I told the wife. Trump lost re-election on 18 December.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I told her why. I’ll give you the shorter version. Between the wall, and the bump stocks, on top of the behavior of Trump, re-election is now just not possible.

When a President has an Idea, that is a good thing usually. But that idea has to be worked out before it is presented to the public. Lawyers have to examine it to see if it is legal. If it affects anything international, it has to be considered by the State Deparment to see if it violates any Treaties, Agreemets, or Understandings. In other words, it takes time to present the idea to the public. It isn’t done in a Tweet at 3AM, as the President has the flash of an idea.

This makes the International Community nervous. It makes the business environment nervous, and it makes people nervous. Because they don’t know what brainstorm the President is going to have that will upset the apple cart in the middle of the night. That is why you have a Chief Of Staff, and a staff in general. You talk to them, to find out what is politically possible. Politics is the art of the Possible.

You don’t make definitive statements like “I’m going to Veto this bill if it doesn’t fund the wall.” You don’t make them because you can’t walk it back and look like anything but a loser. When you do walk it back, or give up on it, then whatever political capital you have built up is gone.

You don’t follow it up with more money than the wall would have cost, paid to the nations where the illegal immigrants are coming from, to hopefully encourage them to stay there. US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

The cost of Illegal Immigration this year, starts at at least ten billion dollars. It can’t be viewed as anything but a loss to Trump. Because he folded days before the deadline.

If you make something a central issue to your administration, and you credit it with your election, you can’t just abandon it and hope the voters will still turn out because they still support you. We have enough experience with lying politicians not to be impressed by one more.

If Trump runs, and wins the Nomination, he will lose the General, and the reason why is December 18th 2018. That was the day he lost.
The dems need to put up a candidate that can beat Trump before he can lose. As controversial as Trump is, the country can get a lot worse if the dems implement their policies. Here are the policies that Trump can beat them senseless with in the debates:

1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Promote Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems "Central Committee" appoint super-delegates to vote and subvert regular voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud.
31. Colleges only hire liberal professors, and promote only the Leftist perspective, conservatism is not allowed on campus.
I told her why. I’ll give you the shorter version. Between the wall, and the bump stocks, on top of the behavior of Trump, re-election is now just not possible.

When a President has an Idea, that is a good thing usually. But that idea has to be worked out before it is presented to the public. Lawyers have to examine it to see if it is legal. If it affects anything international, it has to be considered by the State Deparment to see if it violates any Treaties, Agreemets, or Understandings. In other words, it takes time to present the idea to the public. It isn’t done in a Tweet at 3AM, as the President has the flash of an idea.

This makes the International Community nervous. It makes the business environment nervous, and it makes people nervous. Because they don’t know what brainstorm the President is going to have that will upset the apple cart in the middle of the night. That is why you have a Chief Of Staff, and a staff in general. You talk to them, to find out what is politically possible. Politics is the art of the Possible.

You don’t make definitive statements like “I’m going to Veto this bill if it doesn’t fund the wall.” You don’t make them because you can’t walk it back and look like anything but a loser. When you do walk it back, or give up on it, then whatever political capital you have built up is gone.

You don’t follow it up with more money than the wall would have cost, paid to the nations where the illegal immigrants are coming from, to hopefully encourage them to stay there. US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

The cost of Illegal Immigration this year, starts at at least ten billion dollars. It can’t be viewed as anything but a loss to Trump. Because he folded days before the deadline.

If you make something a central issue to your administration, and you credit it with your election, you can’t just abandon it and hope the voters will still turn out because they still support you. We have enough experience with lying politicians not to be impressed by one more.

If Trump runs, and wins the Nomination, he will lose the General, and the reason why is December 18th 2018. That was the day he lost.
You're a Trump-supporter, right OP?
It's the economy stupid. I agree, if we go through another recession, Trump will lose. If the economy continues to hum along with historically low unemployment, Trump will win. It is that simple.
There are many possible scenarios, but remember during the campaign season in 2016, when we were assured WEEKLY, that "Trump can't possibly win after this latest revelation/gaffe/development!" And yet he won.

The most likely scenarios are (1) that Trump is literally harassed out of office by the constant campaign of phony accusations, "revelations," nonsense charges, Mueller-isms, and indictments of people close to him; (2) Trump continues to weather shit-storm after shit-storm and wins in 2020; (3) the Democrats run a real candidate in 2020 and beat him. The three are equally probably.

Real matters, like the state of the economy and our actual relationships in the world, don't seem to matter to people. If they did, the R's would have improved their positions in congress this year.

People are idiots. Democracy is rule by morons.
I told her why. I’ll give you the shorter version. Between the wall, and the bump stocks, on top of the behavior of Trump, re-election is now just not possible.

When a President has an Idea, that is a good thing usually. But that idea has to be worked out before it is presented to the public. Lawyers have to examine it to see if it is legal. If it affects anything international, it has to be considered by the State Deparment to see if it violates any Treaties, Agreemets, or Understandings. In other words, it takes time to present the idea to the public. It isn’t done in a Tweet at 3AM, as the President has the flash of an idea.

This makes the International Community nervous. It makes the business environment nervous, and it makes people nervous. Because they don’t know what brainstorm the President is going to have that will upset the apple cart in the middle of the night. That is why you have a Chief Of Staff, and a staff in general. You talk to them, to find out what is politically possible. Politics is the art of the Possible.

You don’t make definitive statements like “I’m going to Veto this bill if it doesn’t fund the wall.” You don’t make them because you can’t walk it back and look like anything but a loser. When you do walk it back, or give up on it, then whatever political capital you have built up is gone.

You don’t follow it up with more money than the wall would have cost, paid to the nations where the illegal immigrants are coming from, to hopefully encourage them to stay there. US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

The cost of Illegal Immigration this year, starts at at least ten billion dollars. It can’t be viewed as anything but a loss to Trump. Because he folded days before the deadline.

If you make something a central issue to your administration, and you credit it with your election, you can’t just abandon it and hope the voters will still turn out because they still support you. We have enough experience with lying politicians not to be impressed by one more.

If Trump runs, and wins the Nomination, he will lose the General, and the reason why is December 18th 2018. That was the day he lost.
You're a Trump-supporter, right OP?

I voted for Trump. I had hopes that he would do a fair job. Of course, it would have been nearly impossible to do a worse job that Hillary was certain to do if she was Annointed.
There are many possible scenarios, but remember during the campaign season in 2016, when we were assured WEEKLY, that "Trump can't possibly win after this latest revelation/gaffe/development!" And yet he won.

The most likely scenarios are (1) that Trump is literally harassed out of office by the constant campaign of phony accusations, "revelations," nonsense charges, Mueller-isms, and indictments of people close to him; (2) Trump continues to weather shit-storm after shit-storm and wins in 2020; (3) the Democrats run a real candidate in 2020 and beat him. The three are equally probably.

Real matters, like the state of the economy and our actual relationships in the world, don't seem to matter to people. If they did, the R's would have improved their positions in congress this year.

People are idiots. Democracy is rule by morons.
That much we agree, that's why Trump in 2016.
There are many possible scenarios, but remember during the campaign season in 2016, when we were assured WEEKLY, that "Trump can't possibly win after this latest revelation/gaffe/development!" And yet he won.

The most likely scenarios are (1) that Trump is literally harassed out of office by the constant campaign of phony accusations, "revelations," nonsense charges, Mueller-isms, and indictments of people close to him; (2) Trump continues to weather shit-storm after shit-storm and wins in 2020; (3) the Democrats run a real candidate in 2020 and beat him. The three are equally probably.

Real matters, like the state of the economy and our actual relationships in the world, don't seem to matter to people. If they did, the R's would have improved their positions in congress this year.

People are idiots. Democracy is rule by morons.

I disagree. In order to win again, Trump has to essentially win all the states he had before. The Rustbelt are still not being courted by Democrats, and if any show up,, they merely lecture the people on how stupid they were to vote Trump. Yet, the people there won’t stand by Trump in the numbers before, the numbers needed, if he doesn’t start living up to some of his campaign promises. Or at least stops saying he is going to do this if the Congress doesn’t do that. And then folding long before the deadline is up.

Sending ten billion dollars to Mexico and Central America is not going to go over well when half that amount would have built the wall. The other half would have hired a lot more border patrol officers to guard the wall.

It isn’t just the economy. While the economy is important, and a vital issue for voters, it isn’t the only issue for them, especially when GM is closing plants, which has a ripple effect. Suppliers to GM will be shut down, and companies that supply the suppliers will have to cut back or shut down. Restaurants that feed the employees will close, or lay off workers. Shops that sell to the employees will see a downturn in their numbers, and may close.

Where is this going to take place? Those same Rustbelt states that went for Trump. So telling a guy who is hoping to get a job as a Janitor because he got laid off from the plastics plant that the economy is doing great isn’t going to sell well.

We personalize and internalize things. Are you doing good? Then the economy is as far as you know. If you are not doing well, then the economy isn’t either. All the rest is propaganda as far as you are concerned. So you look to the other issues, no wall, no mass deportations, no end to new regulations and nonsense determinations by the very folks in Washington that Trump said he was going to stop.

You won’t vote for him again. And the Trump loses those states. The thing is that the President doesn’t need to win the entire country, just 270 electoral votes.
I told her why. I’ll give you the shorter version. Between the wall, and the bump stocks, on top of the behavior of Trump, re-election is now just not possible.

When a President has an Idea, that is a good thing usually. But that idea has to be worked out before it is presented to the public. Lawyers have to examine it to see if it is legal. If it affects anything international, it has to be considered by the State Deparment to see if it violates any Treaties, Agreemets, or Understandings. In other words, it takes time to present the idea to the public. It isn’t done in a Tweet at 3AM, as the President has the flash of an idea.

This makes the International Community nervous. It makes the business environment nervous, and it makes people nervous. Because they don’t know what brainstorm the President is going to have that will upset the apple cart in the middle of the night. That is why you have a Chief Of Staff, and a staff in general. You talk to them, to find out what is politically possible. Politics is the art of the Possible.

You don’t make definitive statements like “I’m going to Veto this bill if it doesn’t fund the wall.” You don’t make them because you can’t walk it back and look like anything but a loser. When you do walk it back, or give up on it, then whatever political capital you have built up is gone.

You don’t follow it up with more money than the wall would have cost, paid to the nations where the illegal immigrants are coming from, to hopefully encourage them to stay there. US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

The cost of Illegal Immigration this year, starts at at least ten billion dollars. It can’t be viewed as anything but a loss to Trump. Because he folded days before the deadline.

If you make something a central issue to your administration, and you credit it with your election, you can’t just abandon it and hope the voters will still turn out because they still support you. We have enough experience with lying politicians not to be impressed by one more.

If Trump runs, and wins the Nomination, he will lose the General, and the reason why is December 18th 2018. That was the day he lost.

Bump stocks?
I told her why. I’ll give you the shorter version. Between the wall, and the bump stocks, on top of the behavior of Trump, re-election is now just not possible.

When a President has an Idea, that is a good thing usually. But that idea has to be worked out before it is presented to the public. Lawyers have to examine it to see if it is legal. If it affects anything international, it has to be considered by the State Deparment to see if it violates any Treaties, Agreemets, or Understandings. In other words, it takes time to present the idea to the public. It isn’t done in a Tweet at 3AM, as the President has the flash of an idea.

This makes the International Community nervous. It makes the business environment nervous, and it makes people nervous. Because they don’t know what brainstorm the President is going to have that will upset the apple cart in the middle of the night. That is why you have a Chief Of Staff, and a staff in general. You talk to them, to find out what is politically possible. Politics is the art of the Possible.

You don’t make definitive statements like “I’m going to Veto this bill if it doesn’t fund the wall.” You don’t make them because you can’t walk it back and look like anything but a loser. When you do walk it back, or give up on it, then whatever political capital you have built up is gone.

You don’t follow it up with more money than the wall would have cost, paid to the nations where the illegal immigrants are coming from, to hopefully encourage them to stay there. US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

The cost of Illegal Immigration this year, starts at at least ten billion dollars. It can’t be viewed as anything but a loss to Trump. Because he folded days before the deadline.

If you make something a central issue to your administration, and you credit it with your election, you can’t just abandon it and hope the voters will still turn out because they still support you. We have enough experience with lying politicians not to be impressed by one more.

If Trump runs, and wins the Nomination, he will lose the General, and the reason why is December 18th 2018. That was the day he lost.
You sound bitter.
I'm glad we're sending 10B to Central America--there are only two ways to actually end this immigration crisis: (1) Start throwing employers of illegals in jail and throw away the key and (2) work with the Central American countries that are so dysfunctional that people are running away in droves. The governments of those countries probably don't like that anymore than we like them coming here by the thousands, but they haven't been able to get a handle on it.
Let's hope the funds we send are very carefully spent on exactly what they should be.

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