I was all for DeSantis to run/win in 2024…I’ve changed my mind. I can’t wait for another four years of Trump. Anybody else with me on such a change?

I really wish DeSantis would run as Trumps Vice President, but I doubt he will.

At this point in the destruction and degradation of this country, I just want someone who IS NOT Democrat in power. I don't give a shit if they are President or Dictator at this point.
Well, you're a moron who has no business discussing politics.
Oh yeah. I'd vote for Trump in 2024. Perhaps that would be the tipping point to push the left to full on civil war. I get a tingle down my leg just thinking about it.
I have no doubt that they will begin their chaos in the streets as soon as he announces. They're probably in the planning stages now. If we see higher inflation and exorbitant food costs, they won't be in the streets alone this time.
That's right. I see what Night Son is saying and understand why he feels that way, but if everyone just felt like that, you might as well admit you are beaten, defeated, and have just flat given up. Right now, there are more great conservative grassroots people and organizations starting up and taking the battle to the Left (and RINOs) than I have ever seen in my life---

---what a bad time to give up the ship on the Eve of the Right making a red wave resurgence the biggest in my lifetime while the democrats teeter on the precipice of catastrophic, agonizing defeat!

So, list the things YOU personally have done.
You see what you WANT to see. That's a symptom of denial in it's purest.
The problem with conservatives today is they are too afraid of losing their material gains.
Or they're waiting for Jesus's return and counting on God to fight their battles for them.

It's a VERY bad time to be unrealistic and in denial. And that's precisely where all conservatives are bar a very small few.
The Founding fathers counted on ACTION...not whining.

Was Giuliani a Democrat? What about Bloomberg? Yeah. RINO for sure, but he called himself a Repub.
Trump has spoken to the matter hours on end enough to the point that I see his angle. The man who sat in the middle of that big room surround by democrat media laughing at him after he challenged Obumma on his real place of birth was no democrat to me other than perhaps in name only.

And that was a guy I know is far from finished in getting done what he set out to do, this time hopefully with a GOP of people who are not all assholes and RINOs.
If Trump does get in again, I wonder............is the media going all TDS again?
Will it all be a repeat of his first term?
They'd try but they've lost all credibility with everyone but the Democrat "dead-enders". The thing is, even if Trump decided to step aside and support DeSantis, they'd come at DeSantis just as hard. They'd make up multiple lies and the idiot children of the Democrat Party would be in lockstep attacking him. If the Ds lose as badly as they are projected to, they may be in the streets bringing chaos before we ever get into the campaign for '24. If they do, so be it. When it's over, they should remember that they were the ones who called down the lighting.
Trump has spoken to the matter hours on end enough to the point that I see his angle. The man who sat in the middle of that big room surround by democrat media laughing at him after he challenged Obumma on his real place of birth was no democrat to me other than perhaps in name only.

And that was a guy I know is far from finished in getting done what he set out to do, this time hopefully with a GOP of people who are not all assholes and RINOs.

Maybe, but keep in mind what happened to JFK as he tried to do something similar.
never forget the Alamo.....or the Warren Commission.

Or government is too far gone to hope for a resolution coming from either of the mainstream parties.
So, list the things YOU personally have done.
Blow me. What I do is none of your fucking business nor do I owe you any details.

You see what you WANT to see.
Don't kid yourself. I see everything very clearly. Don't sit there attacking me in an attempt to justify YOUR appathy, lack of willingness and surrender. And looking at you, I see what has been wrong with the Right for a very long time. Go ahead. Sit there. Do nothing. Leave the fight up to everyone else and if your country goes down the fucking tubes, you can be the first to say:

SEE! I TOLD YOU SO! :banana:

That can be your crown of lifetime achievement! Predicting your country's ruination and your willingness to just sit back and let it happen! :happy-1:
Blow me. What I do is none of your fucking business nor do I owe you any details.

Don't kid yourself. I see everything very clearly. Don't sit there attacking me in an attempt to justify YOUR appathy, lack of willingness and surrender. And looking at you, I see what has been wrong with the Right for a very long time. Go ahead. Sit there. Do nothing. Leave the fight up to everyone else and if your country goes down the fucking tubes, you can be the first to say:

SEE! I TOLD YOU SO! :banana:

That can be your crown of lifetime achievement! Predicting your country's ruination and your willingness to just sit back and let it happen! :happy-1:

And yet for all your internet tuffness....you can't say what you've done.
Yeah,...because the conservative right has done Sooooo much to fight abortion, online porn, the indoctrination of children., the left...etc etc etc
Hell, as much as you love your guns, you won't even fight for them beyond a small occasional donation here and there...MAYBE.
How about instead of sending soldiers into battle....we just let them vote for war or no war...or make a little donation to the cause?

You see nothing clearly. You are delusional and in denial like a good wittle cunservative.
Just a big mouth piece of shit.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Nothing has ever been more obvious BL.
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I really wish DeSantis would run as Trumps Vice President, but I doubt he will.

At this point in the destruction and degradation of this country, I just want someone who IS NOT Democrat in power. I don't give a shit if they are President or Dictator at this point.
That may actually be a good combination. It would also help setup Desantis for a run after Trump. Also if anything did happen to Trump during a term, Desantis could take over.
So, list the things YOU personally have done.
You see what you WANT to see. That's a symptom of denial in it's purest.
The problem with conservatives today is they are too afraid of losing their material gains.
Or they're waiting for Jesus's return and counting on God to fight their battles for them.

It's a VERY bad time to be unrealistic and in denial. And that's precisely where all conservatives are bar a very small few.
The Founding fathers counted on ACTION...not whining.

Losing their material gains? To whom, ass-wipes such as yourself? Quit your fricken whining.
Losing their material gains? To whom, ass-wipes such as yourself? Quit your fricken whining.

And another one. :spinner:
And it's your own fault if you're broke. Deal with it.

I really wish DeSantis would run as Trumps Vice President, but I doubt he will.

At this point in the destruction and degradation of this country, I just want someone who IS NOT Democrat in power. I don't give a shit if they are President or Dictator at this point.
I agree with you and hopefully that will happen. Trump could serve one more term and turn the reins of government over to DeSantis who could stay in office for eight years.

Biden is going to make such a mess out of his four years (unless for some reason he resigns or is impeached and removed) that the Democratic Party will be a shambles. What once was a big tent will end up as a little teepee.
I'm for whoever can thin out the herd of these mentally fucked up, substandard units. Whoever can go scorched earth on these unemployable, defective fucks gets my vote. Punishment is a big part of it.... revenge as well. "Elections have consequences" should be the theme. Success should be gauged by how many marxist animals ingest LiquidPlumr or light themselves on fire, with a running count and amusing videos available on TikTok.

Find me that man.
Trump will never be president again.
The more the Left runs scared of Trump the more I want to see him as POTUS again…I have to believe I’m not alone on this?

I'd like to see trump as president and desantis as vice president.

We need trump to be the bulldozer for the next 4 years to tear down and clear out the site. And we need desantis to then come in and rebuild and maintain.

Desantis could get 4 years of training and then slide in when trump leaves office.

I doubt this will happen but I think it would be a best case scenario.
I have no doubt that they will begin their chaos in the streets as soon as he announces. They're probably in the planning stages now. If we see higher inflation and exorbitant food costs, they won't be in the streets alone this time.

Well, it is on page one of their play book, and it worked,before......so why wouldn't it?

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