I told you..,

There are two parts to it. Firstly the criminal activity around the funding and its links with Russia. Both leave campaigns are currently under investigation.
Brexit donor Arron Banks is referred to National Crime Agency | Daily Mail Online

Police probe Banks's Brexit vote spending

Arron Banks criminal investigation: could evidence against him make Brexit void?

Secondly the actual lies they told during the campaign. These articles gives a flavour.
11 Brexit promises the government quietly dropped

List of Brexit lies: an A to Z | British GQ

Its not just narrow definitions. The whole campaign was predicated on straight out trump style lying.
Frankly, I don't understand why a majority of Brits voted for leaving the EU in the first place. Basically, I like the Brits. I love London, Somerset, Kent, but WTF? Why are you doing this to yourselves?

This might be the dumbest comment I have ever read from you....and that is saying something
I will take that as a compliment. I know you. Some fundie queer who voted for the whore and the sex freakie from Indiana. You weirdos are all the same.
how sad....and disgusting....what Britain and it's citizens have become....wow! total eurabia-globlalist scum


Well the citizens actually did what they are supposed to do and voted to leave. I don’t think we can be too harsh on them. They faced not only a foreign power desperate to keep control and a horde of immigrants imported to replace them but also a large number of elites loyal to Brussels rather than their own nation in government positions.
Just as we voted for trump only to see the deep state align with foreign voters to stop us. Not the first time. Gay marriage....abortion...you can vote as you like but it won’t matter. We are past that.

The people of England and America should finally be recognizing what it will take. This will end up working to the good becsuse nobody can argue now about who is actually in control no matter what votes takes place.

But yes it’s sad to see a people who gave the world so much subjected to and humiliated by the people they defeated in WWII. Treason does that.
Last edited:
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.
The consequences of not honouring this vote will be deeply felt. Dramatic and impossible to rectify in a generation or more.

This is the problem with some who promote democracy and it's mechanism but refuse to adhere to them: you no longer have the principled position. I can provide an extreme, but pertinent example. Are British leaders going to tell Russia or China to stop hacking or killing their citizens? These other nations could say, "why should we adhere to laws? You don't". This might seem laughable, but it doesn't even need to be implicitly stated, it can be assumed based on the reaction to this vote.

Worse, when none other than former PM Blair was on CNN immediately after the vote suggesting it be done again "now that more information is available". He was basically saying "keep voting until you vote correctly (the global socialist way)".

They debated for months the issues, they made their arguments. The consequences of not abiding by a decision is far worse than them accepting their fate and making due. Life will go on and the British people will feel a sense of pride that they hold their fate in their own hands. How will they feel if they think it's all just a rigged game and they have NO say?

The West better return to the basics of civil liberties and determination of citizens, or, their nations will be overrun with dissent. Too many play politics for their own benefit and the collective costs are great.

This is a few months old but an insightful article well worth reading shockedcanadian
We all knew the vote would never be honored. There are consequences.

If Brexit is abandoned, will it ever be worth voting again? | Coffee House
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.

Actually they want the EU to not agree. That’s why parliament turned it over to them.
It’s not so much idiotic as diabolic. This is the culmination of a two year campaign. And the message is “you voted to leave? Awww that’s cute”
Sovereignty is much harder to regain than to surrender. Especially with people loyal to a foreign power already infiltrated into your ranks.
“..,an ideological gulf started to develop between voters and politicians. Parties were becoming unrepresentative on a range of issues....The only way to resolve this clash was to ask the people to decide once and for all – but this just made the crisis worse, encouraging parts of the political class to declare independence from the voters.”

Beautifully stated and applicable to all the Anglosphere including the US.

I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
Absolutely. Brexit,like trump, was paid for by putin. Seeing as you are such a big fan of brexit perhaps you can share your solution to the Irish border issue ? I know that you dont have one so perhaps you could just stfu while we work through the brexit mess. Fucking cretin.
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
Absolutely. Brexit,like trump, was paid for by putin. Seeing as you are such a big fan of brexit perhaps you can share your solution to the Irish border issue ? I know that you dont have one so perhaps you could just stfu while we work through the brexit mess. Fucking cretin.

It’s been solved. The vote was to leave suckass. I just told you your sophistries won’t save you in end. You are defeated morally in a vote. You are such a fossil you immediately started lying about what kind of border you wanted thinking that still works.
You don’t want a border. You want Brexit stopped. And nobody cares about your fake blubbering over a border.
And I’ll point out that in the end The Conservative elites and Labor elites joined together to stop the people.
Just as Republicans and Democrats here will close ranks against Trump.

The elites have truly declared their independence from the people they govern as Allister said. A post democratic age. We will see what replaces it.
They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
Absolutely. Brexit,like trump, was paid for by putin. Seeing as you are such a big fan of brexit perhaps you can share your solution to the Irish border issue ? I know that you dont have one so perhaps you could just stfu while we work through the brexit mess. Fucking cretin.

It’s been solved. The vote was to leave suckass. I just told you your sophistries won’t save you in end. You are defeated morally in a vote. You are such a fossil you immediately started lying about what kind of border you wanted thinking that still works.
You don’t want a border. You want Brexit stopped. And nobody cares about your fake blubbering over a border.
That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
Absolutely. Brexit,like trump, was paid for by putin. Seeing as you are such a big fan of brexit perhaps you can share your solution to the Irish border issue ? I know that you dont have one so perhaps you could just stfu while we work through the brexit mess. Fucking cretin.

It’s been solved. The vote was to leave suckass. I just told you your sophistries won’t save you in end. You are defeated morally in a vote. You are such a fossil you immediately started lying about what kind of border you wanted thinking that still works.
You don’t want a border. You want Brexit stopped. And nobody cares about your fake blubbering over a border.
He really is that dumb.
They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
Absolutely. Brexit,like trump, was paid for by putin. Seeing as you are such a big fan of brexit perhaps you can share your solution to the Irish border issue ? I know that you dont have one so perhaps you could just stfu while we work through the brexit mess. Fucking cretin.

It’s been solved. The vote was to leave suckass. I just told you your sophistries won’t save you in end. You are defeated morally in a vote. You are such a fossil you immediately started lying about what kind of border you wanted thinking that still works.
You don’t want a border. You want Brexit stopped. And nobody cares about your fake blubbering over a border.
I knew that you didnt have an answer. Dont worry tho. People a lot more educated than you (everybody) struggles with it.
I thought GB already voted itself out of the EU.

Now they are voting again??

They did Claudette much to the dismay of the internationalists, the media and ruling elites. In defiance of the vote their parliament just cancelled Brexit unless the EU agrees. They are smiling in Brussels this morning because they will simply never offer anything but a humiliating agreement.
But I think the backlash will be huge. This should wake people up. We face this on both sides of the Atlantic and the mask is off.
It’s much easier now to explain to people what’s going on.

That's stupid. You mean they want the EU to agree to them leaving?? Good Lord talk about idiotic.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Britain should be Britain and not a lap dog of the EU.
The UK wants to leave on terms that do not totally destroy our economy. We would also like a border agreement that does not lead to a resumption of war in Ireland. Walking away would lead to the destruction of the UK economy and the breaking of the Good Friday Agreement. This would lead to blood on the streets. It is a complex issue and one that the OP is ill equipped to address.

“We are so much smarter than you and must correct these silly quaint notions you have”

Yeah we hear that over here all the time too. You are an old codger who doesn’t realize the times have changed. Sophistry doesn’t work any more on us. Nobody cares *why* any of you think you are right. The argument is over and leave won. Trump won here. And yellow vests are in the streets of France.
And no you wouldn’t “like a border agreement “. You are a liar. You would like to stop Brexit. This is what won’t work anymore on people.
Absolutely. Brexit,like trump, was paid for by putin. Seeing as you are such a big fan of brexit perhaps you can share your solution to the Irish border issue ? I know that you dont have one so perhaps you could just stfu while we work through the brexit mess. Fucking cretin.
Putin did it!!! :laughing0301:

Funny you never mentioned that when the vote happened and I told you that it would never transpire.

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