I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

To put another point on it: you took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution but have no problem seeing a private citizen beaten out of his business because he doesn't want to bake cakes for gay weddings. Religious liberty is in the First Amendment. That does not sway you, and in fact seem very proud of your oath and service.

Conservatives: not everyone who raises their hand to 'defend and protect' the Constitution has THE CONSTITUTION in mind, see. I'm telling you. Be careful.
In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I mean in the military, did you engage in any combat at all? Because that would be so interesting, seeing as how you seem so resistant to counter anything Islam has ever done. Radical Islam was I believe our enemy state when you would have been serving.

This is why I'm not a troop worshiper, see. I have general respect for the military, you bet. But if you think I'm a troop worshiper you have another think coming
Women were not allowed in combat but flight training in and of it self can be dangerous. I've had friends killed in crashes. As we say....flying is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer terror.

And I have NOT resisted countering anything islam does....you just aren't paying attention....they are just as bad as fundie christers are. Two sides of the same fundie coin as I keep telling you. They get away with more disgusting stuff towards women and those they disagree with JUST because they operate in theocracies. Our secular law protects us from sharia from both islamic and christer fundies. I certainly work to keep it that way.
In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

To put another point on it: you took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution but have no problem seeing a private citizen beaten out of his business because he doesn't want to bake cakes for gay weddings. Religious liberty is in the First Amendment. That does not sway you, and in fact seem very proud of your oath and service.

Conservatives: not everyone who raises their hand to 'defend and protect' the Constitution has THE CONSTITUTION in mind, see. I'm telling you. Be careful.
"Beaten out of his business"? Beaten like this?
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I mean in the military, did you engage in any combat at all? Because that would be so interesting, seeing as how you seem so resistant to counter anything Islam has ever done. Radical Islam was I believe our enemy state when you would have been serving.

This is why I'm not a troop worshiper, see. I have general respect for the military, you bet. But if you think I'm a troop worshiper you have another think coming
Women were not allowed in combat but flight training in and of it self can be dangerous. I've had friends killed in crashes. As we say....flying is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer terror.

And I have NOT resisted countering anything islam does....you just aren't paying attention....they are just as bad as fundie christers are. Two sides of the same fundie coin as I keep telling you. They get away with more disgusting stuff towards women and those they disagree with JUST because they operate in theocracies. Our secular law protects us from sharia from both islamic and christer fundies. I certainly work to keep it that way.

I have zero respect for any woman who can look at the tragedies of radical Islam and say something as boneheaded as "two sides of the same coin".

I do not tolerate complete intellectual vacuousness for political correctness. I abhor it. It gets women killed.

BTW, your post is why I walked away from liberal feminism 20 years ago and never looked back. The cowardice and hypocrisy made me sick. One of the best decisions I ever made.
PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This was a manufactured situation, however. A set up. Had the baker said "sure", the "customer" would have cancelled the order at the last moment and looked for something even more outrageous to ask the baker to bake.

This had nothing to do with the supposed sexual preferences of the supposed customers
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken!

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
If an identical twin is gay, why is their twin also gay in 40% of the cases....not to be seen with fraternal twins or other siblings?

Thank you bodecea
The fairest interpretation of this data is that
there is PREDILECTION or TENDENCY but there
are OTHER FACTORS that determine how homosexuality manifests.

If it were purely genetic, then wouldn't the corresponding matches
in identical twins be 100%?

But it isn't purely 50/50 either so it isn't random.

Other explanations
1. Chemical changes in the WOMB could influence
Homosexual orientation or Transgender Identity
by affecting neural development ASIDE from the existing genetics.
2. SPIRITUALLY people can adopt or manifest behavioral
patterns inherited or influenced from past generations
and this doesn't have to be in the GENES.
It can be in the relationships BETWEEN people where
patterns repeat.
First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I mean in the military, did you engage in any combat at all? Because that would be so interesting, seeing as how you seem so resistant to counter anything Islam has ever done. Radical Islam was I believe our enemy state when you would have been serving.

This is why I'm not a troop worshiper, see. I have general respect for the military, you bet. But if you think I'm a troop worshiper you have another think coming
Women were not allowed in combat but flight training in and of it self can be dangerous. I've had friends killed in crashes. As we say....flying is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer terror.

And I have NOT resisted countering anything islam does....you just aren't paying attention....they are just as bad as fundie christers are. Two sides of the same fundie coin as I keep telling you. They get away with more disgusting stuff towards women and those they disagree with JUST because they operate in theocracies. Our secular law protects us from sharia from both islamic and christer fundies. I certainly work to keep it that way.

I have zero respect for any woman who can look at the tragedies of radical Islam and say something as boneheaded as "two sides of the same coin".

I do not tolerate complete intellectual vacuousness for political correctness. I abhor it. It gets women killed.

BTW, your post is why I walked away from liberal feminism 20 years ago and never looked back. The cowardice and hypocrisy made me sick. One of the best decisions I ever made.
It's true....fundamentalism is reactionary far right wing destruction no matter which religion we are talking about. Fundie Islam destroyed the Golden Age of Islam...fundie christianity has bred its own death and destruction over human history....think what the Puritans did by hanging people of different religions....things like the Inquisition...the 30 Years War...the St Bartholemew's Massacre....all religions have blood on their hands.
You are a shining example of what I've noticed early on....that I can say something about christianity and be accused of hating it....then I can say the EXACT SAME THING about islam and be accused of being a muslim lover.
In this situation, the person isn't being denied service because of who they are, but because of their political ideology. They believe in the political idea of Gay Marriage, and the vendor disagrees with that.

Seems very similar to the situation in the Far Left, Deep Blue seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, when Sarah Sanders was denied service at the Red Hen because of her conservatism.
In over 30 states, sexual orientation is included in PA laws......it's not political. But it is amusing to see you try to slide sexual orientation into a little political box of your own making. Would being straight be political to you also?

First, the right-wingers floated the idea that any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a "religion." Now, the claim is that it is a "political ideology." If something doesn't work, I guess it's "try, try, again." I can say that my identifying as a heterosexual has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It has to do with never having the same reaction to a woman that I have had toward (some) men. If it has been any different I would say so.Another off-the-wall theory bites the dust.

I know gay people who don't make their sexuality political and I know gay people who absolutely do. If you're going to sue someone because they won't bake you a wedding cake, you just made it political.

Play political games, "win" political prizes.
So...it's political to hold a business to the law?

Wait! so all those businesses that get sued not following safety laws (someone gets hurt)...or health laws (someone gets food poisoning)....the law suits were JUST political. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This was a manufactured situation, however. A set up. Had the baker said "sure", the "customer" would have cancelled the order at the last moment and looked for something even more outrageous to ask the baker to bake.

This had nothing to do with the supposed sexual preferences of the supposed customers
Prove it was a manufactured situation. Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - Wikipedia
PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

Excuse me Lysistrata?
But SCHOOLS CAN HAVE POLICIES banning political slogans or advertising on shirts.
And ask for plain designs with NO slogans or lettering unless it's SCHOOL RELATED.

If people can argue to REMOVE crosses, Bible references, and Christian prayers from schools,
the same SHOULD apply to people arguing to remove LGBT beliefs, expressions and practices.

However, Lysistrata
If a SCHOOL community AGREES to allow BOTH LGBT and Christian beliefs to be expressed
and included, as long as they AGREE DEMOCRATICALLY on a process, I support them totally!
But NOT to impose one belief while excluding others.
Either agree how to treat them equally, or remove any that cause objection.
Be fair, treat people's preferences for beliefs by equally including or excluding them,
as each district decides works for them!
It's true....fundamentalism is reactionary far right wing destruction no matter which religion we are talking about. Fundie Islam destroyed the Golden Age of Islam...fundie christianity has bred its own death and destruction over human history....think what the Puritans did by hanging people of different religions....things like the Inquisition...the 30 Years War...the St Bartholemew's Massacre....all religions have blood on their hands.
You are a shining example of what I've noticed early on....that I can say something about christianity and be accused of hating it....then I can say the EXACT SAME THING about islam and be accused of being a muslim lover.

Great bodecea if you can apply this "fundamental" imposition to
ALL beliefs, including LGBT beliefs, feminism, socialism, liberalism, secularism.

I agree people can go through "fundy" phases of absolutism and intolerance to discrepancies.
But from there, can work toward a more moderate approach to make distinctions instead of blanket generalizations and exclusions.
PA laws are in place for a good reason. If a person does not want to do business, then they don't need to establish one.

You obviously are a control freak. Nobody needs to "keep their shit to themselves" and nobody is expecting "other people to the adjust or adapt to it" except in the normal course of business. I don't even know how anyone would "keep their shit to themselves," anyway. Somehow, I do not think that you keep your shit to yourself. I think that you walk around freely in society. Yet you are issuing demands of others.

Get over the notion that you own the country or the world. You don't. You always have the option of leaving.

We The People 'own' our country the U.S. We The People currently control the world. Lucky you.

But we are all "We The People" who "own" our country. Some of "We The People" want control other members of "We The People." Apparently, Rustic is one of them. You might be, as well.

Sure Lysistrata
And that's why the PEOPLE
* who BELIEVE that LGBT identity is NOT a choice
* who BELIEVE that LGBT conditions are NOT naturally born but are a choice of behavior
* who BELIEVE that LGBT identify is part of a SPIRITUAL PROCESS that may be inborn or not, or may change or not

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Actually that isn't evidence of much, if both were raised in the same environment. It still asks the whole "nature vs nurture" question.

A better study would be split identical twins, but considering how few instances of that occur, you don't have enough of a sample size to reach any conclusions.
Actually, in the studies, the 40% still applies for those separated at birth.

Doesn't address the sample size, and 40% to me doesn't seem like preponderance of the evidence.

Of course it could also be due to the fact that there is not always one easy answer to questions like this, or no one reason for a given behavior.
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?
Actually, in the studies, the 40% still applies for those separated at birth.

Doesn't address the sample size, and 40% to me doesn't seem like preponderance of the evidence.

Of course it could also be due to the fact that there is not always one easy answer to questions like this, or no one reason for a given behavior.
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?

If there was a gay gene discovered, it would be the end of homosexuality within a generation or two.

Lib Parents would test for the gay gene, and have mom at the abortuary.
But we are all "We The People" who "own" our country. Some of "We The People" want control other members of "We The People." Apparently, Rustic is one of them. You might be, as well.

Homosexuals want to do this.
Doesn't address the sample size, and 40% to me doesn't seem like preponderance of the evidence.

Of course it could also be due to the fact that there is not always one easy answer to questions like this, or no one reason for a given behavior.
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?

If there was a gay gene discovered, it would be the end of homosexuality within a generation or two.

Lib Parents would test for the gay gene, and have mom at the abortuary.
What makes you think that?
If there was a gay gene discovered, it would be the end of homosexuality within a generation or two.

Lib Parents would test for the gay gene, and have mom at the abortuary.
What makes you think that?

Polishprince bodecea
I see it happening differently.

1. To defend "reparative therapy" in contrast to "conversion" that is abusive malpractice,
Christians will push for medical research and proof of how spiritual healing works.

2. This research will uncover cases of spiritual healing applied not only to help
people recovering from sexual abuse and unnatural addictions or predilections,
but will lead to research in how it has helped cure causes of cancer, schizophrenia,
and other mental and physical disorders (including criminal level sickness and disorders)

3. Thus, the same spiritual healing research will help solve other political problems with
* screening for mental illness to prevent Gun Violence
* preventing criminal sickness from escalating to rape, murder and other crimes
* converting prisons into better mental health and medical treatment centers for rehab, recovery and restitution
* freeing up resources to cover universal Health Care and Education WITHOUT RAISING MORE TAXES
in addition to solving political problems and disputes over LGBT issues.
But we are all "We The People" who "own" our country. Some of "We The People" want control other members of "We The People." Apparently, Rustic is one of them. You might be, as well.

Homosexuals want to do this.
How so?

Dear Leo123
Yes and no
1. Though I agree there ARE some LGBT and Liberal activists
who want to push THEIR BELIEFS about LGBT orientation as a GOVT RECOGNIZED CLASS
(similar to race) instead of treating LGBT equally as a faith based individual choice of preference, identity or spiritual process
2. There are CONSERVATIVE homosexual individuals who DO NOT BELIEVE in mandating their beliefs or preferences in public policy.

Your assumption is as "unfair" as saying ALL MUSLIMS
believe in pushing Jihad or "Sharia" practices into law and govt,
which isn't true. Many are NONPOLITICAL and keep their beliefs to themselves.
Let's not forget that they used the bible to excuse slavery....even had a schism in the Baptist Church over it.....a schism that lasts to this day. And used religion to excuse laws against inter-racial marriages. This is nothing new at all.

Dear bodecea

1. for slavery, this violates civil laws and Constitutional principles.
so for Christians who practice Biblical calling to Obedience to Civil Authority
then slavery has to be corrected including any restitution by civil laws and/or natural laws
on democratic process of "petitioning to redress grievances" to restore "equal protection of the laws"

2. for race, this is GENETIC and not changeable as homosexual orientation can change.
Again, by civil laws and Constitutional standards,
neither discrimination by race or creed is lawful
and in the case of BELIEFS, Christian laws about marriage cannot
be established NOR prohibited by Govt, so anyone's beliefs remain
an individual choice that govt cannot endorse or deny but must remain neutral

3. On that note, beliefs about LGBT orientation, marriage etc. ALSO
can neither be established nor prohibited by Govt.

So by Christian standards of Civil Obedience to laws and authority,
by the Constitution neither side's "beliefs or creeds" should either
be endorse or denied, established or prohibited, regulated or punished by Govt.
Or it's "discrimination by CREED" which violates civil rights laws
and Constitutional standards on equal protection of the laws to ALL PERSONS (regardless of creed or beliefs)

Correcting ALL these areas of conflicts or oppression
would be CONSISTENT with Christian beliefs, teachings and practice.

Remember bodecea the Christian Quakers on the left ALSO fought to
ABOLISH slavery, so it isn't fair to only consider the proslavery to be "Christian"
and not the abolitionists who argued it was against basic human rights and equality.
If both sides claimed to be Christian, the conflict had to be coming from something else,
such as political or economic interests, not from Christianity that had members on both sides.

With the LGBT there are also Christians on both sides of this.
I believe that can be resolved by researching how spiritual healing
works, to distinguish which cases can be changed and which cannot.
Instead of arguing that "all cases" are either "all natural" or "all unnatural choice"
Last edited:
Doesn't address the sample size, and 40% to me doesn't seem like preponderance of the evidence.

Of course it could also be due to the fact that there is not always one easy answer to questions like this, or no one reason for a given behavior.
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

Now, can we expand on this research into genetics/epigenetics
and do comparison research on cases where people claim to
have CHANGED their orientation after undergoing spiritual therapy.

1. Does this confirm the theory that "those people were never really gay to begin with"
2. Or will it show that SOME people WITH this "epigenetic" predilection
ARE able to change and to what degrees?

If there was a gay gene discovered, it would be the end of homosexuality within a generation or two.

Lib Parents would test for the gay gene, and have mom at the abortuary.
Lib parents?? Are you fucking serious? Do you have your head so far up your ass that you don't know that many parents love and accept their LGBT kids?

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