I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Oh goodie...another one pulls up that old story.

Let me tell you two things.

1. Those bakeries did NOT have wedding cakes on their menu to begin with...so they were being asked to bake something they don't do...period...for anyone.

2. Those bakeries were in Michigan which DOES NOT protect sexual orientation in its PA laws. Therefore, even if those muslim bakers DID provide wedding cakes normally and refused a gay couple...it's NOT against business law in MICHIGAN.

You're welcome.
Muslims featured in YouTube video say it falsely portrays them

Really? Right here in this article -- in an article attempting to DEFEND THEM -- they report that one of those bakers said: "It is not a sin that we bring gays into our establishment and to serve them. It is a sin, though, if we cater their wedding."
Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost

And as I said before, and you may have missed....MICHIGAN doesn't have sexual orientation in its PA laws.
You quote laws like I give a shit? You said: Muslims bakers don't push gays away, but I have a quote from a Muslim baker saying this: "It is not a sin that we bring gays into our establishment and to serve them. It is a sin, though, if we cater their wedding." My point is made.

Personally, I think those Muslims could and should push away any gays they don't want to serve. I find it perfectly OK for them to push away people they don't want to serve. If some asshole business owners pushed someone away for their sexuality, I wouldn't want to give them my business anyway. I'd rather give my money to good people. Not those assholes. Just make sure you let me know on Yelp, who these assholes are.
He said it's a sin...did he say he would refuse them? I don't get that from your quote. But "E" for Effort.

You're delusional if you think Muslims are going to accept your pretend marriage. Keep yapping but we know better.

:71: We know who's really pretending, don't we?
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?
Oh! :desk: I do! Pick me!!!
Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Oh goodie...another one pulls up that old story.

Let me tell you two things.

1. Those bakeries did NOT have wedding cakes on their menu to begin with...so they were being asked to bake something they don't do...period...for anyone.

2. Those bakeries were in Michigan which DOES NOT protect sexual orientation in its PA laws. Therefore, even if those muslim bakers DID provide wedding cakes normally and refused a gay couple...it's NOT against business law in MICHIGAN.

You're welcome.

The funniest thing about the video is how it starts off with the same old "aren't you gays lucky we don't throw you off roof tops like they do in muslim countries in the Middle East" schtick.

You're still an utter coward.
Nothing but name calling now? Not even any kind of rebuttal?

No, the no rebuttal is you and your made up words and phrases you use because you think they make you look smart (news flash, they don't). You continue to cry about the baker, but he has won twice already and you just keep harassing him. Maybe you better learn something. Intentionally targeting a particular business to attempt to bankrupt them is harassment. Religious objections are valid no matter how much you cry. It is not discrimination. When the baker wins again, he should sue those two into bankruptcy.

"your made up words and phrases you use because you think they make you look smart"

Hmmmm...where to start.

1. Words and phrases make up written communication, dear.

2. Newsflash, we know how CRCs (con-servative republican christians) hate smarts.

3. I heard your excuses all before...in the 60s...during Jim Crow.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?
Oh! :desk: I do! Pick me!!!
Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Oh goodie...another one pulls up that old story.

Let me tell you two things.

1. Those bakeries did NOT have wedding cakes on their menu to begin with...so they were being asked to bake something they don't do...period...for anyone.

2. Those bakeries were in Michigan which DOES NOT protect sexual orientation in its PA laws. Therefore, even if those muslim bakers DID provide wedding cakes normally and refused a gay couple...it's NOT against business law in MICHIGAN.

You're welcome.
Muslims featured in YouTube video say it falsely portrays them

Really? Right here in this article -- in an article attempting to DEFEND THEM -- they report that one of those bakers said: "It is not a sin that we bring gays into our establishment and to serve them. It is a sin, though, if we cater their wedding."
Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost

And as I said before, and you may have missed....MICHIGAN doesn't have sexual orientation in its PA laws.
You quote laws like I give a shit? You said: Muslims bakers don't push gays away, but I have a quote from a Muslim baker saying this: "It is not a sin that we bring gays into our establishment and to serve them. It is a sin, though, if we cater their wedding." My point is made.

Personally, I think those Muslims could and should push away any gays they don't want to serve. I find it perfectly OK for them to push away people they don't want to serve. If some asshole business owners pushed someone away for their sexuality, I wouldn't want to give them my business anyway. I'd rather give my money to good people. Not those assholes. Just make sure you let me know on Yelp, who these assholes are.
Revisiting your comment....you know the discussion is all about PA laws, right? So to be part of this discussion and say you give a shit about the laws.....really shows you aren't keeping up with the topic you jumped in on.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

You’re kinda like the straight basquebromance, aren’t you?
Should the homosexual lifestyle be promoted in our schools?

The evidence is irrefutable that behaviors common within the homosexual community are unhealthy and high risk for a host of serious medical consequences, including STD’s, HIV and AIDS, anal cancer, hepatitis, parasitic intestinal infections, and psychiatric disorders. Life expectancy is significantly decreased as a result of HIV/AIDS, complications from the other health problems, and suicide. This alone should make it reprehensible to the medical community, who has an obligation to promote and model healthy behaviors and lifestyles.

Americans want 'gay' lessons banished - WND - WND

The Darker, Dangerous Side of American Homosexuality - Mere


Michael Douglas Blames His Throat Cancer on Oral


No, homosexuality shouldn't be promoted in schools. But IMHO, the most ominous cloud on the Homo Horizon is Truvada for Prep which is sold by Gilead, advertised all the time on TV, and criticized by AOC for its high price.

TfP enables homosexuals to engage in their hobby without worrying about contracting aids. However it opens them up to new diseases which always arise. New mutations of hiv which are resistant, new kinds of hep, syph, clap, you name it.

My prediction is there will be a new Gay Plague because of this, and it will be worse as homosexuality is exponentially more popular nowadays.
You're a coward and an idiot. But mostly a coward.

And you are dismissed
Why am I a coward? I have replied to all your posts to me....without resorting to any kind of name calling either.

You're an absolute coward. Replying to posts of the weakest of the people who oppose you is cowardly to the max.

Take your big talk to an Islamic forum. Better yet, as I just said, when you go to Dearborn, mix in with the people and ask them what they think about gay marriage and report back.

You won't do it. You'll come back here simpering about how wonderful the hijabs are and how friendly everyone was. I know your type and yes, I have lived in the Metro Detroit area for better than two decades. There is not Sharia Law in Dearborn but you best believe they won't be catering gay weddings.

Those Muslims are not cowards.

You are.
Again, you are resorting to name calling, usually a BIG sign of surrender. The people in Dearborn we plan on seeing during this convention know perfectly well my wife and I are gay and are just fine with it....as are most people in the U.S.....whether they are any religion. And why would I go to an islamic forum...or a christian forum...or a hindu forum...or a buddhist forum...or a jewish forum? You make some very odd points.

And still waiting for you to show just ONE example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a gay wedding cake? Why can't you find any examples?

Current score: Fundie Christians refusing to bake cake for gays: 2 Fundie muslims refusing to bake cake for gays: 0

Oh you're a lesbian? Wonderful. Go and ask some of those Muslims in Dearborn what they think of you and your partner being married.

Times you will ask them: 0
I will...and I don't expect we'd have anywhere as much trouble as if we walked around in Alabama. In fact when I was researching the Dearborn video, I found a recommendation for a couple of the muslim bakeries for some amazing baklava...I'll let you know how good it was.

See if you can order a Gay Rights cake- maybe one which is shaped like a butt?
Homosexuality does not support human reproduction and human replacement. This is antithetic to human survival.
Why am I a coward? I have replied to all your posts to me....without resorting to any kind of name calling either.

You're an absolute coward. Replying to posts of the weakest of the people who oppose you is cowardly to the max.

Take your big talk to an Islamic forum. Better yet, as I just said, when you go to Dearborn, mix in with the people and ask them what they think about gay marriage and report back.

You won't do it. You'll come back here simpering about how wonderful the hijabs are and how friendly everyone was. I know your type and yes, I have lived in the Metro Detroit area for better than two decades. There is not Sharia Law in Dearborn but you best believe they won't be catering gay weddings.

Those Muslims are not cowards.

You are.
Again, you are resorting to name calling, usually a BIG sign of surrender. The people in Dearborn we plan on seeing during this convention know perfectly well my wife and I are gay and are just fine with it....as are most people in the U.S.....whether they are any religion. And why would I go to an islamic forum...or a christian forum...or a hindu forum...or a buddhist forum...or a jewish forum? You make some very odd points.

And still waiting for you to show just ONE example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a gay wedding cake? Why can't you find any examples?

Current score: Fundie Christians refusing to bake cake for gays: 2 Fundie muslims refusing to bake cake for gays: 0

Oh you're a lesbian? Wonderful. Go and ask some of those Muslims in Dearborn what they think of you and your partner being married.

Times you will ask them: 0
I will...and I don't expect we'd have anywhere as much trouble as if we walked around in Alabama. In fact when I was researching the Dearborn video, I found a recommendation for a couple of the muslim bakeries for some amazing baklava...I'll let you know how good it was.

See if you can order a Gay Rights cake- maybe one which is shaped like a butt?
We aren't talking about "gay rights" cakes...we were talking about wedding cakes, remember? Tho there's a great Jewish deli in Hillcrest, San Diego that has these:
They don't get all whiny about religion there.
Homosexuality does not support human reproduction and replacement.
And....? Do you feel that we are in desperate need of everyone reproducing right now? Are you one of those people who insists that married people HAVE to reproduce for their marriage to be valid?
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
There is not a gay gene or a gay hormone
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
There is not a gay gene or a gay hormone
That has been found yet...but it took a while before that found the lefthanded gene...and even that doesn't guarantee someone will be lefthanded. Very similar to indicators for gayness.
You're an absolute coward. Replying to posts of the weakest of the people who oppose you is cowardly to the max.

Take your big talk to an Islamic forum. Better yet, as I just said, when you go to Dearborn, mix in with the people and ask them what they think about gay marriage and report back.

You won't do it. You'll come back here simpering about how wonderful the hijabs are and how friendly everyone was. I know your type and yes, I have lived in the Metro Detroit area for better than two decades. There is not Sharia Law in Dearborn but you best believe they won't be catering gay weddings.

Those Muslims are not cowards.

You are.
Again, you are resorting to name calling, usually a BIG sign of surrender. The people in Dearborn we plan on seeing during this convention know perfectly well my wife and I are gay and are just fine with it....as are most people in the U.S.....whether they are any religion. And why would I go to an islamic forum...or a christian forum...or a hindu forum...or a buddhist forum...or a jewish forum? You make some very odd points.

And still waiting for you to show just ONE example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a gay wedding cake? Why can't you find any examples?

Current score: Fundie Christians refusing to bake cake for gays: 2 Fundie muslims refusing to bake cake for gays: 0

Oh you're a lesbian? Wonderful. Go and ask some of those Muslims in Dearborn what they think of you and your partner being married.

Times you will ask them: 0
I will...and I don't expect we'd have anywhere as much trouble as if we walked around in Alabama. In fact when I was researching the Dearborn video, I found a recommendation for a couple of the muslim bakeries for some amazing baklava...I'll let you know how good it was.

See if you can order a Gay Rights cake- maybe one which is shaped like a butt?
We aren't talking about "gay rights" cakes...we were talking about wedding cakes, remember? Tho there's a great Jewish deli in Hillcrest, San Diego that has these:
They don't get all whiny about religion there.

That's sort of a boring cake. They do, you know, bake cakes in the shape of a butt. That would be really appropriate for a gay wedding.
We aren't talking about "gay rights" cakes...we were talking about wedding cakes, remember? Tho there's a great Jewish deli in Hillcrest, San Diego that has these:
They don't get all whiny about religion there.

YUK!!! That cake looks like a disaster. Just like the disaster of a homosexual 'marriage.' No one gets 'whiny about religion' you're hallucinating. Cut back on the cake maybe?
Again, you are resorting to name calling, usually a BIG sign of surrender. The people in Dearborn we plan on seeing during this convention know perfectly well my wife and I are gay and are just fine with it....as are most people in the U.S.....whether they are any religion. And why would I go to an islamic forum...or a christian forum...or a hindu forum...or a buddhist forum...or a jewish forum? You make some very odd points.

And still waiting for you to show just ONE example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a gay wedding cake? Why can't you find any examples?

Current score: Fundie Christians refusing to bake cake for gays: 2 Fundie muslims refusing to bake cake for gays: 0

Oh you're a lesbian? Wonderful. Go and ask some of those Muslims in Dearborn what they think of you and your partner being married.

Times you will ask them: 0
I will...and I don't expect we'd have anywhere as much trouble as if we walked around in Alabama. In fact when I was researching the Dearborn video, I found a recommendation for a couple of the muslim bakeries for some amazing baklava...I'll let you know how good it was.

See if you can order a Gay Rights cake- maybe one which is shaped like a butt?
We aren't talking about "gay rights" cakes...we were talking about wedding cakes, remember? Tho there's a great Jewish deli in Hillcrest, San Diego that has these:
They don't get all whiny about religion there.

That's sort of a boring cake. They do, you know, bake cakes in the shape of a butt. That would be really appropriate for a gay wedding.
You should order one then...our wedding cake looked a lot like this one:
We aren't talking about "gay rights" cakes...we were talking about wedding cakes, remember? Tho there's a great Jewish deli in Hillcrest, San Diego that has these:
They don't get all whiny about religion there.

YUK!!! That cake looks like a disaster. Just like the disaster of a homosexual 'marriage.' No one gets 'whiny about religion' you're hallucinating. Cut back on the cake maybe?
We're getting a whole lot of "not whining" whining going on in this very thread. ;)
That's sort of a boring cake. They do, you know, bake cakes in the shape of a butt. That would be really appropriate for a gay wedding.
You should order one then...our wedding cake looked a lot like this one:

Are those real flowers? If they're sugar flowers I get dibs......:thanks:
Last edited:
That's sort of a boring cake. They do, you know, bake cakes in the shape of a butt. That would be really appropriate for a gay wedding.
You should order one then...our wedding cake looked a lot like this one:

Are those real flowers? If they're sugar flowers I get dibs......[/QUOTE]
On that one, not sure...on ours we had some fake on the side and real on top....it was really nice.
I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.
Ok, How about people have the decency not to try and force their views on other people through business? Why force someone to To do something they obviously object to? But then again you are a control freak... It’s a control freak thing I do not understand

"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with
I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

So would you be in favor of forcing Islamonazi butchers to sell bacon and pork?

Sure, its against their religion, but tough shit, eh?
The government isn't forcing the baker to sell anything. It says IF YOU ALREADY MAKE WEDDING CAKES, you must sell them to EVERYONE. Period. What is so hard about that?
Why force someone to do something they want nothing to do with?
Unless you are a fucking progressive control freak, in that case you have zero credibility
Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

So would you be in favor of forcing Islamonazi butchers to sell bacon and pork?

Sure, its against their religion, but tough shit, eh?
The government isn't forcing the baker to sell anything. It says IF YOU ALREADY MAKE WEDDING CAKES, you must sell them to EVERYONE. Period. What is so hard about that?

A "Gay Wedding" is not a wedding. A wedding is between a man and a broad.

Gay weddings are a bird of a different kind
A legal, (hopefully) lifetime commitment to one another is a wedding. Why two consenting adults entering into that relationship should bother ANYONE is beyond me.
That’s not the point, Gay people should keep their shit to themselves and not expect other people to the adjust or adapt to it...

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