I thought Trump was Putin's puppet. Why would Trump bomb Syria?

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

As always, Snowflakes are short on facts and long on bullshit, huh?

The funny thing is if Obama did the exact same thing, they would be calling this a humanitarian effort and praise him from the white house to golf course.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

As always, Snowflakes are short on facts and long on bullshit, huh?

The funny thing is if Obama did the exact same thing, they would be calling this a humanitarian effort and praise him from the white house to golf course.

Of course.

For example, I don't recall much whining from the right about Obama's drone strike program other than to point out the hypocrisy,

I recall the LEFT whining when BUSH did it, but NOT when Obama continued it.

THe hypocrisy of the left is just ridiculous.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

As always, Snowflakes are short on facts and long on bullshit, huh?

The funny thing is if Obama did the exact same thing, they would be calling this a humanitarian effort and praise him from the white house to golf course.

Well there are some differences that point out President Obama's understanding of the region, world and politics that just seems to befuddle Russia's American puppet.

Obama went to Congress and attempted to have a united American front prior to attacking Syria, republicans loudly condemned his intentions.
trump reported to his superiors prior to launching the attack, his superiors were briefed on when and where of the attack; this allowed his masters to evacuate their personnel and equipment and suffer absolutely no casualties or equipment loss.

Didn't trump say he wouldn't warn our enemies before attacking them???...lol.
Obama is PUTIN'S puppet. Maybe he set up the Assad air strikes.

Just for a moment, imagine the media outrage if Trump said the same thing to Putin's right hand man that Obamacare said to him on that hot mic.

How would that have gone?
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


70 plus million dollars to put some holes in a runway and take out a couple buildings. Seems a bad ROI to me.

So true.
I'm thinking Trump must have consulted with that scrawny, soft spoken, nutless black dude with the oversized ears and un-American name on this one.
The black dude probably said; "don't worry man, just print more money."
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Are stupid...or do you just pretend to be stupid when you post?

hilary clinton took about 145 million dollars from Putin controlled energy companies through her charity foundation......and her rapist husband took in 500,000 dollars a speech for ones he gave to putin controlled companies.....then you have john podesta, hilary's campaign chairman....and his brother, also in bed with putin controlled companies along with john podesta's daughter.....and there was no way hilary was going to stand up to putin on anything....

Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Are stupid...or do you just pretend to be stupid when you post?

hilary clinton took about 145 million dollars from Putin controlled energy companies through her charity foundation......and her rapist husband took in 500,000 dollars a speech for ones he gave to putin controlled companies.....then you have john podesta, hilary's campaign chairman....and his brother, also in bed with putin controlled companies along with john podesta's daughter.....and there was no way hilary was going to stand up to putin on anything....


Yes, they are stupid. Brain Tumors for breakfast stupid.
And here is detailed look at how deep hilary was involved with putin......

The key here? If the democrats accuse someone of doing something illegal...they are actually engaging in the illegal activity and trying to hide what they are doing by accusing other people....

Clinton Russia Ties: Bill & Hillary Sold Out U.S. Interests to Putin Regime | National Review

On June 29, 2010, three weeks after Rosatom proposed to Uranium One, Bill Clinton keynoted a seminar staged by Renaissance Capital in Moscow, a reputedly Kremlin-controlled investment bank that promoted this transaction. Renaissance Capital paid Clinton $500,000 for his one-hour speech.

While CFIUS evaluated Rosatom’s offer, Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer observed, “a spontaneous outbreak of philanthropy among eight shareholders in Uranium One” began.

“These Canadian mining magnates decide now would be a great time to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.” These included Uranium One’s then-chairman, Ian Telfer, whose donations to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI) totaled $3.1 million. Giustra himself gave $131.3 million to the Clinton Foundation. Before, during, and after CFIUS’s review, Schweizer calculates, “shareholders involved in this transaction had transferred approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation or its initiatives.”

Others were less enthused about this deal. “Russia’s record of transferring dangerous materials and technologies to rogue regimes, such as those in Iran and Syria, is very troubling,” Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee at the time, wrote to CFIUS’s then-chairman, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

The top Republicans on the Financial Services, Homeland Security, and Armed Services Committees also signed Ros-Lehtinen’s letter of October 5, 2010.
Are stupid...or do you just pretend to be stupid when you post?

hilary clinton took about 145 million dollars from Putin controlled energy companies through her charity foundation......

That's as stupid as saying that George W. Bush took in $10 trillion dollars through the US Treasury.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

Bombing an airport of a sovereign state and member of the United Nations is an act of war, without question. It was, therefore, unconstitutional.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

As always, Snowflakes are short on facts and long on bullshit, huh?

The funny thing is if Obama did the exact same thing, they would be calling this a humanitarian effort and praise him from the white house to golf course.

Does Donald Trump play golf. I don't know.
Bombing an airport of a sovereign state and member of the United Nations is an act of war, without question. It was, therefore, unconstitutional.

The War Powers Resolution (also known as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or the War Powers Act) (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) is a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress.

The president as commander-in-chief can use the military, for limited periods of time, however he sees fit. That doesn't mean he shouldn't go to congress for their permission or go to congress in order to continue beyond 60 days.

In this particular case, Trump can't use either the 2001 AUMF or 2003 AUMF to support his actions. He doesn't have a UN resolution, or a NATO commitment. Since Assad was attacking ISIS and not harboring ISIS, anti-terrorism authorizations aren't applicable.
You really think that big-eared Bozo gave a crap about what Trump thought? Talk about hypocrite, who is it that "drew a line" in the sand?

If anything, Assad now understands the US has real leadership now, and Trump is nobody to mess with.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

Bombing an airport of a sovereign state and member of the United Nations is an act of war, without question. It was, therefore, unconstitutional.

Wrong. An Act of War by the United States is a proclamation, not an assumption.
The line in the sand was drawn by international law which prohibits the use of gas as a weapon.

Sure it was:

According to the United States Constitution only Congress can send America to war. It is known as a check on the Executive. Congress refused permission for President Obama to enforce international law. Donald trump, in contrast, did not seek permission from Congress for his latest action.

No, only Congress can declare an act of war, and that hasn't been done in the US since WWII.

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

Bombing an airport of a sovereign state and member of the United Nations is an act of war, without question. It was, therefore, unconstitutional.

Wrong. An Act of War by the United States is a proclamation, not an assumption.

Forgive me but your words are without meaning.
There's still no question the orange clown is Putin's Puppet. Nikki Haley is talking tough about Russia but have you heard the clown say one negative thing about Putin yet?
Me neither.
It must humiliate the narcissus that Putin is the most powerful man in the world.

Pee tape has the narcissus by the balls.
We have been conducting air strikes in Syria for many years now, yet suddenly a missile attack is an act of War.........

Is a 50+ missiles striking a Syrian military airport an act of peace, then?

You missed the point. Watch the video and tell me why the World banned the dang gas...........to hell with this limp assed complaints about retaliation against a Sarin gas attack.

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