I Thought DACA Was Important to the Left

No one should be eligible for DACA. It's an unconstitutional executive grab of power.

GO HOME if your not legal.
You know Obama could have done DACA like Terry McAuliffe did as governor of Virginia.

McAuliffe sought to allow all of Virginia’s estimated 200,000 felons to vote, but state courts said each individual felon’s circumstances must be weighed. To get around that, McAuliffe used a mechanical autopen to rapidly sign thousands of letters

Obama could have issued a blanket pardon to DACA's like Jimmy Carter did to draft dodgers.
No one should be eligible for DACA. It's an unconstitutional executive grab of power.

GO HOME if your not legal.
You know Obama could have done DACA like Terry McAuliffe did as governor of Virginia.

McAuliffe sought to allow all of Virginia’s estimated 200,000 felons to vote, but state courts said each individual felon’s circumstances must be weighed. To get around that, McAuliffe used a mechanical autopen to rapidly sign thousands of letters

Obama could have issued a blanket pardon to DACA's like Jimmy Carter did to draft dodgers.
Comparing one power grab to another power grap as proof of what? That Democrats are crooks?
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

why are you so ignorant?

film at eleven
Because he doesn't post anything more substantive than Trump's tweets. And apparently this weekend someone told Trump that because of a NY fed court order, deportation was still off the table, and immigration had to keep accepting dreamers applications, at least for now.

Judge rules challenge to Trump's plan to end DACA can go forward
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

Hmmm lets see:
President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

Hmmm lets see:
President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
The dems offered to fund Trump's wall for the Dream act, and Trump agreed, but then changed his mind because his base got mad. The dems have since refused to negotiate with Trump and have left it up to McConnell or until after the Nov elections.
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

They're busy with their Stormy Daniels spank bank.
Give them a week or so and they might get back to the DACA issue ... :dunno:

Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

Hmmm lets see:
President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
So where’s the bill?
Obviously you lefties hate children.
Shame the left are offering no leadership.
Trump and the GOP have blocked all efforts at passing legislation to protect DACA recipients. At one point Trump demanded $25 billion dollars in exchange for not going after his hostages for 3 years.

Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.

One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
Shame the left are offering no leadership.
Trump and the GOP have blocked all efforts at passing legislation to protect DACA recipients. At one point Trump demanded $25 billion dollars in exchange for not going after his hostages for 3 years.

Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.

One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
So dumb that you think repealing an amendment is the same as overriding a veto
Shame the left are offering no leadership.
Trump and the GOP have blocked all efforts at passing legislation to protect DACA recipients. At one point Trump demanded $25 billion dollars in exchange for not going after his hostages for 3 years.

Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.

One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
So dumb that you think repealing an amendment is the same as overriding a veto
Yeah, sure.

You can’t get 2/3 of Congress to agree water is wet.
Trump and the GOP have blocked all efforts at passing legislation to protect DACA recipients. At one point Trump demanded $25 billion dollars in exchange for not going after his hostages for 3 years.

Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.

One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
So dumb that you think repealing an amendment is the same as overriding a veto
Yeah, sure.

You can’t get 2/3 of Congress to agree water is wet.
Well they unanimously voted for the Russia sanctions that Trump was desperately trying to protect Putin from. It’s completely feasible to override a Trump veto on DACA. Especially considering the slaughter the GOP is facing in a few months.
Trump and the GOP have blocked all efforts at passing legislation to protect DACA recipients. At one point Trump demanded $25 billion dollars in exchange for not going after his hostages for 3 years.

Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.
Yeah, open borders and gun grabbing are sure winners.
Both are only in your sick mind

You have no idea how right Weatherman was. You Democrats will never win elections when you base your campaign on open borders, redistribution of wealth, sodomy, and gun-grabbing.

Read the writing on the wall.
Except we have. Keep in mind that you support Trump because he promised redistribution of wealth.
All Democrats need to do to win is not act crazy..’

Or we can just keep pointing out that Republicans and Trump have ended DACA.
Trump and the GOP have blocked all efforts at passing legislation to protect DACA recipients. At one point Trump demanded $25 billion dollars in exchange for not going after his hostages for 3 years.

Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.

One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
So dumb that you think repealing an amendment is the same as overriding a veto
Yeah, sure.

You can’t get 2/3 of Congress to agree water is wet.
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

Hmmm lets see:
President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
So where’s the bill?

You would have to ask the Republicans and Trump.

President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
So dumb that you think repealing an amendment is the same as overriding a veto
Yeah, sure.

You can’t get 2/3 of Congress to agree water is wet.
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

Hmmm lets see:
President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
So where’s the bill?

You would have to ask the Republicans and Trump.

President Obama started DACA after Republicans wouldn't do anything in Congress.
President Trump ended DACA.
The Republican controlled Congress refused to pass any DACA legislation.
President Trump blames the end of DACA on Democrats.

Yeah- its the 'lefts fault'
Anyone can submit a Bill.

Where is it?
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

They certainly don't care about children. Anyone who stands for children don't want to have anything to do with single mothers, the heroes of the left. Don't even get me started on public schools where even according to their own narrative, kids go to die.

I think they are on vacation, the only reason for not being outraged and rioting.
Good job, keep attacking single mothers
I'd prefer to attack the single mothers for not involving the fathers in their children's life. thanks to libs.
One word, "veto".

A veto can be overridden
And all of the Constitutional Amendments can be revoked too.

Now let’s stick to this dimension in this universe.
So dumb that you think repealing an amendment is the same as overriding a veto
Yeah, sure.

You can’t get 2/3 of Congress to agree water is wet.
Well they unanimously voted for the Russia sanctions that Trump was desperately trying to protect Putin from. It’s completely feasible to override a Trump veto on DACA. Especially considering the slaughter the GOP is facing in a few months.
Yes, open borders, higher taxes and gun grabbing is the pathway to victory!
Yeah, open borders and gun grabbing are sure winners.
Both are only in your sick mind

You have no idea how right Weatherman was. You Democrats will never win elections when you base your campaign on open borders, redistribution of wealth, sodomy, and gun-grabbing.

Read the writing on the wall.
Except we have. Keep in mind that you support Trump because he promised redistribution of wealth.
All Democrats need to do to win is not act crazy..’

Or we can just keep pointing out that Republicans and Trump have ended DACA.

Obama actually said this:

"I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself. With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case."

He also acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway and wrote his DACA memo, despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the authority to do that.

In other words, Congress never gave Obama the power to provide a pseudo-amnesty and government benefits to illegal aliens. What he did was illegal and unconstitutional.
Both are only in your sick mind

You have no idea how right Weatherman was. You Democrats will never win elections when you base your campaign on open borders, redistribution of wealth, sodomy, and gun-grabbing.

Read the writing on the wall.
Except we have. Keep in mind that you support Trump because he promised redistribution of wealth.
All Democrats need to do to win is not act crazy..’

Or we can just keep pointing out that Republicans and Trump have ended DACA.

Obama actually said this:

"I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself. With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case."

He also acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway and wrote his DACA memo, despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the authority to do that.

In other words, Congress never gave Obama the power to provide a pseudo-amnesty and government benefits to illegal aliens. What he did was illegal and unconstitutional.
Accordin to wildly partisan, anonymous internet poster JGalt

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