I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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Tell us, is Covid 19 a white man's plot to thin you folks out?
Considering how stupid white racists are I wouldnt put it past them. I mean the logic is incredible. Release a virus in China to kill all people of African descent. Makes sense right? :laugh:

Why aren't you thanking my people for finding an effective treatment?

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US
I'll thank the team that came up with it when they remove the "potential" label.

Only way to remove "potential" is to use it and gauge the results of 2-3 week period. Potential is better than zero.
I dont have the virus so I'm not using it. You can use it and let me know how it goes.

I would if I had it. Hell I may but just don't show any symptoms?
Let’s hope that more conservatives acknowledge the fact that this outbreak is serious, that they stop trying to downplay its severity, and stop lying about the crisis being ‘overblown’ by ‘the media.’

Don't misrepresent what I say here, or try to use it to support your own bad narrative.
The media have been egregiously irresponsible and contributed greatly to the panic buying etc. As well as were counter-productive making this about politics that clouded all of us.
A good example was when Trump was talking about the hopes of the malaria treatment and feels pretty good about it - and the dumbass media guy ask an asinine question - "Do you think your positive spin on this is giving Americans a false sense of hope on an unapproved drug" - WTF kind of dumbass question was that????.... and as it turns out the hope about the malaria drug has basis. It IS helping some patients, although they do not yet understand why.
..... Is it really that bad?

It is.
The stress levels are at peak. Imagine YOU... having to care for people who have the very virus that has the world on edge. YOU are in the room with them. And then you go home to your family. "Am I safe? Was I well covered? Did I touch something"?
And then imagine yourself having at least the comfort that the really sick and dying are old, or have other respiratory/immune problems. But then, 24 hours later - that is not the case anymore. Now YOU might literally die if you get it. But you still have to take care of those that could infect you. 12 hours at a time.

Imagine that stress.
So basically the stress they feel is from a public worked to a state of hysteria and not because of a maybe little worse than typical flu.

I see the power of the American media to push people beyond sane behaviour
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.
Yea this is the same trend I’ve been hearing about. It’s not a lot of young people, but it’s enough to be concerning. I think what’s happening here is that since this is a new disease in humanity, there might be a certain percent of the population who have genetic predisposition either helping them or hurting them with this disease. In the past when say smallpox or something else would emerge, the only humans left were the ones with immunity and a genetic predisposition to help survive it and they passed down their genes. Which is why when Europeans came to America, basically 90% of the native Americans were wiped out very rapidly from smallpox or the other diseases Europeans brought over.
Let’s hope that more conservatives acknowledge the fact that this outbreak is serious, that they stop trying to downplay its severity, and stop lying about the crisis being ‘overblown’ by ‘the media.’

Don't misrepresent what I say here, or try to use it to support your own bad narrative.
The media have been egregiously irresponsible and contributed greatly to the panic buying etc. As well as were counter-productive making this about politics that clouded all of us.
A good example was when Trump was talking about the hopes of the malaria treatment and feels pretty good about it - and the dumbass media guy ask an asinine question - "Do you think your positive spin on this is giving Americans a false sense of hope on an unapproved drug" - WTF kind of dumbass question was that????.... and as it turns out the hope about the malaria drug has basis. It IS helping some patients, although they do not yet understand why.
You dont think false hope is dangerous? Let me tell you what it does. Its death to leadership. The more times you fail to come through by bullshitting people the less those people are going to believe you. Its like the boy that cried wolf. Drumpf has long passed the point where most people see him as nothing more than a carnival barker.
Let’s hope that more conservatives acknowledge the fact that this outbreak is serious, that they stop trying to downplay its severity, and stop lying about the crisis being ‘overblown’ by ‘the media.’

Don't misrepresent what I say here, or try to use it to support your own bad narrative.
The media have been egregiously irresponsible and contributed greatly to the panic buying etc. As well as were counter-productive making this about politics that clouded all of us.
A good example was when Trump was talking about the hopes of the malaria treatment and feels pretty good about it - and the dumbass media guy ask an asinine question - "Do you think your positive spin on this is giving Americans a false sense of hope on an unapproved drug" - WTF kind of dumbass question was that????.... and as it turns out the hope about the malaria drug has basis. It IS helping some patients, although they do not yet understand why.
You dont think false hope is dangerous? Let me tell you what it does. Its death to leadership. The more times you fail to come through by bullshitting people the less those people are going to believe you. Its like the boy that cried wolf. Drumpf has long passed the point where most people see him as nothing more than a carnival barker.
He should warn them if they dare step outside, THEYRE GONNA DIE!

No false hope there
Let’s hope that more conservatives acknowledge the fact that this outbreak is serious, that they stop trying to downplay its severity, and stop lying about the crisis being ‘overblown’ by ‘the media.’

Don't misrepresent what I say here, or try to use it to support your own bad narrative.
The media have been egregiously irresponsible and contributed greatly to the panic buying etc. As well as were counter-productive making this about politics that clouded all of us.
A good example was when Trump was talking about the hopes of the malaria treatment and feels pretty good about it - and the dumbass media guy ask an asinine question - "Do you think your positive spin on this is giving Americans a false sense of hope on an unapproved drug" - WTF kind of dumbass question was that????.... and as it turns out the hope about the malaria drug has basis. It IS helping some patients, although they do not yet understand why.
You dont think false hope is dangerous? Let me tell you what it does. Its death to leadership. The more times you fail to come through by bullshitting people the less those people are going to believe you. Its like the boy that cried wolf. Drumpf has long passed the point where most people see him as nothing more than a carnival barker.
He should warn them if they dare step outside, THEYRE GONNA DIE!

No false hope there
That would be more bullshit but I should expect that type of ignorance of the facts from a Drumpf supporter.
Well. You, and most others, listen to these assholes.... The day I wait for an "official" to advise my moves; I hope lightening strikes my head
I didnt wait. I started worrying in the beginning of Jan. Even gave my daughters masks before they went back to college just in case.

Masks don't prevent the spread of those that don't have it but only for those that do, so why did you give them masks? Your lies are funny.
Yeah I know that now. However that shows my thinking even before it really started hitting. If I could figure it out as a layperson, why didnt that fuckup in the WH know something was wrong? Simple. He was more worried about his numbers than the people.
He did. No one knew what it was exactly until it was too late. Like you, Trump is human. Hell the NBA halted their season too late too. The impact of Trumps decisions has massive negatives on our economy and human psyche. Do you really blame him for waiting a little longer to completely shut the country down? One of my clients told me life was not worth living as he had to lay off 150+ people. He has three young kids at home. Trump is doing the best he can. Even on this board people are arguing if he overreacted. Opinions differ. This is an extremely difficult and unprecedented situation. I hope your family is safe. Despite our feud, I wish for health and happiness for you and yours. Look at the bright side, my people seem to have discovered an effective treatment.

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US
I blame Drumpf for dismantling (out of spite) the Pandemic Response Team, for not listening to intelligence reports which officially begin on 3Jan, for claiming it was a hoax, and then lying about tests being available for everyone. The fact that the reports officially begin in early Jan means they knew something was up as early as Novermber. Then you have to consider his failure at being a leader by spreading misinformation and claiming he didnt take responsibility. He's simply an incompetent fuckup and its too bad people had to die specifically due to his fuckups.
2 lies in the very first sentence. That has got to be a record!
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.
Well. You, and most others, listen to these assholes.... The day I wait for an "official" to advise my moves; I hope lightening strikes my head
I didnt wait. I started worrying in the beginning of Jan. Even gave my daughters masks before they went back to college just in case.

So in other words, you didn't need the president to tell you what to do. Thanks for the admission. :laugh:
Correct. I didnt but there are a lot of people who do. :rolleyes:
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Are you not aware that Princess Cruise Line disembarked ill American passengers and our Federal Gov't put them on a plane with others not yet ill Americans. I suspect this was a political decision, not a pragmatic or health one.
I didnt wait. I started worrying in the beginning of Jan. Even gave my daughters masks before they went back to college just in case.

Masks don't prevent the spread of those that don't have it but only for those that do, so why did you give them masks? Your lies are funny.
Yeah I know that now. However that shows my thinking even before it really started hitting. If I could figure it out as a layperson, why didnt that fuckup in the WH know something was wrong? Simple. He was more worried about his numbers than the people.
He did. No one knew what it was exactly until it was too late. Like you, Trump is human. Hell the NBA halted their season too late too. The impact of Trumps decisions has massive negatives on our economy and human psyche. Do you really blame him for waiting a little longer to completely shut the country down? One of my clients told me life was not worth living as he had to lay off 150+ people. He has three young kids at home. Trump is doing the best he can. Even on this board people are arguing if he overreacted. Opinions differ. This is an extremely difficult and unprecedented situation. I hope your family is safe. Despite our feud, I wish for health and happiness for you and yours. Look at the bright side, my people seem to have discovered an effective treatment.

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US
I blame Drumpf for dismantling (out of spite) the Pandemic Response Team, for not listening to intelligence reports which officially begin on 3Jan, for claiming it was a hoax, and then lying about tests being available for everyone. The fact that the reports officially begin in early Jan means they knew something was up as early as Novermber. Then you have to consider his failure at being a leader by spreading misinformation and claiming he didnt take responsibility. He's simply an incompetent fuckup and its too bad people had to die specifically due to his fuckups.
2 lies in the very first sentence. That has got to be a record!
Please submit your rebuttal with proof.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

The first sign of the virus is a diminishing ability to use proper grammar.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

The first sign of the virus is a diminishing ability to use proper grammar.
That was funny unk but during the apocalypse no one cares. :rolleyes:
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.
You tell that to the people that would have changed their behavior had Drumpf been a leader from the beginning and raised an alarm instead of downplaying the virus. He has blood on his hands and so do clowns like you that support Drumpf.

grow up you fool.

You make us look bad.
You've looked bad every since you voted for an idiot to be POTUS. I had nothing to do with that.

You have no clue as to who I voted for.

Regardless, you've looked bad since you started posting at USMB.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.
You tell that to the people that would have changed their behavior had Drumpf been a leader from the beginning and raised an alarm instead of downplaying the virus. He has blood on his hands and so do clowns like you that support Drumpf.

grow up you fool.

You make us look bad.
You've looked bad every since you voted for an idiot to be POTUS. I had nothing to do with that.

You have no clue as to who I voted for.

Regardless, you've looked bad since you started posting at USMB.
Looked bad to who? Anyone important?
..... Is it really that bad?

It is.
The stress levels are at peak. Imagine YOU... having to care for people who have the very virus that has the world on edge. YOU are in the room with them. And then you go home to your family. "Am I safe? Was I well covered? Did I touch something"?
And then imagine yourself having at least the comfort that the really sick and dying are old, or have other respiratory/immune problems. But then, 24 hours later - that is not the case anymore. Now YOU might literally die if you get it. But you still have to take care of those that could infect you. 12 hours at a time.

Imagine that stress.
So basically the stress they feel is from a public worked to a state of hysteria and not because of a maybe little worse than typical flu.

I see the power of the American media to push people beyond sane behaviour

I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

The first sign of the virus is a diminishing ability to use proper grammar.

The first sign of being a dick, is acting like a dick.
Let’s hope that more conservatives acknowledge the fact that this outbreak is serious, that they stop trying to downplay its severity, and stop lying about the crisis being ‘overblown’ by ‘the media.’

Don't misrepresent what I say here, or try to use it to support your own bad narrative.
The media have been egregiously irresponsible and contributed greatly to the panic buying etc. As well as were counter-productive making this about politics that clouded all of us.
A good example was when Trump was talking about the hopes of the malaria treatment and feels pretty good about it - and the dumbass media guy ask an asinine question - "Do you think your positive spin on this is giving Americans a false sense of hope on an unapproved drug" - WTF kind of dumbass question was that????.... and as it turns out the hope about the malaria drug has basis. It IS helping some patients, although they do not yet understand why.
You dont think false hope is dangerous? Let me tell you what it does. Its death to leadership. The more times you fail to come through by bullshitting people the less those people are going to believe you. Its like the boy that cried wolf. Drumpf has long passed the point where most people see him as nothing more than a carnival barker.
He should warn them if they dare step outside, THEYRE GONNA DIE!

No false hope there
That would be more bullshit but I should expect that type of ignorance of the facts from a Drumpf supporter.
I've just proven you can never be satisfied.
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