I took the Moderna shots.

You've picked the wrong cause to argue in court, that the govt is trying to control you and can't make you do something....get a vaccine, in the middle of a pandemic, with hospitals filled to the rim in covid hotspots and over 675,000 unnecessary, additional deaths in just a year and a half, with the previous court decisions ruling vaccine mandates by our govt is not unconstitutional....

This is an argument, you or we, will likely loose when objecting via a suit in court....strengthening the government power over us.... Y'all fighting and being stubborn on this issue, that you will likely lose, tightens the govt noose.... Digging your heels in, on this issue is a lost cause....and it harms you all, and everyone that is catching covid and dying, because you are not vaccinated....''so help me god, no one can force you" crapola on a vaccine that is proven can help get this nation out of this covid
mess we are in, is not a Custard's last stand cause....imo.... that is winnable.

Y'all imo, at least those who are not getting vaccinated for some strange right wing political cause, should just go out and get vaccinated and not force our govt's hand in to having to mandate....

Leaving room for those who honestly and deeply object, to all vaccines, room to not having to get vaccinated.

I guess you're lost

The deplorable CDC has now approved the shots for my young and healthy colleagues. That means the ones with florid anxiety disorders---and I know them---are trotting off to get their third Pfizer shots in about eight months.

They cannot be warned. They just say "safe and effective" over and over like bots.

Okay then.
I had the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine. Felt a little bad later in the day. Took a nap and woke up feeling fine.
It seems anti vax people are the ones that report all the problems. It must be punishment for encouraging others to say no to the vaccine. 680,000 dead in 18 months and adding 2,000 a day. Anyone that says no to the vaccine should be required to spend a day in a covid ward, hopefully without a mask.

"The stupid vaccine doesn't even prevent infection. It's a waste of time. Just get the bug naturally, fight it off and get back on with your life. The Dempanic hype will die down soon enough."
Pete7469 Post #5 Apr 10, 2021 Forum: Military
It occurs to me that had the democrooks failed to stuff enough mail in fraudulent ballots into the proper boxes in Nov 2020 and the legitimate POTUS was still in the WH, bed wetting leftists would be the anti-vax crowd and there would be hundreds of court injunctions filed to stop anyone from getting the vax if they wanted it.

That's not how it went down though. The potato puppet pervert who once was parroting stupid speeches marginalizing the vaccine, is now in spite of all things good and holy actually in the WH and the bed wetters want to force everyone to get vaxxed.

I don't subscribe to the belief that it's part of a NWO endeavor to kill us all. I also don't believe anyone deliberately created Covid, and released it into the world in order to have an outcome of some sort. I absolutely do believe the left and their ministry of agitprop is dedicated to using what amounts to the common cold as a tool to foment hysteria, and manipulate people.

Yeah... it's a BAD FUCKIN COLD. It's lethality is higher than the cold viruses we've suffered with in the past. Yet it's got people acting like the apocalypse is nigh...

The fuckin vax IS NOT stopping infections. Just like flu shots never got rid of the flu, there never was a cure for the common cold, pneumonia, AIDs, athlete's foot or liberalism. I hate to tell you I actually want to jam this into your empty skull bed wetters, YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD. At SOME POINT, maybe decades from now, maybe minutes from now YOU'RE GOING TO DIE. No mask will save you, no seat belt, no tofu or soy products, no vax, no government quack DR like Fraudchi, no meat puppet faggot messiah like obozo and his wookie husband, no laws or all the "free" medical care in the universe is going to alieveiate the fact that you're mortal.

If you assholes spent more time just trying to enjoy your lives rather than fuck with everyone else's you might not suck so much.

I would had advised taking anything but the Moderna. Buddy of mine almost died from it when it made his blood platelet production drop to near zero.

Personally I think the ones made in India (Covaxin and Novavax) will be much safer to use. Their medical authorities probably don’t have the ulterior motives as ones in the West. Plus they are using Ivermectin like crazy which has brought the death rates down to near zero. So they obviously are more concerned with actual health and defeating the virus, not using vaccines to grab more power and take away rights. Unfortunately they aren’t approved by the FDA yet and may not be for several more months or even a year.

the first doctor that died in florida, after the vaccination, died with super low platelets if not 0. Dr Lee merritt has been talking about that.

you can either clot or go the diminished platelet way.
listen: the frontline doctors have been advising against vaccination after covid infection. you get infected, the body recognizes the vaccine RNA and reacts. your first shot, of any brand, then literally becomes your booster shot. the second shot is overkill. I have no idea what a Johnson single shot would do.

check for natural serum antibodies before you consider a vaccination.
In order to keep my job I had to get vaxed. Since the empire pumped me full of God Knows what when joining the army after 9/11 to help kill jihadists I figured this probably won't KILL me, but lemme tell ya sumpin. After the second "booster" within 9 hours I was shivering with a coat on in TX waiting for my shift to be over.

I had the fuckin disease in March. It was a minor cold. Some Vitamin C, Chicken soup in a can, and netflix binge watching Lucifer and in 4 days I was just fine.

The 48+ hours after getting the 2nd "booster" of the Moderna shot was awful. Far worse than the actual fucking cold itself was. On top of the chills and fever, every muscle in my body felt like wet wood. I had insane dreams in the 36 hours I was sleeping. I will not get a 3rd shot. If I have to sue to avoid it I will.

I can not legally articulate how fucking pissed off I am at all of the sniveling, servile, bed wetting, ballot box stuffing, piece of shit leftist parasites that keep this hysterical covid bullshit alive. You malignant mask wearing shit worms should have all been aborted with rusty coat hangers and tossed to starving rats in an inner city back alley.

I did moderna too----and felt like dying for two days after the second shot-----fret not----it is an AMNESTIC response. I was navy---also comprehensively SHOT UP. PS VACCINES IS GOOD
In order to keep my job I had to get vaxed. Since the empire pumped me full of God Knows what when joining the army after 9/11 to help kill jihadists I figured this probably won't KILL me, but lemme tell ya sumpin. After the second "booster" within 9 hours I was shivering with a coat on in TX waiting for my shift to be over.

I had the fuckin disease in March. It was a minor cold. Some Vitamin C, Chicken soup in a can, and netflix binge watching Lucifer and in 4 days I was just fine.

The 48+ hours after getting the 2nd "booster" of the Moderna shot was awful. Far worse than the actual fucking cold itself was. On top of the chills and fever, every muscle in my body felt like wet wood. I had insane dreams in the 36 hours I was sleeping. I will not get a 3rd shot. If I have to sue to avoid it I will.

I can not legally articulate how fucking pissed off I am at all of the sniveling, servile, bed wetting, ballot box stuffing, piece of shit leftist parasites that keep this hysterical covid bullshit alive. You malignant mask wearing shit worms should have all been aborted with rusty coat hangers and tossed to starving rats in an inner city back alley.

I am sorry you were backed into the corner like this. I won't question why you decided to surrender and submit to the left, since this was YOUR decision to make, but we should be clear that you DID surrender. Hopefully you submitted because you saw it as the only way to feed your family. I live by the motto "live free or die", so I will never surrender, so the the only way I get the jab is if it is injected into my cold dead hands. Best of luck with your post jab health, I hope that jab is safe and doesn't interfere with the natural immunity that you have risked.
You caved. Wash it any way you want to, but that's what you did.
This. I have watched many on our side of the aisle surrender or submit to covid, mask, and vaccine culture. Some of us will NEVER surrender though...
In order to keep my job
I did not expect that in the USA they are blackmailed by dismissal, I thought it was only for "third countries" and "developing economies". Is there still real democracy in the US?
I made my decision to get the vaccine based on my age and medical condition. I might have made a different decision had I been in my 20x or 30s. The important fact is I made my own decision and wasn’t forced by my government to get one (at that time).

In my opinion the government is pushing the vaccines too hard which makes people suspicious. Americans have a LONG history of distrusting their government for damn good reason.

We have no idea what the long term effects of these vaccines might be. My doctors told me to quit taking ibuprofen for my back pain a couple of years ago as long term use of that drug can cause a number of issues including chronic kidney disease which I now have. I had been using a prescription does ibuprofen for at least 15 years.

In a free nation you should have the right to decide for yourself what unproven drugs you have put in your body.

That's ok, you do what you think you must.

What I'm saying is that the vaccine is like a Russian Roulette, it affects some and not others

And I do not like to play Russian Roulette with my body.

That's all.
In a free nation you should have the right to decide for yourself what unproven drugs you have put in your b
Actually we do have an idea that the long term sides will be zero. Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unlikely following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine monitoring has historically shown that side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. In fact, the FDA has approved over 80 vaccines in the last 100 years and there has not been one creditable study that shows any of the vaccines caused long term side effects. To understand why long term side effects from vaccines are very unlikely you to need understand a little bit about how vaccines work against viruses.

The first time a person is infected with a virus, it can take several days or weeks for their body to make and use all the germ-fighting tools needed to get over the infection. After the infection, the person’s immune system remembers what it learned about how to protect the body against that disease. When you are vaccinated, the vaccine creates these memory cells. The vaccine and tools it uses disappear from the body within a few weeks, leaving just a memory in the immune system of how to detect the virus and fight it.

You always have the right to say no to the vaccine. However, there may be a cost, such as not being able to go to ball games or concerts, your favorite restaurant, or work in certain jobs. As Spock said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

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Come to my door and try to jab me, I will go out shooting you. Want me in a camp with other unvaxxed? Fine. We will wait til you are all dead, then WE will be ruling the world. Oh. Wait. Those that INSISTED you get jabbed will still be here too because they are getting placebos.
Does anyone really believe that brain damaged pedo Biden got the booster? Not for a second 😂
I did moderna too----and felt like dying for two days after the second shot-----fret not----it is an AMNESTIC response. I was navy---also comprehensively SHOT UP. PS VACCINES IS GOOD

2nd Moderna was worse for me.
About 12 hours later, suddenly cold limbs, convulsive shivering so bad I could not stand.
Threw up every 4 hours the first night.
Fever, headaches, weakness lasted 3 weeks.
Not at all similar to any previous vaccine.

Not a good design.
Here is how CDC site describes mRNA vax.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.

  1. First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. Once the instructions (mRNA) are inside the muscle cells, the cells use them to make the protein piece. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them.
  2. Next, the cell displays the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19.
  3. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection. The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.
That makes no sense.
How can an intramuscular injection enter cells?
Why would we want something programming our own cells to make spike proteins?
How could that ever control dosage, since different people would translate mRNA into spike proteins at different rates?
Why would be want our immune system to trigger on spike proteins our own exosomes have to also use?
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Actually we do have an idea that the long term sides will be zero. Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unlikely following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine monitoring has historically shown that side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. In fact, the FDA has approved over 80 vaccines in the last 100 years and there has not been one creditable study that shows any of the vaccines caused long term side effects. To understand why long term side effects from vaccines are very unlikely you to need understand a little bit about how vaccines work against viruses.

The first time a person is infected with a virus, it can take several days or weeks for their body to make and use all the germ-fighting tools needed to get over the infection. After the infection, the person’s immune system remembers what it learned about how to protect the body against that disease. When you are vaccinated, the vaccine creates these memory cells. The vaccine and tools it uses disappear from the body within a few weeks, leaving just a memory in the immune system of how to detect the virus and fight it.

You always have the right to say no to the vaccine. However, there may be a cost, such as not being able to go to ball games or concerts, your favorite restaurant, or work in certain jobs. As Spock said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Thousands have died from the mRNA vaccines.
Some are the usual antaphylactic shock, Guillain-Barré syndrome, syncope, etc., but the injection can migrate and cause death if it reaches the heart or brain before being attacked by the immune system. But the much larger issue is how dangerous it is to cause the immune system to trigger on just a single spike protein instead of a whole virus. That is extremely unpredictable since our own exosomes have to use that same spike protein for ACE2 receptor access.
Actually we do have an idea that the long term sides will be zero. Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unlikely following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine monitoring has historically shown that side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. In fact, the FDA has approved over 80 vaccines in the last 100 years and there has not been one creditable study that shows any of the vaccines caused long term side effects. To understand why long term side effects from vaccines are very unlikely you to need understand a little bit about how vaccines work against viruses.

The first time a person is infected with a virus, it can take several days or weeks for their body to make and use all the germ-fighting tools needed to get over the infection. After the infection, the person’s immune system remembers what it learned about how to protect the body against that disease. When you are vaccinated, the vaccine creates these memory cells. The vaccine and tools it uses disappear from the body within a few weeks, leaving just a memory in the immune system of how to detect the virus and fight it.

You always have the right to say no to the vaccine. However, there may be a cost, such as not being able to go to ball games or concerts, your favorite restaurant, or work in certain jobs. As Spock said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Except the vaccine appears to be nearly worthless since virual spreading appears to be about the same whether vaccinated or not.

Similar viral load in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant​


So there is no advantage to anyone else if you get vaxed or not.

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