I Want To Strangle The Next Person Who Accuses The GOP of Racism…

I was listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR earlier today...

one of the panelists expounded upon how she thought Newt’s success in the South Carolina primary was based largely upon what she insisted was the inherent racism of the GOP electorate...

am I the only one who thinks such talk is absolute bulls***...?

Just because they want only poor black kids to work as janitors, that does not make them racists.

The most racist thing is how these radical RWers kkkuntinue to DENY the blatant racism within their ranks.

They constantly point and refer to their alleged PAST fights against racism, however, they never seem against it TODAY.

Funny that.

yep... there's no denying that there remains a racial divide...

but no matter what anyone does to try to make things right, the left seems intent on forever making us pay for the sins of our fathers and keeping the issue alive simply for political purposes...
I was listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR earlier today...

one of the panelists expounded upon how she thought Newt’s success in the South Carolina primary was based largely upon what she insisted was the inherent racism of the GOP electorate...

am I the only one who thinks such talk is absolute bulls***...?

Just because they want only poor black kids to work as janitors, that does not make them racists.

The most racist thing is how these radical RWers kkkuntinue to DENY the blatant racism within their ranks.

They constantly point and refer to their alleged PAST fights against racism, however, they never seem against it TODAY.

Funny that.
Funny that how those of you believe racism exists behind every piece of furniture look for confirmation of your irrational beliefs. Then you seem joyous in your discovery.

That news article is 26 years old. News articles so old that when they buy cigarettes at 7-11 don't even get carded any more are just too old to prove an assertion about today's politics.

As to why Blacks vote the way they do, they do so because Democratic polices are perceived as in their interest. It does not prove that Republicans are racist.

What would be interesting would be to see how black voting relates to education and income. Because of the way the schools and pay works, I would not be surprised if higher income/education blacks vote the same way as their white neighbors. Nor would it surprise me that most of the blacks voting for Democrats are also voting identically with their badly educated/lower income white neighbors.
how 'bout a tune...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nGw_vAnqPI]Randy Newman - Rednecks - YouTube[/ame]
The GOP is racist, and they know it, and they do it on purpose, yet deny it. It's disgraceful. I don't know how you people can deny it when people like Santorum and Gingrich represent you. If you agree with everything they say, yet think they are not racist, then you are delusional. You don't have to say "I hate black people" in order to be racist. There are subtler ways of going about it.
Well in RW Bizzaro World unless something has the words "THIS IS RACIST" written on it, then there's absolutely no racism involved. It's a neat little, not-so-cleverly-hidden trick they've developed.

Well actually he wasn't a bigot. But go on.

You let us know when Clinton was spouting bullshit like America is and was a nation based on "White" christian culture..and should remain so. Or saying that blacks and latinos just don't know how to accrue wealth. Or appearing in a film demonizing the Muslim religion. Or advocating for putting kids to work as Janitors under a "Master" janitor. Or calling another politician a "Kenyan that has a problem with colonial agendas".

Go on.

Post some quotes that Newt said that and I'll shoot that nonsense down.

The Clinton White House was known to treat the help worse than the Bush WH. Even blacks. Especially the blacks.

Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.
Yep, I was living in NYC at the time. The Clintons, Bill especially, would sometimes be in town and hob-knob around the Harlemites. The people LOVED it.

Racist comments are usually subtle, like the taco comment above. What are you people looking for?? Someone to come right out and use the N word?? What is wrong with you people?? There are none so stupid as those that will not see. My own version of the quote.

What a bunch of close minded fools.
Unless a person is sceaming the word "******! ******! ******!!" they are not racist according to them.

The race card is getting old. Playing the race card these days is just about as bad as actually being a racist.

Well, I guess you are a racist if you play the race card.
There is no such thing as a "Race Card" seems racists and their apologists are fond of using that term.

The Republican Party is a party of a small tent, however, there is room in the tent for the tokin person of color.
Like the Alan West/Herman Cain types who say the type of blatanat racist tripe that many of the whites wish they could get away with. They do their bidding well.

yep... there's no denying that there remains a racial divide...

but no matter what anyone does to try to make things right, the left seems intent on forever making us pay for the sins of our fathers and keeping the issue alive simply for political purposes...
That's not true. Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?
They might simply try apologizing for once. They haven't tried that yet. Have they?
Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?

Whether it comes from the left or the right?
The GOP is racist, and they know it, and they do it on purpose, yet deny it. It's disgraceful. I don't know how you people can deny it when people like Santorum and Gingrich represent you. If you agree with everything they say, yet think they are not racist, then you are delusional. You don't have to say "I hate black people" in order to be racist. There are subtler ways of going about it.
Well in RW Bizzaro World unless something has the words "THIS IS RACIST" written on it, then there's absolutely no racism involved. It's a neat little, not-so-cleverly-hidden trick they've developed.

Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.
Yep, I was living in NYC at the time. The Clintons, Bill especially, would sometimes be in town and hob-knob around the Harlemites. The people LOVED it.

Unless a person is sceaming the word "******! ******! ******!!" they are not racist according to them.

There is no such thing as a "Race Card" seems racists and their apologists are fond of using that term.

The Republican Party is a party of a small tent, however, there is room in the tent for the tokin person of color.
Like the Alan West/Herman Cain types who say the type of blatanat racist tripe that many of the whites wish they could get away with. They do their bidding well.

yep... there's no denying that there remains a racial divide...

but no matter what anyone does to try to make things right, the left seems intent on forever making us pay for the sins of our fathers and keeping the issue alive simply for political purposes...
That's not true. Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?
They might simply try apologizing for once. They haven't tried that yet. Have they?

Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?

Does that include YOURSELF, Marcie?
The GOP is racist, and they know it, and they do it on purpose, yet deny it. It's disgraceful. I don't know how you people can deny it when people like Santorum and Gingrich represent you. If you agree with everything they say, yet think they are not racist, then you are delusional. You don't have to say "I hate black people" in order to be racist. There are subtler ways of going about it.
Well in RW Bizzaro World unless something has the words "THIS IS RACIST" written on it, then there's absolutely no racism involved. It's a neat little, not-so-cleverly-hidden trick they've developed.

Yep, I was living in NYC at the time. The Clintons, Bill especially, would sometimes be in town and hob-knob around the Harlemites. The people LOVED it.

Unless a person is sceaming the word "******! ******! ******!!" they are not racist according to them.

There is no such thing as a "Race Card" seems racists and their apologists are fond of using that term.

Like the Alan West/Herman Cain types who say the type of blatanat racist tripe that many of the whites wish they could get away with. They do their bidding well.

That's not true. Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?
They might simply try apologizing for once. They haven't tried that yet. Have they?

Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?

Does that include YOURSELF, Marcie?

Does that include you, T?
Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?

Whether it comes from the left or the right?
Yes. And I believe the left usually apologizes for something when it is pointed out to them as wrong and/or offensive.
The GOP is racist, and they know it, and they do it on purpose, yet deny it. It's disgraceful. I don't know how you people can deny it when people like Santorum and Gingrich represent you. If you agree with everything they say, yet think they are not racist, then you are delusional. You don't have to say "I hate black people" in order to be racist. There are subtler ways of going about it.
Well in RW Bizzaro World unless something has the words "THIS IS RACIST" written on it, then there's absolutely no racism involved. It's a neat little, not-so-cleverly-hidden trick they've developed.

Yep, I was living in NYC at the time. The Clintons, Bill especially, would sometimes be in town and hob-knob around the Harlemites. The people LOVED it.

Unless a person is sceaming the word "******! ******! ******!!" they are not racist according to them.

There is no such thing as a "Race Card" seems racists and their apologists are fond of using that term.

Like the Alan West/Herman Cain types who say the type of blatanat racist tripe that many of the whites wish they could get away with. They do their bidding well.

That's not true. Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?
They might simply try apologizing for once. They haven't tried that yet. Have they?

Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?

Does that include YOURSELF, Marcie?
What do you mean?

Be specific, I'm not a mind reader.
So Herman Cain, Allen West, Bill Cosby and Lynn Swann and any other conservative/Republican black are all 'high-yella, house nigra, Uncle Toms' passively repeating what their massas tell them to??

Go fuck yourself and your 'poor me' mentality, you fucking racist!
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So Herman Cain, Allen West, Bill Cosby and Lynn Swann and any other conservative/Republican black are all 'high-yella, house nigra, Uncle Toms' passively repeating what their massas tell them to?? Go fuck yourself and your 'poor me' mentality, you fucking racist!

Nope, it means the folks are wrong in their assumptions, as are you. Because the great majority of blacks disagree with them and you does not make the other side wrong. You need to reconsider your thinking.
So Herman Cain, Allen West, Bill Cosby and Lynn Swann and any other conservative/Republican black are all 'high-yella, house nigra, Uncle Toms' passively repeating what their massas tell them to??

Go fuck yourself and your 'poor me' mentality, you fucking racist!

Why do you pose such rediculous comparisons in a question?

Hermin Cain is nothing like Bill Cosby. The "black football players"(and I include others you did not mention specifically) in your reference haven't had a typical black experience since they left high school.

Many blacks ARE brought into and remain stuck in environments that have problems too big for them to solve on thier own. They do not have the advantages to protect the celebrities you list gravitate towards defending.

Taking advantage of EVERY opportunity to better one's lot in life is smart. There are a million regular black folks for every television or sports celebrity. THEY have more in comon within thier group than the few celebrities have in comon with them or other like celebrities.

I do not believe the Hermin Cain's of the world owe the average black man on the street anything...just as the average black man on the street owes hermin Cain nothing. Hermin Cain does not represent black people. Hermin Cain represents Hermin Cain.
So Herman Cain, Allen West, Bill Cosby and Lynn Swann and any other conservative/Republican black are all 'high-yella, house nigra, Uncle Toms' passively repeating what their massas tell them to??

Go fuck yourself and your 'poor me' mentality, you fucking racist!

Why do you pose such rediculous comparisons in a question?

Hermin Cain is nothing like Bill Cosby. The "black football players"(and I include others you did not mention specifically) in your reference haven't had a typical black experience since they left high school.

Many blacks ARE brought into and remain stuck in environments that have problems too big for them to solve on thier own. They do not have the advantages to protect the celebrities you list gravitate towards defending.

Taking advantage of EVERY opportunity to better one's lot in life is smart. There are a million regular black folks for every television or sports celebrity. THEY have more in comon within thier group than the few celebrities have in comon with them or other like celebrities.

I do not believe the Hermin Cain's of the world owe the average black man on the street anything...just as the average black man on the street owes hermin Cain nothing. Hermin Cain does not represent black people. Hermin Cain represents Hermin Cain.

Damn Huggy, you sound just like a plantation overseer...

Here's a little something from Bill Cosby...

Claim: Comedian Bill Cosby's remarks form the "We Can't Blame White People" essay.


Example: [Collected via e-mail, October 2005]

They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain't, Where you is, What he drive, Where he stay, Where he work, Who you be... And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something? Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' — or men or whatever you call them now. We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.

We cannot blame the white people any longer.
The GOP is racist, and they know it, and they do it on purpose, yet deny it. It's disgraceful. I don't know how you people can deny it when people like Santorum and Gingrich represent you. If you agree with everything they say, yet think they are not racist, then you are delusional. You don't have to say "I hate black people" in order to be racist. There are subtler ways of going about it.
Well in RW Bizzaro World unless something has the words "THIS IS RACIST" written on it, then there's absolutely no racism involved. It's a neat little, not-so-cleverly-hidden trick they've developed.

Why exactly?

Google works for you.

Newt's racism and bigotry is well known. He's said such lovely stuff like Spanish is the language of the ghettoes.

Guess it slipped his tiny little mind that the richest man in the world, speaks Spanish. It's laughable you keep posting internet fables about the Clintons as well. Clinton is well loved by the black community. Heck..after the white house he opened an office right in Harlem.

Oh right..you wouldn't know that.
Yep, I was living in NYC at the time. The Clintons, Bill especially, would sometimes be in town and hob-knob around the Harlemites. The people LOVED it.

Unless a person is sceaming the word "******! ******! ******!!" they are not racist according to them.

There is no such thing as a "Race Card" seems racists and their apologists are fond of using that term.

The Republican Party is a party of a small tent, however, there is room in the tent for the tokin person of color.
Like the Alan West/Herman Cain types who say the type of blatanat racist tripe that many of the whites wish they could get away with. They do their bidding well.

yep... there's no denying that there remains a racial divide...

but no matter what anyone does to try to make things right, the left seems intent on forever making us pay for the sins of our fathers and keeping the issue alive simply for political purposes...
That's not true. Blacks simply want an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to the racism and the racist tendencies and for it to STOP. However, if the perpatrators keep DENYING it happens and only DOUBLES down on it, how will it ever stop?
They might simply try apologizing for once. They haven't tried that yet. Have they?

Excellent points brother!
I was listening to the Diane Rehm show on NPR earlier today...

one of the panelists expounded upon how she thought Newt’s success in the South Carolina primary was based largely upon what she insisted was the inherent racism of the GOP electorate...

am I the only one who thinks such talk is absolute bulls***...?

Why would you want to strangle someone for telling the truth? Are you part of the GOP?
Where would Democrat assholes be without their endless Class Warfare & Race-Baiting? They certainly wouldn't win many Elections without it. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' if anyone's interested. Stirring up bitterness & hate is what all 'Community Organizers' are taught.

That's a crock of shit. I hear "endless class warfare and race bating" on Limbaugh & Hannity on almost a daily basis.
Where would Democrat assholes be without their endless Class Warfare & Race-Baiting? They certainly wouldn't win many Elections without it. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' if anyone's interested. Stirring up bitterness & hate is what all 'Community Organizers' are taught.
It's all they have. Populism, Groupthink.

Quotes I have heard from conservatives regard Obama; "He's going against the will of the people!!!" (sounds like populism to me) & "We're conservatives! Conservatives don't see color! (blatant lie)". That's Groupthink to me.

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