I wanna challenge everyone to read the entire Bible this year

Oh really? your ancestors didn't covertly codify separation from irrational people by concealing the subjects of refrain in a menu?

You really believe that a person can become holy or defiled by eating or refraining from certain foods?

A talking serpent in genesis is some mystical mystery that only a very few select people can comprehend and has nothing whatever to do with the command in kosher law to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Comparing other people to animals according to their defining attributes to either praise or insult is not universal vernacular shared by people of every language ever since people could talk?

Sorry, I must have mistaken you for a rational person....
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.
What would he say?
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.
What would he say?
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
Every verse in the Torah is happening ALWAYS.
Put yourself in every verse and behave as God would see fit.
I challenge you instead to think logically and reject things that aren't proven.
I have looked at it logically. Atheism is intellectually a dead end. I have met a few atheists that were intelligent. Most treat logic the same way they treat science, they reject them when it doesn't suit their purpose.
What would he say?
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
Every verse in the Torah is happening ALWAYS.
Put yourself in every verse and behave as God would see fit.
That's a tall order.
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
Every verse in the Torah is happening ALWAYS.
Put yourself in every verse and behave as God would see fit.
That's a tall order.

The clock start NOW...one verse at a time.
I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)

I think I have read so many Bibles and have , King James, NIV, NAB, , and NABRE 2011 and in-depth study.What is the most important is to read about the history back then and the culture . Many take the bible verses out of context and culture and think it means something that it doesn't.

I agree I think everyone should read it straight through, and study it on their own, do not let others interpret it for you.

One should also read Eusebius prep and proof of the bible, Roman history and Greek philosophy. Do not just stop with the bible. Roman also had many sto;

Make sure you read the Catholic one so you have Maccabees I and II. Also you need to read Josephus. Read about the Roman Caesars, Vespasian , Titus, and Domitian. Remember Rome believed Caesars became Gods. Most of it is oral tradition, and Ezra probably wrote from stories handed down.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
Every verse in the Torah is happening ALWAYS.
Put yourself in every verse and behave as God would see fit.
That's a tall order.

The clock start NOW...one verse at a time.

No you can't read one verses at a time, one must read in context remembering the culture of the time. You can have a few favorite verses of course.
The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
Every verse in the Torah is happening ALWAYS.
Put yourself in every verse and behave as God would see fit.
That's a tall order.

The clock start NOW...one verse at a time.

No you can't read one verses at a time, one must read in context remembering the culture of the time. You can have a few favorite verses of course.
I'm so glad you consistently prove you never read prior posts.
The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
"B'reishit bara Elohim." In the beginning of the beginning that is always beginning, God created the creation that is still.
Every verse in the Torah is happening ALWAYS.
Put yourself in every verse and behave as God would see fit.
That's a tall order.

The clock start NOW...one verse at a time.

No you can't read one verses at a time, one must read in context remembering the culture of the time. You can have a few favorite verses of course.
Reading in context is important. Often times it saves one from looking foolish.

So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

Sometimes I believe that as well. We might all be better off without religions.
I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)
It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
I may be quoting this incorrectly, but when told to God, all the good one had done in his life, casting out evil, etc...God said, I don't know you.....so many hypocrites will come with that line and he will never ever ever know you, because your heart he truly knew!!

you'll find that jesus never said anything about gay people.

i hope you read that.
I may be quoting this incorrectly, but when told to God, all the good one had done in his life, casting out evil, etc...God said, I don't know you.....so many hypocrites will come with that line and he will never ever ever know you, because your heart he truly knew!!

you'll find that jesus never said anything about gay people.

i hope you read that.

Jesus may have never said anything about gays, but neither have I????????? Where did I say anything about gays????? You do know how ever, the story of sodom and gomorrah When God was destroying the earth and Lots wife looked back.....well, his angels were being sodimized and raped, thus the word sodomy.
It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
It was.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Everything that contradicts reality or reason in scripture was intentionally written that way to be like a big X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you don't look and look and keep on looking you will never find it.
It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
It was.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Everything that contradicts reality or reason in scripture was intentionally written that way to be like a big X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you don't look and look and keep on looking you will never find it.
Yawn. If 9 out of 10 people read it and don't know what it means, and then if you ask 10 people who claim they know what it means but they all say it means something different, it is a book designed to confuse and brainwash IMO.
It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
It was.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Everything that contradicts reality or reason in scripture was intentionally written that way to be like a big X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you don't look and look and keep on looking you will never find it.
Yawn. If 9 out of 10 people read it and don't know what it means, and then if you ask 10 people who claim they know what it means but they all say it means something different, it is a book designed to confuse and brainwash IMO.

Confuse and brainwash who? Those stories don't seem to have that effect on Jews? Why is that?

Everyone likes to talk about context. The context in which the gospels were written was during the aftermath of the destruction of Judea, the Temple, the Jewish way of life and the slaughter, enslavement, and exile of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

Do you really think that the early followers of Jesus, mostly dedicated Jews, who witness these events spread the gospels throughout the empire because they loved the Romans so much?

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"

It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
It was.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Everything that contradicts reality or reason in scripture was intentionally written that way to be like a big X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you don't look and look and keep on looking you will never find it.
Yawn. If 9 out of 10 people read it and don't know what it means, and then if you ask 10 people who claim they know what it means but they all say it means something different, it is a book designed to confuse and brainwash IMO.

Confuse and brainwash who? Those stories don't seem to have that effect on Jews? Why is that?

Everyone likes to talk about context. The context in which the gospels were written was during the aftermath of the destruction of Judea, the Temple and the Jewish way of life and the slaughter, enslavement, and exile of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

Do you really think that the early followers of Jesus, mostly dedicated Jews, who witness these events spread the gospels throughout the empire because they loved the Romans so much?

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"


The Jews don't even buy their own stories. For many of them being Jewish isn't even a religious thing anymore. It's a lifestyle. May as well be a race or nationality.
It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
It was.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Everything that contradicts reality or reason in scripture was intentionally written that way to be like a big X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you don't look and look and keep on looking you will never find it.
Yawn. If 9 out of 10 people read it and don't know what it means, and then if you ask 10 people who claim they know what it means but they all say it means something different, it is a book designed to confuse and brainwash IMO.

Confuse and brainwash who? Those stories don't seem to have that effect on Jews? Why is that?

Everyone likes to talk about context. The context in which the gospels were written was during the aftermath of the destruction of Judea, the Temple and the Jewish way of life and the slaughter, enslavement, and exile of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

Do you really think that the early followers of Jesus, mostly dedicated Jews, who witness these events spread the gospels throughout the empire because they loved the Romans so much?

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"


The Jews don't even buy their own stories. For many of them being Jewish isn't even a religious thing anymore. It's a lifestyle. May as well be a race or nationality.

I have no problem with that.....The only ones who are just as obnoxious as fundamentalist Christians are the ultra orthodox, the same species that disputed with Jesus, a sort of secret family embarrassment if you will...

In his letters Paul made sure that all thinking Jews and rational atheists would dismiss out of hand the fantastical stories of supernatural powers that contradict reality and blasphemous claims to divinity that the roman church has based its entire religion on.

You said that you thought that the stories were deliberately written in a misleading and confusing way. I agreed.

I am telling you that the disturbing effect that the gospels have had on the nations of the world was also no accident.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

"Take from my hand this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."
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