I was banned from ?????? today

A sincere thanks for your service Jason.

That being said I feel like I've just finished a murder mystery only to find the last chapter has been ripped out of the book. Kept waiting for a point that never seemed to come.
About all I got out of all that reading is that you're pro-gay, pissed off at some tea party site and otherwise all over the board politically.
Hope subsequent posts are a bit more concise and to the point.

11 posts, and already a worthless troll.

I think Jason has the board record.

I'm going to send you a basket of fruit.....and some flowers.......get well soon..... :D

You're right though. THis thread is entirely off topic and has gone on way too long.

later yall, see ya in the forums!

Take care conservative.....daddy loves ya! :lol:

I smell a sock.

If you think about it, that sentence is kinda gross. :lol:
You came her after getting banned, and the first post you make was about getting abnned someplace else.

You were either whining, or trying to drum up business for the other site.
Or he was introducing himself and what he was about.


Using something that just recently happened, and considering this is a debating type board, hardly seems harmful or out of context to say something about it as a way of introducing oneself.

just an FYI.....

here is the introduction section....

Introduce Yourself - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And ...here is the whine section...


The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.
Or he was introducing himself and what he was about.


Using something that just recently happened, and considering this is a debating type board, hardly seems harmful or out of context to say something about it as a way of introducing oneself.

just an FYI.....

here is the introduction section....

Introduce Yourself - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And ...here is the whine section...


The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.

I am not big on the introduction section either.... but it is a standard on most forums.

He claims himself that he trying to give an "introduction" for himself..... so why not put it in the introduction section. Why politics?
Or he was introducing himself and what he was about.


Using something that just recently happened, and considering this is a debating type board, hardly seems harmful or out of context to say something about it as a way of introducing oneself.

just an FYI.....

here is the introduction section....

Introduce Yourself - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And ...here is the whine section...


The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.

If I see an introduction thread under new posts I'll almost always check it out and post something.

Did you have an intro thread?
just an FYI.....

here is the introduction section....

Introduce Yourself - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And ...here is the whine section...


The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.

I am not big on the introduction section either.... but it is a standard on most forums.

He claims himself that he trying to give an "introduction" for himself..... so why not put it in the introduction section. Why politics?

why not? If it's unbearably long for people, then why read it? If it's too troublesome, why make the effort to make sophmoric comments? You see one forum, you see em all. It's unorthodoxed... Yeah, I get it. outside of that, what's the big deal? Anyhow, if the MODERATORS are viewing, if you like, go ahead & shut down this thread. Got a good feel for the place. Mentality. This thread is not serving its intended purpose. Thanks!
I identify politically as a libertarian. Conservative w. gov't & commerce & liberal when it comes to gay rights and the environment.

I like small gov;t, personal accountability, strong free enterprise, strong military,

pro 2nd amendment (not a gun collector or ammo hoarder~ I own 1 pistol & 1 shotgun. I firmly believe in the right for people to defend themselves. I'll define deadly force & my understanding of it for self defense or defense of others in the home: Deadly Force is that force which is used for the purpose of causing, whether a person knows or should know could cause death or serious bodily harm. Its use should be necessary when all lesser means have failed or could not have been reasonably employed. If you can complete a triangle (deadly force triangle, then it's ok. If the assailant has the MEANS, OPPORTUNITY, & INTENT to kill you, then it's ok to defend yourself in that manner. If 1 is missing, then it isn't. All 3 are necessary in the military & as it happens, necessary in court. It makes the gun owner accountable & if used correctly, justified.

I don't like abortion & feel it shouldn't be used as birth control (it happens, seen it twice w. 2 people I know, not a debate) but if women are raped, then I feel it's ok. in a study over 30 years, 500,000 women went for abortions. Out of the 500,000+ women over the course of 30 years, 1238 women were actually raped. That's less than 1/12 of a percent.

Anyhow, I'm all for gay rights, my brother is gay, and there's actual scientific findings that 1 in 5 gay people are NOT the 1st born in a family. They tend to be the 2nd or 3rd, or so on. The theory behind this is the 1st born is the first chance for genes & genetic codes to be passed on, so the hormones have to be balanced enough to be able to continue the passing on of the genetic code (mating). That's a theory that's in the works. Took many biology courses in my time & have done some research. There's more work to be done, but it cements the idea that people are actually born gay.

I'm strong on the environment & when I finish my degree, my goal is to work for a car company to engineer solar cars that are not luxury items & actually high quality and MORE affordable for the average driver. Reducing a carbon footprint shouldn't be a luxury.~~~so that's my political DNA...lol

Anyhow, back to being kicked off edited I look at both sides of the aisle. The further from center you get, the crazier it gets. True for the right, true for the left. So, I talk to people, share thoughts, ideas, etc & people pretty much rant about whatever they like.

I had the same person ask me 2 different questions in edited

The first was "So, do you think God will eventually have his day in the eventual downfall of the gay movement?"

My response was, "Well, I think that people disliking gay people based on their religion is like fat people on a diet disliking skinny people for eating a donut. My brother is gay and if the religious community is more worried about what my brother does behind closed doors than it is with its own business, then I think they should take an introspective look at themselves and wonder what it is that drives them. Faith? Intolerance? Hate?"

The second question was: "Who do you like for this election coming up, how much of a margin do you think Romney will win by?"

My response was: " Who was the genius that thought it would be a good idea for a mormon, whose religion is okay with marriage being between a man and a woman and a woman and a woman and a woman...standing toe to toe with a man that is okay with gay marriage? At this point in the game, where do you draw the line? If this is the modern election, livestock farmers in West Virginia are going to be up at arms wanting to marry their chicken.

Secondly, why nominate a man that created a healthcare bill for his state but vows to abolish a nearly identical bill if he gets voted into office? He's not just wishy washy, he's a hypocrite. I don't like Obama simply because he crammed thehealthcare bill down our throats before we could examine the ins & outs of the bill. It was shady & dirty. I also disagree with pretty much everything he stands for. I also think that he'd never be able to make the bulk of his personal views manifest themselves because there's checks and balances. In short, I think this election is a decision between a skunk burrito & a doo-doo-sandwich. WHo do you like?

That's it. Suspended from teabook.edited. heheh. I like to get views from all sides & the bulk of the tea party are good folks that are frustrated. It also seems, the more cliquish they get the more you have to waddle & quack like them. If you disagree or have a free thought, yer out! It's the same with the far left. It's ok. I find more reasonable, less absolutist & extreme people tend to stand amidships as opposed to one far side or the other. I'm not a teaparty member or whatever, I just talk to them. I try to figure out if my ideas hold water, if theirs do, if the left does, etc. Then I bounce back to the other side & get responses. THEN I filter the CRAZY from both sides & use MY understanding of right & wrong & develop an opinion. You know......like people do....LOL! Alas, I guess I can never be a part of the .edited again. If it wasn't for my glass eye I'd shed a tear. (lol!)

USMB has an introduction forum. Introduce yourself to the home page ... there are also some rules there that you should read so you last more than a few minutes here. You can probably get a mod to move this thread to where it belongs if you ask politely.
The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.

I am not big on the introduction section either.... but it is a standard on most forums.

He claims himself that he trying to give an "introduction" for himself..... so why not put it in the introduction section. Why politics?

why not? If it's unbearably long for people, then why read it? If it's too troublesome, why make the effort to make sophmoric comments? You see one forum, you see em all. It's unorthodoxed... Yeah, I get it. outside of that, what's the big deal? Anyhow, if the MODERATORS are viewing, if you like, go ahead & shut down this thread. Got a good feel for the place. Mentality. This thread is not serving its intended purpose. Thanks!

Like me, I quickly skimmed the first sentence, scrolled the rest, and then went to the sophmoric comments.

Don't mind them though, they even think they're socks.
I identify politically as a libertarian. Conservative w. gov't & commerce & liberal when it comes to gay rights and the environment.

~ If it wasn't for my glass eye I'd shed a tear. (lol!)

Welcome to USMB, Jason 1977. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Last edited:
Sorry, I didn't think to sensor myself. I'll remember that for the future. I appreciate your help! =-)

Another fucking TM.. I can't stand it. :eusa_shifty::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Oh hahahahaha! I thought he was getting ready to shoot himself with a sensor gun. :D


The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.

I am not big on the introduction section either.... but it is a standard on most forums.

He claims himself that he trying to give an "introduction" for himself..... so why not put it in the introduction section. Why politics?

why not? If it's unbearably long for people, then why read it? If it's too troublesome, why make the effort to make sophmoric comments? You see one forum, you see em all. It's unorthodoxed... Yeah, I get it. outside of that, what's the big deal? Anyhow, if the MODERATORS are viewing, if you like, go ahead & shut down this thread. Got a good feel for the place. Mentality. This thread is not serving its intended purpose. Thanks!

Why not ...what? Put you introduction in introductions and not in politics? I really don't care what you put and where.... All placing your "introduction" politics does is make you look a bit foolish.

I told you.... you lost me with your title..... link...tysk, tysk, tysk. People get banned here for that....just so ya know. Then you move on to your whine about getting banned.

oohh.....yellie capitals... I see this is not going at all well for you.
....and since this thread has been moved to introductions...

welcome to the board.
Given the OP, it appears we have some fodder for a future great neg rep meltdown!
just an FYI.....

here is the introduction section....

Introduce Yourself - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And ...here is the whine section...


The introduction forum is stupid to have. My opinion of course... But who pays any attention to it? You to introduce yourself, and then... Introduce yourself to people who don't bother to go to the introduction thread. Which... is the majority.

I am not big on the introduction section either.... but it is a standard on most forums.

He claims himself that he trying to give an "introduction" for himself..... so why not put it in the introduction section. Why politics?
For the same reason I did. It's pointless to introduce yourself in the introduction forum.

I'd rather jump in and this is what I'm about. My first post

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