I Thought DACA Was Important to the Left

So-Called 'Common Sense' Immigration Plan Denounced as 'Mass Deportation Bill'
"Democrats, keep your eye on the ball: it is your responsibility to prevent Trump from using the crisis he manufactured to win nativist policies that will further devastate immigrant communities."

Following news on Wednesday that a bipartisan group of senators known as the "Common Sense Caucus" reached a deal on an immigration measure that would grant President Donald Trump's demands for border wall funding and cuts to family reunification programs, immigrant rights groups denounced the proposed plan as a "mass deportation bill" and implored Democrats to vote against it.

"Has Congress gone mad?" Kica Matos, spokesperson for the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), said in a statement on Wednesday. "Senators are considering dangerous immigration provisions that would create a pathway to citizenship for some undocumented immigrant youth, while severely restricting family reunification, ramping up immigration enforcement and funding a ridiculous wall that will further harm border communities."

"This is yet another attempt to hold immigrant youth hostage in exchange for a brutal, racist agenda," Matos added. "Let's be clear: this is a declaration of war on immigrant families and our communities."

So-Called 'Common Sense' Immigration Plan Denounced as 'Mass Deportation Bill'

Why did Democrats vote for such a racist Bill?

How do we know when Weatherboy is lying?

When he posts....

The Senate put 4 immigration bills up for a vote. They all failed.

First up was a plan by Sens. Chris Coons (D-DE) and John McCain (R-AZ). The Coons-McCain bill would have:

  • Provided a path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children
  • Offered no money for Trump’s border wall, though it did include some border security measures
It failed 52 to 47, with Democrats almost united in favor and Republicans mostly voting against it.

Third: The so-called Common Sense Caucus, a large bipartisan group led by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), released its own outline. The plan had gained the endorsement of Democratic leadership and was technically sponsored by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The “Common Sense” plan would have:

  • Provided a path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children
  • Offered $25 billion for border security
  • Prevented DACA recipients from sponsoring their parents for legal status
It failed 54 to 45. Democrats almost unanimously backed the plan, along with eight Republicans. But the rest of the GOP conference and a handful of Democrats blocked the bill.

Shameful you want a racist Bill designed to initiate mass deportations.
So-Called 'Common Sense' Immigration Plan Denounced as 'Mass Deportation Bill'

How do we know when the racist Weatherboy is lying?

When he posts....

The Senate put 4 immigration bills up for a vote. They all failed.

First up was a plan by Sens. Chris Coons (D-DE) and John McCain (R-AZ). The Coons-McCain bill would have:

  • Provided a path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children
  • Offered no money for Trump’s border wall, though it did include some border security measures
It failed 52 to 47, with Democrats almost united in favor and Republicans mostly voting against it.

Third: The so-called Common Sense Caucus, a large bipartisan group led by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), released its own outline. The plan had gained the endorsement of Democratic leadership and was technically sponsored by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The “Common Sense” plan would have:

  • Provided a path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children
  • Offered $25 billion for border security
  • Prevented DACA recipients from sponsoring their parents for legal status
It failed 54 to 45. Democrats almost unanimously backed the plan, along with eight Republicans. But the rest of the GOP conference and a handful of Democrats blocked the bill.
Offered no money for Trump’s border wall, though it did include some border security measures.
Third: The so-called Common Sense Caucus, a large bipartisan group led by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), released its own outline. The plan had gained the endorsement of Democratic leadership and was technically sponsored by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The “Common Sense” plan would have:

  • Provided a path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children
  • Offered $25 billion for border security
  • Prevented DACA recipients from sponsoring their parents for legal status
It failed 54 to 45. Democrats almost unanimously backed the plan, along with eight Republicans. But the rest of the GOP conference and a handful of Democrats blocked the bill.
So-Called 'Common Sense' Immigration Plan Denounced as 'Mass Deportation Bill'
"Democrats, keep your eye on the ball: it is your responsibility to prevent Trump from using the crisis he manufactured to win nativist policies that will further devastate immigrant communities."

Following news on Wednesday that a bipartisan group of senators known as the "Common Sense Caucus" reached a deal on an immigration measure that would grant President Donald Trump's demands for border wall funding and cuts to family reunification programs, immigrant rights groups denounced the proposed plan as a "mass deportation bill" and implored Democrats to vote against it.

"Has Congress gone mad?" Kica Matos, spokesperson for the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), said in a statement on Wednesday. "Senators are considering dangerous immigration provisions that would create a pathway to citizenship for some undocumented immigrant youth, while severely restricting family reunification, ramping up immigration enforcement and funding a ridiculous wall that will further harm border communities."

"This is yet another attempt to hold immigrant youth hostage in exchange for a brutal, racist agenda," Matos added. "Let's be clear: this is a declaration of war on immigrant families and our communities."

So-Called 'Common Sense' Immigration Plan Denounced as 'Mass Deportation Bill'

Why did Democrats vote for such a racist Bill?
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

trump is a POS liar....

Trump says he'll sign DACA deal, pursue comprehensive immigration reform

He was convinced by Stephen Miller and the other WH racists not to accept accept any compromise....
So again, where’s this miracle deal offer from Dems? Why isn’t CNN singing it’s praises 7/24?
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

trump is a POS liar....

Trump says he'll sign DACA deal, pursue comprehensive immigration reform

He was convinced by Stephen Miller and the other WH racists not to accept accept any compromise....
So again, where’s this miracle deal offer from Dems? Why isn’t CNN singing it’s praises 7/24?

He wants his stupid wall. He was getting the wall with DACA legislation. He had a temper fit and trashed African countries.

Immigrants and DACA recipients know which party supports them....it us NOT THE one that took away DACA in the first place.
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

trump is a POS liar....

Trump says he'll sign DACA deal, pursue comprehensive immigration reform

He was convinced by Stephen Miller and the other WH racists not to accept accept any compromise....
So again, where’s this miracle deal offer from Dems? Why isn’t CNN singing it’s praises 7/24?

He wants his stupid wall. He was getting the wall with DACA legislation. He had a temper fit and trashed African countries.

Immigrants and DACA recipients know which party supports them....it us NOT THE one that took away DACA in the first place.
They know who hands out tax payer money to buy votes.

Why can’t you tell us the wonderful deal? I’m beginning to think none exists.
Things will change in November. Dreamers will have to hold out until then.

So if and when things don't change in November, what lie are you going to float then?

When are we going to deal with the real issue?

You're a pawn, they own your ass, lock, stock and barrel...
As Trump on multiple occasions killed DACA legislation

Republicans can pay the political price
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

trump is a POS liar....

Trump says he'll sign DACA deal, pursue comprehensive immigration reform

He was convinced by Stephen Miller and the other WH racists not to accept accept any compromise....
So again, where’s this miracle deal offer from Dems? Why isn’t CNN singing it’s praises 7/24?

He wants his stupid wall. He was getting the wall with DACA legislation. He had a temper fit and trashed African countries.

Immigrants and DACA recipients know which party supports them....it us NOT THE one that took away DACA in the first place.
They know who hands out tax payer money to buy votes.

Why can’t you tell us the wonderful deal? I’m beginning to think none exists.
Weatherboy- Trump and George Orwell- what do they have in common?

Trump kills DACA- and its the Democrats fault.
Republicans control Congress- and its the Democrats fault.

You know- just like Republicans are to blame for the passage of Obamacare.

See the far left does not have anything other than their tired old debunked religious narratives.

For some reason they think that the new winning is losing!

Obama looses them 1000 seats and they worship him.

Obama leaves the DNC in debt and they worship him.
Blaming Democrats for Trump's decision to end DACA is like blaming Republicans for the passage of Obamacare.
Democrats HAVE blamed Republicans for not eradicating the minority-supported, lie-based, Un-Constitutional Socialist Health Care program that was rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it.

Democrats, having a near super majority control of the House / Senate / WH, wanted Obamacare enough to ram it into law.

Democrats, having a near super majority control of the House / Senate / WH, wanted the $1+ trillion self-/party-serving Omnibus Bill enough to ram it into law.

Democrats OBVIOUSLY did NOT want DACA enough to pass it into law.

They have proven, despite siding with Illegals over citizens to shut down the US govt,...despite violating both Constitution and law (Sanctuary cities), that they really don't want DACA. Actually solving the problem - passing DACA - would take away a very emotional divisive issue that gets people angry / spun up, which is what they want / rely on. The Schumer-led Democrats over-played their hand and the illegals finally saw the truth - that the Democrats don't give a crap about them and really don't want DACA passed - they want DACA as a continuing divisive ISSUE with which to emotionally manipulate illegals.

Democrats are destructive, divisive. The biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans, in part, is this:

Republicans are more POSITIVE in their approach. They more often use intelligence, facts, figures, common sense, etc in trying to UNITE people and lift them up together.

Democrats are extremely DEVISIVE - they seek to gain power / control by sewing discord, division, by dividing people. Their primary tools are not facts, figures, etc. They rely on EMOTION, on lies ('If you like your plan....'), fear-mongering, and divisive race-baiting.

In other words, they would rather have DACA the Divisive Issue at election time than DACA the law passed by the GOP Congress and President Trump....

The near super majority controlled Democratic Party Govt, to include President Obama, could not Pass DACA....and they are doing everything they can to make sure the GOP Congress and President Trump does what they could not....pass DACA!
-- Schumer declared Democrats are 100% committed to ensuring the GOP / Trump get nothing accomplished for this country
-- The Dems could not / WOULD not pass DACA & instead Barry passed his Un-Constitutional DACA Edict.
Why aren't Democrats waving a Bill at nonstop Press Conferences begging for a vote?

It's almost as if the left don't care about children.

1) it has been less than 24 hours

2) Donnie is known to do a 180 whenever the wind changes direction

I gotta tell ya Cletus,that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.
Dreamers are fine for now. The courts didn’t let Trump hold them as hostages
Obviously you lefties hate children.
Shame the left are offering no leadership.

The right controls the House, the Senate and the White House. I’m posting this since you seem to have forgotten who has the power to pass legislation here.

Three deals were sent to Trump, one of which included full funding for the Wall and Trump refused to approve any of them.

Trump is the guy who ended DACA, not the Democrats. Now he blames Democrats for not protecting Dreamers. Stupid people may agree with him, but the rest of us know who’s really responsible for the current situation.
I'm sorry to break the news to you, but anyone can offer legislation.

If the Dems have a great bill being blocked, put it on the MSM everyday, put it on every website, every blog, every social media outlet.

Yes they can, Ryan and McConnell control what comes up for debate and a vote. Legislation which is proposed by the opposition is DOA. Only an idiot would waste time and money coming up with legislation which will never be debated.

Democrats would be better off working with Republicans on their proposed legislation. Oh wait!!! Democrats did that already. Three times in fact. And Trump killed all three agreements.
Make Republicans choke on DACA in the next election

They killed it

Choke, hardly, Trump was elected on the wall and ending maobamas unconstitutional bullshit.

Please campaign on continuing the status quo.


Gotta love it

Close election year and Republicans declare war on Hispanic voters

Even better, there’s an election in Mexico this year and the left wing candidate is running on a platform of standing up to Donald Trump and his bullying. Since taking this stand, the leftist candidate has been gaining in the polls and may very well win this election.

Trump has succeeded in something that would seem to be anatomically impossible: he’s fucking himself in the ass.
Blaming Democrats for Trump's decision to end DACA is like blaming Republicans for the passage of Obamacare.
Democrats HAVE blamed Republicans.

blah blah

Trump ended DACA. The Republican controlled congress failed to pass any bill to help the DACA recipients.

So Trump and his loyal Trumpsters parroting what he says- Democrats are to blame.

Blaming Democrats for Trump's decision to end DACA is like blaming Republicans for the passage of Obamacare

Trump ended DACA. The Republican controlled congress failed to pass any bill to help the DACA recipients.

1. There was no such thing as 'DACA'. What you call 'DACA' was an Un-Constitutional 'Edict' created by a criminal President who himself admitted before doing it that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do it.

2. The Democrats 1st had a near super majority control of the House, the Senate, and the WH, passed whatever they wanted, and despite their claims / lies about wanting DACA legislation made no effort to pass such legislation. Your claim now that such legislation not being passed is the GOP's fault is as dumb as saying the existence of the Un-Constitutional / Un-Wanted Disastrous Obamacare law being the GOP's fault.

In one case the Democrats refused to pass a bill they could have / should have and in the other case they rammed a law into existence when they shouldn't / when no one wanted it....and in both cases the snowflakes / Democrats want to blame someone else.


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