I thought Romney was just another wimpy moderate

Doesn't the left realize that when they portray Romney as a heartless capitalist it makes them look like neo-socialist fools and increases his status as the conservative candidate the republican party has been trying to rally around?



I find that complaint rather asuming given that its Mitts GOP contenders who keep pointing out what bullshit his" jobs creator" claim is.

Actually, the 'jobs creator' "bullshit" is not "bullshit". It is fact, based solely on what private equity firms do.

No, what creates jobs are consumer demand.

My company has jobs because there is a demand for our product. When there is less demand, there are less jobs.

All the vulture capital types do is pick out the weak and swoop on them. They don't actually produce anything. They just take advantage of a situation.

If we want to fix this economy, it's going to be by creating good paying jobs, not by the rich getting richer.

Now, frankly, I don't think Obama knows how to do that. But I don't think Romney wants to do that. I think he's just for his wealthy trust fund buddies. He couldn't relate to my life on a $10,000 bet.

So contest between Obama and Romney is a contest between incompetence and inhumanity. Obama might eventually become competent, but I doubt Romney will ever develop humanity.
Actually, the 'jobs creator' "bullshit" is not "bullshit". It is fact, based solely on what private equity firms do.

If Mitt wants to frame what he did in human terms, he's going to get burned. Badly.

He needs to stick to vague rhetoric about capitalism and tout profit maximization. That's what he did and that's what he was good at. If he keeps talking as if he was running a temp agency or something, in the next round he's going to find 1) opponents much more comfortable making the point that the King of Bain has no clothes, and 2) an electorate that's much more open to hearing it.
Actually, the 'jobs creator' "bullshit" is not "bullshit". It is fact, based solely on what private equity firms do.

If Mitt wants to frame what he did in human terms, he's going to get burned. Badly.

He needs to stick to vague rhetoric about capitalism and tout profit maximization. That's what he did and that's what he was good at. If he keeps talking as if he was running a temp agency or something, in the next round he's going to find 1) opponents much more comfortable making the point that the King of Bain has no clothes, and 2) an electorate that's much more open to hearing it.

Well said.

Romney doesn't seem to realize that 99% of Americans aren't in the Chamber of Commerce.
The sheer number of threads like this one is telling.

You nutters are working yourselves into a tizzy. You are trying so hard to talk yourselves into having a little hope of beating Obama with one of the clowns you have allowed to become possible nominees.

Of course, in every thread, one of you asserts that "anyone will beat Obama"........as if you can possibly convince yourself.

This extreme hand wringing is what you get when you voraciously consume misinformation for years and allow your emotions to have control of your bullshit detector.

Obama is at 43% approval rating (with 48% disapproval) as of today. When was the last time a sitting President was reelected with an approval rating this low this far along??

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
Actually, the 'jobs creator' "bullshit" is not "bullshit". It is fact, based solely on what private equity firms do.

If Mitt wants to frame what he did in human terms, he's going to get burned. Badly.

He needs to stick to vague rhetoric about capitalism and tout profit maximization. That's what he did and that's what he was good at. If he keeps talking as if he was running a temp agency or something, in the next round he's going to find 1) opponents much more comfortable making the point that the King of Bain has no clothes, and 2) an electorate that's much more open to hearing it.

I pray Democrats make this a choice between Capitalism and Obamanomics.....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMcDwdHsnyQ"]McCain's leaked anti-Romney ad [/ame]

whitehall is a prime example as to why we shouldnt allow incest...
Because you cannot form an intellectual thought on the topic you think he is inbred? Goes to show just how much you just dont know, not surprising being a leftist though. and in case you have not heard, incest is against the law just about in every state.
Doesn't the left realize that when they portray Romney as a heartless capitalist it makes them look like neo-socialist fools and increases his status as the conservative candidate the republican party has been trying to rally around?

lol. I've thought about this. I think you're right. Making him seem to have a hard edge at least some of the time will make him more appealing than the softsider in the white house now.

Which falls right into what the left is trying to accomplish, they want to run against romney, because then they can tell people a vote for romney is the same as a vote for obama, being that they are both socialists and both have passed healthcare legislation. The only way I see Romney being able to beat obama is if he picks Paul/Christie or Rubio as a running mate, other than that, he has no chance being that he has similar records as obama.
A candidate should not be elected based on how opposed he is the the needs of half the united states.

A candidate should also not be chosen because he wants to give away what the majority of america earned to some lazy couch potato bastards who wont go and fend for themselves either, but yet one got voted in in 2008.
Doesn't the left realize that when they portray Romney as a heartless capitalist it makes them look like neo-socialist fools and increases his status as the conservative candidate the republican party has been trying to rally around?

So 'heartless capitalist' is the image conservatives want their champions to project, and what they want them to be??

Doesn't the left realize that when they portray Romney as a heartless capitalist it makes them look like neo-socialist fools and increases his status as the conservative candidate the republican party has been trying to rally around?

lol. I've thought about this. I think you're right. Making him seem to have a hard edge at least some of the time will make him more appealing than the softsider in the white house now.

Heck, even with his record he is a thousand times more knowledgable in making jobs than the shit head we got in office right now. I think he would make a fairly good president.

You have Ron Paul in your signature, and think the father of Obamacare would be a good president?

Am I the only one who's confused?

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