I weep for this country

Provide a link supporting your bullshit or shut the fuck up, Repug peasant.
Nitwit here hasn't provided a single link backing up his ranting nonsense, but the minute he gets owned with facts he cries about a lack of links and runs away with his tail between his legs. Hilarious.

Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck. Read any of Rolling Stone's excellent articles on the derivatives market and Wall Street's dangerous gambling and corruption and how it led to the 2008 crash.

All you have to do is provide ONE example of how a bank was forced by the government to provide a loan to a poor person who couldn't afford to pay the loan. That's all your unremarkable racist ass has to do. You're full of shit because you're a know-nothing unsophisticated Repug goober.

You call someone a racist because you connect being poor to being black? Really? you are that out of touch that you don't realize what you are saying? Oh yeah, you are, you voted for Hillary.
Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck.
I did better than that, you unsophisticated, high school dropout nitwit. I watched a very thorough interview which included both the author himself (Michael Lewis) and the subject himself (Dr. Michael Burry). Both of them (like everyone else who has the misfortune to cross your path) are laughing their ass off at you right now.

They were very clear that Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The prospectus for each and every investment for packaged home loans had the full scope of the loans. The problem? The people on Wall Street didn't read them. But Dr. Michael Burry did you nitwit - and he saw how the loans kept getting riskier and riskier and riskier. So he went to Wall Street and asked if he could hedge against the investments. Enter "Credit Default Swaps". Dr. Burry made over $700 million. All because he did his job properly. Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The information was all there in the prospectus's the entire time.
That's all your unremarkable racist ass has to do. You're full of shit because you're a know-nothing unsophisticated Repug goober.
You call someone a racist because you connect being poor to being black? Really? you are that out of touch that you don't realize what you are saying? Oh yeah, you are, you voted for Hillary.
It's actually worse than that. The ignorant nitwit Dubya Da Last Repug Prez - with the most ignorant screen name ever - thinks anyone who won't fork over their money to him his "racist".

I am going to dance an Irish Jig when Donald Trump and the Republican's pull the welfare right out from his hateful, ungrateful far ass.
Provide a link supporting your bullshit or shut the fuck up, Repug peasant.
Nitwit here hasn't provided a single link backing up his ranting nonsense, but the minute he gets owned with facts he cries about a lack of links and runs away with his tail between his legs. Hilarious.

Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck. Read any of Rolling Stone's excellent articles on the derivatives market and Wall Street's dangerous gambling and corruption and how it led to the 2008 crash.

All you have to do is provide ONE example of how a bank was forced by the government to provide a loan to a poor person who couldn't afford to pay the loan. That's all your unremarkable racist ass has to do. You're full of shit because you're a know-nothing unsophisticated Repug goober.

You call someone a racist because you connect being poor to being black? Really? you are that out of touch that you don't realize what you are saying? Oh yeah, you are, you voted for Hillary.

And where did I say that, Repug lightweight?

Oh that's right....nowhere. Perform introspection on your own sorry unremarkable ass before trying to analyze someone smarter than you like myself.
You didn't answer the question (as usual). If you "care" soooooooo much about "helping people" then why don't you do it?!? Get up off of your dumb, lazy, worthless ass and actually do something for those in need. Government doesn't exist to provide for useless people like yourself.
How do you know that I don't do it, asshole?
Because I know assholes like you. If you were out there helping people, the government would need to help them and you wouldn't be crying for government to help them.

The truth is, you're a little welfare queen who lives her life pissed off that America is tired of your hatred for this country, your racism towards white people, and your entitlement views.
Oh that's right....nowhere. Perform introspection on your own sorry unremarkable ass before trying to analyze someone smarter than you like myself.
Oh the irony there.... :lmao:

The subsidized-housing Dumbocrat wants so desperately to convince everyone that she is some enlightened intellect, but she can't even form a proper sentence.

(Pssst....high school dropout...there should be a comma between "you" and "like" in your pitiful sentence structure :lol: )
Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck.
I did better than that, you unsophisticated, high school dropout nitwit. I watched a very thorough interview which included both the author himself (Michael Lewis) and the subject himself (Dr. Michael Burry). Both of them (like everyone else who has the misfortune to cross your path) are laughing their ass off at you right now.

They were very clear that Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The prospectus for each and every investment for packaged home loans had the full scope of the loans. The problem? The people on Wall Street didn't read them. But Dr. Michael Burry did you nitwit - and he saw how the loans kept getting riskier and riskier and riskier. So he went to Wall Street and asked if he could hedge against the investments. Enter "Credit Default Swaps". Dr. Burry made over $700 million. All because he did his job properly. Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The information was all there in the prospectus's the entire time.

Dr. Burry himself told his hedge fund investors that they were operating in a fraudulent market, because it took much longer than it should have for the market to crash, according to Burry's calculations.

And Goldman Sachs most definitely did screw people. They advised their own clients to invest in those shitty re-packaged mortgage instruments, while secretly betting against them in the market place. That is as unethical as it gets and it's why Goldman Sachs executives had to testify before Congress a few years ago. So I honestly have no idea what planet you live on.

And you're supporting my whole point....the Federal government needs to implement more regulation to prevent this type of corrupt/dangerous activity from occurring. Instead, your dumb ass thinks less regulation of Wall Street is a good idea, which is fucking crazy.
I'm a military officer.
Yeah....sure you are, Dumbocrat. :lol:

(They don't promote high school drop outs to the rank of officer, snowflake. Any other lies you want to try? Let me guess - you're also a "Navy Seal"? :lmao: )

I will say that I took an oath to protect this country from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

And you racist and fascist Repug mother fuckers are a dangerous threat to our democracy. All kidding aside. God help us during Trump's presidency.
Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck.
I did better than that, you unsophisticated, high school dropout nitwit. I watched a very thorough interview which included both the author himself (Michael Lewis) and the subject himself (Dr. Michael Burry). Both of them (like everyone else who has the misfortune to cross your path) are laughing their ass off at you right now.

They were very clear that Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The prospectus for each and every investment for packaged home loans had the full scope of the loans. The problem? The people on Wall Street didn't read them. But Dr. Michael Burry did you nitwit - and he saw how the loans kept getting riskier and riskier and riskier. So he went to Wall Street and asked if he could hedge against the investments. Enter "Credit Default Swaps". Dr. Burry made over $700 million. All because he did his job properly. Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The information was all there in the prospectus's the entire time.

Still waiting for your ONE example, dumb fuck.

Oh that's right...you can't produce it because you're full of shit.
Oh that's right....nowhere. Perform introspection on your own sorry unremarkable ass before trying to analyze someone smarter than you like myself.
Oh the irony there.... :lmao:

The subsidized-housing Dumbocrat wants so desperately to convince everyone that she is some enlightened intellect, but she can't even form a proper sentence.

(Pssst....high school dropout...there should be a comma between "you" and "like" in your pitiful sentence structure :lol: )

Calm down, my dear racist tea bagger lump of shit. You're on the verge of a meltdown.

I'm an officer, but definitely no gentleman. I drink your milkshake, Nazi pussy. I drink it all the way up.
Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck.
I did better than that, you unsophisticated, high school dropout nitwit. I watched a very thorough interview which included both the author himself (Michael Lewis) and the subject himself (Dr. Michael Burry). Both of them (like everyone else who has the misfortune to cross your path) are laughing their ass off at you right now.

They were very clear that Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The prospectus for each and every investment for packaged home loans had the full scope of the loans. The problem? The people on Wall Street didn't read them. But Dr. Michael Burry did you nitwit - and he saw how the loans kept getting riskier and riskier and riskier. So he went to Wall Street and asked if he could hedge against the investments. Enter "Credit Default Swaps". Dr. Burry made over $700 million. All because he did his job properly. Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The information was all there in the prospectus's the entire time.

Still waiting for your ONE example, dumb fuck.

Oh that's right...you can't produce it because you're full of shit.
So this is now the fifth time I've owned you with facts and you continue to run and hide from them. You've spread dozens of lies on this thread that I've corrected. Where are your links?
Last edited:
I'm a military officer.
Yeah....sure you are, Dumbocrat. :lol:

(They don't promote high school drop outs to the rank of officer, snowflake. Any other lies you want to try? Let me guess - you're also a "Navy Seal"? :lmao: )

I will say that I took an oath to protect this country from all threats, both foreign and domestic.
Boom! Already admitting that he's not a military "officer".
Read The Big Short or any number of books about the 2008 financial crash, you hopelessly stupid fuck.
I did better than that, you unsophisticated, high school dropout nitwit. I watched a very thorough interview which included both the author himself (Michael Lewis) and the subject himself (Dr. Michael Burry). Both of them (like everyone else who has the misfortune to cross your path) are laughing their ass off at you right now.

They were very clear that Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The prospectus for each and every investment for packaged home loans had the full scope of the loans. The problem? The people on Wall Street didn't read them. But Dr. Michael Burry did you nitwit - and he saw how the loans kept getting riskier and riskier and riskier. So he went to Wall Street and asked if he could hedge against the investments. Enter "Credit Default Swaps". Dr. Burry made over $700 million. All because he did his job properly. Wall Street didn't screw anybody. The information was all there in the prospectus's the entire time.

Still waiting for your ONE example, dumb fuck.

Oh that's right...you can't produce it because you're full of shit.
So this is now the fifth time I've bent you over with facts and you continue to run and hide from them. You've spread dozens of lies on this thread that I've corrected. Where are your links?

I gave you books and Rolling Stone magazine articles, fucktard. And you can't even provide one little example to support your horse shit lies about forced loans to poor people.

Here is an excellent Rolling Stone article about Goldman Sach's market manipulations:

The Great American Bubble Machine - Rolling Stone
I'm a military officer.
Yeah....sure you are, Dumbocrat. :lol:

(They don't promote high school drop outs to the rank of officer, snowflake. Any other lies you want to try? Let me guess - you're also a "Navy Seal"? :lmao: )

I will say that I took an oath to protect this country from all threats, both foreign and domestic.
Boom! Already admitting that he's not a military "officer".

No, I'm just not going to divulge my military career to a mentally disturbed Repug racist such as yourself.
I drink your milkshake, Nazi pussy. I drink it all the way up.
Ewww...now this flaming queer wants to turn the discussion to swallowing my load?!? :puke:

Why are you here, nitwit? There has to be some queer message boards out there for you to discuss fantasies with like-minded queers.

I had a feeling you would say something like that.

You've obviously never seen the excellent movie There Will Be Blood. Research it on You Tube.
I'm a military officer.
Yeah....sure you are, Dumbocrat. :lol:

(They don't promote high school drop outs to the rank of officer, snowflake. Any other lies you want to try? Let me guess - you're also a "Navy Seal"? :lmao: )

I will say that I took an oath to protect this country from all threats, both foreign and domestic.
Boom! Already admitting that he's not a military "officer".

No, I'm just not going to divulge my military career to a mentally disturbed Repug racist such as yourself.
You "career" certainly didn't include life as an officer. We've caught you in a multitude of lies already.

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