"I’ve been made the poster child for the failure of the stimulus program"


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The U.S. Department of Energy — aiming to reduce greenhouse emissions, create green jobs and help low-income households cut their energy bills — allocated $118.8 million for New Jersey to weatherize almost 13,400 homes by March 2012. So far, only 2,157 homes have been reported finished and there are about 7,000 eligible households on a waiting list.

• Sabree and some weatherization agency leaders said restrictive policies have scared off veteran contractors, leaving inexperienced workers who do shoddy work on some projects. At one residential building, a contractor only weather-stripped the bottom half of more than 100 windows, Sabree said.

• Although the stimulus program was designed to put people to work, a state-run training program that has spent more than $1 million was suspended because graduates aren’t finding jobs. Only seven out of 225 received weatherization work, and some of that isn’t permanent employment.

After the hearing, Sabree was suspended without pay.

"I’ve been made the poster child for the failure of the stimulus program," she said

State mismanagement of U.S.-funded weatherization program is worse than previously thought | NJ.com

$118 million. 7 "green jobs". Way to go. :evil:

Maybe we need some more stimulus, eh?
Doubtless the same thing is occurring everywhere. Where is this money going? Mayhaps time for the FBI to get it in gear.

This week a Texas news organization reports serious problems in the workmanship of more than half of the weatherization jobs recently performed in the state. The flawed projects have so far cost taxpayers $22.3 million and were performed by a Houston nonprofit that refuses to reveal the locations of the homes it has weatherized with federal stimulus dollars.

Additionally, the so-called community group (Sheltering Arms Senior Services of Houston) illegally spent nearly half of its federal funding on administrative costs even though the legal limit is 5%. In dozens of cases the work could not be documented and in at least 33 of 53 cases, corrections must be made—at taxpayer expense—because the work was done incorrectly.

More Fraud In Stimulus-Funded Weatherization Program | Judicial Watch

In Wisconsin a nonprofit called La Casa de Esperanza (The House of Hope) got nearly $20 million to weatherize homes in three counties but instead has spent some of the money on gift cards for its employees, Christmas decorations, Halloween candy and to pay parking tickets, according to a Milwaukee newspaper report.

Additionally, the husband of a charity employee illegally got $10,000 worth of U.S. taxpayer-financed work on his home and much of the weatherization done on houses that actually qualified was faulty or didn’t meet the federal standards. In all, Wisconsin is getting $141.5 million in stimulus funds for its weatherization projects.

Fraud-Infested Weatherization Program Gets Billions | Judicial Watch

Tens of millions of taxpayer dollars have so far been lost because there’s virtually no oversight of the $5 billion program which is largely managed by “community groups.” The U.S. Department of Energy distributes the cash to local charities across the country that turn around and subcontract companies—usually their buddies—to do the actual work. The idea is to make the homes of poor folks more efficient by offering them free insulation, sealing and even new central heating and cooling systems compliments of Uncle Sam.

In Biden’s home state of Delaware, the weatherization program got a $13.7 million stimulus infusion but state officials were forced to put it on hold a few months ago after a federal audit discovered serious corruption problems. The probe found “gross mismanagement” and fraudulent activity that includes contractors getting paid for work that was never done. No word on when the state will be allowed to resume weatherizing.

Ignoring reality, Biden never the less praised weatherization as “one of our signature programs” under the monstrous $787 billion stimulus law, claiming that thousands of workers across the country are on the job making energy-saving home improvements that will save working families hundreds of dollars a year on utility bills..

Biden Touts Corrupt Welfare Program As Stimulus Triumph | Judicial Watch
It is amusing seeing all the whining about spending and when the Gubmint gets more carefull the same people whine about THAT!

Apparantly some of you believe you can have it both ways. :lol:
Here in Maine the weatherization program seems to be going swimmingly.

I personally know of at least three families whose homes have been weatherized in my town of 1000 homes.

Now that doesn't seem like many, but remember these are just the people who I personally KNOW.
It is amusing seeing all the whining about spending and when the Gubmint gets more carefull the same people whine about THAT!

Apparantly some of you believe you can have it both ways. :lol:
Who's whining about the government being more careful?

And where is the government BEING more careful? :confused:
We bought our home in 1980, during the Carter Administration. Our home was built in 1968 and did not have any insulation. PG&E came in and did an audit and approved wall and ceiling insulation (but not floor). PG&E paid upfront for our walls and ceiling to be insulated and we paid them back, interest free, at $17 per month for five years.
My point is, the idea is a good one, we have saved energy for over 30 years as well as money. Suggesting the stimulus program is a faiure today by pointing out several (likely criminal) examples does not tell the whole story.
Much like medicare fraud, employee theft, worker's comp fraud and retail theft, $$$ billions of dollars are wasted in our country. When Wall Street Bankers and member of Congress wantonly steal (legally and otherwise) the example is set. Why should I, or you, behave honestly when those in power do not?
Good for ME editec. But why should the people in FL have to subsidize the heating bills of people in ME? Or line the pockets of crooks in NJ? The purpose of the stimulus was to "stimulate" job growth. Not to create govt jobs and provide entitlements. Or maybe it was...Maybe Mr. Biden was just being honest.
Good for ME editec. But why should the people in FL have to subsidize the heating bills of people in ME? Or line the pockets of crooks in NJ? The purpose of the stimulus was to "stimulate" job growth. Not to create govt jobs and provide entitlements. Or maybe it was...Maybe Mr. Biden was just being honest.

Maybe a bit off topic but worth considering is this article from 1985:

"Budget Director David Stockman said it first when he unveiled the Administration's proposals for radical cuts in domestic spending. Treasury Secretary James Baker picked up the refrain in Senate testimony. But no one has voiced the argument against federal revenue sharing more often or more forcefully than Ronald Reagan. He said it again last week when he met with the National Governors' Association at the White House: "There's simply no justification for the Federal Government, which is running a deficit, to be borrowing money to be spent by state and local governments, some of which are now running surpluses."

"As with so many of the President's sweeping pronouncements, his comparison of federal and state finances contained much appeal, some merit and considerable oversimplification. To be sure, the federal red ink is overflowing. The Congressional Budget Office predicted last week that even if the President gets all the spending cuts he wants, which seems highly unlikely, deficits will average about $185 billion a year for the next five years, rather than declining to $144 billion by 1988, as the Administration projects."

Read more: The Drive to Kill Revenue Sharing - TIME

Funny isn't it, when one goes to original sources how history changes.
Here in Maine the weatherization program seems to be going swimmingly.

I personally know of at least three families whose homes have been weatherized in my town of 1000 homes.

Now that doesn't seem like many, but remember these are just the people who I personally KNOW.

They wouldn't need to program if they built the house to be weatherized in the first place.

Build them out of stone and steel instead of wood frame and vinyl siding.
On one hand the Green people are going nuts telling us we need to weatherize our homes to save energy.
Then they go across the street and yell at everyone because their actions are causing the temperatures to go above record levels......huh?
Good for ME editec. But why should the people in FL have to subsidize the heating bills of people in ME?

For the same reason that the people of Maine subsidize the clean up after hurricanes in FLA?

For the same reason that the people of everywhere else in America help other parts of the nation when the need arises?

Because we live in a civilized society which understands that the whole is greater than sum of the parts?

Or line the pockets of crooks in NJ? The purpose of the stimulus was to "stimulate" job growth. Not to create govt jobs and provide entitlements. Or maybe it was...Maybe Mr. Biden was just being honest.

I'm obviously not advocating wasting stimulus money.

I am, however, pointing out the benefit of spending it wisely.

And helping those whose homes are not well insulated really does help all of us in the long run.

It even helps the people of FLA, when the people of Maine aren't wasting oil.

That makes the energy costs you people have to spend keeping cool in the summer less, doesn't it?

And FWIW, I also think that the money invested in making people's home more energy efficient ought to go to helping the good people of FLA insulate their homes against the heat.
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Good for ME editec. But why should the people in FL have to subsidize the heating bills of people in ME? Or line the pockets of crooks in NJ? The purpose of the stimulus was to "stimulate" job growth. Not to create govt jobs and provide entitlements. Or maybe it was...Maybe Mr. Biden was just being honest.

Speaking only as a Floridian, we are NOT subsidizing anyone's heating bills! (At least not in the context of this thread.)

We're helping our northern brethren batten down the hatches and get set for winter.

Similar to the help we got in '04 with Jeanne & Francis

Hurricane Jeanne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hurricane Frances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for that, by the way.
Good for ME editec. But why should the people in FL have to subsidize the heating bills of people in ME?

For the same reason that the people of Maine subsidize the clean up after hurricanes in FLA?

For the same reason that the people of everywhere else in America help other parts of the nation when the need arises?

Because we live in a civilized society which understands that the whole is greater than sum of the parts?

Or line the pockets of crooks in NJ? The purpose of the stimulus was to "stimulate" job growth. Not to create govt jobs and provide entitlements. Or maybe it was...Maybe Mr. Biden was just being honest.

I'm obviously not advocating wasting stimulus money.

I am, however, pointing out the benefit of spending it wisely.

And helping those whose homes are not well insulated really does help all of us in the long run.

It even helps the people of FLA, when the people of Maine aren't wasting oil.

That makes the energy costs you people have to spend keeping cool in the summer less, doesn't it?

And FWIW, I also think that the money invested in making people's home more energy efficient ought to go to helping the good people of FLA insulate their homes against the heat.

Great minds, eh Bro'?
Speaking as a Floridian who lives and works in the shadow of a nuclear generating plant, I don't loose a moments sleep (at least regarding global warming*) when I turn on my AC in the summer.

*( :eusa_shhh: Don't tell Chris! )​
We bought our home in 1980, during the Carter Administration. Our home was built in 1968 and did not have any insulation. PG&E came in and did an audit and approved wall and ceiling insulation (but not floor). PG&E paid upfront for our walls and ceiling to be insulated and we paid them back, interest free, at $17 per month for five years.
My point is, the idea is a good one, we have saved energy for over 30 years as well as money. Suggesting the stimulus program is a faiure today by pointing out several (likely criminal) examples does not tell the whole story.
Much like medicare fraud, employee theft, worker's comp fraud and retail theft, $$$ billions of dollars are wasted in our country. When Wall Street Bankers and member of Congress wantonly steal (legally and otherwise) the example is set. Why should I, or you, behave honestly when those in power do not?

Another believer in the power of good intentions. It doesn't matter whether a program will actually achieve what it's supposed to for a reasonable cost. As long as the objective is noble, that is all that counts.
The stimulus program is the biggest waste of taxpayer money since the rebuilding of New Orleans. If it were a Republican in office you would be screaming about fraud, cozy deals, payoffs and the usual crap you scream about.
We bought our home in 1980, during the Carter Administration. Our home was built in 1968 and did not have any insulation. PG&E came in and did an audit and approved wall and ceiling insulation (but not floor). PG&E paid upfront for our walls and ceiling to be insulated and we paid them back, interest free, at $17 per month for five years.
My point is, the idea is a good one, we have saved energy for over 30 years as well as money. Suggesting the stimulus program is a faiure today by pointing out several (likely criminal) examples does not tell the whole story.
Much like medicare fraud, employee theft, worker's comp fraud and retail theft, $$$ billions of dollars are wasted in our country. When Wall Street Bankers and member of Congress wantonly steal (legally and otherwise) the example is set. Why should I, or you, behave honestly when those in power do not?

Another believer in the power of good intentions. It doesn't matter whether a program will actually achieve what it's supposed to for a reasonable cost. As long as the objective is noble, that is all that counts.
The stimulus program is the biggest waste of taxpayer money since the rebuilding of New Orleans. If it were a Republican in office you would be screaming about fraud, cozy deals, payoffs and the usual crap you scream about.

Rabbi, you are the Queen of Logical Fallacies. Straw Man extraordinaire, and missed the point entirely.
If you were a Republican in office, I would relish the certainty that the party of Lincoln was on a slippery slope to demise.
We bought our home in 1980, during the Carter Administration. Our home was built in 1968 and did not have any insulation. PG&E came in and did an audit and approved wall and ceiling insulation (but not floor). PG&E paid upfront for our walls and ceiling to be insulated and we paid them back, interest free, at $17 per month for five years.
My point is, the idea is a good one, we have saved energy for over 30 years as well as money. Suggesting the stimulus program is a faiure today by pointing out several (likely criminal) examples does not tell the whole story.
Much like medicare fraud, employee theft, worker's comp fraud and retail theft, $$$ billions of dollars are wasted in our country. When Wall Street Bankers and member of Congress wantonly steal (legally and otherwise) the example is set. Why should I, or you, behave honestly when those in power do not?

Another believer in the power of good intentions. It doesn't matter whether a program will actually achieve what it's supposed to for a reasonable cost. As long as the objective is noble, that is all that counts.
The stimulus program is the biggest waste of taxpayer money since the rebuilding of New Orleans. If it were a Republican in office you would be screaming about fraud, cozy deals, payoffs and the usual crap you scream about.

Rabbi, you are the Queen of Logical Fallacies. Straw Man extraordinaire, and missed the point entirely.
If you were a Republican in office, I would relish the certainty that the party of Lincoln was on a slippery slope to demise.

Translation: Yes, I don't know what I'm talking about. I base my whole opinion on what I personally experience. Obama is god. You want to do lunch?

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