I thought this place would be different

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I actually like being able to say something nice about the President without 300 flames calling me dirty names ...
Democrats here think and post in lock step, just like the democrat party and their propaganda wing. They get their daily memos, which buzz words to use, which lies to tell, and they ALL run with it, LOCK STEP. It's pathetic. Sheeple. Not an original thought amongst the lot of them. They're as ignorant as a brick.
Yep, they've been seriously brainwashed by our hideously biased media. I'm sure most of these morons get their news from CNN and MSNBC.
Democrats here think and post in lock step, just like the democrat party and their propaganda wing. They get their daily memos, which buzz words to use, which lies to tell, and they ALL run with it, LOCK STEP. It's pathetic. Sheeple. Not an original thought amongst the lot of them. They're as ignorant as a brick.
Yep, they've been seriously brainwashed by our hideously biased media. I'm sure most of these morons get their news from CNN and MSNBC.
And even though the leftist propaganda wing BIAS and LIES have been PROVEN, they STILL believe every word of it.

Truly pathetic, and retarded.
Fuck off, wimp.
That Ringel IS a dim one.
Why thank you! Coming from the likes of you that's an extreme compliment. :thup:
You're welcome, dimwit.
No problem white trash. :thup:
He-he! As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"
Given your postings all I can say is you can take the trash out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the trash. Oh and that's called a metaphor tough I doubt you know what that word means........
That Ringel IS a dim one.
Why thank you! Coming from the likes of you that's an extreme compliment. :thup:
You're welcome, dimwit.
No problem white trash. :thup:
He-he! As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"
Given your postings all I can say is you can take the trash out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the trash. Oh and that's called a metaphor tough I doubt you know what that word means........
He-he, what a maroon!
Why thank you! Coming from the likes of you that's an extreme compliment. :thup:
You're welcome, dimwit.
No problem white trash. :thup:
He-he! As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"
Given your postings all I can say is you can take the trash out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the trash. Oh and that's called a metaphor tough I doubt you know what that word means........
He-he, what a maroon!
Again, thank you for that kind acknowledgement. :thup:
Democrats here think and post in lock step, just like the democrat party and their propaganda wing. They get their daily memos, which buzz words to use, which lies to tell, and they ALL run with it, LOCK STEP. It's pathetic. Sheeple. Not an original thought amongst the lot of them. They're as ignorant as a brick.
Yep, they've been seriously brainwashed by our hideously biased media. I'm sure most of these morons get their news from CNN and MSNBC.
And even though the leftist propaganda wing BIAS and LIES have been PROVEN, they STILL believe every word of it.

Truly pathetic, and retarded.
Yep, it's alarming HOW brainwashed and stupid they've become. Can you imagine how these idiots will react next year after President Trump is re-elected? It will be wonderful to observe!
Why can't this forum be the circle jerk I suspecting!? :mad:
Coyote called my Hillary/Tulsi assassination post "off the wall" and stuck it in "conspiracy theories" which I found ironic since everything about the Rat's impeachment HOAX stays in "Politics"....ya just never know here. :eusa_snooty:

Hopefully one of the gals here have an extra tampon for you.
I swear, the most annoying thing about participation in any message board is trying to get to the intelligent posts and filter through all of the inane stupidity of the Left.

I do like this message board, but if it is just more of the same, then there is no point to being here.

What you're looking for does not exist on this planet.
I swear, the most annoying thing about participation in any message board is trying to get to the intelligent posts and filter through all of the inane stupidity of the Left.

I do like this message board, but if it is just more of the same, then there is no point to being here.

What you're looking for does not exist on this planet.
For ONCE I agree with you, DTMB.
Coyote called my Hillary/Tulsi assassination post "off the wall" and stuck it in "conspiracy theories" which I found ironic since everything about the Rat's impeachment HOAX stays in "Politics"....ya just never know here. :eusa_snooty:

Hopefully one of the gals here have an extra tampon for you.
He eats em by the box full....... Used tampons, not women.
I swear, the most annoying thing about participation in any message board is trying to get to the intelligent posts and filter through all of the inane stupidity of the Left.

I do like this message board, but if it is just more of the same, then there is no point to being here.
Just do what Trumpsters do it real life: Create and exist in your own closed circuit informational universe, oblivious to anything happening outside of it.

If they're not a Trumpster, put 'em on ignore. Then, poof, they're gone and don't exist. No more of that pesky opposing thought, a.k.a. "fake news".

Just like real life! Cool!

I put no one on ignore. You miss to much comedy that way.
No. When I post a FACT that liberals do not like, they all go on the attack to silence me. THEY are the ones who cannot tolerate dissenting voices, or statements of FACTS that prove them to be liars.

Scientists are still researching this, but the preliminary finding is, alt-righties wouldn't even exist were it not for their giant victim card and its furious use against anything and everyone. I expect that finding to be confirmed shortly.

The victim card is what sustains them, gives them a sense of self-worth, their life some meaning, and, while pathetic, their whining has some health effects science also couldn't quite pin down as of yet.

Also of note is one very scurrilous factoid about their treatment of facts - make that FACTS - see, for instance, this eminently factual statement: "The gay Kenyan and his male tranny wife were in the White House for eight years, so why would the libs object to another semen gargler ..."

I mean, who would so much as think about devoting a single second of their live objecting to something like that? Really, that would be completely unexpected.

Oh, and one last thing, if you find the same old same old wherever you go, chances are you brought it with yourself. That said, happy travels, and don't let the door hit you!
I swear, the most annoying thing about participation in any message board is trying to get to the intelligent posts and filter through all of the inane stupidity of the Left.

I do like this message board, but if it is just more of the same, then there is no point to being here.

I swear, the most annoying thing about participation in any message board is trying to get to the intelligent posts and filter through all of the inane stupidity of the Left.

I do like this message board, but if it is just more of the same, then there is no point to being here.
Bet you love McConnell saying trump causes a disaster in Syria Your man

Why don't you do us all a favor and STFU.
This thread is now closed. READ THE RULES. The Lounge is not for politics and zero tolerance with flaming, put downs, insults. It is supposed to be fun, light and uncontroversial. Please respect that and take this to the Badlands where it has the freedom to flourish.
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