I think we should sell Detroit to Canada

Detroit will be ripe for gentrification!!! Just hope that the blacks don't pass laws like in Philly. Gentrification increased property value but up to 1000%, but blacks couldn't afford the taxes so they passed laws to curb the progress. Sound like something a conservative would do?
I wouldn't be certain about that. Detroit doesn't need service jobs and temp employees. Without people living above poverty levels there is no industry. The place is gone, just like the rest of Amerika. Most people just haven't learned to deal with the reality yet. This place is history.
I think North Korea or Cuba. Its residents could see what a socialist workers paradise is supposed to look like. And they get a foothold in North America. Win-win.

Top 10 Poorest States:

1. Mississippi - Republican

2. Arkansas - Republican

3. Tennessee - Republican

4. West Virginia - Republican/Democrat

5. Louisiana - Republican

6. Montana - Republican

7. South Carolina - Republican

8. Kentucky - Republican

9. Alabama - Republican

10. North Carolina - Republican

Notice how none of them have filed for bankruptcy.

Notice how they are all States, not cities.
I think we should sell Detroit to Canada. Maybe they can do something with it. ;) Do you agree?

Detroit will be a great city again. As property values continue to drop, at some point it will become so cheap it will be worth the investment for developers to start from scratch, one piece at a time.

That's already happening. It's just that very few on this board appear to know about it. And why would they?
How do you rebuild Detroit?

Here's the issue(s) with Detroit in a series of short soundbites.

It's been in decline for decades. Domestic auto share was nearly 100% in the 1950s, and now it's half that. White flight meant that a lot of city residents moved north of 8 mile, taking their money with them. The city ended up with increasing vacant lots, and lost the tax revenue. 1.85 million in the 50s is now under 700k.

Detroit hasn't had a white Mayor since 1973. The population is 85% black, and voting for a black mayor after decades of race relations issues came naturally to a lot of black people. After Coleman Young left office he was followed by a smart, honest and intelligent Mayor, Dennis Archer. Archer was happy to make deals based on business sense, not race. The activists whipped up a frenzy of 'Uncle Tom' syndrome, and he jumped before he was pushed.

Then Kwame took his chance. Kwame is a smart and charismatic man. Unfortunately he's also a crook and a thug and has ended up where he belongs. Another busted role model for the black community, another disappointment.

Mayor Bing has actually been a good Mayor is you consider what he has tried to do. Unfortunately he's been a lousy Mayor in terms of being able to play the political game. He has never been able secure the support of city council. City council have, for years now, been a dysfunctional bunch. A few relatively smart and honest people battling with the crazies. That will change in November, when the council is elected to wards rather than 100% 'at large'. Most of the loons have already decided not to run. That said, they will have no real authority while Kevyn Orr is here (another 14 months or so).

The people of Detroit have crumbling schools, crumbling infrastructure, not many street lights, too few cops, too much crime. There are jobs available, but so many lack the soft skills that employers look for, and a recent survey found that 47% were functionally illiterate. Michigan unemployment is about 7.5%. Detroit's official figure is double that. Detroit's REAL figure is double the double. People spent 40 years thinking they could come out of high school without graduating and walk straight into a line job for life at one of the autos.

Now those laid off have very little prospect of finding something new because they never figured they'd have to look for work again so never took the time to learn skills that would make themselves marketable if the worst happened, and youth aren't hired because the schools are crap and they can't manage 8th grade math or literacy. Many youths have nobody to teach them how to improve because they have never known anyone who had a job (seriously - we're talking 3rd generation unemployed). Some get off their butts and try to change their futures, but it takes strength of character, and for a lot of people that is the first thing to go when everything you try fails and everything you know tells you not to bother trying.

The city of Detroit is reawakening though. The bankruptcy will mean the city has a foundation to move forward. In the meantime, many creditors and pensioners will carry the can for stupid decisions by automakers, greed by unions, criminal behavior and criminally stupid policymaking by politicians and ridiculously self-serving decisions by the voters. That's the downside. The upside is that there are businesses moving into the city. The middle class is moving back into the city (both black and white). Companies that were in the suburbs are moving back into the city. New infrastructure projects are bringing money and jobs into the city. What is not yet certain is that Detroiters will benefit from them.

Detroit is on a knife edge, and not just in terms of bankruptcy. There is a genuine sense that the corner has been reached and that the ship may have started to turn. If the city falls off the beam now it will never have this opportunity again.

The current race for Mayor shows Detroit's issues in microcosm. You've got Mike Duggan being kicked off the ballot due to registration semantics by those who are only interested in continuing to play the political game. Now he's trying to get back on the ballot as a write-in. The business community is coming out heavily in favor of him. Seriously, if a white man gets on the ballot as a write in, that really does adds substance to the impression that Detroiters have had enough. That tends to be the position with bankruptcy. Most Detroiters are figuring this is gonna hurt, but they've just got to suck it up.

That's the real truth about Detroit.
Why doesn't Michael Moore kick in several hundred million of his money?

Michael Moore is the extreme capitalist. He profits from demonizing Capitalism. In doing so, he sells the story of the plight of the union worker. To maximize his profits, he refuses to pay union wages by moving jobs from Flint to Canada. The NLRB did not go after him.
I think North Korea or Cuba. Its residents could see what a socialist workers paradise is supposed to look like. And they get a foothold in North America. Win-win.

Top 10 Poorest States:

1. Mississippi - Republican

2. Arkansas - Republican

3. Tennessee - Republican

4. West Virginia - Republican/Democrat

5. Louisiana - Republican

6. Montana - Republican

7. South Carolina - Republican

8. Kentucky - Republican

9. Alabama - Republican

10. North Carolina - Republican

List of States by percent of African American Population

List of U.S. states by African-American population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rank State African-American Alone
Population (2010)[1] % African-American
1 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.30%
2 Louisiana 1,452,396 31.98%
3 Georgia 2,950,435 30.02%
4 Maryland 1,700,298 29.44%
5 South Carolina 1,290,684 28.48%
6 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38%
7 North Carolina 2,048,628 21.60%
8 Delaware 191,814 20.95%
9 Virginia 1,551,399 19.91%
10 Tennessee 1,055,689 16.78%

Shocking correlation, huh? And African Americans have a 98% dimocrap voter loyalty

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Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S.
State Hourly Wage Equivalent
Hawaii $17.50
Alaska $15.48
Massachusetts $14.66
Connecticut $14.23
Washington, D.C. $13.99
New York $13.13
New Jersey $12.55
Rhode Island $12.55
California $11.59
Virginia $11.11

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Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.

What makes anyone think CanaDUH would invest in a bankrupt, minority, mulsim, hate whitey shit hole like that? They're stupid but not that stupid.

Personally, as a treasure hunter, I'd LOVE it if the vagrant population was forced out of that city so I could dig the bounty of silver coins in those old yards in front of the burned down houses that white people fled from in horror in the late 60's and 70's. I'd need my own security team to do that now plus some buy off money, skittles and a truck of malt liquor to dig that treasure up as it currently stands.

The fifth word of your idiotic and condescending post revealed your non-existent worth as a human being.
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


IOW..... dimocraps

This is what dimocraps WILL do to your Cities if you let them.


While they live in their 24 Hour Security, Oases like Sang Frang, Santa Fe, Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons.

Oh yes, they will.

I graduated from High School in 1965. I was in the Army that same year.

In the Army back then, we got moved around a lot and you got travel pay.

When you reported, they'd ask you how you traveled and I'd always say, "By Airplane" so they'd reimburse me at the higher rate. When the truth was, I was trveling by Bus.

It sucked. Big time. Twenty to thirty hours on a Bus, overnight layovers in lovely places like Texarkana.....

But anyway, I saw what was going on. In the 60s. The 'population shift' wasn't a population shift.

I was there. I saw it. I witnessed it. I lived it.

dimocraps destroyed the Big Cites of the Heartland on purpose in order to gain control of them.

Conservatives warned about it and were quickly shouted down as racists.

We told the Country what would happen. Nobody listened. They never do.

It's just so much easier to move out.

I did. Been in SW Florida since 1977 and ain't never going back.

I was there, people. I saw it happen. I watched it happen.

dimocraps are like the plague. Like locusts. All they know is destruction and misery. It's what they thrive on.
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The loudest sound one hears on Canadian cars leaving the Ambassador Bridge or the Tunnel and entering American territory, is the sound produced when Canadians press the "lock doors" button in their cars.

Detroit gave the world the screeching banshees, known as The Supremes.

The world can forgive Detroit for that.

But then Detroit went ahead and extracted billions out of hardworking Americans in order to bail out the incompetent jerks who killed Oldsmobile and Pontiac and Caravan.

The world should NEVER forgive Detroit for that.
The loudest sound one hears on Canadian cars leaving the Ambassador Bridge or the Tunnel and entering American territory, is the sound produced when Canadians press the "lock doors" button in their cars.

Detroit gave the world the screeching banshees, known as The Supremes.

The world can forgive Detroit for that.

But then Detroit went ahead and extracted billions out of hardworking Americans in order to bail out the incompetent jerks who killed Oldsmobile and Pontiac and Caravan.

The world should NEVER forgive Detroit for that.

You're talking about the UAW, right?

the Stuttering Clusterfukk didn't bail out Generic Motors, he bailed out the UAW.

Just that simple.

Generic Motors would have been nought up, piecemeal. But it would have been bought.

And would almost certainly have been a better Company afterwards. Mostly because, it couldn't get a lot worse.

Although, I will stipulate that in the last few years before they went belly-up, they were putting more quality and a little more engineering in their cars and trucks.

But who on Earth these days puts a pushrod motor in a car and calls it a Sports Car?

Puh-Lease. Why not a Steam Engine or a bunch of gerbils?

Only GM, people. Only GM.

And now, they've been backed into a corner and to prove that they weren't complete idiots for all those decades, are trying to turn 1930s technology into something worthwhile.

A shame. So much promise, so many good ideas have come out of GM and they just somehow manage to fuck every one of them up.
For years and years truck after truck was transporting Toronto's (for those who don't know, Toronto is a big city in Canada) garbage to be buried in a Michigan landfill.

Should have dumped their loads at Detroit city Hall.
Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
If only we could move the people that are still there
and then just bulldoze the city and find a way to start over.

Let China buy it and have them claim it as a province of their country
immune from our crippling restrictions.See if they can make a go of it.

Hell, bulldozers & disposal cost lot's of money & the thugs will scatter infecting the rest of the country. If we pay all that to flatten it we should keep it. Just ring fence it & make it a penal colony so we can keep the garbage contained & quit spending so much on prisons.
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Detroit was ruined by Unions. Auto manufacturers fleeing the unions’ outrageous demands for higher wages, less work per hour, and even more generous medical and retirement benefits for their members.


Yeah, the last thing America needs is a well paid, secure workforce.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Uhm the Unions drove out the jobs, fuck everyone else, they got their high paying jobs and killed a city in return.

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