I Thought ANTIFA Was Starting a Civil War Today...

Why is it that through doing an internet search I can't find a single site page about this other than rightwing nutjob sites?

Uh...because you suck at searching the internet?


Oh did you notice the link that said "November 4th apocalypse isn't real?"

God you all are such gullible fools.

I did the search "New York Times November 4th ANTIFA Civil War ad"... guess what sites that brought up?

Well ya...we all know it isn't real now...it was a huge failure. Way to state the obvious after the fact. :woohoo:

Use your Google search tools to customize your date range to end yesterday...

WTF are you talking about? Are you in a time machine? Today is still the 4th.

And it's 8 hours after the thousands of protestor were supposed to show up.

This isn't the 1930s anymore...they don't have to set typeface, print the paper, ship it to paperboys yelling "extra, extra...read all about it".

It takes them as long to amend the news as it takes you or I to write a good sized USMB post. The Time article was uploaded...wait for it...exactly 8 hours ago...

What a coincidence...
Why is it that through doing an internet search I can't find a single site page about this other than rightwing nutjob sites?

Uh...because you suck at searching the internet?


Oh did you notice the link that said "November 4th apocalypse isn't real?"

God you all are such gullible fools.

I did the search "New York Times November 4th ANTIFA Civil War ad"... guess what sites that brought up?

Well ya...we all know it isn't real now...it was a huge failure. Way to state the obvious after the fact. :woohoo:

Use your Google search tools to customize your date range to end yesterday...

WTF are you talking about? Are you in a time machine? Today is still the 4th.

And it's 8 hours after the thousands of protestor were supposed to show up.

This isn't the 1930s anymore...they don't have to set typeface, print the paper, ship it to paperboys yelling "extra, extra...read all about it".

It takes them as long to amend the news as it takes you or I to write a good sized USMB post. The Time article was uploaded...wait for it...exactly 8 hours ago...

What a coincidence...

I hate to tell you this, but internet stories and sites don't disappear like old newspapers, and conversely, when something happens, in this new age it takes about 30 seconds for a news story to pop up on the internet detailing it.
And here I thought we were all going to be communists tomorrow due to the revolution. I guess AntiFa didn't realize that revolutions require work.

Uh...because you suck at searching the internet?


Oh did you notice the link that said "November 4th apocalypse isn't real?"

God you all are such gullible fools.

I did the search "New York Times November 4th ANTIFA Civil War ad"... guess what sites that brought up?

Well ya...we all know it isn't real now...it was a huge failure. Way to state the obvious after the fact. :woohoo:

Use your Google search tools to customize your date range to end yesterday...

WTF are you talking about? Are you in a time machine? Today is still the 4th.

And it's 8 hours after the thousands of protestor were supposed to show up.

This isn't the 1930s anymore...they don't have to set typeface, print the paper, ship it to paperboys yelling "extra, extra...read all about it".

It takes them as long to amend the news as it takes you or I to write a good sized USMB post. The Time article was uploaded...wait for it...exactly 8 hours ago...

What a coincidence...

I hate to tell you this, but internet stories and sites don't disappear like old newspapers, and conversely, when something happens, in this new age it takes about 30 seconds for a news story to pop up on the internet detailing it.

I think we're making the same point here. It took them 30 seconds to upload a story when the protests fizzled 8 hours ago.

I'm sure they had a very different article prepared for the "thousands of protestors" that didn't materialize.

All news is full of srap these days.

The anti-Trump movement can't even field 500 protectors in New York City with a full page ad in the NYT and millions in free publicity online, in other papers and on television. 300 protectors showed up.

That's got to be demoralizing...
Maybe it's because I'm on the east coast and the big bad kill all the whites riot will happen on Pacific Standard time
It' been reported that Antifa riots are occurrig right now under Republicans beds. ZOMG
It' been reported that Antifa riots are occurrig right now under Republicans beds. ZOMG
View attachment 158683

'It Begins'...:lol:...they must have meant the movie...missed that opening date by a mile...'It' began September 8th.

Rememer when Trump bought a full page ad calling for the death penalty and it didn't happen?

Russia fooled you again. You believe a nationwide protest against the system was spearheaded by a ad in a frigging newspaper.

Ahahaha...Seriously, think about that. The Newspaper. Sure, if it was 1986!
It' been reported that Antifa riots are occurrig right now under Republicans beds. ZOMG
View attachment 158683

'It Begins'...:lol:...they must have meant the movie...missed that opening date by a mile...'It' began September 8th.

Rememer when Trump bought a full page ad calling for the death penalty and it didn't happen?

Russia fooled you again. You believe a nationwide protest against the system was spearheaded by a ad in a frigging newspaper.

Ahahaha...Seriously, think about that. The Newspaper. Sure, if it was 1986!

You mean the death penalty for a group of young Black kids that were actually innocent?
It' been reported that Antifa riots are occurrig right now under Republicans beds. ZOMG
View attachment 158683

'It Begins'...:lol:...they must have meant the movie...missed that opening date by a mile...'It' began September 8th.

Rememer when Trump bought a full page ad calling for the death penalty and it didn't happen?

Russia fooled you again. You believe a nationwide protest against the system was spearheaded by a ad in a frigging newspaper.

Ahahaha...Seriously, think about that. The Newspaper. Sure, if it was 1986!

You mean the death penalty for a group of young Black kids that were actually innocent?

Yep! But since it was an ad capt brainiac says they were guilty and ANTIFA (whow wasn't even in the ad) will riot!
So where is all the violence the Trump Supporting sites had warned about?

----------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that it was just reported , and why not report news , Anyway , no big deal , you lefties should probably be ashamed that you can't organize a Trump , Pense Removal from office Lew .

I'm not a lefty and nothing needs to be planned to remove Trump and Pence from office because:

#1. The only people that can remove them from office are those in Congress.
#2. Mueller is proving Trump did enough himself to get removed from office.

I really wish there was some kind of intelligence test in order to vote, or at least some questions about the candidates so people would have to at least had to paid attention to them more than just the letter after their name, then we wouldn't have these types of issues in the first place.

Tell that shit to this guy. He's running commercial ads to get Trump impeached.

So where is all the violence the Trump Supporting sites had warned about?

----------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that it was just reported , and why not report news , Anyway , no big deal , you lefties should probably be ashamed that you can't organize a Trump , Pense Removal from office Lew .

I'm not a lefty and nothing needs to be planned to remove Trump and Pence from office because:

#1. The only people that can remove them from office are those in Congress.
#2. Mueller is proving Trump did enough himself to get removed from office.

I really wish there was some kind of intelligence test in order to vote, or at least some questions about the candidates so people would have to at least had to paid attention to them more than just the letter after their name, then we wouldn't have these types of issues in the first place.

Tell that shit to this guy. He's running commercial ads to get Trump impeached.

Why? His ad doesn't change the 2 processes he just laid out.
So where is all the violence the Trump Supporting sites had warned about?

----------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that it was just reported , and why not report news , Anyway , no big deal , you lefties should probably be ashamed that you can't organize a Trump , Pense Removal from office Lew .

I'm not a lefty and nothing needs to be planned to remove Trump and Pence from office because:

#1. The only people that can remove them from office are those in Congress.
#2. Mueller is proving Trump did enough himself to get removed from office.

I really wish there was some kind of intelligence test in order to vote, or at least some questions about the candidates so people would have to at least had to paid attention to them more than just the letter after their name, then we wouldn't have these types of issues in the first place.

Tell that shit to this guy. He's running commercial ads to get Trump impeached.

I hate to inform you on this, but that ad isn't about having a civil uprising.

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