I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.
Ok, How about people have the decency not to try and force their views on other people through business? Why force someone to To do something they obviously object to? But then again you are a control freak... It’s a control freak thing I do not understand

"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?
Ok, How about people have the decency not to try and force their views on other people through business? Why force someone to To do something they obviously object to? But then again you are a control freak... It’s a control freak thing I do not understand

"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

In the Colorado case, the cake "customer" was discriminated against because of his political belief in the New Institution of Gay Marriage. Not because he supposed likes to take it in the keister himself. If a Normative individual came in wanting to buy the same cake, they too would have been denied.
Ok, How about people have the decency not to try and force their views on other people through business? Why force someone to To do something they obviously object to? But then again you are a control freak... It’s a control freak thing I do not understand

"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.
"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

You need to be a better listener.

I said that belief in Gay Marriage is a political belief, along with, BTW, those who believe in Michael Swift's Homosexual Manifesto and the plans of the Gay Militants.

I said nothing about those who like to take it in the caboose at all. Just their political belief
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

In the Colorado case, the cake "customer" was discriminated against because of his political belief in the New Institution of Gay Marriage. Not because he supposed likes to take it in the keister himself. If a Normative individual came in wanting to buy the same cake, they too would have been denied.
I love how you pretend that sexual orientation is a political position. So your political position is "straight"?
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You make a valid point....people aren't born with a religion ...it's a choice, and yet it is totally protected. All 50 states have religion protected in their PA laws.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

In the Colorado case, the cake "customer" was discriminated against because of his political belief in the New Institution of Gay Marriage. Not because he supposed likes to take it in the keister himself. If a Normative individual came in wanting to buy the same cake, they too would have been denied.
I love how you pretend that sexual orientation is a political position. So your political position is "straight"?

I think your confused. Belief in Gay Marriage is a political position. Many homosexuals disagree with it. Many Normative people actually think Gay Marriage is hunky dory.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You make a valid point....people aren't born with a religion ...it's a choice, and yet it is totally protected. All 50 states have religion protected in their PA laws.

The argument in Colorado isn't about someone's Sexual Preferences, but their political ones
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You make a valid point....people aren't born with a religion ...it's a choice, and yet it is totally protected. All 50 states have religion protected in their PA laws.

The argument in Colorado isn't about someone's Sexual Preferences, but their political ones
You keep saying that. :71: Doesn't make it true. Nor was your silly logic used in the court case brought to the Supreme Court.
PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

In the Colorado case, the cake "customer" was discriminated against because of his political belief in the New Institution of Gay Marriage. Not because he supposed likes to take it in the keister himself. If a Normative individual came in wanting to buy the same cake, they too would have been denied.
I love how you pretend that sexual orientation is a political position. So your political position is "straight"?

I think your confused. Belief in Gay Marriage is a political position. Many homosexuals disagree with it. Many Normative people actually think Gay Marriage is hunky dory.
Many homosexuals disagree with gay marriage? How many is "many"? And where do you get this factoid?
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

You need to be a better listener.

I said that belief in Gay Marriage is a political belief, along with, BTW, those who believe in Michael Swift's Homosexual Manifesto and the plans of the Gay Militants.

I said nothing about those who like to take it in the caboose at all. Just their political belief

I don't listen to something that, on its face, is just another cockamamie theory. Anyway, what's it to you that someone else gets married? This seems to be an emotional problem on your part. Actually, you are the one who sounds like a "militant" with an "agenda."
Revisiting your comment....you know the discussion is all about PA laws, right? So to be part of this discussion and say you give a shit about the laws.....really shows you aren't keeping up with the topic you jumped in on.

Not really.

Originally, this thread was about whether or not being gay / trans is a choice - and the fake study used to create a ruckus about the matter.

I have to admit I also don't care that much about PA laws. I know, in real life they offer important protections, but for the discussion we're having, the central point is that the CRCs in effect tell Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks they should meekly have gone to the back of the bus. To me it seems, it's about respect - or the lack thereof - and yet another failure to learn from history. Were CRCs (and their affiliates) capable of that kind of respect, PA laws would be redundant.

Great deal of disrespect on the part of the Gay Mafia purposefully seeking out shops that are reluctant to serve their WEDDINGS. No one is refusing to serve them because they are gay. These mafia types are disrespectful of people's deeply held religious convictions.
"Deeply held"...:71: Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking wedding cakes for the previously divorced? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who opt for just a civil marriage with no religious ceremony? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who lived in sin before having a wedding?

K here it is. If a man and a woman come into the cake shop the baker is not going to grill them on their PAST SEXUAL/MARITAL HISTORY which is obviously horrid. If two women come and and say they're going to get married the sin is obvious. I'm sorry you don't like that but there it is.
"Decency" has nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to force any view on anyone. He has/had a business license. He had quite an elaborate website. Even on it, he did not indicate that the service that he was offering was restricted to certain members of the public. It was a general invitation to patronize his business. He did not do anything at all to warn the public of his religious proclivities. All that happened was that his violation of anti-discrimination laws was reported through the established procedure.

The couple did nothing wrong, and they are blameless in this matter. I notice that the anti-LGBT types always try to flip the blame onto LGBTs, which is BS. This guy failed in his responsibilities.
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
Revisiting your comment....you know the discussion is all about PA laws, right? So to be part of this discussion and say you give a shit about the laws.....really shows you aren't keeping up with the topic you jumped in on.

Not really.

Originally, this thread was about whether or not being gay / trans is a choice - and the fake study used to create a ruckus about the matter.

I have to admit I also don't care that much about PA laws. I know, in real life they offer important protections, but for the discussion we're having, the central point is that the CRCs in effect tell Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks they should meekly have gone to the back of the bus. To me it seems, it's about respect - or the lack thereof - and yet another failure to learn from history. Were CRCs (and their affiliates) capable of that kind of respect, PA laws would be redundant.

Great deal of disrespect on the part of the Gay Mafia purposefully seeking out shops that are reluctant to serve their WEDDINGS. No one is refusing to serve them because they are gay. These mafia types are disrespectful of people's deeply held religious convictions.
"Deeply held"...:71: Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking wedding cakes for the previously divorced? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who opt for just a civil marriage with no religious ceremony? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who lived in sin before having a wedding?

K here it is. If a man and a woman come into the cake shop the baker is not going to grill them on their PAST SEXUAL/MARITAL HISTORY which is obviously horrid. If two women come and and say they're going to get married the sin is obvious. I'm sorry you don't like that but there it is.
Not quite such a "deeply held" belief after all, is it?
It is ridiculous to force someone to do business they want nothing to do with

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Revisiting your comment....you know the discussion is all about PA laws, right? So to be part of this discussion and say you give a shit about the laws.....really shows you aren't keeping up with the topic you jumped in on.

Not really.

Originally, this thread was about whether or not being gay / trans is a choice - and the fake study used to create a ruckus about the matter.

I have to admit I also don't care that much about PA laws. I know, in real life they offer important protections, but for the discussion we're having, the central point is that the CRCs in effect tell Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks they should meekly have gone to the back of the bus. To me it seems, it's about respect - or the lack thereof - and yet another failure to learn from history. Were CRCs (and their affiliates) capable of that kind of respect, PA laws would be redundant.

Great deal of disrespect on the part of the Gay Mafia purposefully seeking out shops that are reluctant to serve their WEDDINGS. No one is refusing to serve them because they are gay. These mafia types are disrespectful of people's deeply held religious convictions.
"Deeply held"...:71: Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking wedding cakes for the previously divorced? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who opt for just a civil marriage with no religious ceremony? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who lived in sin before having a wedding?

K here it is. If a man and a woman come into the cake shop the baker is not going to grill them on their PAST SEXUAL/MARITAL HISTORY which is obviously horrid. If two women come and and say they're going to get married the sin is obvious. I'm sorry you don't like that but there it is.
Not quite such a "deeply held" belief after all, is it?

I'm going to wait here while you tell us what job you had in the military
Not really.

Originally, this thread was about whether or not being gay / trans is a choice - and the fake study used to create a ruckus about the matter.

I have to admit I also don't care that much about PA laws. I know, in real life they offer important protections, but for the discussion we're having, the central point is that the CRCs in effect tell Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks they should meekly have gone to the back of the bus. To me it seems, it's about respect - or the lack thereof - and yet another failure to learn from history. Were CRCs (and their affiliates) capable of that kind of respect, PA laws would be redundant.

Great deal of disrespect on the part of the Gay Mafia purposefully seeking out shops that are reluctant to serve their WEDDINGS. No one is refusing to serve them because they are gay. These mafia types are disrespectful of people's deeply held religious convictions.
"Deeply held"...:71: Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking wedding cakes for the previously divorced? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who opt for just a civil marriage with no religious ceremony? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who lived in sin before having a wedding?

K here it is. If a man and a woman come into the cake shop the baker is not going to grill them on their PAST SEXUAL/MARITAL HISTORY which is obviously horrid. If two women come and and say they're going to get married the sin is obvious. I'm sorry you don't like that but there it is.
Not quite such a "deeply held" belief after all, is it?

I'm going to wait here while you tell us what job you had in the military
C-130 pilot in the Navy....21 years in...retired as a Commander. You?
PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I mean in the military, did you engage in any combat at all? Because that would be so interesting, seeing as how you seem so resistant to counter anything Islam has ever done. Radical Islam was I believe our enemy state when you would have been serving.

This is why I'm not a troop worshiper, see. I have general respect for the military, you bet. But if you think I'm a troop worshiper you have another think coming
Great deal of disrespect on the part of the Gay Mafia purposefully seeking out shops that are reluctant to serve their WEDDINGS. No one is refusing to serve them because they are gay. These mafia types are disrespectful of people's deeply held religious convictions.
"Deeply held"...:71: Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking wedding cakes for the previously divorced? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who opt for just a civil marriage with no religious ceremony? Are these "deeply held" beliefs keeping them from baking cakes for those who lived in sin before having a wedding?

K here it is. If a man and a woman come into the cake shop the baker is not going to grill them on their PAST SEXUAL/MARITAL HISTORY which is obviously horrid. If two women come and and say they're going to get married the sin is obvious. I'm sorry you don't like that but there it is.
Not quite such a "deeply held" belief after all, is it?

I'm going to wait here while you tell us what job you had in the military
C-130 pilot in the Navy....21 years in...retired as a Commander. You?

Fascinating. So as I was saying: IF you saw any combat in those 21 years it would have been against radical Islam. And yet, huh.

This is why I am not a reflexive troop worshiper. Thank you again for proving my stance here so thoroughly.

Fellow conservatives, be VERY careful about "honoring the troops" reflexively. Going into the military is an honorable job. But. We are wrong to worship them all.

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