things.

Last time I was in Cleveland, (it's been a while) the Unions were Striking over some insignificant Holiday. Forgot which one it was, but they shut down GM, Ford and Chrysler for weeks for -- Shit. Nothing.

Then, the Unions insisted on having a 'Jobs Bank' where workers show up for work, go to the break room and play Pinochle or do crossword puzzles all day.

Fer real.

I believe in Unions. Germany has them and they kick some serious ass.

Plus the fact, the German Auto Workers? They make double what an American UAW worker makes.

BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen....? Three of the strongest Companies on the Planet.

Ford is strong but Generic Motors and Crapler? Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see them go under -- Again.

The problem in this Country with Manufacturing is our Unions.

They're communist inspired.

In German and Japan.... They HATE communists and they HATE communism. The Unions WORK WITH the manufacturers and both parties do pretty well. Real well, in fact. (And please don't tell me about the German Constitution. I already know)

Think dimocrap scum are smart enough to do that.

Fuck no.

They're the stupidest people on Earth.

When I was young I took advantage of a program that the company I worked for, offered, which was working your way through all phases of the manufacturing of the product that puts bread and butter on your table, towards a managerial position, if you earn it along the way.

The detour I took was that among the options I had, I had the option of learning and working with computers, and, specifically, learn COBOL and apply that knowledge to the business the company I worked for was involved in.

I, for an immigrant, who had no college education, did, pretty well. I proof read reports written by college graduates, for grammatical and linguistic accuracy. I developed a random numbering system, not native to COBOL, which the company I worked for used until more up-to-date methods were discovered and established.
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What America needs is a workforce that is realistic enough not to demand wages that a person with EDUCATION and ACCOMPLISHMENT earns, and not the pie-in-the-sky and totally unrealistic wages the unions demand.

All employers are not only willing, but happy to pay their employees wages that reflect the value of the work of said employees. They are willing to give their employees reasonable vacation time, sick time and time off for maternity, time off for death in the family and most companies give time off to employees to get their lives back together.

That last one refers to addicts, who make an honest effort to quit their addiction, but I know a case, where a longtime employees's son committed a vicious murder, which - understandably - devastated that employee's life. That employee was ready to use his vacation time to attend his son's trial, recover and get on with his life.

The company he worked for allowed him unspecified length of time off, because the company knew that the employee will not take undue advantage. When there is a measure of mutual respect between employer and employee it is an unwritten understanding that everybody will do their BEST to earn the trust of the other.

And, sadly, this is what is lost to unions. Everything that their predecessors fought and sometimes died for is now encoded in law. Unions today are about as relevant as buggy whips and dodo birds and flat Earth promoters.

I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can. It only takes about 30 (Thirty) Man Hours to make a car. From the Engine to the transmission, to the body and the electronics and rear-end and steering wheel... About 30 Man Hours.

Here's what they CAN'T Handle...

Work Stoppages. It costs them MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars. In your bigger Companies, sometimes BILLIONS.

And what the communists in the Unions of America LOVE doing is shutting Companies down for the tiniest of of things.

Last time I was in Cleveland, (it's been a while) the Unions were Striking over some insignificant Holiday. Forgot which one it was, but they shut down GM, Ford and Chrysler for weeks for -- Shit. Nothing.

Then, the Unions insisted on having a 'Jobs Bank' where workers show up for work, go to the break room and play Pinochle or do crossword puzzles all day.

Fer real.

I believe in Unions. Germany has them and they kick some serious ass.

Plus the fact, the German Auto Workers? They make double what an American UAW worker makes.

BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen....? Three of the strongest Companies on the Planet.

Ford is strong but Generic Motors and Crapler? Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see them go under -- Again.

The problem in this Country with Manufacturing is our Unions.

They're communist inspired.

In German and Japan.... They HATE communists and they HATE communism. The Unions WORK WITH the manufacturers and both parties do pretty well. Real well, in fact. (And please don't tell me about the German Constitution. I already know)

Think dimocrap scum are smart enough to do that.

Fuck no.

They're the stupidest people on Earth.

When I was young I took advantage of a program that the company I worked for, offered, which was working your way through all phases of the manufacturing of the product that puts bread and butter on your table, towards a managerial position, if you earn it along the way.

The detour I took was that among the options I had, I had the option of learning and working with computers, and, specifically, learn COBOL and apply that knowledge to the business the company I worked for was involved in.

I, for an immigrant, who had no college education, did, pretty well. I proof read reports written by college graduates, for grammatical and linguistic accuracy. I developed a random numbering system, not native to COBOL, which the company I worked for used until more up-to-date methods were discovered and established.

Congratulations and good on you!!!

Your point is..? :)
No, shitty products and piss poor management decisions drove the jobs out of Detroit.

IT'S Called LIBERALS------ dummy! You Zombies are the biggest idiots on this earth.. You destroy cities, states with your progressive out of control policies then whine like biatches when they go bankrupt and continue with the same behavior elsewhere.. INSANE.. it's called INSANITY

Yeah, prosperity runs rampant in the red states, doesn't it.

Yea.. Republican Governors are balancing their States budgets, cutting taxes and seeing the lowest unemployment rates in the country.. It really pisses you Socialists off too..
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?

No, Canada won't buy it or even take it for free. It is a mess.

How much money did we spend on the invasion and occupation of Iraq? The Congress needs to put 10% of that amount into Detroit by training and hiring the city's unemployed to remove buildings abandoned and beyond rehabilitation. Many are old and some of what is left can be recycled and sold.

Chevron and Mobil-Exxon can put some money into motor city instead of buying TV Ad time to tell consumers what good neighbors they are.

The Dept. of Defense can refuse to accept money for projects they don't want, and Congress can become fiscally responsible in deed instead of talk.

We can stop trying to police the world and begin to police Detroit; American servicemen and women can be recruited to serve in civilian pubic safety agencies as they separate from Active Duty.

Block by block can be reclaimed an rehabilitated generating tax revenue and building a new future for the Motor City.
I agree with you, but with one major caveat.

Big Companies can handle High Wages. They really can. It only takes about 30 (Thirty) Man Hours to make a car. From the Engine to the transmission, to the body and the electronics and rear-end and steering wheel... About 30 Man Hours.

Here's what they CAN'T Handle...

Work Stoppages. It costs them MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars. In your bigger Companies, sometimes BILLIONS.

And what the communists in the Unions of America LOVE doing is shutting Companies down for the tiniest of of things.

Last time I was in Cleveland, (it's been a while) the Unions were Striking over some insignificant Holiday. Forgot which one it was, but they shut down GM, Ford and Chrysler for weeks for -- Shit. Nothing.

Then, the Unions insisted on having a 'Jobs Bank' where workers show up for work, go to the break room and play Pinochle or do crossword puzzles all day.

Fer real.

I believe in Unions. Germany has them and they kick some serious ass.

Plus the fact, the German Auto Workers? They make double what an American UAW worker makes.

BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen....? Three of the strongest Companies on the Planet.

Ford is strong but Generic Motors and Crapler? Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see them go under -- Again.

The problem in this Country with Manufacturing is our Unions.

They're communist inspired.

In German and Japan.... They HATE communists and they HATE communism. The Unions WORK WITH the manufacturers and both parties do pretty well. Real well, in fact. (And please don't tell me about the German Constitution. I already know)

Think dimocrap scum are smart enough to do that.

Fuck no.

They're the stupidest people on Earth.

When I was young I took advantage of a program that the company I worked for, offered, which was working your way through all phases of the manufacturing of the product that puts bread and butter on your table, towards a managerial position, if you earn it along the way.

The detour I took was that among the options I had, I had the option of learning and working with computers, and, specifically, learn COBOL and apply that knowledge to the business the company I worked for was involved in.

I, for an immigrant, who had no college education, did, pretty well. I proof read reports written by college graduates, for grammatical and linguistic accuracy. I developed a random numbering system, not native to COBOL, which the company I worked for used until more up-to-date methods were discovered and established.

Congratulations and good on you!!!

Your point is..? :)

his point is the same as mine. we worked for a living under a system that encourged it. not sit back on your lazy fuckin' ass with your hand out like today
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?

No, Canada won't buy it or even take it for free. It is a mess.

How much money did we spend on the invasion and occupation of Iraq? The Congress needs to put 10% of that amount into Detroit by training and hiring the city's unemployed to remove buildings abandoned and beyond rehabilitation. Many are old and some of what is left can be recycled and sold.

Chevron and Mobil-Exxon can put some money into motor city instead of buying TV Ad time to tell consumers what good neighbors they are.

The Dept. of Defense can refuse to accept money for projects they don't want, and Congress can become fiscally responsible in deed instead of talk.

We can stop trying to police the world and begin to police Detroit; American servicemen and women can be recruited to serve in civilian pubic safety agencies as they separate from Active Duty.

Block by block can be reclaimed an rehabilitated generating tax revenue and building a new future for the Motor City.

More Weaponized Stupidity from the left.

We're better off flushing the money down the toilet than giving it to stupid fucking dimocraps.

At least the toilet won't breed
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?

No, Canada won't buy it or even take it for free. It is a mess.

How much money did we spend on the invasion and occupation of Iraq? The Congress needs to put 10% of that amount into Detroit by training and hiring the city's unemployed to remove buildings abandoned and beyond rehabilitation. Many are old and some of what is left can be recycled and sold.

Chevron and Mobil-Exxon can put some money into motor city instead of buying TV Ad time to tell consumers what good neighbors they are.

The Dept. of Defense can refuse to accept money for projects they don't want, and Congress can become fiscally responsible in deed instead of talk.

We can stop trying to police the world and begin to police Detroit; American servicemen and women can be recruited to serve in civilian pubic safety agencies as they separate from Active Duty.

Block by block can be reclaimed an rehabilitated generating tax revenue and building a new future for the Motor City.

you could give Detroit $5 trillion dollars and the liberal tards would be bankrupt again in 10 years.
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?

No, Canada won't buy it or even take it for free. It is a mess.

How much money did we spend on the invasion and occupation of Iraq? The Congress needs to put 10% of that amount into Detroit by training and hiring the city's unemployed to remove buildings abandoned and beyond rehabilitation. Many are old and some of what is left can be recycled and sold.

Chevron and Mobil-Exxon can put some money into motor city instead of buying TV Ad time to tell consumers what good neighbors they are.

The Dept. of Defense can refuse to accept money for projects they don't want, and Congress can become fiscally responsible in deed instead of talk.

We can stop trying to police the world and begin to police Detroit; American servicemen and women can be recruited to serve in civilian pubic safety agencies as they separate from Active Duty.

Block by block can be reclaimed an rehabilitated generating tax revenue and building a new future for the Motor City.

More Weaponized Stupidity from the left.

We're better off flushing the money down the toilet than giving it to stupid fucking dimocraps.

At least the toilet won't breed

With all due 'respect', in your short time here, you've proven you're an asshole. I wonder, what or who made you into the piece of shit you have become?
Detroit Airport: I wonder how many millions of flyers avoid having to land there to switch planes. you couldn't pay me to land there and watch CNN for two hours! Its like they look at the 25/35 flights to choose from and take a close look at where they change planes, Detroit? F No !!!

Detroit's not a bad airport. The old one was a decrepit pain in the ass to navigate from terminal to terminal, but the new layout that opened a few years ago is a breeze. It's still an airport though so food and drink is beyond expensive but I'll take it over lots of other major airports.

Technically, I don't think its even in the city of Detroit. A suburb whose name escapes me.
No, shitty products and piss poor management decisions drove the jobs out of Detroit.

IT'S Called LIBERALS------ dummy! You Zombies are the biggest idiots on this earth.. You destroy cities, states with your progressive out of control policies then whine like biatches when they go bankrupt and continue with the same behavior elsewhere.. INSANE.. it's called INSANITY

Yeah, prosperity runs rampant in the red states, doesn't it.

Many of those red states have plants that produce automobiles with workers who are not compelled to surrender a large portion of what they earn in the form of union dues.

That is what prosperity is.
Canada is solvent and actually has accomplished universal care. The only thing they want from us, besides money, is for us to stop blowing up their cute tourist towns. (-:
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?


Majority of residents would get nice welfare and free health benefits. Thats what they were voting for last 50 years anyways. Canada will let Moroun family to build new bridge and solve problem with importing garbage from Detroit. All casino money will stay in Canada too. Everyone's happy.
If only we could move the people that are still there
and then just bulldoze the city and find a way to start over.

Let China buy it and have them claim it as a province of their country
immune from our crippling restrictions.See if they can make a go of it.

The people of Detroit created the problem by electing politicians who promised to screw business and the "rich." When they all left, it became a ghost town. If you move the people who did that out, they'll just go somewhere else and do the same thing wherever they go. I'm from Michigan, "kaz" is short for my home town, "Kalamazoo." I love the give Detroit to Canada solution. The left would never go for it though because Michigan would become a solid red State.
No, Canada won't buy it or even take it for free. It is a mess.

How much money did we spend on the invasion and occupation of Iraq? The Congress needs to put 10% of that amount into Detroit by training and hiring the city's unemployed to remove buildings abandoned and beyond rehabilitation. Many are old and some of what is left can be recycled and sold.

Chevron and Mobil-Exxon can put some money into motor city instead of buying TV Ad time to tell consumers what good neighbors they are.

The Dept. of Defense can refuse to accept money for projects they don't want, and Congress can become fiscally responsible in deed instead of talk.

We can stop trying to police the world and begin to police Detroit; American servicemen and women can be recruited to serve in civilian pubic safety agencies as they separate from Active Duty.

Block by block can be reclaimed an rehabilitated generating tax revenue and building a new future for the Motor City.

More Weaponized Stupidity from the left.

We're better off flushing the money down the toilet than giving it to stupid fucking dimocraps.

At least the toilet won't breed

With all due 'respect', in your short time here, you've proven you're an asshole. I wonder, what or who made you into the piece of shit you have become?

tsk, tsk, tsk.....

Did you get kicked out of the Mall Bathroom again?

Shame on you.
Canada is solvent and actually has accomplished universal care. The only thing they want from us, besides money, is for us to stop blowing up their cute tourist towns. (-:

They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."
Canada is solvent and actually has accomplished universal care. The only thing they want from us, besides money, is for us to stop blowing up their cute tourist towns. (-:

They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."

Just as things are not uniformly and equally good or bad in each state in America, the quality of health care varies from province to province in Canada.

In Ontario heath care truly sucks. In Manitoba it as good as anywhere in the United States.
Canada is solvent and actually has accomplished universal care. The only thing they want from us, besides money, is for us to stop blowing up their cute tourist towns. (-:

They accomplished universal care, which by every measure is worse than hours. However, for socialists, the objective is the "universal" not "health care."

A lot of your Northern Hospitals are VERY concerned about what will happen if and when we go to socialized medicine and Canadians stop going to places like the Cleveland Clinic for procedures and operations they either can't get in Canada or the wait is so long, they'll be dead by the time they get in.

Fer real. The Cleveland Clinic makes MILLIONS off Canadian Citizens coming here to get Health Care.

I think there's a Hot Shot Hospital in Utah that makes a lot of money off of Canadians, too.

And Bascom Palmer in Miami.

Canada's Health Care system ain't what people think it is.

It isn't horrible (like Cuba's) but it isn't nearly as good as ours. Not even close. Not even close to being close.

You'll see. All of you

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