I weep for this country

You know, just to avoid looking like fools in a year or two, you liberals might want to tone down your whining and doom-and-gloom predictions. What are you going to do if Trump gets the economy growing at a rate of 3-4%, brings back trillions in repatriated income, secures the border, starts to get us closer to a balanced budget, restores law and order, and gets the government to work better than it has in decades (like the VA)? You guys are gonna look mighty foolish.
What are they going to do? The same thing they always do. Rewrite history.
  • They will proclaim the 3% - 4% growth in GDP to be the result of Barack Obama's policies
  • They will proclaim the trillions brought back into this country caused massive national debt because we got less of it in taxes than their communist asses desired (never mind that there communist asses currently got $0.00 in taxes from it)
  • They will proclaim that securing the border was "racist"
  • They will proclaim the balanced budget "cheated families out of desperately needed government services"
  • They will proclaim restoring law and order was "racist" (yes, they will double-down on this one as it is their absolute favorite)
  • They will proclaim that the government didn't work better no matter how much it did
Mark it down right now. That's exactly how they will play it. They live to rewrite history.

Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
It literally took less than 1 minute for my first prediction to come to fruition. Progressives are so predictable... :lmao:

That's because it's true. You guys are such hypocrites and you don't even realize it.

When you talk about the Obama you say the economy sucks but when you talk about Mike Pence or Rick Snyder and their economies you say the economy is back. Well which is it? See fool? You won't give Obama credit and you certainly didn't give Bush the blame he deserved for the Great Recession it caused.

I'm not going to try to convince a fool. You won, now show us how you are going to solve things like "real" unemployment and the debt. I'm watching. Time to stop talking and start doing.
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
Well at least that would be a war that makes some sense since Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Unlike the Dumbocrat's war in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria.

Just like the Iraq war made sense to you god damn idiots. LOL.
I just can't wait to see how much better the poor do under Republican rule. Actually this isn't my first rodeo so I have a guess as to how you will do. Not well. Not well at all. But you will stop worrying about those poor people and you will start telling them all that THEY are the only ones responsible for their station in life. In a way I agree with you. Including the fact that they didn't vote or they voted GOP. So, they are responsible for the big let down they are about to experience. Liberals didn't let poor people down, poor people let themselves down by not showing up in 2010. So, they are going to get the government they deserve. I LOVE IT!!!
You just said in your previous post that after 8 years of Obama, the poor are still in bad shape. You're literally contradicting yourself from one post to the next. And do you know why? Because you won't accept the facts. It's always ideology over reality with you people.
Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
Is there anything more fall-down hilarious than libtard "logic". If you omit the poor, every economy is "great". If you don't count the poor in Afghanistan right now, their economy is epic. If you don't count the poor during The Great Depression, that economy was epic.

Progressives are something else. They just can't embrace reality over their ideology. They will say any stupid thing to make it sound like progressive policy didn't fail.

What I find funny is you guys just won the Senate, House, White House, Supreme Court and something like 31 governors and 31 state governments are all in your control and here you are still crying. Why the fuck would you weep after such a victory? You should be happy and optimistic.

Probably you know nothings going to change for the middle class so you're already preparing yourself for the big let down and already getting your excuses ready.

Clinton handed Bush a surplus and look what Bush did. Obama handed Trump a good economy now lets watch as Trump spends more than every president combined. BET!
You won, now show us how you are going to solve things like "real" unemployment and the debt. I'm watching. Time to stop talking and start doing.
My dear, Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and is still more than a month away from doing so. If you're serious about talking results, come back to us at the end of 2019 when he's had some policies put into place and time for those policies to take affect.

Otherwise, let's talk facts right now. Like the fact that Obama destroyed our economy. And you even admitted that poor people are still bad off after 8 years of Obama.
I just can't wait to see how much better the poor do under Republican rule. Actually this isn't my first rodeo so I have a guess as to how you will do. Not well. Not well at all. But you will stop worrying about those poor people and you will start telling them all that THEY are the only ones responsible for their station in life. In a way I agree with you. Including the fact that they didn't vote or they voted GOP. So, they are responsible for the big let down they are about to experience. Liberals didn't let poor people down, poor people let themselves down by not showing up in 2010. So, they are going to get the government they deserve. I LOVE IT!!!
You just said in your previous post that after 8 years of Obama, the poor are still in bad shape. You're literally contradicting yourself from one post to the next. And do you know why? Because you won't accept the facts. It's always ideology over reality with you people.
Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
The poor let Democrats down by not showing up to vote, IN DROVES, to elect Democrats. If they did maybe they wouldn't be hurting as much. Remember when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA? Who invented NAFTA? It was HW Bush and the GOP.

The poor let themselves down by not voting.

And you're acting like Democrats had all the power and the GOP didn't obstruct their plans. Well now you have all the power. Lets see working class wages go up on your watch. I'm going to hold you to the same standards you judge Obama by.
Trump is already showing that he can keep jobs in the U.S. and the hysterical idiots on the left continue to weep. No surprises here.
What I find funny is you guys just won the Senate, House, White House, Supreme Court and something like 31 governors and 31 state governments are all in your control and here you are still crying. Why the fuck would you weep after such a victory? You should be happy and optimistic.

Probably you know nothings going to change for the middle class so you're already preparing yourself for the big let down and already getting your excuses ready.

Clinton handed Bush a surplus and look what Bush did. Obama handed Trump a good economy now lets watch as Trump spends more than every president combined. BET!
We're not crying - you are. We're just setting the record straight while you people attempt to rewrite history (just as I said you would). You're so upset over losing that you can't figure which way is up right now.
I just can't wait to see how much better the poor do under Republican rule. Actually this isn't my first rodeo so I have a guess as to how you will do. Not well. Not well at all. But you will stop worrying about those poor people and you will start telling them all that THEY are the only ones responsible for their station in life. In a way I agree with you. Including the fact that they didn't vote or they voted GOP. So, they are responsible for the big let down they are about to experience. Liberals didn't let poor people down, poor people let themselves down by not showing up in 2010. So, they are going to get the government they deserve. I LOVE IT!!!
You just said in your previous post that after 8 years of Obama, the poor are still in bad shape. You're literally contradicting yourself from one post to the next. And do you know why? Because you won't accept the facts. It's always ideology over reality with you people.
Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
The poor let Democrats down by not showing up to vote, IN DROVES, to elect Democrats. If they did maybe they wouldn't be hurting as much. Remember when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA? Who invented NAFTA? It was HW Bush and the GOP.

The poor let themselves down by not voting.

And you're acting like Democrats had all the power and the GOP didn't obstruct their plans. Well now you have all the power. Lets see working class wages go up on your watch. I'm going to hold you to the same standards you judge Obama by.

Fair enough... as will I.
You won, now show us how you are going to solve things like "real" unemployment and the debt. I'm watching. Time to stop talking and start doing.
My dear, Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and is still more than a month away from doing so. If you're serious about talking results, come back to us at the end of 2019 when he's had some policies put into place and time for those policies to take affect.

Otherwise, let's talk facts right now. Like the fact that Obama destroyed our economy. And you even admitted that poor people are still bad off after 8 years of Obama.

If poor people voted in 2010 and 2014 they wouldn't be so bad off. Now they get to live with the GOP running the country. Yes, lets see how happy and successful the poor are in 4 years.

And we don't need to argue that Obama handed Trump a good economy. You didn't admit Bush handed Obama a Great Recession so I don't expect you to be honest now. It took TRUMP to tell you Bush sucked before you fools would admit it. In fact all Trumps NAFTA talk sounds a lot like what I've been saying. But none of you agreed with me when I said it. It took Trump to tell you. So who's the sheep here? I tell you something and you don't listen but your sheep herder tells you the same thing and you listen. Interesting.
The poor let themselves down by not voting.
This perfectly sums up the progressive ideology..."vote yourself into prosperity". My God, how does one become this detached from reality?

Can we round up all progressives and place them in an internment camp which teach basic economics and basic business?
What I find funny is you guys just won the Senate, House, White House, Supreme Court and something like 31 governors and 31 state governments are all in your control and here you are still crying. Why the fuck would you weep after such a victory? You should be happy and optimistic.

Probably you know nothings going to change for the middle class so you're already preparing yourself for the big let down and already getting your excuses ready.

Clinton handed Bush a surplus and look what Bush did. Obama handed Trump a good economy now lets watch as Trump spends more than every president combined. BET!
We're not crying - you are. We're just setting the record straight while you people attempt to rewrite history (just as I said you would). You're so upset over losing that you can't figure which way is up right now.

I can't figure out why we didn't elect Gore too! The economy was fine.

And you are not setting the record straight. You are trying to revise history. The economy is fine for everyone but the poor. Could it be better? Sure. When the CEO's pay went up 300% and we haven't got a raise in 30 years, eventually they have to give us a raise. It's not like corporations and the rich aren't doing better than ever. It's just not trickling down.

What kind of loser are you if you are struggling still? Tell me your situation. And tell me what the GOP are going to do for you. And don't tell me you aren't struggling because Obama sucked so bad you must be.
You are trying to revise history. The economy is fine for everyone but the poor. Could it be better? Sure.
And she went right back to her previous irrational statement. "The economy is fine for everyone but the poor". Yeah...that was true during The Great Depression as well. :eusa_doh:
The poor let Democrats down by not showing up to vote, IN DROVES, to elect Democrats. The poor let themselves down by not voting.
Only in the mind of a progressive does someone stop being poor by voting. For rational people, they realize working, earning a living, being promoted, and cutting expenses is how to build wealth.
What kind of loser are you if you are struggling still? Tell me your situation. And tell me what the GOP are going to do for you. And don't tell me you aren't struggling because Obama sucked so bad you must be.
I wouldn't use the term "struggling". My wife and I have the exact same jobs we had before Obama was elected. Unfortunately we do pay more in taxes now and we pay a lot higher healthcare costs - both due to failed progressive policies, so we have less wealth (which always happens to Americans under Dumbocrats). But again, I wouldn't say "struggling". I think a better term is "being screwed".
Just like the Iraq war made sense to you god damn idiots. LOL.
Yeah...ousting a vicious dictator was such a bad idea. :eusa_doh:
It was! It was a horrible decision!!! OMG the fact that you said that tells me you are still so up GW Bush and the GOP's asshole you can't even see. What kind of man do you think can rule those people in the middle east? It takes a SADDAM to do that my friend. We WISH we had Saddam back.

AND, dummy, Saddam was a Sunni and hated Iran. He was ruling 90% of his country were Shiites. Now Iran doesn't have Saddam to keep them in check.

I have to stop talking to you. Your stupidity bothers me. I can see how easily you'll be lied into another unnecessary war.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Where were you 8 years ago? If you are just weeping now you are nothing but an ignorant hack.

You must be a loser if you are still hurting. Blue collar? I mean things aren't perfect but we aren't in the Great 2007 Recession.

I'm beginning to realize that anyone who worked for Gas Oil and Coal was happy under the Bush years. Of course when gas was $4 a gallon.

I'm personally not hurting, but that's the difference between you and me. I think about others, I think about the future and what the country will be like. It's very sad. You however, only care that you got your free shit and to hell with everyone else.

You are stupid, selfish and a loser.

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