I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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The "flu" has always affected the young, the old, those with weak immune systems and sometimes others.
Why everyone is so shocked and acting hysterically is beyond comprehension.

We have vaccine for the flu every year that is available to the whole population. It may be 18 months before a vaccine is available for coronavirus. Coronavirus has a death rate that is at least 10 times greater than the flu. No vaccine, 10 times deadlier than the flu, hence the national and global shutdown.
We have vaccine for the flu every year that is available to the whole population. It may be 18 months before a vaccine is available for coronavirus. Coronavirus has a death rate that is at least 10 times greater than the flu. No vaccine, 10 times deadlier than the flu, hence the national and global shutdown.
So fucking what! It's the flu- it attacks older people, younger people, people with weak immune systems and many others!
I've never had a flu shot- I've had the flu twice in the last 14 years- "I" survived in spite of and apparently to spite the hysterical.
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

The first sign of the virus is a diminishing ability to use proper grammar.

The first sign of being a dick, is acting like a dick.

Was you seriously about that's?
We have vaccine for the flu every year that is available to the whole population. It may be 18 months before a vaccine is available for coronavirus. Coronavirus has a death rate that is at least 10 times greater than the flu. No vaccine, 10 times deadlier than the flu, hence the national and global shutdown.
So fucking what! It's the flu- it attacks older people, younger people, people with weak immune systems and many others!
I've never had a flu shot- I've had the flu twice in the last 14 years- "I" survived in spite of and apparently to spite the hysterical.

This is a pandemic involving a more dangerous pathogen than we normally see with annual flu season. Unless you want to kill 2 million plus Americans in the next year plus overwhelm and destroy the health care system, shutting everything down except essential services is necessary.
This is a pandemic involving a more dangerous pathogen than we normally see with annual flu season.
It's the flu- get over it or die. That will not change what it is. It's no reason for mass hysteria- it's barely killed anyone

The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges

The (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from H1N1 viruses that were circulating at the time of the pandemic. Few young people had any existing immunity (as detected by antibody response) to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus, but nearly one-third of people over 60 years old had antibodies against this virus, likely from exposure to an older H1N1 virus earlier in their lives. Since the (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from circulating H1N1 viruses, vaccination with seasonal flu vaccines offered little cross-protection against (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. While a monovalent (H1N1)pdm09 vaccine was produced, it was not available in large quantities until late November—after the peak of illness during the second wave had come and gone in the United States. From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

What's changed? Oh, POTUS- my, my, my Orange Man Bad.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!
Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

My significant other works in a hospital lab dealing with this stuff first hand as well. The amount of misinformation out there about Covid-19 is mind boggling.
Is this thing really that bad.

I guess it depends on your definition of 'bad'.
Are we talking in the potential of millions?

The potential for millions infected is certainly there, but the most important thing is that we still just don't know enough about the contagion yet. We don't know the full potential of aerosol infection. The infection rate in this country is still on the rise. We know people have contracted the virus through the nose, mouth and eyes. An effective vaccine will require trials which will require time. A year is most likely the expectation, but it would not be abnormal if it took longer than that. You can't fast track this process, no matter what the administration and/or media may tell us. The self quarantines/lock downs are the only methods to slow down the spread of infection.

If you have questions, rely on your doctor, not media/social media. The cloroquine treatment is still a big hail mary pass for Covid-19 treatment at this point. The drug is decades old and has some pretty severe side effects as well. Since it's a treatment for malaria, many people in Africa have built up a tolerance, thus it's no longer a recommended drug there. Another drug being looked into is Remdesivir, which is a non-FDA approved intravenous antiviral which poses its own risks. Even these treatments will require several trials before they can be cleared.
This is a pandemic involving a more dangerous pathogen than we normally see with annual flu season.
It's the flu- get over it or die. That will not change what it is. It's no reason for mass hysteria- it's barely killed anyone

The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges

The (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from H1N1 viruses that were circulating at the time of the pandemic. Few young people had any existing immunity (as detected by antibody response) to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus, but nearly one-third of people over 60 years old had antibodies against this virus, likely from exposure to an older H1N1 virus earlier in their lives. Since the (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from circulating H1N1 viruses, vaccination with seasonal flu vaccines offered little cross-protection against (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. While a monovalent (H1N1)pdm09 vaccine was produced, it was not available in large quantities until late November—after the peak of illness during the second wave had come and gone in the United States. From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

What's changed? Oh, POTUS- my, my, my Orange Man Bad.

There was a vaccine available for the H1N1. There is no vaccine for Coronavirus. Coronavirus is a cold virus, not a flu virus. H1N1 was a flu virus that was similar to annual flu viruses we have faced in the past. Coronavirus is a completely new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunity.

If you don't lock down the country, you risk killing 2 million Americans within a year! Flu only kills an average of 40,000 Americans a year. Why do you want to kill 1,960,000 plus people?

You won't find any government on the planet right now that suggest this is no big deal and nothing to be concerned about.

Read some SCIENCE about it and read what epidemiologist(people who study pandemics) about why this is necessary.
Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.
New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.
1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.
Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.
Stop making excuses for the incompetent fuck up. Thats part of leadership. You use your experts and your judgement. All his experts were telling him the exact same thing early in Jan officially. He decided it was a hoax then isnt even leader enough to accept the responsibility of fucking up.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?
I don't need to read the link.
Then STFU- you read what aligns with your fears- that is dumber than dumb- you'd rather be dumb that knowledgeable is THE problem with this hysteria-

It's from that benevolent CDC-
New York is run by Democrats. Cuomo praised Trump. Cannot have it both ways. Russia has 300 cases. Why aren't you praising Russia?

1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.
Stop making excuses for the incompetent fuck up. Thats part of leadership. You use your experts and your judgement. All his experts were telling him the exact same thing early in Jan officially. He decided it was a hoax then isnt even leader enough to accept the responsibility of fucking up.

ALL OF HIS EXPERTS? Except those that disagreed, whom you called "idiots". LOL.
1. Trump is the President and its his responsibility to protect the country from dangerous crises like this. He failed to act early which is why the United States is stuck in this mess. New York State and more particular New York City is suffering because of the population density there, its unofficial title as capital of the world where so much of the planets travel and trade goes through.

2. I have praised Russia in other threads, but Japan is an ally, democracy, diversified market economy, first world country with a large population, like the United States. It is many similarities to the United States and maintains accurate counts in its medical field. It also is very exposed to China given that China is its largest trading partner. So I thought Japan was the best example with which to compare the United States to show how Donald Trump has failed the country.

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.
I'm assuming with your statement #2 you've never been to Japan? I've been to both cities and Tokyo is way more crowded than NY.
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