I thought I would introduce some facts regarding the payment to Iran.......


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
......going back to the Obama admin. You know.......just for the sake of accuracy........since there's so much right wing media horseshit being flung around the board.

Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

In anticipation of the usual comments disparaging the source, but not refuting the information it provides, I encourage Vox's detractors to show, factually, the error of their ways on this topic.
......going back to the Obama admin. You know.......just for the sake of accuracy........since there's so much right wing media horseshit being flung around the board.

Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

In anticipation of the usual comments disparaging the source, but not refuting the information it provides, I encourage Vox's detractors to show, factually, the error of their ways on this topic.
That changes the whole narrative.
Interesting justification the Obama-Biden cabal is giving for helping Iran fund terrorism in Israel.

We'll see what the people think about this.
It's not drivel unless YOU prove it's drivel. Until then it is the unchallenged facts.

The query I have for you Berg, is that do you really think that this justifies the Biden Regime from providing these funds to Iran to kill Jews?

If America owed the German Kaiser money, when Hitler took over and needed funds to finance his Holocaust policy, should President Roosevelt release the funds?

If America owed Czar Nick money, should we have released the money to Stalin so he could build more gulags?
It's not drivel unless YOU prove it's drivel. Until then it is the unchallenged facts.
It is Vox. There might be one, possibly two, left-wing rags left of Vox, but I would be hard-pressed to remember them.

I'll tell you what. When you start reading publications from Oil companies on global warming, I'll consider something from Vox as credible.

Until then.
......going back to the Obama admin. You know.......just for the sake of accuracy........since there's so much right wing media horseshit being flung around the board.

Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

In anticipation of the usual comments disparaging the source, but not refuting the information it provides, I encourage Vox's detractors to show, factually, the error of their ways on this topic.
Of course what you fail to acknowledge is the fact that after the Religious mullahs took over Iran by force the government is no longer the same. Whatever deal was made with the previous government is no longer valid.

Should we negotiate with a hostile government that attacked and captured our embassy holding Americans hostage over a year?

Should we pay billions to radical religious leaders?

Of course not.

And then there is the fact, neglected to be mentioned, that Obama gave Iran over $100 billion. $1.5 billion in cash. Now we have Biden giving billions more.

And yes, the politicians will put their positive spin on the over $100 billion and call it sanctions relief.

Iran has built a nuclear bomb. That is what we have gotten by giving billions to the religious fanatics in Iran.

And let us not forget, Iran considers itself a mortal enemy of the USA, Iran openly states they will destroy the USA.

Should we give billions to a country ran by a religion that believes they will and must rule the world. One religion, the Iranians version of Islam. Death to everyone who does not convert.
The query I have for you Berg, is that do you really think that this justifies the Biden Regime from providing these funds to Iran to kill Jews?
I think returning funds belonging to Iran in a controlled way, (which has been suspended) in which the US monitors the funds so they can't be used for anything else but humanitarian purposes, is justifiable for the purpose of getting US citizens back. You also might want to consider the deal was struck well before Hamas attacked Israel.
I think returning funds belonging to Iran in a controlled way, (which has been suspended) in which the US monitors the funds so they can't be used for anything else but humanitarian purposes, is justifiable for the purpose of getting US citizens back. You also might want to consider the deal was struck well before Hamas attacked Israel.
LOL what a moronic post all that ensures is that as we release funds they shift theirs from one program to another.
I think returning funds belonging to Iran in a controlled way, (which has been suspended) in which the US monitors the funds so they can't be used for anything else but humanitarian purposes, is justifiable for the purpose of getting US citizens back. You also might want to consider the deal was struck well before Hamas attacked Israel.

Iran has been funding Hamas terrorists for many years before the current war in Israel. You conveniently have forgetten that Iran is the senior member of the Axis of Evil and has been for a very long time, before Obama-Biden even seized power in 2009.
Iran has been funding Hamas terrorists for many years before the current war in Israel. You conveniently have forgetten that Iran is the senior member of the Axis of Evil and has been for a very long time, before Obama-Biden even seized power in 2009.
The money returned to Iran by Obama was worth it for what was negotiated in return. Then Trump blew up the deal.
......going back to the Obama admin. You know.......just for the sake of accuracy........since there's so much right wing media horseshit being flung around the board.

Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

In anticipation of the usual comments disparaging the source, but not refuting the information it provides, I encourage Vox's detractors to show, factually, the error of their ways on this topic.
I truly have to laugh at the spin here. Every dime they got from the USA, or freed up, frees up dimes from their supplies for them to spend on attacks to israel. For fk sake psychotic, spare us the spin.
......going back to the Obama admin. You know.......just for the sake of accuracy........since there's so much right wing media horseshit being flung around the board.

Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

In anticipation of the usual comments disparaging the source, but not refuting the information it provides, I encourage Vox's detractors to show, factually, the error of their ways on this topic.
When a country uses it's power and assets to sponsor terror, we sanction them with any leverage we deem fit. Obama's loyalties to Iran reversed the legitimate sanctions we had in place. That wasn't enough though, he and John Kerry worked tirelessly to give the Mullahs the nuclear agreement they wanted and they will doubtless have nuclear weapon capability thanks to that idiotic agreement. Iran is also the number one sponsor of Hamas and we are seeing the results of Obama's efforts in the new Israeli-Hamas War.
I'm having a hard time verifying that assertion. Can you help with something authoritative?


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