I weep for this country

And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
Well, damn, if we reap the whirlwind of what a Jeb presidency would have brought ... I can live with it. LOL

Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Hmmm, well I think those who speculated that he might actually be a dem, who favored debt producing jobs programs, single payer HC, abortion rights, and tariffs and trade wars .... have been proven wrong.

He appears to be a traditional goper except that he's tough on immigration. We may see even stronger jobs growth, but not because jobs are "coming back."
They could only go out of the country if the country let them go.
Let them go?!? Are you freaking kidding me? So your vision of America is a Berlin Wall where we put up barbed-wire and have men with machine-guns kill anyone who tries to leave?!?

Yeah...that sounds like progressives.

No you can leave the country. Just don't try to ship your goods back here.

How come when Trump says it you get it but when I say it you don't? Sounds like Trump/Rush/Fox can tell you something and you'll swallow it but if I say it you blow it off. What a follower you must be.
I don't agree with that idiotic principle whether it comes from a progressive or a conservative.

Trump's plan includes improving trade agreements and incentivizing jobs and money to flow back into the U.S. through lower tax rates and decreased regulations. That I agree with 100%.

That's been the GOP montra for the last 30 years. Didn't work for Bush so lets see if it works this time.

Us liberals have zero power. The country/government is all yours. We will be grading you has harshly as you graded Obama.

Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why
Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Had he run as the Democrat that he actually is - you would have had a chance. Hitlery Clinton is the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
Well, damn, if we reap the whirlwind of what a Jeb presidency would have brought ... I can live with it. LOL

Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Hmmm, well I think those who speculated that he might actually be a dem, who favored debt producing jobs programs, single payer HC, abortion rights, and tariffs and trade wars .... have been proven wrong.

He appears to be a traditional goper except that he's tough on immigration. We may see even stronger jobs growth, but not because jobs are "coming back."

I hope so. I hope you are right. I'm still not done arguing with cons but I have an open mind and hope you guys prove me wrong. Its not simple that's for sure.

Trump is not a right winger. The only reason he will be a right winger is because he's going to give the GOP some things they want in order to get what he wants. Do I think he will let them cut or even defund social security and medicare? Fuck yes. Will he appoint a rwnj to the supreme court? I believe he will. But so what? What are they going to do, ban abortions? I'm never getting an abortion anyways. So I wonder why the fuck do I care so much? Especially when all the young girls who believe in pro choice didn't show up to vote. So if its not important to them, or if they didn't believe the GOP would ban abortion, I guess they'll have to learn the hard way. LOL
Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Had he run as the Democrat that he actually is - you would have had a chance. Hitlery Clinton is the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history.
Really? Because she came awfully close. She even got more votes than he did. Trumps right the electoral college needs to go.

That's another one you guys won't agree with me on but Trump said it back when he thought Romney won the popular vote but lost and you guys all agreed with him then but once you realized Democrats always win the popular vote your position on this changed.
That's been the GOP montra for the last 30 years. Didn't work for Bush so lets see if it works this time.
It worked flawlessly for Ronald Reagan. It would have worked for George W. Bush as well but he didn't do it. He only cut taxes after things took a turn for the worse (which subsequently worked incidentally). He was too busy with the 9/11 mess left in his lap after Clinton and the Dumbocrats refused to deal with Al Qaeda.
Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Had he run as the Democrat that he actually is - you would have had a chance. Hitlery Clinton is the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history.
Really? Because she came awfully close. She even got more votes than he did. Trumps right the electoral college needs to go.

That's another one you guys won't agree with me on but Trump said it back when he thought Romney won the popular vote but lost and you guys all agreed with him then but once you realized Democrats always win the popular vote your position on this changed.
That's only because Donald Trump was the most obnoxious, unprofessional, outspoken candidates ever.
Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Had he run as the Democrat that he actually is - you would have had a chance. Hitlery Clinton is the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history.

Hillary received more votes in this past election than any other candidate in American history other than Barrack Obama. She even got more votes than Trump and Ronald Reagan.

Its a shame more stupid young, poor, black, arab and hispanics didn't show up to vote. Oh well, being a white middle age upper middle class person who's bills are all paid off, fuck them.
That's been the GOP montra for the last 30 years. Didn't work for Bush so lets see if it works this time.
It worked flawlessly for Ronald Reagan. It would have worked for George W. Bush as well but he didn't do it. He only cut taxes after things took a turn for the worse (which subsequently worked incidentally). He was too busy with the 9/11 mess left in his lap after Clinton and the Dumbocrats refused to deal with Al Qaeda.
Much worse to our economy than that one day event were all the bad policies bush implemented after 9-11. Lets just agree to disagree. I'm on your side now. I'm rooting for the GOP to prove me wrong. Don't tell me about the past. It reminds me how badly you guys are going to fail. I'd rather forget the past and hope things are different this time because maybe Trump isn't a rwnj like bush and co was.

He might actually keep the GOP in check.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
Well, damn, if we reap the whirlwind of what a Jeb presidency would have brought ... I can live with it. LOL

Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Hmmm, well I think those who speculated that he might actually be a dem, who favored debt producing jobs programs, single payer HC, abortion rights, and tariffs and trade wars .... have been proven wrong.

He appears to be a traditional goper except that he's tough on immigration. We may see even stronger jobs growth, but not because jobs are "coming back."

I hope so. I hope you are right. I'm still not done arguing with cons but I have an open mind and hope you guys prove me wrong. Its not simple that's for sure.

Trump is not a right winger. The only reason he will be a right winger is because he's going to give the GOP some things they want in order to get what he wants. Do I think he will let them cut or even defund social security and medicare? Fuck yes. Will he appoint a rwnj to the supreme court? I believe he will. But so what? What are they going to do, ban abortions? I'm never getting an abortion anyways. So I wonder why the fuck do I care so much? Especially when all the young girls who believe in pro choice didn't show up to vote. So if its not important to them, or if they didn't believe the GOP would ban abortion, I guess they'll have to learn the hard way. LOL
Oh yeah. He's screwing the poorer rural underemployed rural whites who voted for him, at least in terms of policy.

He didn't apt Price as HHS to save medicare. We're going to a "premium support" voucher system. And that will pass sooner rather than later, because McConnell only needs 50 votes plus Pence. Truump is not preserving Medicare.

Congress will remove incentives for corporations to take jobs overseas, in terms of lowering the corp tax rate (dems were ok with this) and how we treat for earned profits. But, we're not gonna see tariffs.

I suppose they will tweak Nafta, but Canada and Mexico want changes as well.

As for debt, supply side cuts have increased the debt every single time. This time however we need consumer demand. If we get growth, debt as a % of gdp may go down.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
Well, damn, if we reap the whirlwind of what a Jeb presidency would have brought ... I can live with it. LOL

Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Hmmm, well I think those who speculated that he might actually be a dem, who favored debt producing jobs programs, single payer HC, abortion rights, and tariffs and trade wars .... have been proven wrong.

He appears to be a traditional goper except that he's tough on immigration. We may see even stronger jobs growth, but not because jobs are "coming back."

I hope so. I hope you are right. I'm still not done arguing with cons but I have an open mind and hope you guys prove me wrong. Its not simple that's for sure.

Trump is not a right winger. The only reason he will be a right winger is because he's going to give the GOP some things they want in order to get what he wants. Do I think he will let them cut or even defund social security and medicare? Fuck yes. Will he appoint a rwnj to the supreme court? I believe he will. But so what? What are they going to do, ban abortions? I'm never getting an abortion anyways. So I wonder why the fuck do I care so much? Especially when all the young girls who believe in pro choice didn't show up to vote. So if its not important to them, or if they didn't believe the GOP would ban abortion, I guess they'll have to learn the hard way. LOL
Oh yeah. He's screwing the poorer rural underemployed rural whites who voted for him, at least in terms of policy.

He didn't apt Price as HHS to save medicare. We're going to a "premium support" voucher system. And that will pass sooner rather than later, because McConnell only needs 50 votes plus Pence. Truump is not preserving Medicare.

Congress will remove incentives for corporations to take jobs overseas, in terms of lowering the corp tax rate (dems were ok with this) and how we treat for earned profits. But, we're not gonna see tariffs.

I suppose they will tweak Nafta, but Canada and Mexico want changes as well.
Americans don't realize what's coming.
Hillary received more votes in this past election than any other candidate in American history other than Barrack Obama. She even got more votes than Trump and Ronald Reagan.

Its a shame more stupid young, poor, black, arab and hispanics didn't show up to vote. Oh well, being a white middle age upper middle class person who's bills are all paid off, fuck them.
Spoken like a true progressive. You feign concern for them, but at the end of the day, you could care less.

If you truly cared, you'd be sharing your wealth with them.
Well, damn, if we reap the whirlwind of what a Jeb presidency would have brought ... I can live with it. LOL

Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Hmmm, well I think those who speculated that he might actually be a dem, who favored debt producing jobs programs, single payer HC, abortion rights, and tariffs and trade wars .... have been proven wrong.

He appears to be a traditional goper except that he's tough on immigration. We may see even stronger jobs growth, but not because jobs are "coming back."

I hope so. I hope you are right. I'm still not done arguing with cons but I have an open mind and hope you guys prove me wrong. Its not simple that's for sure.

Trump is not a right winger. The only reason he will be a right winger is because he's going to give the GOP some things they want in order to get what he wants. Do I think he will let them cut or even defund social security and medicare? Fuck yes. Will he appoint a rwnj to the supreme court? I believe he will. But so what? What are they going to do, ban abortions? I'm never getting an abortion anyways. So I wonder why the fuck do I care so much? Especially when all the young girls who believe in pro choice didn't show up to vote. So if its not important to them, or if they didn't believe the GOP would ban abortion, I guess they'll have to learn the hard way. LOL
Oh yeah. He's screwing the poorer rural underemployed rural whites who voted for him, at least in terms of policy.

He didn't apt Price as HHS to save medicare. We're going to a "premium support" voucher system. And that will pass sooner rather than later, because McConnell only needs 50 votes plus Pence. Truump is not preserving Medicare.

Congress will remove incentives for corporations to take jobs overseas, in terms of lowering the corp tax rate (dems were ok with this) and how we treat for earned profits. But, we're not gonna see tariffs.

I suppose they will tweak Nafta, but Canada and Mexico want changes as well.
Americans don't realize what's coming.

Oh, I don't think it will be that bad, at least for traditional gopers.

What we have done, though, is we've lost the chance to return the tax/wealth balance back to say .... 1975, and have program benefits for the middle class.

Blacks are screwed in terms of criminal justice reform and voting rights.

I don't think Latinos/Hispanics are monolithic in terms of immigration. Open borders are not that great for a lot of them.

I think the underemployed will see some benefit, in income terms, just from full employment and policies that don't favor off shoring as much.
Hillary received more votes in this past election than any other candidate in American history other than Barrack Obama. She even got more votes than Trump and Ronald Reagan.

Its a shame more stupid young, poor, black, arab and hispanics didn't show up to vote. Oh well, being a white middle age upper middle class person who's bills are all paid off, fuck them.
Spoken like a true progressive. You feign concern for them, but at the end of the day, you could care less.

If you truly cared, you'd be sharing your wealth with them.

I don't care. I wanted our country/government to care but when these people don't even care themselves? Fuck them! I have woken up. I care for the ones who care for themselves but chances are those types will succeed without liberal policies and eventually become Republicans themselves.

Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country. I'm done caring about them. If they can't feed themselves they can die for all I care. Had they showed up and voted I would still be defending them but when you DONT VOTE you send a clear message that you are a bad citizen and why the fuck should I care about lazy citizens.

So I can give them welfare and foodstamps. Is that going to help them get out of poverty? It might if they weren't lazy but they are. By not voting they proved not to be worthy of my concern.

The GOP can shit on the poor and they still won't show up to the 2018 midterms. Why be concerned with losers like this? If it weren't for them I'd be a conservative. If I lived in a rural red state conservativism would make sense. It doesn't work in big overpopulated urban areas. But since the urbans didn't even bother to show up, I hope the GOP cuts off all the social programs and safety nets that are designed to help these slackers. Don't worry about retrobution because these people won't show up to vote no matter what bad things you do to them. Cops shoot their kids, give them lead poisioning, etc. None of it will get poor people to show up. So why am I worrying about people like this? I no longer am.
Now I wish Trump would have ran and won as a Democrat and wish he would have beat up Kasich or Cruz or Rubio in the election. Then Trump would be nominating Pelosi instead of Palin, Hillary instead of Romney, etc. LOL.
Hmmm, well I think those who speculated that he might actually be a dem, who favored debt producing jobs programs, single payer HC, abortion rights, and tariffs and trade wars .... have been proven wrong.

He appears to be a traditional goper except that he's tough on immigration. We may see even stronger jobs growth, but not because jobs are "coming back."

I hope so. I hope you are right. I'm still not done arguing with cons but I have an open mind and hope you guys prove me wrong. Its not simple that's for sure.

Trump is not a right winger. The only reason he will be a right winger is because he's going to give the GOP some things they want in order to get what he wants. Do I think he will let them cut or even defund social security and medicare? Fuck yes. Will he appoint a rwnj to the supreme court? I believe he will. But so what? What are they going to do, ban abortions? I'm never getting an abortion anyways. So I wonder why the fuck do I care so much? Especially when all the young girls who believe in pro choice didn't show up to vote. So if its not important to them, or if they didn't believe the GOP would ban abortion, I guess they'll have to learn the hard way. LOL
Oh yeah. He's screwing the poorer rural underemployed rural whites who voted for him, at least in terms of policy.

He didn't apt Price as HHS to save medicare. We're going to a "premium support" voucher system. And that will pass sooner rather than later, because McConnell only needs 50 votes plus Pence. Truump is not preserving Medicare.

Congress will remove incentives for corporations to take jobs overseas, in terms of lowering the corp tax rate (dems were ok with this) and how we treat for earned profits. But, we're not gonna see tariffs.

I suppose they will tweak Nafta, but Canada and Mexico want changes as well.
Americans don't realize what's coming.

Oh, I don't think it will be that bad, at least for traditional gopers.

What we have done, though, is we've lost the chance to return the tax/wealth balance back to say .... 1975, and have program benefits for the middle class.

Blacks are screwed in terms of criminal justice reform and voting rights.

I don't think Latinos/Hispanics are monolithic in terms of immigration. Open borders are not that great for a lot of them.

I think the underemployed will see some benefit, in income terms, just from full employment and policies that don't favor off shoring as much.

Don't worry about voting rights for blacks. They say they care but then don't show up to vote.
Hillary received more votes in this past election than any other candidate in American history other than Barrack Obama. She even got more votes than Trump and Ronald Reagan.

Its a shame more stupid young, poor, black, arab and hispanics didn't show up to vote. Oh well, being a white middle age upper middle class person who's bills are all paid off, fuck them.
Spoken like a true progressive. You feign concern for them, but at the end of the day, you could care less.

If you truly cared, you'd be sharing your wealth with them.

Your comment reminded me of Louis CK's stand up on how he's evil because he drives an expensive Infinity.

Instead of buying a $50K car he could drive a $20K car and save a lot of people with the other $30K but he doesn't because he's evil. LOL
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

I agree. The GOP is the party of the haves and the Dems are the party for the have nots.

Guys like me and George Soros and Buffet wanted to help the poor but now I see they won't even help themselves so I'm done being a upper middle class white liberal.

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