I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?

If there was a gay gene discovered, it would be the end of homosexuality within a generation or two.

Lib Parents would test for the gay gene, and have mom at the abortuary.
Lib parents?? Are you fucking serious? Do you have your head so far up your ass that you don't know that many parents love and accept their LGBT kids?
shhhhh....projection in progress
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?

If there was a gay gene discovered, it would be the end of homosexuality within a generation or two.

Lib Parents would test for the gay gene, and have mom at the abortuary.
Lib parents?? Are you fucking serious? Do you have your head so far up your ass that you don't know that many parents love and accept their LGBT kids?

Here Polishprince
This is a story that went viral where a Mom decided
to celebrate her trans kid coming out as a boy. With a gender announcement party:

Mom praises transgender son's coming out with ultimate 'It's a boy' photo shoot
But we are all "We The People" who "own" our country. Some of "We The People" want control other members of "We The People." Apparently, Rustic is one of them. You might be, as well.

Homosexuals want to do this.
How so?

Dear Leo123
Yes and no
1. Though I agree there ARE some LGBT and Liberal activists
who want to push THEIR BELIEFS about LGBT orientation as a GOVT RECOGNIZED CLASS
(similar to race) instead of treating LGBT equally as a faith based individual choice of preference, identity or spiritual process
2. There are CONSERVATIVE homosexual individuals who DO NOT BELIEVE in mandating their beliefs or preferences in public policy.

Your assumption is as "unfair" as saying ALL MUSLIMS
believe in pushing Jihad or "Sharia" practices into law and govt,
which isn't true. Many are NONPOLITICAL and keep their beliefs to themselves.

Yes there are however, it would help if the 'good guys' would speak up against their radical element. One I can think of that does this is Tammy Bruce.
Actually, in the studies, the 40% still applies for those separated at birth.

Doesn't address the sample size, and 40% to me doesn't seem like preponderance of the evidence.

Of course it could also be due to the fact that there is not always one easy answer to questions like this, or no one reason for a given behavior.
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like
This is a story that went viral where a Mom decided
to celebrate her trans kid coming out as a boy. With a gender announcement party:

Mom praises transgender son's coming out with ultimate 'It's a boy' photo shoot

Most of the world think that 'transgender' is an aberration that 'normally' occurs infrequently. As far as the story.......The mom's (former) son has put the family in the position of either having to accept his choice or suffer fake social justice guilt.
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Dear TheProgressivePatriot
1. The positive effects of spiritual healing CAN and HAVE BEEN PROVEN BY MEDICAL RESEARCH
2. It's not just about "gay" people but ALL people benefiting from spiritual healing.
3. so no I'm NOT going to conveniently LEAVE OUT SCIENCE that doesn't fit your agenda.
Science should be ALL INCLUSIVE so the research isn't biased and flawed.
Sorry TheProgressivePatriot but please keep your political bias
OUT OF SCIENCE so the research and information can speak for itself
and be accessed by everyone instead of censored out of fear based biases!
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:
No XXY or XYY? What about Jesus? XX but identified as a male.
This is a story that went viral where a Mom decided
to celebrate her trans kid coming out as a boy. With a gender announcement party:

Mom praises transgender son's coming out with ultimate 'It's a boy' photo shoot

Most of the world think that 'transgender' is an aberration that 'normally' occurs infrequently. As far as the story.......The mom's (former) son has put the family in the position of either having to accept his choice or suffer fake social justice guilt.

Dear Leo123 The first step in healing is acceptance.
You can't work with people if they are rejected and running away.

I have posted the following link previously on how spiritual healing
works that HAS helped people change from unwanted/unnatural homosexual
attractions or orientation and restore what they report as natural for them.

1. One poster on here I felt was more neutral, objective and fair about defending
his homosexual orientation looked at these cases of "people reporting changing"
and decided "they must not have really been homosexual to begin with"
2. TheProgressivePatriot is more closeminded and does not consider any of
this valid at all.
3. I have no problem with spiritual healing either helping people to change, or
helping people to heal without changing their orientation, or helping people to
come out as homosexual, transgender, or anything else they identify with.
I just know there are more benefits that it offers, regardless if people change
their minds about orientation or not, this approach still helps to heal RELATIONSHIPS.


Interview – Francis Judith MacNutt – Mastering Life

updated link:


David: Someone has suggested that homosexuals need to have their confused orientation healed before they are allowed into the priesthood. What do you think about that?

Francis: Unfortunately, I don’t think there is that much known among the clergy as a whole about healing the homosexual. That is why we are trying to bring healing back into the church. Even with physical healing, it’s not fully understood in the population of priests that it can take place.

David: You’ve had a lot of success in your ministry with healing the homosexual. What do you do? How do you pray for a homosexual?

Francis: We’ve had some and Judith’s had more actually. She had 20 clients when she was seeing patients in Clearwater who were either homosexual or lesbian in orientation, and they were all healed. Now, it took time. I think that really needs to be said. It is mostly over a period of time and in some depth.

David: Tell a story or two of people that you minister to, Judith, in this area to illustrate how you try to help the homosexual.

Judith: The first thing that has to be said is that they must want to be healed. By and large there are a lot of homosexuals and lesbians that are very happy with their lifestyle. They have found someone that they really care about, and they want to remain in that lifestyle. So, the first thing in coming for healing is saying, Lord Jesus, help me. As in any area of our lives whether it’s weakness, sin, or whatever, we have to ask for the help of Jesus.

David: And how would you actually pray for them?

Judith: The actual prayer itself is not that much different than it would be for anybody else who is wounded in any area of their life. So many of us struggle with broken sexuality because of the way we were raised, the way we were taught, the ways our parents modeled or didn’t model healthy sexuality, because so much of our sexuality is tied up in our identity, and identity issues need to be healed in most people. Very few of us really know the true-self that God created. Most of us function out of a false-self, so getting back to the true-self and the real true sexual identity is pretty much the same process for any issue that we would work with in inner healing. It involves going back to the childhood, and finding out was the person wanted. So many people say I didn’t want a boy, I wanted a girl, or I didn’t want a girl, I wanted a boy, and so there was a rejection of their very sexual identity from the time they were born.

I was reading somewhere yesterday where it was so important to a certain couple that they have a boy, and they had eight girls, and they kept trying and trying and trying, and finally they had to adopt a boy. Well, what message did that give to the eight daughters? You have no value and you were just a mistake. So there are all kinds of identity issues in childhood; there is rejection, there is wounding, there is sexual abuse, perhaps incest, perhaps someone outside the family. But so many of the people that I worked with had real broken identities – they just didn’t know who they were in God or why they were here or where they were going. It would usually take about six months of psychotherapy, inner healing and generational healing for the person to come to a fullness of their identity.

David: It is quite common that male homosexuals haven’t had a positive or strong father figure to call them into masculinity. How do you pray for that situation?

Judith: I found it took a multifaceted approach. We would do the inner healing work with God as father and Jesus as brother coming into the masculine identity that God had already created within them. In a deep father wound we would do the prayers of God the Father becoming their father, which He is, and then healing the brokenness that relates to the earthly father – the deep longing for Abba, with the daddy figure holding and loving them, accepting rather than rejecting them, having conditional love for them. We would have them sit with God the Father and let Him hold them during the inner healing prayer. I would have them listen to the voice of God – “What is He saying to you? Is He rejecting you?” And they would always with great tears of joy say, “No. He’s telling me He loves me, but wants more for me,” and God would speak all these beautiful words of love to them, and they would start having healing dreams and healing images and visions. Once the Spirit started working in them, that would start this whole healing process.

I also asked for help within the Christian community wherever I’ve been, especially in private practice, I would ask for men from the community to come and take them under wing and take them out to dinner or take them fishing, take them biking, do whatever, have them in their home and embrace them as part of a Christian loving family. So it’s not just prayer. This is where the church needs to respond. It’s men and women stepping forward, parenting, what we would call re-parenting in psychology, and bringing them along. And the ones that were able to go through that experience were all healed.

David: When whatever has gone wrong is finally healed — whether it’s the masculine or the feminine identity or whether it’s the trauma from child abuse — what then happens to the homosexual identity versus the heterosexual identity?

Judith: The homosexual identity cannot coexist with a God-given identity so it just starts to go away. Now the struggle that some would have that were very active sexually, in pornography or in being very promiscuous, those images took longer to go away. It’s just like anybody addicted to pornography – the images sometimes remain. That’s where discipline and prayer had to come in for the individual to reject those images and to bring in the cross and the blood of Jesus to cover them, and then to put positive images in their place.

David: And in some, I would imagine, the true-self, the true heterosexual identity began to flower.

Judith: Oh, yes. The beautiful image starts to emerge within them of the way God created them to be, and they would come to such life in their identity and such joy in being the one that God created them to be. Many of them would say to me, “I always felt like I was living a lie when I was in this lifestyle. I was always full of shame. I was always full of a sense that it really wasn’t me. It felt like someone else.” It was kind of like an alter-identity or an alter-ego, because when God starts in a therapeutic process, basically what He is doing is dismantling the ego that has developed, and replacing it with what is originally there, which is still there, but it’s under this alter-ego/alter-identity.

Francis: The sad thing is that conservative Christians often don’t offer homosexuals anything except condemnation. It takes six months of weekly individual counseling and an intense changing and building up of the individual. Shouting about it doesn’t help very much. It just makes things worse.
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:

Dear Leo123
I remember someone posting there are anomalies
that diverged into about 6 different variations total.
So the primary recognized genders are Male and Female.
And the rest are various mixes of these. I'll see if I saved that list somewhere,
but it was VERY interesting!

I can't find that short list. I remember the user name was
something like "jacknjill" not sure if it was on this site?

here's what I found online:
The 6 Most Common Biological Sexes in Humans

The Six Most Common Karyotypes
The six biological karyotype sexes that do not result in death to the fetus are:

  • X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
  • XX – Most common form of female
  • XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
  • XY – Most common form of male
  • XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
  • XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
When you consider that there are 7,000,000,000 alive on the planet, there are almost assuredly tens of millions of people who are not male or female. Many times, these people are unaware of their true sex. It’s interesting to note that everyone assumes that they, personally, are XY or XX. One study in Great Britain showed that 97 out of 100 people who were XYY had no idea. They thought they were a traditional male and had few signs otherwise.

Even today, we irrationally, and rather stupidly, think of someone as a “man” if they look masculine and as a “woman” if the look feminine. It’s entirely arbitrary and can lead to some significant misunderstandings of how the world actually works.

WHO | Gender and Genetics

Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
Chromosomes are the structures that carry genes which in turn transmit hereditary characteristics from parents to offspring. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one half of each pair inherited from each parent. The Y chromosome is small, carries few genes, and has abundant repetitive sequence, while the X chromosome is more autosome-like in form and content. (14)Despite being relatively gene-poor overall due to reduced recombination, the X and Y sex chromosomes are enriched for genes that relate to sexual development. (15)

Aneuploidy is the condition of having less than (monosomy) or more than (polysomy) the normal diploid number of chromosomes. Aneuploidy occurs in at least 5% of all pregnancies and is the most commonly recognized chromosome abnormality in humans. (16) Divergence from the normal number of X and Y chromosomes, called sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA), accounts for approximately half of all chromosomal anomalies in humans with a total frequency of 1:400. (17) Sex chromosome physical abnormalities are able to be diagnosed prenatally via amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling (CVS). Prenatal diagnosis of SCA is increasing because of the widespread use of these technologies. (18)

The high frequency of individuals with SCA is due to the fact that their effects are generally not as severe as autosomal abnormalities and are rarely lethal. Indeed, most cases of SCA are compatible with normal life expectancy and often go undiagnosed. (19) Still, it is estimated that1 in 3 miscarriages is due to aneuploidy affecting the foetus. (20) The induced abortion rate for SCA has steadily decreased from 100% in the 1970s to 69% in the 1980s and 49% in the 1990s. (21) It has been suggested that this decrease is directly the result of improved knowledge of the conditions associated with SCA combined with the influence of genetic counseling. (22)

Turner syndrome
This disorder, also referred to as monosomy X (45X) occurs in individuals that have one X chromosome, no Y chromosome, and are phenotypically female. Although 45X is a frequent chromosomal anomaly, Turner syndrome is rare with a live-birth frequency of 1:3000, (23) as only 1 in 40 affected zygotes develops to term. (24) Affected individuals experience abnormal growth patterns, are short in stature, generally lack prominent female secondary sexual characteristics and are sterile. In some instances of Turner syndrome, there is slight mental retardation.

XXX Females
Women with three X chromosomes (47XXX) experience normal development of sexual traits and are fertile. Affected individuals are usually taller than average and have slender builds. The frequency of women obtaining an extra X chromosome is approximately 1:1000. There is no severe phenotype associated with three X chromosomes in women. (25) These women may have slight learning difficulties.

Klinefelter Syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome (47XXY or XY/XXY mosaic) with male phenotype is the most pervasive sex chromosomal anomaly (26) affecting approximately 1:600 males. (27) Males with Klinefelter syndrome carry two or more X chromosomes which results in abnormal development of the testis, leading to hypogonadism and infertility. (28) Affected individuals are often tall and produce relatively small amounts of testosterone. As a result of this hormone imbalance, affected males have incompletely developed secondary male sex characteristics.

XYY Males
Men inheriting an additional Y chromosome are usually taller than average and are prone to acne because they produce higher than average levels of testosterone. Affected males are typically fertile and many are unaware that they have a chromosomal abnormality. The frequency of males born with an additional Y chromosome is approximately 1:1000.

‘True’ hermaphroditism is a genetic condition in which affected individuals have both mature ovarian and testicular tissue. (29) There are no published population-wide estimates of the frequency of true hermaphrodites. (30) The autosomal inheritance of this condition suggests that genes controlling sexual development and differentiation are not limited to the sex chromosomes.(31) Blackless et al. suggest that such familial inheritance “opens the possibility that, as with other inherited forms of sexual ambiguity, there may be pockets, perhaps even large geographical regions, with relatively high frequencies of true hermaphroditism.” (32)
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We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:
Let me ask you. Do you actually believe that shit? Do you actually enjoy wallowing in willful ignorance? Or, are you just a pre programmed zombie troll bot that spout the shit that you know the bigots will lap up?
Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Homosexuals are put up on pedestals as role models and heroes by society here in the 21st Century. Many cities, including my birthplace of Youngstown, Ohio, have Homosexual Pride Parades every year to celebrate men who take it in the caboose.

Some researchers, including prominent therapist Dr. Marcus Bachmann, have worked on developing reparative therapies for those interested in leaving the Gay Lifestyle in favor of normalcy. Unfortunately, they have perfected a cure yet. Maybe federal grants, medicaid funding, etc., could help move this forward. If they was a silver bullet to straighten people out, do you think many would go for it? Some probably would and they should have a chance to change, but I think most homosexuals like be glorified as they are in the Western World.
Let me ask you. Do you actually believe that shit? Do you actually enjoy wallowing in willful ignorance? Or, are you just a pre programmed zombie troll bot that spout the shit that you know the bigots will lap up?

^ Dear TheProgressivePatriot
Do you believe your language and approach would influence ANYONE to change their mind?
Or stick to their beliefs more defensively while blaming you as the closeminded willfully ignorant?

Why not let science speak for itself.
If science can back what we're saying, let's use that.
Not insults.
Especially if insulting you and calling you willfully ignorant wouldn't help.
Why apply this to someone else, when you know it fails. ???
Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Homosexuals are put up on pedestals as role models and heroes by society here in the 21st Century. Many cities, including my birthplace of Youngstown, Ohio, have Homosexual Pride Parades every year to celebrate men who take it in the caboose.

Some researchers, including prominent therapist Dr. Marcus Bachmann, have worked on developing reparative therapies for those interested in leaving the Gay Lifestyle in favor of normalcy. Unfortunately, they have perfected a cure yet. Maybe federal grants, medicaid funding, etc., could help move this forward. If they was a silver bullet to straighten people out, do you think many would go for it? Some probably would and they should have a chance to change, but I think most homosexuals like be glorified as they are in the Western World.
Dr. Marcus Bachmann? The whack husband of the whack Michele Backman ?? These people are dangerous and you bigotry and stupidity is on full display with that inane rant.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves
Let me ask you. Do you actually believe that shit? Do you actually enjoy wallowing in willful ignorance? Or, are you just a pre programmed zombie troll bot that spout the shit that you know the bigots will lap up?

^ Dear TheProgressivePatriot
Do you believe your language and approach would influence ANYONE to change their mind?
Or stick to their beliefs more defensively while blaming you as the closeminded willfully ignorant?

Why not let science speak for itself.
If science can back what we're saying, let's use that.
Not insults.
Especially if insulting you and calling you willfully ignorant wouldn't help.
Why apply this to someone else, when you know it fails. ???
Well thanks for the advise. However, I am out of patience with these morons. I have posted the science many times. They either ignore it or claim that it's bogus. They are not interested in learning anything that might undermine their justification for being hateful So I might as well be true to my combative style and let loose on them. Leo and Polish Prince are not going to change because they don't want to change and I have no illusions of being able to change them
Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Homosexuals are put up on pedestals as role models and heroes by society here in the 21st Century. Many cities, including my birthplace of Youngstown, Ohio, have Homosexual Pride Parades every year to celebrate men who take it in the caboose.

Some researchers, including prominent therapist Dr. Marcus Bachmann, have worked on developing reparative therapies for those interested in leaving the Gay Lifestyle in favor of normalcy. Unfortunately, they have perfected a cure yet. Maybe federal grants, medicaid funding, etc., could help move this forward. If they was a silver bullet to straighten people out, do you think many would go for it? Some probably would and they should have a chance to change, but I think most homosexuals like be glorified as they are in the Western World.
Dr. Marcus Bachmann? The whack husband of the whack Michele Backman ?? These people are dangerous and you bigotry and stupidity is on full display with that inane rant.

You can call Dr. Bachmann a "whack" if you want, but he's actually a trained doctor and therapist who has been working with people who want to become ex-gay for many years.

What's wrong with helping people be all they can be?
Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Homosexuals are put up on pedestals as role models and heroes by society here in the 21st Century. Many cities, including my birthplace of Youngstown, Ohio, have Homosexual Pride Parades every year to celebrate men who take it in the caboose.

Some researchers, including prominent therapist Dr. Marcus Bachmann, have worked on developing reparative therapies for those interested in leaving the Gay Lifestyle in favor of normalcy. Unfortunately, they have perfected a cure yet. Maybe federal grants, medicaid funding, etc., could help move this forward. If they was a silver bullet to straighten people out, do you think many would go for it? Some probably would and they should have a chance to change, but I think most homosexuals like be glorified as they are in the Western World.

Dear Polishprince
Sorry but it's not about "curing" homosexuals.
It's about healing the person by removing obstruction to natural healing.

I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt have been teaching and
helping people in spiritual healing teams. Medical research
has shown the positive healing effect on Rheumatoid Arthritis
patients (in a study funded by Templeton Foundation and published
where the conclusion applied only to the methods MacNutt used)

The link I posted above mentions about 20 cases where
Dr. Judith MacNutt has helped people heal from conditions
related to unwanted/unnatural homosexual orientation.

If we find out how natural healing works effectively,
this same approach helps with other conditions
rooted in the unconscious "spiritual" history that people carry.
Let me ask you. Do you actually believe that shit? Do you actually enjoy wallowing in willful ignorance? Or, are you just a pre programmed zombie troll bot that spout the shit that you know the bigots will lap up?

^ Dear TheProgressivePatriot
Do you believe your language and approach would influence ANYONE to change their mind?
Or stick to their beliefs more defensively while blaming you as the closeminded willfully ignorant?

Why not let science speak for itself.
If science can back what we're saying, let's use that.
Not insults.
Especially if insulting you and calling you willfully ignorant wouldn't help.
Why apply this to someone else, when you know it fails. ???
Well thanks for the advise. However, I am out of patience with these morons. I have posted the science many times. They either ignore it or claim that it's bogus. They are not interested in learning anything that might undermine their justification for being hateful So I might as well be true to my combative style and let loose on them. Leo and Polish Prince are not going to change because they don't want to change and I have no illusions of being able to change them

Dear TheProgressivePatriot
Yes and no. The part that is still in your hands,
if you open up and change your mind that science COULD show more to spiritual healing
than just the perception of it you reject (which I don't blame you for thinking)
then they will have little choice but to meet you half way and open up more to what science shows.
As much as you give and push, so will they.
So you can compel things to change by finding where you can improve your side of the equation.
And others will reciprocate in return.
If you give, so will they.
If you give up, so will they.

This will keep going until we find the openings to change.
We all stay stuck until we find the right angle to make things work better than this!

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