I Watched This Video Three Times

You really believed Slow Joe's plan would pay for itself, didn't ya.. dumbass?
It is way past time to make the Ultra Rich pay their taxes.
We had a POTUS who devalued his properties so that he could pay less taxes.
You support this action?
Or do you just deny that he did it?

Which one. I want you to tell me that you support the RICH cheating or that you deny that they actually cheat.

Have some guts.......I dare you to tell me that the an ExPOTUS didn't devalued properties to save on paying taxes, and that this ExPOTUS did NOT cheat to avoid paying his fair share.
He said. "Not a single person making less than $400,000 will pay a single additional penny in Federal Taxes."

I make less than $400,000 per year.
Did he lie?
No he didn't. I will NOT pay MORE in Federal Taxes.

Dude, you collect welfare - you don't pay taxes.


Okay, Biden's a fucking retard, we get it.

But let's take what the drooling fool meant rather than what he said;

Making the pitch for his infrastructure and tax hike plan on Wednesday, President Biden said: “I start with one rule: No one. I’ll say it again: No one making under $400,000 will see their federal taxes go up. Period.”

But this is a lie. As Charlie Cooke has pointed out previously, White House press secretary Jen Psaki explained that the $400,000 refers to families. (See the official White House transcript here). In other words, people with combined household income of $400,000. That is the only way for the Biden plan to produce the revenue it claims to raise.}

democrats lie - it's what they do....
It is way past time to make the Ultra Rich pay their taxes.
We had a POTUS who devalued his properties so that he could pay less taxes.
You support this action?
Or do you just deny that he did it?

Which one. I want you to tell me that you support the RICH cheating or that you deny that they actually cheat.

Have some guts.......I dare you to tell me that the an ExPOTUS didn't devalued properties to save on paying taxes, and that this ExPOTUS did NOT cheat to avoid paying his fair share.

What are you blabbering about now?
I do enjoy watching you struggle with reality.

The greatest swindle against the peasants occurs in what we see today. The bills need to be paid or enough principle is needed to forestall massive issues. Inflation is used by the corrupted to impose their will on the peon. The 1970's should have been a warning for the massive government resources spent in the 1960's. And the government grew in a huge way from the 1960's legislation. The peasant would be paying at least a couple times more in federal taxes and more if the Federal Tax laws were not changed under Reagan.
Can you imagine what atrocities the Clintons, Obozo, and Bush are doing to our laws and constitution while we sit here and watch their puppet show?
Why is trump not on your list?

You really believe trump was good for America?
He destroyed the (R) party, and sadly, you let him do it.
It is way past time to make the Ultra Rich pay their taxes.

And by "ultra rich" you mean those working 90 hours a week pulling down $225,000 a year.

Hollywood and the tech oligarchs aren't rich, they are the good guys.

We had a POTUS who devalued his properties so that he could pay less taxes.
You support this action?
Or do you just deny that he did it?

You Nazis are not known for honesty, so it's highly doubtful that what you claim matches reality.

Which one. I want you to tell me that you support the RICH cheating or that you deny that they actually cheat.

Did Xi's man declare all the bribes he took from Burisma and pay taxes on them?

What about the bribes he takes from China and Iran via Hunters faux "art?"

But that's different, Seig Heil.

Have some guts.......I dare you to tell me that the an ExPOTUS didn't devalued properties to save on paying taxes, and that this ExPOTUS did NOT cheat to avoid paying his fair share.

I see you think you found a nugget on one of the fascist hate sites.
The 3 wealthiest people in the USA are worth $450 billion. The Federal government spends $4,500 billion each year. If the moochers stole every dollar the 'rich' had they'd blow the money in a few years and be even deeper in debt.
Did Xi's man declare all the bribes he took from Burisma and pay taxes on them?
Have you done ANY research on Burisma?
Biden and the EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT investigating Burisma.
Shokin was a stooge and protected corrupt Pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

You are totally clueless and you just repeat talking points you heard from RW fake news.
The top 10% already pay 70% of the taxes you deadbeat mooching loser. Get a job and pay YOUR share and stop mooching off us.
No shit Sherlock.
That is brilliant that you figured out that when the Ultra Rich cheat and pay way less in tax that they should, that it adds up to the top 10% paying 70%.
The top 10% should pay MORE, like what they actually owe, which would be MORE than 70%.

Why do you continually use RW talking points to protect the Ultra Rich?
Answer the question:

Did trump devalue his properties in an effort to pay less taxes on his properties?
Or is this ^^^^^^^ fake news and trump never did devalue his properties.

And since he actually did devalue his properties, you are saying you support tax cheaters.
Crawl back under your bed where at least the dust bunnies like you. No one here does. No one.
Don't care.
I don't know you, but you seem like the typical cult member.

Now answer the question:
This thread is about Biden saying that people making under $400,000 won't pay a single penny more in Federal Taxes.

So, this point is relevant. Did trump devalue his properties to save/avoid paying taxes?
Or, is it fake news and trump didn't devalue his properties to save/avoid paying taxes?

Why are you avoiding the question?
Don't care.
I don't know you, but you seem like the typical cult member.

Now answer the question:
This thread is about Biden saying that people making under $400,000 won't pay a single penny more in Federal Taxes.

So, this point is relevant. Did trump devalue his properties to save/avoid paying taxes?
Or, is it fake news and trump didn't devalue his properties to save/avoid paying taxes?

Why are you avoiding the question?
Don't care.
It is so much fun and gives me joy to watch all you RWI's cry, whine, and Lie.
It is glorious.
So many criminals that you support. WTF is wrong with you clown?

I took you off ignore because I always peek at what people are quoting and I've got to say what are you laughing about now? I don't see you giving any evidence to the contrary of this subject.

Just the presstitutes.

Lol I looked this up and I didn't realize that it was a real term as I thought that it was only a play on prostitutes. :badgrin:

Biden's performance last week showed a tired old man out of touch with reality and prone to angry outbursts when confronted with simple questions.

What performance last week?

Now answer the question:
This thread is about Biden saying that people making under $400,000 won't pay a single penny more in Federal Taxes.

The real question is how the fuck is that actually possible? You do realize that the government comes after the poorer people first right? Because they still have to be making money off of them and they're not very sympathetic when it comes to debts.
No shit Sherlock.
That is brilliant that you figured out that when the Ultra Rich cheat and pay way less in tax that they should, that it adds up to the top 10% paying 70%.
The top 10% should pay MORE, like what they actually owe, which would be MORE than 70%.

Why do you continually use RW talking points to protect the Ultra Rich?
It's OUR money we earned it. That goes for the "ultra rich" propaganda you are spewing to try to divide Americans scumbag. You mooching beggers need to work a job and pay your own way in life. Already you should be down on your knees thanking us for paying as much as we do. :eusa_hand:

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