I thought Trump was Putin's puppet. Why would Trump bomb Syria?

This action sent a message to the world.. not just Assad.. Kim jong Ue, the mullahs of Iran and any other rouge nation.

The days of America and Obama failed policies making us take it in the ass are over..

The days of America and Obama failed policies making us take it in the ass are over..

Were you able to think up this on your own or did you lift this from partisan hack...

Sean Hannity.

sean hannity painting.jpg
Sean hannity.jpg
Is Trump's foreign policy whatever he sees on FOX & Friends every morning.
That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.
This action sent a message to the world.. not just Assad.. Kim jong Ue, the mullahs of Iran and any other rouge nation.

The days of America and Obama failed policies making us take it in the ass are over..

And that message was that we will waste 80 million dollars plus to do pretty much no damage and no lasting effect. Maybe also the message was that our cruise missiles are not really something to fear anymore.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

mentally deranged post. Not a spec of truth in it. No one feared Hillary Clinton except democrat staffers who were subject to suicide if they disagreed with her.
That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

do you have anything except dem/lib bullshit talking points? You are wasting space on this message board posting this crap.
This action sent a message to the world.. not just Assad.. Kim jong Ue, the mullahs of Iran and any other rouge nation.

The days of America and Obama failed policies making us take it in the ass are over..

And that message was that we will waste 80 million dollars plus to do pretty much no damage and no lasting effect. Maybe also the message was that our cruise missiles are not really something to fear anymore.

total horseshit. the message was that if you gas children and innocents we will destroy you. This was a warning, try it again and you lose everything.
That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

do you have anything except dem/lib bullshit talking points? You are wasting space on this message board posting this crap.
Now I know I hit a nerve. Thanks.
kabuki dance

neither Putin nor Trump want any more press on their collaboration

notice the strike did nothing, looks like Assad actually increased his attacks

Just who is the real puppet of Putin? Also, will be getting the Trump Russian hooker pee video liberals hyped for months now that Trump has defied Putin?

He told them ahead of time the strike was coming.

This is all for show. You're being bannoned.

Bush lied us into war why not billionaires trump?
It's all a conspiracy. Trump told Putin to tell Assad to murder his own people with Sarin Gas bombs. Then Trump could launch a cruise misssile attack against the airbase used for the chemical attack and Putin could send a warship to confront the American destroyers that fired the cruise missile to make it LOOK like Trump is not Putin's puppet.

It's all a show.....right, Flakes?
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That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


70 plus million dollars to put some holes in a runway and take out a couple buildings. Seems a bad ROI to me.

assad usind this place now
That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.
That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.

I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.
I think what got to Trump were the pictures of those kids. I think it got to anybody that seen them or the videos.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

As always, Snowflakes are short on facts and long on bullshit, huh?

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