I wanna challenge everyone to read the entire Bible this year

I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)
Read it as a kid and as a teen. Determined it was crap then and haven't changed my mind since.
Free yourself from the primitive superstitious nonsense.
Faith is a product of maturity. I would give it another go.
I'm not sure you understood, the Triumph of Good vs Evil is not for only individuals, it will be the Final Day of Judgement when all humanity alive becomes one or the other where there is an ending or Admission to the Everlasting.
Which is a matter so complicated only God can make those individual determinations.
I don't know how many evil people have been reincarnated and rectified the horrors of a prior lifetime.
Which is a matter so complicated only God can make those individual determinations. I don't know how many evil people have been reincarnated and rectified the horrors of a prior lifetime.

that isn't what was being discussed, the assent of humanity.
And THAT'S the difference between spending a lifetime learning God's blueprint and reading TNT.
You are insinuating that God is SIMPLE and that His ways of discerning the merits of humans is SIMPLE.
Such is NOT the case.
And THAT'S the difference between spending a lifetime learning God's blueprint and reading TNT.
You are insinuating that God is SIMPLE and that His ways of discerning the merits of humans is SIMPLE.
Such is NOT the case.

Garden Earth is the literature of the Almighty maybe your book or theres can help ... from it the religion of the Almighty is there for you to find - The Triumph of Good vs Evil, that's all there is. for Spiritual Admission to the Everlasting.
Once again...in English.
Once again...in English.

funny how that is explained in your book ...
Hebrew doesn't have any exclusive right to figurative language. In fact people of every language and culture have been using figurative speech ever since people could talk.

Anyone who understands basic literary techniques, metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., has enough of an education to find the hidden teachings in both the Torah and the Gospels even if they only know English.

Thats just about everyone who made it past the second grade...

The implications of a talking serpent translates perfectly into the exact same thing in every language. Comparing people to animals to praise or insult is universal vernacular that all people know before they ever go to school or learn how to read..

A person will either apply their mind to understand by thinking deeply or they won't.

Its a matter of will, not intelligence.

Oh really? your ancestors didn't covertly codify separation from irrational people by concealing the subjects of refrain in a menu?

You really believe that a person can become holy or defiled by eating or refraining from certain foods?

A talking serpent in genesis is some mystical mystery that only a very few select people can comprehend and has nothing whatever to do with the command in kosher law to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Comparing other people to animals according to their defining attributes to either praise or insult is not universal vernacular shared by people of every language ever since people could talk?

Sorry, I must have mistaken you for a rational person....
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.

Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?
No joke...do it or concede.
As for your "hidden" knowledge, it's hidden from the non-Jews.
I'll post the verse from Psalms when I get home.

lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who kept it hidden from the public to use their ignorance of it to their personal advantage depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.
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Oh really? your ancestors didn't covertly codify separation from irrational people by concealing the subjects of refrain in a menu?

You really believe that a person can become holy or defiled by eating or refraining from certain foods?

A talking serpent in genesis is some mystical mystery that only a very few select people can comprehend and has nothing whatever to do with the command in kosher law to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Comparing other people to animals according to their defining attributes to either praise or insult is not universal vernacular shared by people of every language ever since people could talk?

Sorry, I must have mistaken you for a rational person....
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.

Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?
No joke...do it or concede.
As for your "hidden" knowledge, it's hidden from the non-Jews.
I'll post the verse from Psalms when I get home.

lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
Oh really? your ancestors didn't covertly codify separation from irrational people by concealing the subjects of refrain in a menu?

You really believe that a person can become holy or defiled by eating or refraining from certain foods?

A talking serpent in genesis is some mystical mystery that only a very few select people can comprehend and has nothing whatever to do with the command in kosher law to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Comparing other people to animals according to their defining attributes to either praise or insult is not universal vernacular shared by people of every language ever since people could talk?

Sorry, I must have mistaken you for a rational person....
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.

Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?
No joke...do it or concede.
As for your "hidden" knowledge, it's hidden from the non-Jews.
I'll post the verse from Psalms when I get home.

lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
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I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)

As an avid reader who has wanted to do just that I havent been able to fit it in.
While i do identify with being Christian I'm not devote by any means.
Is the Bible you're suggesting the most modern version?
Because I do have a problem with attention span when they start speaking about thous and thees.
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.

Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?
No joke...do it or concede.
As for your "hidden" knowledge, it's hidden from the non-Jews.
I'll post the verse from Psalms when I get home.

lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews can trace their history back to Adam.
Christianity just popped up out of a 1st millenimu void.

Your biggest problem is that noone left behind more reading material than Jews.
You just don't want to read it.
Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?
No joke...do it or concede.
As for your "hidden" knowledge, it's hidden from the non-Jews.
I'll post the verse from Psalms when I get home.

lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews can trace their history back to Adam.
Christianity just popped up out of a 1st millenimu void.

Your biggest problem is that noone left behind more reading material than Jews.
You just don't want to read it.

Jews can trace their history back to Adam? lol, thats nothing to boast about. Adam was returned to the scum of the earth from which he came, banned from eden and condemned to live out the rest of his days by the sweat of his brow, his gullible and defiled mind only capable of producing thorns and thistles.

You might as well be claiming to trace your history back to once upon a time when there was a boy who cried wolf.

Would you read any of the volumes of written material that explains how one unequalled God is really three coequal persons and edible?

I should read about how God is really some essence or merely life personified and the story of creation is about the creation of the material world when I already know what the truth is?

Surely you jest. Are you trying to tempt me?

Didn't you know that it is a divine command to stand guard over the purity of your own mind?
No joke...do it or concede.
As for your "hidden" knowledge, it's hidden from the non-Jews.
I'll post the verse from Psalms when I get home.

lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews can trace their history back to Adam.
Christianity just popped up out of a 1st millenimu void.

Your biggest problem is that noone left behind more reading material than Jews.
You just don't want to read it.

Jews can trace their history back to Adam? lol, thats nothing to boast about. Adam was returned to the scum of the earth from which he came, banned from eden and condemned to live out the rest of his days by the sweat of his brow, his gullible and defiled mind only capable of producing thorns and thistles.

You might as well be claiming to trace your history back to once upon a time when there was a boy who cried wolf.

Would you read any of the volumes of written material that explains how one unequalled God is really three coequal persons and edible?

I should read about how God is really some essence or merely life personified and the story of creation is about the creation of the material world when I already know what the truth is?

Surely you jest. Are you trying to tempt me?

Didn't you know that it is a divine command to stand guard over the purity of your own mind?
I've read TNT 6 times...pure nonsense.
lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews can trace their history back to Adam.
Christianity just popped up out of a 1st millenimu void.

Your biggest problem is that noone left behind more reading material than Jews.
You just don't want to read it.

Jews can trace their history back to Adam? lol, thats nothing to boast about. Adam was returned to the scum of the earth from which he came, banned from eden and condemned to live out the rest of his days by the sweat of his brow, his gullible and defiled mind only capable of producing thorns and thistles.

You might as well be claiming to trace your history back to once upon a time when there was a boy who cried wolf.

Would you read any of the volumes of written material that explains how one unequalled God is really three coequal persons and edible?

I should read about how God is really some essence or merely life personified and the story of creation is about the creation of the material world when I already know what the truth is?

Surely you jest. Are you trying to tempt me?

Didn't you know that it is a divine command to stand guard over the purity of your own mind?
I've read TNT 6 times...pure nonsense.

Of course it is pure nonsense if you do not think deeply enough to see the secret teaching hidden by using an intelligent approach to understanding fantastical stories.

What is your stand on Elijah calling fire down from the sky or Elisha parting the Jordan with his cloak? Eve being formed by Adams rib?

Pure nonsense?

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
lol..do what or concede what? No matter how you translate "in the beginning" it amounts to "once upon a time." Nothing too deep or mystical about that for any second grade child to understand.

And yes knowledge has been hidden from non Jews but it was also traditionally hidden from even uninitiated Jews as well. This is what Jesus was arguing about when he said that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.The law was given to be a light to the nations, not some private gift from God to a select few Jews alone who used it to their personal advantage, depriving the nation of Israel and every kingdom of the world of their birthright..

And, BTW, if you think that kosher law is about what one can or cannot serve and eat for dinner, or that the story of the creation of heaven and earth is about the creation of the universe or the solar system, the teachings of the Torah remain hidden from you.

Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews can trace their history back to Adam.
Christianity just popped up out of a 1st millenimu void.

Your biggest problem is that noone left behind more reading material than Jews.
You just don't want to read it.

Jews can trace their history back to Adam? lol, thats nothing to boast about. Adam was returned to the scum of the earth from which he came, banned from eden and condemned to live out the rest of his days by the sweat of his brow, his gullible and defiled mind only capable of producing thorns and thistles.

You might as well be claiming to trace your history back to once upon a time when there was a boy who cried wolf.

Would you read any of the volumes of written material that explains how one unequalled God is really three coequal persons and edible?

I should read about how God is really some essence or merely life personified and the story of creation is about the creation of the material world when I already know what the truth is?

Surely you jest. Are you trying to tempt me?

Didn't you know that it is a divine command to stand guard over the purity of your own mind?
I've read TNT 6 times...pure nonsense.
I think he agrees with you on that, but I am not certain. He is a bit secretive.
Every Command has a deeper lesson to learn.
Ceasing the performance of the Commandments leads to not knowing what they are in the first place leads to not delving into their inner meaning.
Then you start murdering people for not "believing" a guy was crucified because, what the heck, you're going burn in Hell forever anyway!
Yeah, that idea worked out real well.
Another factor is that a "Holy" book that provides no reason to read or study it is simply not read, and definitely not studied..
If by some miracle a devout Christian suddenly realized that the ascension of Jesus never had anything to do with Jesus floating up into the sky, is there any reason or is it even possible for them to continue to believe that Jesus floated up into the sky?

By that same token, if a devout Jew suddenly realized that kosher law was never about what one can or cannot eat for meals, should they continue to believe that bacon can defile and make them unclean?

If a person ever learned the righteous interpretation and application of the law should they keep it secret and continue to teach their children the wrong way to understand and comply with the law?
The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews can trace their history back to Adam.
Christianity just popped up out of a 1st millenimu void.

Your biggest problem is that noone left behind more reading material than Jews.
You just don't want to read it.

Jews can trace their history back to Adam? lol, thats nothing to boast about. Adam was returned to the scum of the earth from which he came, banned from eden and condemned to live out the rest of his days by the sweat of his brow, his gullible and defiled mind only capable of producing thorns and thistles.

You might as well be claiming to trace your history back to once upon a time when there was a boy who cried wolf.

Would you read any of the volumes of written material that explains how one unequalled God is really three coequal persons and edible?

I should read about how God is really some essence or merely life personified and the story of creation is about the creation of the material world when I already know what the truth is?

Surely you jest. Are you trying to tempt me?

Didn't you know that it is a divine command to stand guard over the purity of your own mind?
I've read TNT 6 times...pure nonsense.

Of course it is pure nonsense if you do not think deeply enough to see the secret teaching hidden by using an intelligent approach to understanding fantastical stories.

What is your stand on Elijah calling fire down from the sky or Elisha parting the Jordan with his cloak? Eve being formed by Adams rib?

Pure nonsense?

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
I guess it depends on whether or not you actually study the context of the times in which they lived, not to mention the fact that it took Eliyahu and Elisha 80 years to garner reputations as men of God.

How do you feel about a man inserting his penis in a woman's vagina, ejaculating sticky white fluid into her and she conceives and delivers a baby several hundred times the size of her vaginal opening without being ripped apart?
I guess it depends on whether or not you actually study the context of the times in which they lived, not to mention the fact that it took Eliyahu and Elisha 80 years to garner reputations as men of God.

However long it took other people to acknowledge that they were men of God the fact of importance is that no one however old ever changed the course of a flowing river by striking its waters with a shirt.

Either the story is pure nonsense or there is a hidden meaning not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

Why would the gospels, first spread by Jews about a Jew, not have been written in the exact same way?

It even clearly says so. The authors could not have been more obvious.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Can you dig it?
I guess it depends on whether or not you actually study the context of the times in which they lived, not to mention the fact that it took Eliyahu and Elisha 80 years to garner reputations as men of God.

However long it took other people to acknowledge that they were men of God the fact of importance is that no one however old ever changed the course of a flowing river by striking its waters with a shirt.

Either the story is pure nonsense or there is a hidden meaning not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

Why would the gospels, first spread by Jews about a Jew, not have been written in the exact same way?

It even clearly says so.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Can you dig it?
You lack of research and study is glaring.
I guess it depends on whether or not you actually study the context of the times in which they lived, not to mention the fact that it took Eliyahu and Elisha 80 years to garner reputations as men of God.

However long it took other people to acknowledge that they were men of God the fact of importance is that no one however old ever changed the course of a flowing river by striking its waters with a shirt.

Either the story is pure nonsense or there is a hidden meaning not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

Why would the gospels, first spread by Jews about a Jew, not have been written in the exact same way?

It even clearly says so.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Can you dig it?
You lack of research and study is glaring.

Your inability to see what is right in front of your nose is astonishing.
I guess it depends on whether or not you actually study the context of the times in which they lived, not to mention the fact that it took Eliyahu and Elisha 80 years to garner reputations as men of God.

However long it took other people to acknowledge that they were men of God the fact of importance is that no one however old ever changed the course of a flowing river by striking its waters with a shirt.

Either the story is pure nonsense or there is a hidden meaning not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

Why would the gospels, first spread by Jews about a Jew, not have been written in the exact same way?

It even clearly says so.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Can you dig it?
You lack of research and study is glaring.

Your inability to see what is right in front of your nose is astonishing.
Uh huh.

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