I weep for this country

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of?
That was your side of the aisle that approved and pushed through idiotic bailouts. Your side lives to prop up failure. You are a prime example of that yourself! :lol:
Bush said give the bank robbers what they ask no questions asked. Democrats got the money back. It was a bad deal for sure.
You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.
The giant banks made a fortune with their predatory loans. They have no one to blame but themselves. No one forced them to make those loans, that's just your evil Big Government wet dream, dolt.

And no one forced Wall Street to gamble recklessly in the derivatives market that was based on all those shitty mortgages. AIG and Lehman Brothers collapsed because they could not cover the massive losses from the derivatives market that the Wall Street banks caused. And that caused all the dominos to fall.

You're a typical ignorant racist unsophisticated Repug dolt. Government is evil in your eyes, but corporate America never does anything wrong. Fucking imbecile.
Trying to explain this to juveniles is exhausting...

First of all - the banks were forced to make those loans under a host of regulations disguised as "anti-discriminatory". Second, they were also incentivized by the government to make the loans with the promise that Freddie and Fannie would guarantee the loan. That meant eliminating risk for the banks. Without risk, what incentive was there for the bank to not make really risky loans? Answer: none.

Had the government not intervened, and banks assumed all of the risk as the would in a true free market, none of that occurs nitwit. Instead, they made really risky loans because they stood to make money by doing so (again, thanks to idiotic government interference). Then they took the bad hand the government had dealt them and they rolled them up into investments and sold them off.

Lazy, greedy progressives bought them looking to get rich quick instead of actually earning wealth through working a job.
You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.
Agree with first part and not the second.

The middle class doesn't just happen out of free markets. Government policies create a big middle class.

Your way produces small rich and merchant class and the masses are poor
You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of?
That was your side of the aisle that approved and pushed through idiotic bailouts. Your side lives to prop up failure. You are a prime example of that yourself! :lol:
Bush said give the bank robbers what they ask no questions asked. Democrats got the money back. It was a bad deal for sure.
I don't absolve Bush of standing by and applauding. But Congress controls the purse strings and it was the Democrat-controlled House under Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled Senate under Harry Reid that bailed out Wall Street the first time under Bush and again a second time under Barack Obama.

Dumbocrats doing what Dumbocrats do best - throwing money around and propping up failure.
Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.
Agree with first part and not the second.

The middle class doesn't just happen out of free markets. Government policies create a big middle class.

Your way produces small rich and merchant class and the masses are poor
The federal government not only cannot pick winners and losers, it does not have the qualifications to know the difference…
"I weep for this country"



What country did Fred Flintstone live in? Didn't he have a union job? Was he saving for retirement?
its over your head snowflake
You need regulations to reign in Wall Street, you hopelessly stupid racist fuck. Otherwise, we'll have another 2008 financial disaster on our hands.

But you're a little unsophisticated gullible Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to such rich Repug cock. You simply have no choice in the matter, I understand.

You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?

Republicans don't want to do anything about this problem. They believe all rich people deserve their wealth and that all poor people deserve to be miserable. This line of reasoning is easy for simpleton Repugs to grasp. However, the reality is that the wealthy are the biggest welfare queens around. Nobody receives more government handouts than the rich.

Repugs like P@triot are essentially modern day serfs. In the Middle Ages, serfs existed for no other purpose but to protect the wealth of their feudal lords.

P@triot only exists to protect and justify the greed of rich Repugs. That's the only reason that poor Repugs exist. They are suckers in every sense of the word.
The giant banks made a fortune with their predatory loans. They have no one to blame but themselves. No one forced them to make those loans, that's just your evil Big Government wet dream, dolt.

And no one forced Wall Street to gamble recklessly in the derivatives market that was based on all those shitty mortgages. AIG and Lehman Brothers collapsed because they could not cover the massive losses from the derivatives market that the Wall Street banks caused. And that caused all the dominos to fall.

You're a typical ignorant racist unsophisticated Repug dolt. Government is evil in your eyes, but corporate America never does anything wrong. Fucking imbecile.
Trying to explain this to juveniles is exhausting...

First of all - the banks were forced to make those loans under a host of regulations disguised as "anti-discriminatory". Second, they were also incentivized by the government to make the loans with the promise that Freddie and Fannie would guarantee the loan. That meant eliminating risk for the banks. Without risk, what incentive was there for the bank to not make really risky loans? Answer: none.

Had the government not intervened, and banks assumed all of the risk as the would in a true free market, none of that occurs nitwit. Instead, they made really risky loans because they stood to make money by doing so (again, thanks to idiotic government interference). Then they took the bad hand the government had dealt them and they rolled them up into investments and sold them off.

Lazy, greedy progressives bought them looking to get rich quick instead of actually earning wealth through working a job.

Bullshit. You can't point to one case where the banks were forced to hand out loans against their will to people who couldn't afford it. The banks did it for one simple reason -- they made a fortune. Until the bubble burst.

You've got nothing and we both know it.
You aren't real bright are you? Regulations never did stop wall street. They collude with both parties you gullible loon idiot.

Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.

What's more insane is our government giving more welfare to the rich than to the poor. And that's the reality, just not in your simpleton Repug world.
Wrong, the Glass-Steagell act helped prevent another Depression for decades. Wall Street is the biggest threat to our country's national security. This country can only be destroyed from the inside.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.

What's more insane is our government giving more welfare to the rich than to the poor. And that's the reality, just not in your simpleton Repug world.
So you want to fight evil with more evil?
The giant banks made a fortune with their predatory loans. They have no one to blame but themselves. No one forced them to make those loans, that's just your evil Big Government wet dream, dolt.

And no one forced Wall Street to gamble recklessly in the derivatives market that was based on all those shitty mortgages. AIG and Lehman Brothers collapsed because they could not cover the massive losses from the derivatives market that the Wall Street banks caused. And that caused all the dominos to fall.

You're a typical ignorant racist unsophisticated Repug dolt. Government is evil in your eyes, but corporate America never does anything wrong. Fucking imbecile.
Trying to explain this to juveniles is exhausting...

First of all - the banks were forced to make those loans under a host of regulations disguised as "anti-discriminatory". Second, they were also incentivized by the government to make the loans with the promise that Freddie and Fannie would guarantee the loan. That meant eliminating risk for the banks. Without risk, what incentive was there for the bank to not make really risky loans? Answer: none.

Had the government not intervened, and banks assumed all of the risk as the would in a true free market, none of that occurs nitwit. Instead, they made really risky loans because they stood to make money by doing so (again, thanks to idiotic government interference). Then they took the bad hand the government had dealt them and they rolled them up into investments and sold them off.

Lazy, greedy progressives bought them looking to get rich quick instead of actually earning wealth through working a job.

Bullshit. You can't point to one case where the banks were forced to hand out loans against their will to people who couldn't afford it. The banks did it for one simple reason -- they made a fortune. Until the bubble burst.

You've got nothing and we both know it.
Destroyed on the inside by socialist entitlement programs you shit for brains...:lmao:

You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.

What's more insane is our government giving more welfare to the rich than to the poor. And that's the reality, just not in your simpleton Repug world.
So you want to fight evil with more evil?

Helping poor people is "evil"? Really? I don't think Jesus would agree.

You are truly lost.
You mean the $3 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, fucktard? Is that the entitlement program that your ignorant Repug ass speaks of? Go fuck yourself.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.

What's more insane is our government giving more welfare to the rich than to the poor. And that's the reality, just not in your simpleton Repug world.
So you want to fight evil with more evil?

Helping poor people is "evil"? Really? I don't think Jesus would agree.

You are truly lost.
Giving them handouts is not helping anybody, teaching them to fend for themselves is the right thing.
Republicans arguments don't make sense to me. The economy is absolutely positively wonderful for the rich. They've never been richer. So essentially the economy is booming. So what do Republicans want to do about the growing gap between the rich and poor?
Taking money from the rich and giving to the poor does not work, that's a fairy tale... Robin Hood shit.
Thinking Redistribution is anyway right is for the mentally insane.

What's more insane is our government giving more welfare to the rich than to the poor. And that's the reality, just not in your simpleton Repug world.
So you want to fight evil with more evil?

Helping poor people is "evil"? Really? I don't think Jesus would agree.

You are truly lost.
Giving them handouts is not helping anybody, teaching them to fend for themselves is the right thing.

Again, Jesus would disagree with your evil bumpkin ass.
The giant banks made a fortune with their predatory loans. They have no one to blame but themselves. No one forced them to make those loans, that's just your evil Big Government wet dream, dolt.

And no one forced Wall Street to gamble recklessly in the derivatives market that was based on all those shitty mortgages. AIG and Lehman Brothers collapsed because they could not cover the massive losses from the derivatives market that the Wall Street banks caused. And that caused all the dominos to fall.

You're a typical ignorant racist unsophisticated Repug dolt. Government is evil in your eyes, but corporate America never does anything wrong. Fucking imbecile.
Trying to explain this to juveniles is exhausting...

First of all - the banks were forced to make those loans under a host of regulations disguised as "anti-discriminatory". Second, they were also incentivized by the government to make the loans with the promise that Freddie and Fannie would guarantee the loan. That meant eliminating risk for the banks. Without risk, what incentive was there for the bank to not make really risky loans? Answer: none.

Had the government not intervened, and banks assumed all of the risk as the would in a true free market, none of that occurs nitwit. Instead, they made really risky loans because they stood to make money by doing so (again, thanks to idiotic government interference). Then they took the bad hand the government had dealt them and they rolled them up into investments and sold them off.

Lazy, greedy progressives bought them looking to get rich quick instead of actually earning wealth through working a job.

Bullshit. You can't point to one case where the banks were forced to hand out loans against their will to people who couldn't afford it. The banks did it for one simple reason -- they made a fortune. Until the bubble burst.

You've got nothing and we both know it.
I just explained the entire thing, my gentle little snowflake - and your best response was "bullshit". :lol:

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