I thought gubmint coming between you and your Doctor was a bad thing

New law in Florida passed by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican Governor prohibits Doctors from asking their patients if they have guns

Some other Republican state, I forget which one, has a script about abortion that the law dictates Doctors read to their patients

The legislation originated after a couple complained that their doctor had told them to find another physician after they refused to disclose whether they owned guns and how they were stored.

Keep in mind, a doctor records this information in your medical records. You might have noticed that the the federal government is leaning more and more to centralized records, especially where medical records are concerned and we all know the history behind gun control and fascism.

I would prefer no legislation at all, but I can understand where freedom-loving people would want to pass such legislation.
Should doctors ask their patients about guns? I don't know
Should there be a law against them asking? No, there shouldn't.

I understand your position and am inclined to agree – however the law addresses two important issues: the ‘presumption of guild’ we gun owners must deal with and is unique to gun owners alone, and the prospect of the doctor acting as a de facto agent of the state and a potential privacy rights violation.

Any power not given to the federal government is reserved for the states.

Unless the state violates the rights of the its citizens, in which case the state law is struck down as un-Constitutional. Federal statutes also trump state laws. See: McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819).

Thus this law has nothing to do with ‘states’ rights,’ as it ensures the right to privacy found in the Federal Constitution.

interesting, the doctors filed suit in federal court on the 6th.

"By severely restricting such speech and the ability of physicians to practice such preventative medicine, the Florida statute could result in grievous harm to children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly," according to the lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court in Miami.

Except for the possible preemption of free speech, the rest sounds like an irrelevant non-starter. The political irony here is advocates of the law – mostly conservatives – would be making the same argument that could be used against laws requiring doctors to ‘counsel’ female patents before performing an abortion.

The issue will be balancing the privacy rights of gun owners and the free speech rights of doctors.

it states the all they asked was "if" they owned guns, not what type and how many. again doctors were concerned that that they asked about guns to ensure that parents keep them safely locked up and away from children. not to report illegal or legal gun ownership

This is not the purview for doctors, it is the purview for law enforcement. If a Florida doctor believes a given patient is violating Florida’s gun laws with regard to minor children, he may report it to the police who will only be able to act if there is probable cause.

Yes, one may refuse to answer, but without benefit of counsel and given the high trust factor patients have with doctors, unwarranted self-incrimination may occur.

Doctors need to address the medically relevant issues before them as well as medically relevant information for a case history – guns in the home falls in neither category.
I dont agree with the doctor asking if you own one, nor do I agree with any politician trying to make law that says they have to. If I where a Floridian I would vote accordingly in the next two elections, because apparently this needs to be done.
These progressives are getting bold, but they only do it around those who do not have the balls to ram it back down their throats, time to show them who has the balls dont you think Florida?
You dont see shit like this happening in Texas do you? Or West Virginia. ALthough WV is a Blue state it is a Conservative state and always votes conservative nationally. If only I could convince some of these people to vote conservative locally we'd be alright. Somehow I feel after this new energy legislation kicks in and these coal powered power plants start shutting down they will get the point though and vote correctly on their own.

What part of there was no law requiring doctors ask their patients about guns do you people have trouble comprehending????????????????????????
I dont agree with the doctor asking if you own one, nor do I agree with any politician trying to make law that says they have to. If I where a Floridian I would vote accordingly in the next two elections, because apparently this needs to be done.
These progressives are getting bold, but they only do it around those who do not have the balls to ram it back down their throats, time to show them who has the balls dont you think Florida?
You dont see shit like this happening in Texas do you? Or West Virginia. ALthough WV is a Blue state it is a Conservative state and always votes conservative nationally. If only I could convince some of these people to vote conservative locally we'd be alright. Somehow I feel after this new energy legislation kicks in and these coal powered power plants start shutting down they will get the point though and vote correctly on their own.

Do you even know what this thread is about?
Any power not given to the federal government is reserved for the states.

No private citizen, regardless of the letters that follow their name, has the right to ask me any questions that involve my rights.
Just as my lawyer can't ask me what church I go to, or my banker asking me if I post a blog.

Like I said....don't like it, don't come here

actually your lawyer can ask the you that very question, but you have the right to choose not to answer. your banker can legally ask you the same question as well, but you have the right to choose not to answer.

do you want florida passing laws that tell you what you can and cant talk about with your friends next?
But would they refuse treatment if I refused to answer???
Gun ownership, as a right, should be just as much of a protected class as age, sex, religion, and race.
New law in Florida passed by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican Governor prohibits Doctors from asking their patients if they have guns

Some other Republican state, I forget which one, has a script about abortion that the law dictates Doctors read to their patients

The legislation originated after a couple complained that their doctor had told them to find another physician after they refused to disclose whether they owned guns and how they were stored.

Keep in mind, a doctor records this information in your medical records. You might have noticed that the the federal government is leaning more and more to centralized records, especially where medical records are concerned and we all know the history behind gun control and fascism.

I would prefer no legislation at all, but I can understand where freedom-loving people would want to pass such legislation.

That, and guess who's going to be in the business of health care in a few years.....

Any power not given to the federal government is reserved for the states.

No private citizen, regardless of the letters that follow their name, has the right to ask me any questions that involve my rights.
Just as my lawyer can't ask me what church I go to, or my banker asking me if I post a blog.

Like I said....don't like it, don't come here

actually your lawyer can ask the you that very question, but you have the right to choose not to answer. your banker can legally ask you the same question as well, but you have the right to choose not to answer.

do you want florida passing laws that tell you what you can and cant talk about with your friends next?
But would they refuse treatment if I refused to answer???
Gun ownership, as a right, should be just as much of a protected class as age, sex, religion, and race.
There is nothing in the law that requires a patient to answer truthfully or even answer at all.

So you go to the doctor and say, gee doc I feel terrible. Doc says do you own a gun? Gotcha, that's a $10,000 fine or 10 years in jail. Oh, but wait. Doc feared for the patient's life. OK, case dismissed.
actually your lawyer can ask the you that very question, but you have the right to choose not to answer. your banker can legally ask you the same question as well, but you have the right to choose not to answer.

do you want florida passing laws that tell you what you can and cant talk about with your friends next?
But would they refuse treatment if I refused to answer???
Gun ownership, as a right, should be just as much of a protected class as age, sex, religion, and race.
There is nothing in the law that requires a patient to answer truthfully or even answer at all.

So you go to the doctor and say, gee doc I feel terrible. Doc says do you own a gun? Gotcha, that's a $10,000 fine or 10 years in jail. Oh, but wait. Doc feared for the patient's life. OK, case dismissed.

there is also the issue of doctor patient confidentiality. if a doctor reveals any information that is part of a patients medical record, he can lose his license and ability to practice medicine. you people seem to give doctors no credit at all, like they are all gun control activists and are using their practice as a front to report guns to the government. oh wait..... that would break doctor patient confidentiality and they could be sued and lose their license.

everyone here is missing the main issue, this has nothing to do with gun laws, or gun control. it has to do with the government of Florida controlling the conversation of a doctor and a patient. i though this is what all the conservatives thought was gonna happen with the new heath care law. the government was going to come in and control doctor patient conversations and treatments. now the GOP of Florida is doing that exact thing. (put the guns issue aside) and tell me how the Florida GOP is not doing exactly what conservatives feared from Obama and the Health Care law?
What in the hell is it a doctor's business whether or not a patient owns a gun?

Good move Florida.

agree, HOWEVER why in the heck should THAT be regulated? the patient doesn't have to answer if the doc asks, do they? disclaimer-(havent read article yet)
But would they refuse treatment if I refused to answer???
Gun ownership, as a right, should be just as much of a protected class as age, sex, religion, and race.
There is nothing in the law that requires a patient to answer truthfully or even answer at all.

So you go to the doctor and say, gee doc I feel terrible. Doc says do you own a gun? Gotcha, that's a $10,000 fine or 10 years in jail. Oh, but wait. Doc feared for the patient's life. OK, case dismissed.

there is also the issue of doctor patient confidentiality. if a doctor reveals any information that is part of a patients medical record, he can lose his license and ability to practice medicine. you people seem to give doctors no credit at all, like they are all gun control activists and are using their practice as a front to report guns to the government. oh wait..... that would break doctor patient confidentiality and they could be sued and lose their license.

everyone here is missing the main issue, this has nothing to do with gun laws, or gun control. it has to do with the government of Florida controlling the conversation of a doctor and a patient. i though this is what all the conservatives thought was gonna happen with the new heath care law. the government was going to come in and control doctor patient conversations and treatments. now the GOP of Florida is doing that exact thing. (put the guns issue aside) and tell me how the Florida GOP is not doing exactly what conservatives feared from Obama and the Health Care law?
True. Disclosing the information would be a violation of doctor patient confidentiality. The law is unnecessary.

An NRA representative in Florida said he had heard of a doctor who asked patients if they owned guns. Seeking to protect gun owners rights he approached a legislator. This law is nothing more than a political statement by a Republican legislature. We can add this to long list of stupid state laws.

When two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone.

The act of placing salt on a railroad track is punishable by death.

Persons may not be drunk on trains.
Haven't read through the thread yet, so don't know if anyone has pointed out this obvious point yet...

But "do you own guns" is a legitimate question for a psychiatrist to ask a patient being treated for depression.
I would think that 'gubmint' BEING my doctor is a bad thing......
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New law in Florida passed by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican Governor prohibits Doctors from asking their patients if they have guns

Some other Republican state, I forget which one, has a script about abortion that the law dictates Doctors read to their patients

you truly don't understand the issue people have with the govt telling doctors what treatments they can and cant explore.

Or the issues people have with some govt beurocrat having access to our health records.

your lack of understanding is evident through this post of yours I quoted.
New law in Florida passed by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican Governor prohibits Doctors from asking their patients if they have guns

Some other Republican state, I forget which one, has a script about abortion that the law dictates Doctors read to their patients

you truly don't understand the issue people have with the govt telling doctors what treatments they can and cant explore.

Or the issues people have with some govt beurocrat having access to our health records.

your lack of understanding is evident through this post of yours I quoted.

im failing to see where you disagree with us. are you in favor of letting the government decided what a doctor and a patient can or can not talk about?
New law in Florida passed by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican Governor prohibits Doctors from asking their patients if they have guns

Some other Republican state, I forget which one, has a script about abortion that the law dictates Doctors read to their patients

you truly don't understand the issue people have with the govt telling doctors what treatments they can and cant explore.

Or the issues people have with some govt beurocrat having access to our health records.

your lack of understanding is evident through this post of yours I quoted.

im failing to see where you disagree with us. are you in favor of letting the government decided what a doctor and a patient can or can not talk about?

I didn't say if I agreed or disagreed all I did was observe that the person who made the first post in this thread has a misunderstanding.

Now that you asked I am NOT IN FAVOR of letting the govt talk to my doctor about ANYTHING. I am also not in favor of the govt telling the doctor what they can or can not ask me and im not in favor of my doctor telling the govt ANYTHING about me.
you truly don't understand the issue people have with the govt telling doctors what treatments they can and cant explore.

Or the issues people have with some govt beurocrat having access to our health records.

your lack of understanding is evident through this post of yours I quoted.

im failing to see where you disagree with us. are you in favor of letting the government decided what a doctor and a patient can or can not talk about?

I didn't say if I agreed or disagreed all I did was observe that the person who made the first post in this thread has a misunderstanding.

Now that you asked I am NOT IN FAVOR of letting the govt talk to my doctor about ANYTHING. I am also not in favor of the govt telling the doctor what they can or can not ask me and im not in favor of my doctor telling the govt ANYTHING about me.

ok thanks, i was just trying to clarify. you actually understood the issue that was on the table here. a lot of the people tried to turn this into a referendum on gun control , which was not the issue.
im failing to see where you disagree with us. are you in favor of letting the government decided what a doctor and a patient can or can not talk about?

I didn't say if I agreed or disagreed all I did was observe that the person who made the first post in this thread has a misunderstanding.

Now that you asked I am NOT IN FAVOR of letting the govt talk to my doctor about ANYTHING. I am also not in favor of the govt telling the doctor what they can or can not ask me and im not in favor of my doctor telling the govt ANYTHING about me.

ok thanks, i was just trying to clarify. you actually understood the issue that was on the table here. a lot of the people tried to turn this into a referendum on gun control , which was not the issue.

Welcome to USMB :lmao:
Haven't read through the thread yet, so don't know if anyone has pointed out this obvious point yet...

But "do you own guns" is a legitimate question for a psychiatrist to ask a patient being treated for depression.
The largest group lobbying against this piece of legislation were Pediatricians.

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