I thought Trump was Putin's puppet. Why would Trump bomb Syria?

You do know Tramp called his BFF Poontang and gave him a heads up to pass along to Assad!


I don't know if they wanted the one hour warning passed to Assad. But Trump certainly wanted the Russians to know exactly where and when the missiles would strike. He even made sure they didn't take out the runways, so the russians could still use the landing fields.
We know it was more than a one hour warning as it was already reported on twitter at 1:01 AM local time that a convoy of Russian vehicles was seen leaving the airbase before the 3:40 AM local time strike. Do you really think Assad did not know why they were all leaving? Do you really think the runways were not hit so Russia could use them after they had removed all their planes?
Rice ordered American spy organizations to make up “detailed spreadsheets” of Donald Trump’s phone calls as well as his campaign officials — phone calls that were legal and should have been protected, via The Daily Caller.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” claimed U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

These conversations did not contain any illegal or questionable activity or conversations — it was only the Democrats who were operating on that side of the spectrum. Unmasking the names without proper precedence is wrong and illegal.

Unnamed officials also claim that diGenova’s claims are true, and that these surveillance reports were ordered a year in advance of the presidential election. This was, no doubt, an attempt to ruin the success of Donald Trump.

On Monday, it was also revealed Rice requested that this information gathering by intelligence officials be produced by an organized operation. These unmasked names were given out to the National Security Council, National Intelligence Director James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and the Defense Department. Ben Rhodes, Rice’s deputy, was also involved.

This was pretty much confirmed when Evelyn Farkas, Obama’s deputy secretary of defense, went on national television to confirm that she urged her co-workers to “get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration.”

She, of course, later retracted her comments, claiming she only gave advice. However, once she said it, it was out in the open, and no number of retractions can take that away. The Democrats have been weighed, measured, and found wanting.

According to retired Col. James Waurishuk, a retired deputy director of intelligence for Central Command and NSC veteran, several individuals in Obama’s administration had to have been involved in order to start this spy program on political individuals.

It is mainly the priority of the NSA, and they have to follow the rules when another intelligence agency comes forward with a person they wish to unmask, and they should have substantial evidence as to why this person should be unmasked and their name given out.

However, Obama and his administration, while having one foot out the door, decided to refute the rules and do whatever they wished to spy on Trump. They broadened and eased up on the rules, and they tried to sabotage our president before he was elected. The truth is out, and the liberals are guilty! Drain the swamp!
BREAKING: New Evidence Just Exposed About Susan Rice. She’s Going To PRISON. - Tea Party News
We know it was more than a one hour warning as it was already reported on twitter at 1:01 AM local time that a convoy of Russian vehicles was seen leaving the airbase before the 3:40 AM local time strike. Do you really think Assad did not know why they were all leaving? Do you really think the runways were not hit so Russia could use them after they had removed all their planes?

I can't figure what Assad knew about the incoming strike. The Russians could have told Assad, and made him look like he wasn't told. Like in the movie 'The imitation game', Turing knew the germans were going to sink a ship, but they couldn't warn them, without exposing they broke the enigma code.
“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” claimed U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

What's interesting about that claim is how did DiGenova get his hands on something that Rice was only allowed to look at, and only in a secure location.
Rice ordered American spy organizations to make up “detailed spreadsheets” of Donald Trump’s phone calls as well as his campaign officials — phone calls that were legal and should have been protected, via The Daily Caller.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” claimed U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

These conversations did not contain any illegal or questionable activity or conversations — it was only the Democrats who were operating on that side of the spectrum. Unmasking the names without proper precedence is wrong and illegal.

Unnamed officials also claim that diGenova’s claims are true, and that these surveillance reports were ordered a year in advance of the presidential election. This was, no doubt, an attempt to ruin the success of Donald Trump.

On Monday, it was also revealed Rice requested that this information gathering by intelligence officials be produced by an organized operation. These unmasked names were given out to the National Security Council, National Intelligence Director James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and the Defense Department. Ben Rhodes, Rice’s deputy, was also involved.

This was pretty much confirmed when Evelyn Farkas, Obama’s deputy secretary of defense, went on national television to confirm that she urged her co-workers to “get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration.”

She, of course, later retracted her comments, claiming she only gave advice. However, once she said it, it was out in the open, and no number of retractions can take that away. The Democrats have been weighed, measured, and found wanting.

According to retired Col. James Waurishuk, a retired deputy director of intelligence for Central Command and NSC veteran, several individuals in Obama’s administration had to have been involved in order to start this spy program on political individuals.

It is mainly the priority of the NSA, and they have to follow the rules when another intelligence agency comes forward with a person they wish to unmask, and they should have substantial evidence as to why this person should be unmasked and their name given out.

However, Obama and his administration, while having one foot out the door, decided to refute the rules and do whatever they wished to spy on Trump. They broadened and eased up on the rules, and they tried to sabotage our president before he was elected. The truth is out, and the liberals are guilty! Drain the swamp!
BREAKING: New Evidence Just Exposed About Susan Rice. She’s Going To PRISON. - Tea Party News
Isn't diGeniva a former attorney? And the officials obviously won't come out of the closet. They must be important....

Still... And still after days and days of grumbling. She didn't commit a crime. The actual officials on duty and still holding onto their reputation say that. So =>she's not going to prison. She wont be convicted. She did her best - and what asked from her - to do what she can to her country that is about to crash.

Just who is the real puppet of Putin? Also, will be getting the Trump Russian hooker pee video liberals hyped for months now that Trump has defied Putin?

That's a no brainer--To deflect attention away from 3 ongoing investigations into Russia & his connections with Russia--is why he would bomb Syria--LOL

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump just flip flopped again. He continually campaigned on NO involvement in Syria--(let them & Russa take care of ISIS)--we're not the police of the world--and continually ridiculed Hillary Clinton for insisting on a no fly zone. He ridiculed Obama, insisting that Obama needed congressional authority to take action in Syria--when Assad used chemical weapons in 2013. That's on his tweety account. In fact Trump used the same plan that was devised by Barack Obama.

In fact his most YUUUUGEST supporters Michael Savage and Ann Colter have unfriended him over this one. Savage even apologizing to his audience this last Friday for promoting Trump.


Ann Colter & Michael Savage today--LOL
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Our military makes these plans--not the President.
So you admit Tramp lied during the campaign when he said HE has a sure fire PLAN to defeat ISIL so fast our heads would spin!!!
Thank you.
Do you really think that someone who says he knows more about everything than anyone, including knowing more than "the generals," will allow his inferiors to make any plans about anything????

Trump said he would rely on his generals and admirals. clearly he did that on the Syria attack.

why do you use ISIL rather than ISIS? are you an Israel hater like Obama?
Where does it say he relied on his generals and admirals?
Our military makes these plans--not the President.
So you admit Tramp lied during the campaign when he said HE has a sure fire PLAN to defeat ISIL so fast our heads would spin!!!
Thank you.
Do you really think that someone who says he knows more about everything than anyone, including knowing more than "the generals," will allow his inferiors to make any plans about anything????
Trump said he would rely on his generals and admirals. clearly he did that on the Syria attack.
why do you use ISIL rather than ISIS? are you an Israel hater like Obama?
Tramp said "I know more than the generals, belibe me."
Only stupid people like you and Tramp think ISIL is limited to only Syria, the last S in ISIS.

How did Trump kill a girl that was killed by a Navy SEAL team? Oh right just like how Obama killed OBL. Try again.
There were similar videos from 2013 and several years since which led Trump to advise Obama against any military action. Trump also said just before his election as president that he could look Syrian children in the eye and tell them that there is no room for them in America. The man is a brazen hypocrite.

do you have anything except dem/lib bullshit talking points? You are wasting space on this message board posting this crap.
Now I know I hit a nerve. Thanks.

no, you just identified yourself as a brain dead left wing talking point repeating parrot.
This aggressive language of yours becomes especially threatening when spoken by an American who is armed. Scary.

nothing to fear from a patriot-----------------unless you are a traitor.
Disagreeing with you or Senator Lindsey of South Carolina does not make a person a traitor.

China mocks Trump missile strike after Xi leaves US: ‘A weakened politician who needed to flex his muscles’
China’s state-run news agency waited for President Xi Jinping to leave the U.S. before unleashing criticism on President Donald Trump’s Syrian missile strike.

SO you want us to not enforce Obama's Red Line and bend over to take it in the ass allowing socialism/totalitarianism/dictatorship to take over...??

You really are a left wing, nut-bag, fucking moron..
That's a no brainer--To deflect attention away from 3 ongoing investigations into Russia & his connections with Russia--is why he would bomb Syria--LOL

Or maybe he's doing Rice a favor by getting her out of the media?

No one is going to get in trouble for outing Traitors to this country. Rice has denied it anyway.

A lot of people forget that Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. It was It is also reported by several news outlets including FOX NEWS that Obama preserved intelligence, and a lot of it was damming evidence. Meaning he wasn't going to turn it over to the Trump administration or anyone with an R behind their name.

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So Obama sits back and waits patiently for one of them to lie under oath (Flynn--Sessions) and out pops another leak proving they were lying.

Rice or former staffers are a lot easier to blame--because we witnessed the blow back over Trump's tweety that Obama had ordered the tower wire tapped. The Senate/Congress demanded that Trump prove it--LOL But no one will demand that he proves that Rice or any other staffer did it. So you're all wadded up in another conspiracy theory.

Clearly Trump and company have been wholly outfoxed by Barack Obama.

Obama DID kill Americans without due process.
So did Tramp! But it was OK when Tramp did it.
Oh really? When did Trump kill Americans?
In Yemen, when Tramp killed an 8 year old American girl, as if you didn't know already!
How did Trump kill a girl that was killed by a Navy SEAL team? Oh right just like how Obama killed OBL. Try again.
Interesting how you chose a different post to reply to than the one where YOU accused Obama of killing an American without pulling the trigger so you could avoid the obvious hypocrisy of requiring Tramp to pull the trigger.
Tramp said "I know more than the generals, belibe me."

Obama said the same thing, right after his Generals told him not to pull out of Iraq. We seen how that worked out.

From the Communist News Network:

"Only very few of the loudest opponents of the Iraq war advocated complete withdrawal. The U.S. military commanders recommended at least 15,000 troops remain. Obama once again ignored his generals, as he did with Afghanistan, and instead pressed ahead with a politically calculated decision."

Obama risks Iraq for political expediency - CNN.com
Tramp said "I know more than the generals, belibe me."

Obama said the same thing, right after his Generals told him not to pull out of Iraq. We seen how that worked out.

Quite the opposite. The generals told Obama that with Bush's Dec 2008 SOFA, that american troops would face the Iraqi justice system after the deadline to leave the cities. Simply put, if one of our soldiers killed a civilian, they would face the death penalty from an Iraqi court. The generals wouldn't have exposed their forces to such penalties. That's why the SOFA calling for the withdrawl of American troops, forced Obama to withdraw, whether he wanted to or not.

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