I weep for this country

Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

I agree. The GOP is the party of the haves and the Dems are the party for the have nots.

Guys like me and George Soros and Buffet wanted to help the poor but now I see they won't even help themselves so I'm done being a upper middle class white liberal.

Really? Then why isn't Soros paying the $7 billion in back taxes he owes?

Why did Buffett hire an army of accountants to find a dubious loop hole where he pays himself in capital gains to evade the taxes he owes?

You people don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Where were you 8 years ago? If you are just weeping now you are nothing but an ignorant hack.

You must be a loser if you are still hurting. Blue collar? I mean things aren't perfect but we aren't in the Great 2007 Recession.

I'm beginning to realize that anyone who worked for Gas Oil and Coal was happy under the Bush years. Of course when gas was $4 a gallon.

I'm personally not hurting, but that's the difference between you and me. I think about others, I think about the future and what the country will be like. It's very sad. You however, only care that you got your free shit and to hell with everyone else.

You are stupid, selfish and a loser.

That's why I was a liberal!!! Are you kidding me? I wanted the rich to pay more so the poor didn't have to struggle. The only reason I'm a republican now is I don't think the poor deserve to be helped. They can't even bother to show up and vote. And I think liberal policies encourage them to breed. This country doesn't need more bodies anymore it needs less. So since this planet is over populated as is, I don't think we should be helping poor people have more kids I think we should be discouraging them.

So I've actually flipped to the dark side. I no longer care about other people. I don't think you and your husbands insurance costs should have gone up so a poor shit head who can't even bother voting can get free healthcare. If the poor don't want to be poor they're going to have to earn it now. And without my help.

I'm not stupid or a loser but I am now officially selfish. So I'm 1/3 the way to being a full blooded Republican/Conservative. LOL

That's barely relevant.
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
Well at least that would be a war that makes some sense since Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Unlike the Dumbocrat's war in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria.

Just like the Iraq war made sense to you god damn idiots. LOL.
made sense to a lot of dimwitcrats that voted for it too
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
Well at least that would be a war that makes some sense since Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Unlike the Dumbocrat's war in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria.

Just like the Iraq war made sense to you god damn idiots. LOL.
made sense to a lot of dimwitcrats that voted for it too
Sure I remember being lied to too back then. Back then we were still giving GW and Chaney the benefit of the doubt. They used that nationalism after 9-11 to lie us into Iraq. That's when the GOP lost me forever. Until Trump. Yeah! Our savior. Stupid fuckers. LOL
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

I agree. The GOP is the party of the haves and the Dems are the party for the have nots.

Guys like me and George Soros and Buffet wanted to help the poor but now I see they won't even help themselves so I'm done being a upper middle class white liberal.

Really? Then why isn't Soros paying the $7 billion in back taxes he owes?

Why did Buffett hire an army of accountants to find a dubious loop hole where he pays himself in capital gains to evade the taxes he owes?

You people don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves

I don't give more than is required of me but I wish we were all required to give more. Do you not understand that?
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
Well at least that would be a war that makes some sense since Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Unlike the Dumbocrat's war in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria.

Just like the Iraq war made sense to you god damn idiots. LOL.
made sense to a lot of dimwitcrats that voted for it too

NAFTA made sense to a lot of Republicans. It still does. At least liberals admit when we are wrong. Are you going to admit you invented NAFTA and defended it up until Trump said something? In fact I believe deep down you guys know you love NAFTA still and you only used NAFTA as a way to con former blue collar workers who used to make $50K working for a union. You promised them better gigs but honestly you got nothing for the uneducated blue collar. In fact you are the ones who sent their jobs overseas.
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

I agree. The GOP is the party of the haves and the Dems are the party for the have nots.

Guys like me and George Soros and Buffet wanted to help the poor but now I see they won't even help themselves so I'm done being a upper middle class white liberal.

Really? Then why isn't Soros paying the $7 billion in back taxes he owes?

Why did Buffett hire an army of accountants to find a dubious loop hole where he pays himself in capital gains to evade the taxes he owes?

You people don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves

I don't give more than is required of me but I wish we were all required to give more. Do you not understand that?

Yes, it's called hypocrisy. And Soros isn't giving what he's required, is he?
I laugh in your fuckin face.

You ran HITLERY CLINTON for Christ's sake....

It should have been a historic electoral skull fuck.

You still lost. Pyongyang is nice most of the year bed wetter.

I noted the emoticons in your signature, of Hillary kissing the billionaires. Hmmmm..... Who's kissing the billionaires now?

Donald Trump's Cabinet could be wealthiest in modern history
Donald Trump's Cabinet could be wealthiest in modern history

Trump's team of gazillionaires - POLITICO
Nov 24, 2016 - Put together, Trump's Cabinet and administration could be worth as much as $35 ... Trump's glittering roster of millionaires and billionaires risks ... “These picks are a betrayal of his message to working-class voters,” said ...
Trump fills out Cabinet with millionaires and billionaires - Yahoo
23 hours ago - The family of Trump's pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, has a net worth estimated at $5.1 billion. President-elect Donald Trump, who ...
Billionaires, millionaires in Trump's cabinet - MSN.com
18 hours ago - ... Donald Trump is filling out his cabinet with millionairesand billionaires. ... Sen. Elizabeth Warren slams Trump cabinet pick. CNN Logo ...
Donald Trump, Champion of the Working Class, Is Filling His Cabinet ...
1 day ago - ... cabinet dominated by millionaire—even billionaire—appointees. Just take a look at the reported estimated net worths of Trump's picks so far:.
Yes, the Democratic party looks out for the losers of this country

You are the losers of this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.
You are the losers of this country

About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them
About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

But that's you guys! Don't you see it? You guys don't want them to vote. By them not voting YOU basically decide how much in taxes they pay, how much you pay them, how much welfare and social safety nets.

It's like workers who don't have a union to negotiate for them. Across the board they make less than their union counterparts. And you LOVE THAT. That's freedom to you baby! The freedom to pay as little as you can.

I just want to see the results of this all Republican government. I understand you think its the right way to run the country but will it work? That's really the test. Because my guess is your way will produce a small rich class, a small merchant class and a huge working poor class.

Scrooge & Marley, Inc. - The True Conservative Agenda

There is nothing "normal" about a nation having a middle class, even though it is vital to the survival of democracy. As twenty-three years of conservative economic policies have now shown millions of un- and underemployed Americans, what's "normal" in a "free and unfettered" economy is the rapid evolution of a small but fabulously wealthy ownership class, and a large but poor working class. In the entire history of civilization, outside of a small mercantilist class and the very few skilled tradesmen who'd managed to organize in guilds (the earliest unions) like the ancient Masons, the middle class was an aberration. If a nation wants a middle class, it must define it, desire it, and work to both create and keep it.
About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

Just like Thomas Jefferson

This is because a middle class is the creation of government participation (conservatives call it "interference") in the marketplace, by determining the rules of the game of business and of taxation, and by providing free public education to all. And it wasn't until 1776, when Thomas Jefferson replaced John Locke's right to "life, liberty and property" with "life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" that the idea of a large class of working people having the ability to "pursue happiness" - the middle class - was even seriously considered as a cornerstone obligation of government.
About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

"Those seeking profits," Jefferson wrote, "were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. No other depositories of power have ever yet been found, which did not end in converting to their own profit the earnings of those committed to their charge."

He added: "I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom. ... We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. ... [Otherwise], as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, ... and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow sufferers."
About 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots this year, down from 58.6 percent in 2012 and 61.6 percent in 2008, which was the highest mark in 40 years.

Who didn't vote? It was the poor, the young, women, hispanics, blacks and arabs. Yes they are all going to be the losers now the Republicans won. Lucky for me I'm none of these things.

So my brother asks me, "then why do you care?" and that's a great question. I don't anymore.

You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

The conservative dream

For example, every year, millions of Americans revisit Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" about Ebenezer Scrooge and Bob (and Tiny Tim) Cratchit. Yet somehow Americans fail to realize the subtext of the story (and so many of Dickens' other works). That subtext is that the middle class is not a normal thing: exploited workers are the norm. In fact, in the six-thousand-year history of the "civilized" world, a middle class emerging in any nation has been such a rarity as to be historically invisible.

As Dickens pointed out, Cratchit lived the typical life of that day's English working poor. He couldn't afford medical care for Tim, dooming his son to death or a lifetime of deformity. He had no idea where his Christmas dinner may come from, let along how to get gifts for his children, and always lived on the edge of the terror of unemployment and homelessness. Although he had a full-time job at Scrooge & Marley, Inc., he was so desperately anxious to keep his job that he worked weekends and evenings and put up with years of daily abuse from his employer.
You care because you're greedy, self centered and consumed with wealth envy, just like every other liberal
Yes and you are ignorant to all the liberal policies and programs that you benefitted along the way. If America looked the way you dream it would have a small ruling class. Lets call them the Trumps of the world. Then you would have the small middle class and your way would produce an economy where the vast majority are working poor.

But hey, if that's what freedom produces so be it right? Winner take all, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, every man for himself. That's free unfettered unregulated capitalism. In fact I'll provide the absolute cheapest abortions and let the market decide if abortions stay or go. If women don't want them they won't get them, right?

Yeah, liberty is only important to the rich. Blah blah. Bullshit
Well when 80% of the rich vote and 80% of the poor don't, yes, it seems liberty is only important to the rich.

Oh the poor want a share of the pie but they are too lazy to even bother showing up to vote every 2 or 4 years. If they are bad citizens fuck what they want.

And that ... is why you're a Marxist. The poor don't know what's good for themselves, so you'll decide and do it for them

But that's you guys! Don't you see it? You guys don't want them to vote. By them not voting YOU basically decide how much in taxes they pay, how much you pay them, how much welfare and social safety nets.

It's like workers who don't have a union to negotiate for them. Across the board they make less than their union counterparts. And you LOVE THAT. That's freedom to you baby! The freedom to pay as little as you can.

I just want to see the results of this all Republican government. I understand you think its the right way to run the country but will it work? That's really the test. Because my guess is your way will produce a small rich class, a small merchant class and a huge working poor class.

Scrooge & Marley, Inc. - The True Conservative Agenda

There is nothing "normal" about a nation having a middle class, even though it is vital to the survival of democracy. As twenty-three years of conservative economic policies have now shown millions of un- and underemployed Americans, what's "normal" in a "free and unfettered" economy is the rapid evolution of a small but fabulously wealthy ownership class, and a large but poor working class. In the entire history of civilization, outside of a small mercantilist class and the very few skilled tradesmen who'd managed to organize in guilds (the earliest unions) like the ancient Masons, the middle class was an aberration. If a nation wants a middle class, it must define it, desire it, and work to both create and keep it.

Us guys? How many libertarians are you talking to? And again with the Marxist rhetoric, you disrespect the masses because they aren't as smart as you about what's good for them. Keep ranting, Karl

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