I wanna challenge everyone to read the entire Bible this year

Reading it from point A to B is kind of stupid since it is a compilation of crap written about 700 BC to 300 BCE.. Reading it book by book is not the best way to understand the content nor the imbeciles who wrote it, much of it plagiarized myths but most anti-woman, phallic worship. Yahweh was a qu33r and was actually Allah at one time, and multiple deities before that...notice the Menorah...the candles represent the deities (the visible planets).
Reading it from point A to B is kind of stupid since it is a compilation of crap written about 700 BC to 300 BCE.. Reading it book by book is not the best way to understand the content nor the imbeciles who wrote it, much of it plagiarized myths but most anti-woman, phallic worship. Yahweh was a qu33r and was actually Allah at one time, and multiple deities before that...notice the Menorah...the candles represent the deities (the visible planets).
Uh huh.

So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.
Are you kidding? The part where David is lamenting that His Lord lives in a tent and God's response to that? Man, that is priceless. There is some really good stuff in there if you know how and want to find it. A path will be made.

So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?
I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)
Read it as a kid and as a teen. Determined it was crap then and haven't changed my mind since.
Free yourself from the primitive superstitious nonsense.
Faith is a product of maturity. I would give it another go.
Faith isn't maturity. Children can have faith. Faith, when it comes to religion, is ignorance coupled with stupidity.

So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?
The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?

the 4th century that knowingly misinterpreted the 1st for their own 4th century agenda that compiled the book. an agenda disguised as a religion.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

the above is a fallacy, no religion so owns or should attempt sole propriety of the Almighty, the story of the resurrection, etc. and the simple fact there are no corroborating physical etchings or clayworks verifying during the 1st century any of the declarations manifested in the 4th century bible. its history alone attests to the fabrications within it used for ulterior motives that repeatedly lead to oppression and bloodshed.
So you don't read it as a great piece of literature? You only read it as a religious piece of work?

It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?
The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?

the 4th century that knowingly misinterpreted the 1st for their own 4th century agenda that compiled the book. an agenda disguised as a religion.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

the above is a fallacy, no religion so owns or should attempt sole propriety of the Almighty, the story of the resurrection, etc. and the simple fact there are no corroborating physical etchings or clayworks verifying during the 1st century any of the declarations manifested in the 4th century bible. its history alone attests to the fabrications within it used for ulterior motives that repeatedly lead to oppression and bloodshed.

So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.
It's actually not a great piece of literature.

Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?
The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?

the 4th century that knowingly misinterpreted the 1st for their own 4th century agenda that compiled the book. an agenda disguised as a religion.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

the above is a fallacy, no religion so owns or should attempt sole propriety of the Almighty, the story of the resurrection, etc. and the simple fact there are no corroborating physical etchings or clayworks verifying during the 1st century any of the declarations manifested in the 4th century bible. its history alone attests to the fabrications within it used for ulterior motives that repeatedly lead to oppression and bloodshed.

So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.
So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.

it is the 4th century bible and that books followers and not the events of the 1st century that is the history of oppression and bloodshed from that time to the present.
Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?
The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?

the 4th century that knowingly misinterpreted the 1st for their own 4th century agenda that compiled the book. an agenda disguised as a religion.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

the above is a fallacy, no religion so owns or should attempt sole propriety of the Almighty, the story of the resurrection, etc. and the simple fact there are no corroborating physical etchings or clayworks verifying during the 1st century any of the declarations manifested in the 4th century bible. its history alone attests to the fabrications within it used for ulterior motives that repeatedly lead to oppression and bloodshed.

So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.
So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.

it is the 4th century bible and that books followers and not the events of the 1st century that is the history of oppression and bloodshed from that time to the present.
The Bible is honest.
It doesn't try and hide or gloss over it's history.
Jesus gave the ultimate history we should follow.
Ummm but that history or words (script) placed in the mouth of the character comes from plagiarism therefore the ACTUAL source you selectively use and see as good would be Abraham's love of neighbor and community and Moses love of law for stability, thus love of order and justice, in other words Torah.
The stolen Baal death scene and harvest scam is your history which has no value.
We see how you guys treat the concept of Jewish head Rabbis being no different then the claim your death scene makes you learn something. What would that be if you guys are the clammering around spitting rock throwing torture mongers of anyone who challenges your affiliation pride showing you got nothing out of the victim claim when you are the victimizers yourselves?

So Torah is the ultimate and you just steal it and give it a hippies face (anthropromorphizing the word) even admiting this by calling him the word.
Many would disagree with you. The Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Psalms are all highly regarded as well as other parts of the Bible. The story of Jesus ranks up there. Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...
Whether I agree with the writings or not is another story but as literature goes...

no other book than perhaps the koran is as responsible for a history of world wide oppression and bloodshed than the 4th century bible perpetrated by its followers. there should be a World Court of Appeals to render a ruling on its message of hatred and a prosecution of those who promote its teachings. the book is a betrayal of the 1st century martyr it is meant to represent.

The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?
The book or the men that misinterpreted the book?

the 4th century that knowingly misinterpreted the 1st for their own 4th century agenda that compiled the book. an agenda disguised as a religion.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

the above is a fallacy, no religion so owns or should attempt sole propriety of the Almighty, the story of the resurrection, etc. and the simple fact there are no corroborating physical etchings or clayworks verifying during the 1st century any of the declarations manifested in the 4th century bible. its history alone attests to the fabrications within it used for ulterior motives that repeatedly lead to oppression and bloodshed.

So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.
So it's the interpretation of the Bible, not the Bible itself. Thank you.

it is the 4th century bible and that books followers and not the events of the 1st century that is the history of oppression and bloodshed from that time to the present.

I didn't argue that. It is the people, not the book. The book can't make you do anything. The crimes were committed by people with a prevented view of the Bible. The Bible is just a book.
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is a fallacy,

No it is not

What Jesus meant by saying that is that since his revelation about the figurative nature and hidden subjects in the law came from God there was no other truth, no other way to comply with the law that results in the fulfillment of the promise of life in the presence of God.

To receive eternal life and stand in the presence of God one must receive the teaching of Jesus about how to correctly understand and comply with the law and do it..

There is no other way, no other truth, no other life.... and no other Messiah.
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I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)
Read it as a kid and as a teen. Determined it was crap then and haven't changed my mind since.
Free yourself from the primitive superstitious nonsense.
Faith is a product of maturity. I would give it another go.
Faith isn't maturity. Children can have faith. Faith, when it comes to religion, is ignorance coupled with stupidity.
Faith is having complete trust in something. People do not put complete trust in something for no good reason.
I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)
Read it as a kid and as a teen. Determined it was crap then and haven't changed my mind since.
Free yourself from the primitive superstitious nonsense.
Faith is a product of maturity. I would give it another go.
Faith isn't maturity. Children can have faith. Faith, when it comes to religion, is ignorance coupled with stupidity.
Faith is having complete trust in something. People do not put complete trust in something for no good reason.
People are desperate to believe that their shit life isn't all there is. Accept your lot in this life because when you die, you'll be rewarded. And people buy this malarkey, hook, line and sinker by the billions.
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is a fallacy,

No it is not

What Jesus meant by saying that is that since his revelation about the figurative nature and hidden subjects in the law came from God there was no other truth, no other way to comply with the law that results in the fulfillment of the promise of life in the presence of God.

To receive eternal life and stand in the presence of God one must receive the teaching of Jesus about how to correctly understand and comply with the law and do it..

There is no other way, no other truth, no other life.... and no other Messiah.
No it is not

What Jesus meant by saying that is that since his revelation about the figurative nature and hidden subjects in the law came from God there was no other truth, no other way to comply with the law that results in the fulfillment of the promise of life in the presence of God.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

"I am the way and the truth and the life

No one comes to the Father except through me"

neither of the above statements represent a religion of faith, they are both entrapment's and exist without verifiable evidence of either being true or actually having been spoken. they are an entrapment engineered by the 4th century for the ulterior purpose to enforce unjustly their point of view and are not a reflection of the actual events in representation of the 1st century occurrences.

this is the way and the truth and the life ...
1st century - for each and every individual.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

if that version was spoken by Jesus the above quote is the reconciliation for their error ... and the same would be true for those unwilling to change their own ways than finding the truth.

because of the bibles history is the reason for mending the intentional errors made in the 4th century and realizing a true path to the Everlasting is possible.

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