I totally support this person saying the n-word, in this situation.

Blacks have their own special word that only they can say...doesn't anyone find that strange in a free nation?....
People, anyone can say anything. Unless they've got a soundproof gag on you, they can't stop you. Now, what happens after you say stuff, I don't know. That could deserve some thought.

The N-word is too dangerous for me. However, I think it's important not to let people steal more and more and more of our words away from us ---- "You can't say that!" I can and I just did.
When I was at school we were taught that "negro" was the polite term to use.
Language always shifts.
I call it euphemism drift. Now they've got newspapers actually capitalizing black!! But not capitalizing white. Something very wrong there.

The greater the problem with what is being referred to, the faster the word for them shifts. The words for blacks are spinning like tops now.
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Now the colored folks not only want to be the ones who say it, but they want you to forget that others have said it in the past.

Stupid monkey fucks...
In the movie "The Patriot", Benjamin Martin, played by Mel Gibson, is in a tavern signing up men for the militia. An old man walks up, smokin' a pipe and, after explaining how he's too old to fight himself, looks at Martin and says "But you can have my niggra'..."

I watched that movie once with my cousin (who's a liberal) and she got all upset, whining about how "racist" it was. She actually said they should've used the words "African American".

I then explained the importance of context. In the 1770's, they called them "niggras" or "colored" or "negro". It would've been silly to change that in a period piece.

So, too, would it have been silly to change that when quoting someone. After all, if you change what they said, you're no longer quoting them...
Let's do BLACK FACE------(it is easy-----burn the end of a cork----NOT THE
In the movie "The Patriot", Benjamin Martin, played by Mel Gibson, is in a tavern signing up men for the militia. An old man walks up, smokin' a pipe and, after explaining how he's too old to fight himself, looks at Martin and says "But you can have my niggra'..."

I watched that movie once with my cousin (who's a liberal) and she got all upset, whining about how "racist" it was. She actually said they should've used the words "African American".

I then explained the importance of context. In the 1770's, they called them "niggras" or "colored" or "negro". It would've been silly to change that in a period piece.

So, too, would it have been silly to change that when quoting someone. After all, if you change what they said, you're no longer quoting them...
That's how ignorant the politically correct sheep are. They'll even ban great works of American literature simply for not being politically correct.
Anyone can say it as long as you’re prepared for the consequences.
Color me shocked ;) Growing up in the south, in the 60s, I said it almost as often as rap artists do today... almost. That was a time where real racism existed and it was UGLY. The crying and complaining today would make MLK ashamed of the youth who engage in it.
FTR, most of the people I know today would disassociate themselves, even from family, that used the word in a hateful or demeaning way.
That said, it is a personal CHOICE. No one tells me which words or expressions are "illegal". As for consequences, life is full of them. Like the saying goes - you pays your money and you takes your chances.
But back in the 60's -- when you were saying the n-word daily...you hated MLK and called him a communist trouble maker...

You wouldn't know shit about what MLK would be ashamed of.....
HAHAHA, says the guy who wasn't born until 12 years after MLK was assassinated. Take it down the road whistle britches. You don't know shit.
Why are the least educated, least articulate, and least accomplished among us, being allowed to dictate how our language is used?

Remember the white guy who was fired for using the word "niggardly' during a meeting? Some ignorant blacks whined about it, yet the ignorant fucks had no clue what the word meant, or that it had been in wide use for many centuries.
Why are the least educated, least articulate, and least accomplished among us, being allowed to dictate how our language is used?

Remember the white guy who was fired for using the word "niggardly' during a meeting? Some ignorant blacks whined about it, yet the ignorant fucks had no clue what the word meant, or that it had been in wide use for many centuries.
I remember that. Ignorance is costly and detrimental to democracy.

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