I Want To Strangle The Next Person Who Accuses The GOP of Racism…

Racism is the Republican core value.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Saddam to Bin Laden to Rev Wright to Mexican immigrants to Obama to Gingrich's "food stamp president", Republicans always find a brown or black man to scare white suburban voters with.

It's what they do.
Racism is the Republican core value.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Saddam to Bin Laden to Rev Wright to Mexican immigrants to Obama to Gingrich's "food stamp president", Republicans always find a brown or black man to scare white suburban voters with.

It's what they do.

Idiocy is your "core value."

I'm going to neg rep you just for good measure.
Gov Christie just appointed a gay black man to the NJ Supreme Court. My guess is that he thought he was the best man for the job. But the media thinks his skin color and sexual orientation are more important than his qualifications. Front page news in almost every paper today.

Whatcha gonna do?

Could you please demonstrate the statement in bold?

Headline: Gov. Christie nominates two for state Supreme Court, including gay African-American mayor

Qualifications: Harris graduated magna cum laude from Amherst College, and with honors from Boston University Graduate School of Management. He earned a law degree from Yale. In addition to serving as mayor of Chatham, he most recently worked at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig and previously at Riker, Danzi, Scherer, Hyland and Perretti.

Gov. Christie nominates two for state Supreme Court, including gay African-American mayor | NJ.com

Pretty impressive resume, eh?

Goggle search: gay African American mayor NJ Supreme Court - About 9,450,000 results (0.22 seconds)
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Is it offensive when we don't think about someone's color? Is it disrespectful for us not to remember that part of their experience?

One of my favorite series is Red Dwarf. Two of the leads are black but I've literally forgotten that for long periods of time. One time there was a black guest star and I thought something like, "that's kind of odd - we don't see a lot of blacks on the show. Is that normal for British television?"

Then in a bit I went, "whoa, wait a minnit, oops, Craig Charles is black, isn't he." Then a little bit later I went, "whoa, Danny John-Jules is too!"

Is that an offensive way to be?

I'm sorry........but that is really, really stupid.
Did anyone pertain to any incident with George Stephanopoulos as putting him in his place Amelia?

AGain, how ELSE do you classify that if not racist?

I'm still waiting on a response on that...from anyone.


The better question is why do you classify it as racist? There is nothing in that statement that would make it racial. The only way that it can be construed as racist is because it was said to a black person. IOW, your painting it as a racist statement because of WHO it was said to not WHAT was said. Honestly, you can construe almost any benign statement as racist by going about it in that direction because you are approaching the statement from the defacto position that it is racist.
Republicans aren’t racists nor do the party’s policies promote racism. Unfortunately for the GOP, through no fault of its own, racists are disproportionately attracted to the GOP.

On the other hand, the condescension the Democratic party treats blacks with is overtly racist
I was listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR earlier today...

one of the panelists expounded upon how she thought Newt’s success in the South Carolina primary was based largely upon what she insisted was the inherent racism of the GOP electorate...

am I the only one who thinks such talk is absolute bulls***...?



Gee. Here's a motivational speaker's website with an article on how to deal with difficult people.

And here's the title of the article.

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

Is there any word or phrase that won't be twisted into "you're racist" these days?

Good grief. :cuckoo:

Newt said he wanted to speak in front of the NAACP to teach those people how they are supposed to live. When a black man questions that, gets booed down and then someone says he was "put in his place", then yes, it's indeed racist. Add the fact it was in South Carolina and the debate was being held on MLK Day.

It's these incidents that explain why the Republican Party is 90% white.
Gee. Here's a motivational speaker's website with an article on how to deal with difficult people.

And here's the title of the article.

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

Is there any word or phrase that won't be twisted into "you're racist" these days?

Good grief. :cuckoo:

Newt said he wanted to speak in front of the NAACP to teach those people how they are supposed to live. When a black man questions that, gets booed down and then someone says he was "put in his place", then yes, it's indeed racist. Add the fact it was in South Carolina and the debate was being held on MLK Day.

It's these incidents that explain why the Republican Party is 90% white.

Link or didn't happen. :thup:

And with the Link, I want you to post the Quote.


Clinton was a know bigot yet he was called "The First Black President".

Well actually he wasn't a bigot. But go on.

You let us know when Clinton was spouting bullshit like America is and was a nation based on "White" christian culture..and should remain so. Or saying that blacks and latinos just don't know how to accrue wealth. Or appearing in a film demonizing the Muslim religion. Or advocating for putting kids to work as Janitors under a "Master" janitor. Or calling another politician a "Kenyan that has a problem with colonial agendas".

Go on.

Post some quotes that Newt said that and I'll shoot that nonsense down.

The Clinton White House was known to treat the help worse than the Bush WH. Even blacks. Especially the blacks.

Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.
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It's these incidents that explain why the Republican Party is 90% white.

Your posts show why the Democratic party is 100% idiot. The Democratic party has zero to point fingers about. Your entire life rdean boils down to that you're just a hand and a dick in a giant liberal circle jerk. The only think that is impressive is that your hand never gets tired, amazing...

The nice thing about your beating this into the ground is that people's eyes are just glassing over now when liberals trot out the "racist" word. It's just part of your background noise now, like "fair" and "tax the rich." No one pays attention, you wore it out.
Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.


What a moronic argument...
Well actually he wasn't a bigot. But go on.

You let us know when Clinton was spouting bullshit like America is and was a nation based on "White" christian culture..and should remain so. Or saying that blacks and latinos just don't know how to accrue wealth. Or appearing in a film demonizing the Muslim religion. Or advocating for putting kids to work as Janitors under a "Master" janitor. Or calling another politician a "Kenyan that has a problem with colonial agendas".

Go on.

Post some quotes that Newt said that and I'll shoot that nonsense down.

The Clinton White House was known to treat the help worse than the Bush WH. Even blacks. Especially the blacks.

Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.

His Observation is Accurate... He's not very Politically Smart to say it out loud when Considering a Run for the Presidency, but Spanish certainly isn't the Language of the Middle to Upper Class in this Nation...

Is it?

Spanish is also NOT the only Language of the Lower Class.

Newt was Discussing Government Paperwork being in various Languages and Spanish was the one he Picked to Illustrate and Unfortunate Point.

But it makes for GREAT Bumpersticker Politics, eh?


Gee. Here's a motivational speaker's website with an article on how to deal with difficult people.

And here's the title of the article.

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

Is there any word or phrase that won't be twisted into "you're racist" these days?

Good grief. :cuckoo:

Newt said he wanted to speak in front of the NAACP to teach those people how they are supposed to live. When a black man questions that, gets booed down and then someone says he was "put in his place", then yes, it's indeed racist. Add the fact it was in South Carolina and the debate was being held on MLK Day.

It's these incidents that explain why the Republican Party is 90% white.

Forget it. These people are either being obtuse or are just plain ignorant.
Gee. Here's a motivational speaker's website with an article on how to deal with difficult people.

And here's the title of the article.

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

3 Steps to Put Difficult People in Their Place

Is there any word or phrase that won't be twisted into "you're racist" these days?

Good grief. :cuckoo:

Quoting for the good example that it is, since rdean's response to it completely missed the point.

Rdean could make a believable case that Newt is playing politics with race. Newt is insensitive. He displays a tremendous empathy deficit. He is a plain jerk. At least that's how he comes across to me. He uses stereotypic rhetoric in a way which bothers me.

But Newt's failings do NOT turn the phrase "in his place" or "in their place" or "in her place" into a racist statement.

Calling plain English racist based on the race of the person to/about whom it is used undermines whatever complaints someone might have about Newt or any other Republican.

Treating plain English as racist and telling us we should keep a person's race on our mind all the time and alter our normal speech patterns when there is a black person in the conversation is a good way of getting our attention. But it's not a good way to make the case that anyone has been racist. The case it makes is that the person making the accusation sees racism in everyday speech. That makes it less likely that they'll be taken seriously the next time they interpret something as racist.

Kinda like rdean. If you want to be thought of like rdean, keep calling plain English racist.
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"EVERYTHING IS RACIST!!" Democrat Dummies are hilarious...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uAuuQnh90s]Stuff Liberals Say - YouTube[/ame]

Well actually he wasn't a bigot. But go on.

You let us know when Clinton was spouting bullshit like America is and was a nation based on "White" christian culture..and should remain so. Or saying that blacks and latinos just don't know how to accrue wealth. Or appearing in a film demonizing the Muslim religion. Or advocating for putting kids to work as Janitors under a "Master" janitor. Or calling another politician a "Kenyan that has a problem with colonial agendas".

Go on.

Post some quotes that Newt said that and I'll shoot that nonsense down.

The Clinton White House was known to treat the help worse than the Bush WH. Even blacks. Especially the blacks.

Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.

The richest man in the world probably lives where Spanish is the native language too. Why do you think he's so rich?

By taking money from all of the poor non-English speaking mofos that come to the US.
OMG!!!! What a mysogynist statement!!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2qqEZktT3k]OBAMA Puts HILLARY In Her PLACE after recent ATTACK - YouTube[/ame]


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