I took the Moderna shots.

If he wanted to keep his job. That's called duress.
He didn't want to take it, because he believes he developed antibodies against covid the first time he had covid, to give him enough antibodies created to stave off severe covid and hospitalization....and he likely had created enough antibodies to keep himself from getting severe covid. He's not against vaccines because they are out to kill us, b.s.

And I personally believe if you can show a recent covid antibody test and show you have enough antibodies, this is in the least equivalent to being vaccinated if not better, and a vaccine should not be required of those who have had the virus already and have solid protection already....but I'm no scientist or doctor or bureaucrat... and my opinion doesn't count!
I had very mild flu-like symptoms after my second Moderna. Just listening to the reactions of others to same, seems like a little more than half had a reaction after second dose.
I had nothing, though.... No reaction at all! Zilch!

Lol - Link on "DNA altering" please. :lol:

He didn't want to take it, because he believes he developed antibodies against covid the first time he had covid, to give him enough antibodies created to stave off severe covid and hospitalization....and he likely had created enough antibodies to keep himself from getting severe covid. He's not against vaccines because they are out to kill us, b.s.

And I personally believe if you can show a recent covid antibody test and show you have enough antibodies, this is in the least equivalent to being vaccinated if not better, and a vaccine should not be required of those who have had the virus already and have solid protection already....but I'm no scientist or doctor or bureaucrat... and my opinion doesn't count!
What part of "if he didn't take it he lost his job", don't you comprehend?

Bombshell Covid Vaccine Recordings – FDA Employee: Feds Need to Create a ‘Nazi-Germany’ Style Registry of Unvaccinated Americans, “Go Door to Door and Stab Everyone” – (Video)​

Project Veritas? :laughing0301:

What part of "if he didn't take it he lost his job", don't you comprehend?
I don't know how I feel about it all.... I have a lot of conflicting thoughts..... Until I work it out with myself, my wishy washy stance is meaningless for anyone else...
He didn't want to take it, because he believes he developed antibodies against covid the first time he had covid, to give him enough antibodies created to stave off severe covid and hospitalization....and he likely had created enough antibodies to keep himself from getting severe covid. He's not against vaccines because they are out to kill us, b.s.

And I personally believe if you can show a recent covid antibody test and show you have enough antibodies, this is in the least equivalent to being vaccinated if not better, and a vaccine should not be required of those who have had the virus already and have solid protection already....but I'm no scientist or doctor or bureaucrat... and my opinion doesn't count!

The antibodies only last about a month.
But that is not where immunity is stored.
It is instead stored in B-cells and T-Cells, which are not possible to test for.
But all research so far shows that recovery immunity is much stronger and much more long lasting then vaccine immunity.
Lol - Link on "DNA altering" please. :lol:

You do not have to alter DNA in order to cause harmful genetic changes.
And the CDC claims these vaccine do enter the human cells and cause the cells to translate the foreign RNA into the cell's structure.

I do not believe the CDC site because I do not believe there is anyway an intramuscular injection can get into cells.
Below is a description of how each type of vaccine prompts our bodies to recognize and protect us from the virus that causes COVID-19. None of these vaccines can give you COVID-19.

  • mRNA vaccines contain material from the virus that causes COVID-19 that gives our cells instructions for how to make a harmless protein that is unique to the virus. After our cells make copies of the protein, they destroy the genetic material from the vaccine. Our bodies recognize that the protein should not be there and build T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes that will remember how to fight the virus that causes COVID-19 if we are infected in the future.

If the CDC site is accurate, then these mRNA vaccines are incredibly stupid, dangerous, and illegal.
Both the flu and COVID shots are considered vaccines. Therapeutics? Where did you get this top secret medical disinformation ... MrPillow or Dr Phil? :rolleyes:

Influenza (flu) vaccines (often called “flu shots”) are vaccines that protect against the four influenza viruses that research indicates most common during the upcoming season. Most flu vaccines are “flu shots” given with a needle, usually in the arm, but there also is also a nasal spray flu vaccine.

I see you got right in line with the CDC's new "revised" definition of a vaccine.

You're a good DemoKKKrat.
And those who get angry at those who refuse? It's fear that they did it themselves and now worry what will happen to them down the road as time goes by with the shit floating around in their bodis. Fear.

I am pissed about this because people I care about DID IT TOO. They knew better, but DID IT ANYWAY. Pisses me off..and saddens me at the same time.
I hope everybody gets hit with a vax mandate for their jobs. And I hope everyone refuses.

Once everyone has nothing else to lose, they will come together and finally stand up to this tyranny.

Pete7469 gave in, but I hope he still joins us when it’s time to make some noise
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I hope everybody gets hit with a vax mandate for their jobs. And I hope everyone refuses.

Once everyone has nothing else to lose, they will come together and finally stand up to this tyranny.

Pete7469 gave in, but I hope he still joins us when it’s time to make some noise
I was shouting down that echo chamber before 30 million sperm failed to beat the one that ended up as you.
In order to keep my job I had to get vaxed. Since the empire pumped me full of God Knows what when joining the army after 9/11 to help kill jihadists I figured this probably won't KILL me, but lemme tell ya sumpin. After the second "booster" within 9 hours I was shivering with a coat on in TX waiting for my shift to be over.

I had the fuckin disease in March. It was a minor cold. Some Vitamin C, Chicken soup in a can, and netflix binge watching Lucifer and in 4 days I was just fine.

The 48+ hours after getting the 2nd "booster" of the Moderna shot was awful. Far worse than the actual fucking cold itself was. On top of the chills and fever, every muscle in my body felt like wet wood. I had insane dreams in the 36 hours I was sleeping. I will not get a 3rd shot. If I have to sue to avoid it I will.

I can not legally articulate how fucking pissed off I am at all of the sniveling, servile, bed wetting, ballot box stuffing, piece of shit leftist parasites that keep this hysterical covid bullshit alive. You malignant mask wearing shit worms should have all been aborted with rusty coat hangers and tossed to starving rats in an inner city back alley.

I would had advised taking anything but the Moderna. Buddy of mine almost died from it when it made his blood platelet production drop to near zero.

Personally I think the ones made in India (Covaxin and Novavax) will be much safer to use. Their medical authorities probably don’t have the ulterior motives as ones in the West. Plus they are using Ivermectin like crazy which has brought the death rates down to near zero. So they obviously are more concerned with actual health and defeating the virus, not using vaccines to grab more power and take away rights. Unfortunately they aren’t approved by the FDA yet and may not be for several more months or even a year.
And I personally believe if you can show a recent covid antibody test and show you have enough antibodies, this is in the least equivalent to being vaccinated if not better, and a vaccine should not be required of those who have had the virus already and have solid protection already....but
But you’re an idiot who believes the state over your own intuition and education. Of course the natural antibodies from having the WuFlu are better than any vaccine. No actual virologist would disagree with that, at least not before WuFlu when medical opinions were based on science.

The Biden admin doesn’t care about anyone’s health, otherwise they would had a provision from those previously infected. Instead it’s all about obeying the state and punishing those who don’t. It’s all about power and tyranny so those these fascists, and idiots like you who enable them.
Thanks Pete :finger3:

Fuck you.

I don't mean just a regular "fuck you" like I would say to some leftist hag that gave me shit about not wearing a face diaper. I mean the sort of fuck you Tokyo got in March 1945.

I hold maggots in far greater esteem than parasites like you. I do not oppose abortion because I am convinced genetic disasters like you wouldn't exist to steal our oxygen if the bottom rung of society and vacuous whores all had malignancies like you yanked out and tossed into dumpsters. Every time you inhale a misdemeanor crime of theft occurs and should be prosecuted. Your shit literally contributes more to the planet than you could ever hope to do. If you cured cancer, liberated the people of North Korea then you might be slightly less of a piece of shit than Epstein was. The depth of contempt I have for malignancies like you can not be measured. You soulless jabbering retards only exist to test the rest of us from violating the 4th Commandment.

The deepest pits of hell and all the demons with eternity to work with could not cause you enough suffering. I can only take solace in knowing that bed wetting pieces of shit like you are constantly miserable, that's why you exist. To spread misery, create hatred where none was prior to your repugnant presence. I'll bet babies cry when they see you. Plants start to die when you enter a room. Cats arch their backs an run away when you enter a house and flies won't even land on you.

And that is the part that is illegal.
You can't legally mandate a vaccine.
Actually, yes the govt can mandate a vaccine.... Our govt also mandates them for all children entering school... Every court case on it, ended with the courts ruling vaccine mandates by our govt are not unconstitutional.

There may be an issue on State govt vs federal govt, but the courts have ruled our government CAN mandate vaccines.
Actually, yes the govt can mandate a vaccine.... Our govt also mandates them for all children entering school... Every court case on it, ended with the courts ruling vaccine mandates by our govt are not unconstitutional.

There may be an issue on State govt vs federal govt, but the courts have ruled our government CAN mandate vaccines.

Public school is a choice.

A very poor choice, of course, but it's still a choice.

Fuck you.

I don't mean just a regular "fuck you" like I would say to some leftist hag that gave me shit about not wearing a face diaper. I mean the sort of fuck you Tokyo got in March 1945.

I hold maggots in far greater esteem than parasites like you. I do not oppose abortion because I am convinced genetic disasters like you wouldn't exist to steal our oxygen if the bottom rung of society and vacuous whores all had malignancies like you yanked out and tossed into dumpsters. Every time you inhale a misdemeanor crime of theft occurs and should be prosecuted. Your shit literally contributes more to the planet than you could ever hope to do. If you cured cancer, liberated the people of North Korea then you might be slightly less of a piece of shit than Epstein was. The depth of contempt I have for malignancies like you can not be measured. You soulless jabbering retards only exist to test the rest of us from violating the 4th Commandment.

The deepest pits of hell and all the demons with eternity to work with could not cause you enough suffering. I can only take solace in knowing that bed wetting pieces of shit like you are constantly miserable, that's why you exist. To spread misery, create hatred where none was prior to your repugnant presence. I'll bet babies cry when they see you. Plants start to die when you enter a room. Cats arch their backs an run away when you enter a house and flies won't even land on you.

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Fuck you back Peter Peter asshole eater! :lol:


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