I weep for this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees. As the Wall Street Journal noted in 1997, Alan Greenspan sees one of his main jobs as being to maintain a high enough level of "worker insecurity" that employees won't demand pay raises and benefits increases, thus provoking "wage inflation." ("CEO inflation" is fine with the cons.)
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.
You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

Just like Thomas Jefferson

This is because a middle class is the creation of government participation (conservatives call it "interference") in the marketplace, by determining the rules of the game of business and of taxation, and by providing free public education to all. And it wasn't until 1776, when Thomas Jefferson replaced John Locke's right to "life, liberty and property" with "life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" that the idea of a large class of working people having the ability to "pursue happiness" - the middle class - was even seriously considered as a cornerstone obligation of government.

Gotcha, Dennis

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

"Those seeking profits," Jefferson wrote, "were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. No other depositories of power have ever yet been found, which did not end in converting to their own profit the earnings of those committed to their charge."

He added: "I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom. ... We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. ... [Otherwise], as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, ... and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow sufferers."

I'm a libertarian, moron, I don't support any kind of government assistance for Corporations
You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

The conservative dream

For example, every year, millions of Americans revisit Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" about Ebenezer Scrooge and Bob (and Tiny Tim) Cratchit. Yet somehow Americans fail to realize the subtext of the story (and so many of Dickens' other works). That subtext is that the middle class is not a normal thing: exploited workers are the norm. In fact, in the six-thousand-year history of the "civilized" world, a middle class emerging in any nation has been such a rarity as to be historically invisible.

As Dickens pointed out, Cratchit lived the typical life of that day's English working poor. He couldn't afford medical care for Tim, dooming his son to death or a lifetime of deformity. He had no idea where his Christmas dinner may come from, let along how to get gifts for his children, and always lived on the edge of the terror of unemployment and homelessness. Although he had a full-time job at Scrooge & Marley, Inc., he was so desperately anxious to keep his job that he worked weekends and evenings and put up with years of daily abuse from his employer.

Argue with a conservative about what you think conservatives think
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.

Bull shit, you don't "regulate" you control. You are a socialist
You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees. As the Wall Street Journal noted in 1997, Alan Greenspan sees one of his main jobs as being to maintain a high enough level of "worker insecurity" that employees won't demand pay raises and benefits increases, thus provoking "wage inflation." ("CEO inflation" is fine with the cons.)

Stopped reading at "Conservatives." Oh, that was the first word ...

Argue my views, I am not interested in arguing conservatives views for you
Teddy Roosevelt's advice that, "We must drive the special interests out of politics. The citizens of the United States must effectively control the mighty commercial forces which they have themselves called into being. There can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains." Progressives pushed hard, and in 1907 a law was passed (still on the books) making it illegal for corporations to give money to politicians.
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.
You mean the same Thomas Jefferson who said this?

“Still one thing more, fellow citizens—a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.

Bull shit, you don't "regulate" you control. You are a socialist

Farm Aid started as a benefit concert held September 22, 1985, in Champaign, Illinois, to raise money for family farmers in the United States. The concert was organized by Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Neil Young, spurred on by Bob Dylan's comments at Live Aid earlier in that year that he hoped some of the money would help American farmers in danger of losing their farms through mortgage debt.

Remember things weren't that great under Reagan. Not for all Americans.
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.
You mean the same Thomas Jefferson who said this?

“Still one thing more, fellow citizens—a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
That's right. So why do we pay income tax? I'm with you brother!
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.

Bull shit, you don't "regulate" you control. You are a socialist

Farm Aid started as a benefit concert held September 22, 1985, in Champaign, Illinois, to raise money for family farmers in the United States. The concert was organized by Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Neil Young, spurred on by Bob Dylan's comments at Live Aid earlier in that year that he hoped some of the money would help American farmers in danger of losing their farms through mortgage debt.

Remember things weren't that great under Reagan. Not for all Americans.

Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.

Bull shit, you don't "regulate" you control. You are a socialist

Farm Aid started as a benefit concert held September 22, 1985, in Champaign, Illinois, to raise money for family farmers in the United States. The concert was organized by Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Neil Young, spurred on by Bob Dylan's comments at Live Aid earlier in that year that he hoped some of the money would help American farmers in danger of losing their farms through mortgage debt.

Remember things weren't that great under Reagan. Not for all Americans.


I have no idea what point for our conversation you think you just made
Liberals, on the other hand, subscribe to the notions of the founder of today's Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson -- that if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class (what in Jefferson's day were the "yeomanry") would vanish.

Lets see if this doesn't happen in the next 4-8 years.

Bull shit, you don't "regulate" you control. You are a socialist

Farm Aid started as a benefit concert held September 22, 1985, in Champaign, Illinois, to raise money for family farmers in the United States. The concert was organized by Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Neil Young, spurred on by Bob Dylan's comments at Live Aid earlier in that year that he hoped some of the money would help American farmers in danger of losing their farms through mortgage debt.

Remember things weren't that great under Reagan. Not for all Americans.


I have no idea what point for our conversation you think you just made
I agree with you. Fuck em.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees.
The fact that you don't believe that as well is tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.
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"I weep for this country"



Teddy Roosevelt's advice that, "We must drive the special interests out of politics. The citizens of the United States must effectively control the mighty commercial forces which they have themselves called into being. There can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains." Progressives pushed hard, and in 1907 a law was passed (still on the books) making it illegal for corporations to give money to politicians.
You have to love that progressive "logic". Government unconstitutionally assumes control over the private sector but those entities should have no say whatsoever in who represents them. :eusa_doh:

You want to take corporate money out of government? Then get government out of corporations!!! You can't have it both ways.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees.
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it, even when it leads to centuries of Tiny Tims and terrified-of-job-loss employees.
The fact that you don't believe that as well as tragic. You literally have no idea why government exists. The product of a progressive public school education, no doubt.

You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.
You need regulations to reign in Wall Street
You do? Really? Says who? The 2008 collapse was the direct result of government intervention. Every collapse always is. Socialism ends in Cuba, Venezuela, etc. If you hadn't dropped out of Junior High to engage in homosexual acts in dark allies of your neighborhood, you would know that snowflake.

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