I Want To Strangle The Next Person Who Accuses The GOP of Racism…

According to the left we are racist if:

We disagree with the direction this President is taking the country.
We disagree in size and scope of government.
We don't believe we should be forced to buy health insurance.
We want more control of our borders.
We have a tremendous amount of Americans on food stamps but if you say that you are a racist.

I'm still trying to figure that one out...

These are just a few....

....You're a white conservative.

So you admit you view anyone who is white and Conservative as Racists?

Who is the Bigot now.

Me, have been all my life.
I was listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR earlier today...

one of the panelists expounded upon how she thought Newt’s success in the South Carolina primary was based largely upon what she insisted was the inherent racism of the GOP electorate...

am I the only one who thinks such talk is absolute bulls***...?

no she is mostly right on! more general bigotry than just racism.
Newt's rhetoric is some of THE most racist rhetoric this century in public discourse.
Newt's rhetoric is some of THE most racist rhetoric this century in public discourse.

So says the racist with the Malcolm X avatar...


Let me guess - only whites can be racist ???

Fuck off ignorant one...
Newt's rhetoric is some of THE most racist rhetoric this century in public discourse.

What the HELL??? Frankly...How we gonna keep up this 3 or 4 man race/clusterfuck/daisey chain if ya sink the Newtster as a racist??? Frankly...

Get off yo foodstamps and git you a nice j o b cleaning toilets!! See!!! Newts got yo backs!!! Frankly....

Why in the name of GOD can't you see that??? Frankly...
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The GOP is racist, and they know it, and they do it on purpose, yet deny it. It's disgraceful. I don't know how you people can deny it when people like Santorum and Gingrich represent you. If you agree with everything they say, yet think they are not racist, then you are delusional. You don't have to say "I hate black people" in order to be racist. There are subtler ways of going about it.
Newt's rhetoric is some of THE most racist rhetoric this century in public discourse.

So says the racist with the Malcolm X avatar...


Let me guess - only whites can be racist ???

Fuck off ignorant one...


Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3UU-FyJEc]Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.
Newt's rhetoric is some of THE most racist rhetoric this century in public discourse.

So says the racist with the Malcolm X avatar...


Let me guess - only whites can be racist ???

Fuck off ignorant one...


Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3UU-FyJEc]Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

I don't get how easily people take plain English and declare it racist.

Romney's night - Right Turn - The Washington Post

It wasn’t close. Mitt Romney effortless flicked away his competitors, put George Stephanopoulos in his place for ....

It's idiomatic English. What sounds racist is the suggestion that we should pay attention to the color of an interviewer and not speak about a black questioner the same way we would speak about him if he were white.
So says the racist with the Malcolm X avatar...


Let me guess - only whites can be racist ???

Fuck off ignorant one...


Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3UU-FyJEc]Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

I don't get how easily people take plain English and declare it racist.

Romney's night - Right Turn - The Washington Post

It wasn’t close. Mitt Romney effortless flicked away his competitors, put George Stephanopoulos in his place for ....

It's idiomatic English. What sounds racist is the suggestion that we should pay attention to the color of an interviewer and not speak about a black questioner the same way we would speak about him if he were white.
Put "in his place" Amelia.

How do you un-racist that?
Newt's rhetoric is some of THE most racist rhetoric this century in public discourse.

So says the racist with the Malcolm X avatar...


Let me guess - only whites can be racist ???

Fuck off ignorant one...


Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3UU-FyJEc]Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

You can interpret anything how you like, however I'm not the one sporting the racist avatar...

How would you take me if I sported a David Duke avatar??

BTW, I don't even support or like Newt - he is not a racist tho.

I'm not a racist yet I say all kinds of things that could be construed (and wrongly so) as "racist."

All talk shit all day about blacks - that doesn't mean I'm a racist - it means I disagree with the culture blacks have created here in the United States in which welfare and government dependence is a priority... Of course not all blacks are like that but many are and as a libertarian and a taxpayer I find such an objective to be disgusting - for anyone for that matter...

I'm not afraid to say blacks are abnormally dependent on welfare and proud of it...

I grew up poor (not welfare) however the projects weren't more than a couple blocks from me.

I can tell tell you all about minorities considering I was the minority growing up... Most of my friends were Mexican tho..... Most blacks didn't like me, so I got in where I fit in...

Thats all water under the bridge tho - we moved and that was that....Only because my parents wanted a better life for me and my siblings... That and they worked hard and moved up in the world because they stuck with the program and "moved on up."

Sorry I got off topic but these racist accusations are unfounded.

Do you have any idea how many times I've been referred to as "white boy" or "****?"

I don't hang out with such trash that would refer to me as such anymore, however when I was and am called a "white boy" you better believe I spit "******" right back at those fools...

I don't play bullshit games with black racists...
So says the racist with the Malcolm X avatar...


Let me guess - only whites can be racist ???

Fuck off ignorant one...


Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3UU-FyJEc]Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

You can interpret anything how you like, however I'm not the one sporting the racist avatar...

How would you take me if I sported a David Duke avatar??

BTW, I don't even support or like Newt - he is not a racist tho.

I'm not a racist yet I say all kinds of things that could be construed (and wrongly so) as "racist."

All talk shit all day about blacks - that doesn't mean I'm a racist - it means I disagree with the culture blacks have created here in the United States in which welfare and government dependence is a priority... Of course not all blacks are like that but many are and as a libertarian and a taxpayer I find such an objective to be disgusting - for anyone for that matter...

I'm not afraid to say blacks are abnormally dependent on welfare and proud of it...

I grew up poor (not welfare) however the projects weren't more than a couple blocks from me.

I can tell tell you all about minorities considering I was the minority growing up... Most of my friends were Mexican tho..... Most blacks didn't like me, so I got in where I fit in...

Thats all water under the bridge tho - we moved and that was that....Only because my parents wanted a better life for me and my siblings... That and they worked hard and moved up in the world because they stuck with the program and "moved on up."

Sorry I got off topic but these racist accusations are unfounded.

Do you have any idea how many times I've been referred to as "white boy" or "****?"

I don't hang out with such trash that would refer to me as such anymore, however when I was and am called a "white boy" you better believe I spit "******" right back at those fools...

I don't play bullshit games with black racists...
free intelligent speech ,and the espousing of facts while not offending certain minorities is like walking on eggshells while carrying an elephant !!:eusa_eh:

Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

You can interpret anything how you like, however I'm not the one sporting the racist avatar...

How would you take me if I sported a David Duke avatar??

BTW, I don't even support or like Newt - he is not a racist tho.

I'm not a racist yet I say all kinds of things that could be construed (and wrongly so) as "racist."

All talk shit all day about blacks - that doesn't mean I'm a racist - it means I disagree with the culture blacks have created here in the United States in which welfare and government dependence is a priority... Of course not all blacks are like that but many are and as a libertarian and a taxpayer I find such an objective to be disgusting - for anyone for that matter...

I'm not afraid to say blacks are abnormally dependent on welfare and proud of it...

I grew up poor (not welfare) however the projects weren't more than a couple blocks from me.

I can tell tell you all about minorities considering I was the minority growing up... Most of my friends were Mexican tho..... Most blacks didn't like me, so I got in where I fit in...

Thats all water under the bridge tho - we moved and that was that....Only because my parents wanted a better life for me and my siblings... That and they worked hard and moved up in the world because they stuck with the program and "moved on up."

Sorry I got off topic but these racist accusations are unfounded.

Do you have any idea how many times I've been referred to as "white boy" or "****?"

I don't hang out with such trash that would refer to me as such anymore, however when I was and am called a "white boy" you better believe I spit "******" right back at those fools...

I don't play bullshit games with black racists...
free intelligent speech ,and the espousing of facts while not offending certain minorities is like walking on eggshells while carrying an elephant !!:eusa_eh:

I'm not afraid to break a few egg shells :lol:

Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

I don't get how easily people take plain English and declare it racist.

Romney's night - Right Turn - The Washington Post

It wasn’t close. Mitt Romney effortless flicked away his competitors, put George Stephanopoulos in his place for ....

It's idiomatic English. What sounds racist is the suggestion that we should pay attention to the color of an interviewer and not speak about a black questioner the same way we would speak about him if he were white.
Put "in his place" Amelia.

How do you un-racist that?

How is that racist?

It's a figure of speech I have heard thousands of times...

White people say it to white people all the fucking time...

Why should someone speak to a black differently than they would speak to anyone else?

Wouldn't going out of ones way to make sure one didn't come off as "racist" be de facto racism???

I'm not a racist hence I will treat blacks the same way I treat anyone else..

I'm not going to be race sensitive - fuck that nonsense...

Newt is THE author of racist dog-whistles.

How else could this DEEP SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN woman could come to say and thank Newt for "Putting Juan Williams in his place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

How do you rationalize the racism out of that?

Note: No push-back from Newt, he accepted the thanks for putting Juan Williams "in his place"...with a smarmy, smug smile.

That's racist.

Why aren't you people mad at the racism instead of the people pointing out the racism.

In RW world the accusation of racism is 10x worse than actual rasicm. That's why you kkkuntinue to get labelled as racist.

I don't get how easily people take plain English and declare it racist.

Romney's night - Right Turn - The Washington Post

It wasn’t close. Mitt Romney effortless flicked away his competitors, put George Stephanopoulos in his place for ....

It's idiomatic English. What sounds racist is the suggestion that we should pay attention to the color of an interviewer and not speak about a black questioner the same way we would speak about him if he were white.
Put "in his place" Amelia.

How do you un-racist that?

So it was racist when it was said about George Stephanopoulos?

It was racist when it was said about Wolf Blitzer? C&L Vid clip of Helen Thomas putting Leslie "Wolf" Blitzer in his place... - Democratic Underground

Those are just the first two names I thought to google for in connection with the phrase.

I don't need to un-racist it. It is a standard English idiom.

The racial part is where you interpret it as racist when used in connection with a black man and expect people to treat Juan Williams differently than they would treat whatever white man might have been in the moderator's chair that night.
I don't get how easily people take plain English and declare it racist.

Romney's night - Right Turn - The Washington Post

It's idiomatic English. What sounds racist is the suggestion that we should pay attention to the color of an interviewer and not speak about a black questioner the same way we would speak about him if he were white.
Put "in his place" Amelia.

How do you un-racist that?

So it was racist when it was said about George Stephanopoulos?

It was racist when it was said about Wolf Blitzer? C&L Vid clip of Helen Thomas putting Leslie "Wolf" Blitzer in his place... - Democratic Underground

Those are just the first two names I thought to google for in connection with the phrase.

I don't need to un-racist it. It is a standard English idiom.

The racial part is where you interpret it as racist when used in connection with a black man and expect people to treat Juan Williams differently than they would treat whatever white man might have been in the moderator's chair that night.

Did anyone pertain to any incident with George Stephanopoulos as putting him in his place Amelia?

AGain, how ELSE do you classify that if not racist?

I'm still waiting on a response on that...from anyone.

Put "in his place" Amelia.

How do you un-racist that?

So it was racist when it was said about George Stephanopoulos?

It was racist when it was said about Wolf Blitzer? C&L Vid clip of Helen Thomas putting Leslie "Wolf" Blitzer in his place... - Democratic Underground

Those are just the first two names I thought to google for in connection with the phrase.

I don't need to un-racist it. It is a standard English idiom.

The racial part is where you interpret it as racist when used in connection with a black man and expect people to treat Juan Williams differently than they would treat whatever white man might have been in the moderator's chair that night.

Did anyone pertain to any incident with George Stephanopoulos as putting him in his place Amelia?

AGain, how ELSE do you classify that if not racist?

I'm still waiting on a response on that...from anyone.


Pertain? I don't understand the question.

I posted the link to someone saying that Romney had put Stephanopoulos in his place. Here is that link again:

Romney's night - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The phrase is often used about white people.

Give me any reasonable number and, given time, I could find that many examples of the phrase being used about white people.

If it's not racist when used about white pundits, journalists, commentators or interviewers then how is it racist when used about Juan Williams?

It's sad that you think that we should stay conscious of Juan Williams' skin tone and weigh our language for potential racial interpretations and come up with substitute wordings because he is black.

I probably was conscious of Juan Williams' race the first time I saw him, but once I become familiar with someone, I don't notice their color. Sometimes I'm surprised when someone reminds me of it. I notice that on occasion with actors. When someone reminds me of their color it jerks me back and I say, "oh yeah, he's black, isn't he".

I would consider it a step backwards to be held accountable for always being aware of Juan Williams' color and to make sure I weighed every phrase before I spoke it to make sure that what I would say about or to a white person didn't turn into a racist phrase because I was saying it to or about a black person.

I am frustrated that you would want me to be aware of Juan Williams' color and speak differently to or about him than I would speak to or about a white man.

How do you consider it anything but racist to say that I should stay conscious of a black person's race and speak more slowly around them in case I need to change my figures of speech based on the person's color?
Is it offensive when we don't think about someone's color? Is it disrespectful for us not to remember that part of their experience?

One of my favorite series is Red Dwarf. Two of the leads are black but I've literally forgotten that for long periods of time. One time there was a black guest star and I thought something like, "that's kind of odd - we don't see a lot of blacks on the show. Is that normal for British television?"

Then in a bit I went, "whoa, wait a minnit, oops, Craig Charles is black, isn't he." Then a little bit later I went, "whoa, Danny John-Jules is too!"

Is that an offensive way to be?

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