I weep for this country

Do not weep.....war is kind.

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind.
Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky
And the affrighted steed ran on alone,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment,
Little souls who thirst for fight,
These men were born to drill and die.
The unexplained glory flies above them,
Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom --
A field where a thousand corpses lie.

Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Swift blazing flag of the regiment,
Eagle with crest of red and gold,
These men were born to drill and die.
Point for them the virtue of slaughter,
Make plain to them the excellence of killing
And a field where a thousand corpses lie.

Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

Poets' Corner - Stephen Crane - War is Kind and Other Lines
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

What a butt-hurt little pussy clown-grrl. :lol:

He wanted proof so I gave it
I do too bodecea. You progressives have destroyed it.

Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
I do too bodecea. You progressives have destroyed it.

Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
You accurately predicted destroying our country before you destroyed it?

Roll back not just the bush tax cuts but the Reagan cuts too. We predicted we'd go broke if you have them and guess what?
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.
You know, just to avoid looking like fools in a year or two, you liberals might want to tone down your whining and doom-and-gloom predictions. What are you going to do if Trump gets the economy growing at a rate of 3-4%, brings back trillions in repatriated income, secures the border, starts to get us closer to a balanced budget, restores law and order, and gets the government to work better than it has in decades (like the VA)? You guys are gonna look mighty foolish.
I do too bodecea. You progressives have destroyed it.

Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
You accurately predicted destroying our country before you destroyed it?

Roll back not just the bush tax cuts but the Reagan cuts too. We predicted we'd go broke if you have them and guess what?
And yet it was Barack Obama - after record high revenues to the government through massive tax increases - who added more to the national debt than Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush combined. Math not your strong point sealybobo?

By the way...all of the things that made us go broke (Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) were put in by Dumbocrats loooooong before Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush ever took office. Oops. History not your strong point either sealybobo?
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Where were you 8 years ago? If you are just weeping now you are nothing but an ignorant hack.
I think it just means that it took Bodecea longer than most to figure out how bad Obama and the Dumbocrats are (it always does with progressives). We knew a few months in. It took Bodecea there 8 years. But hey...she came around eventually.
I do too bodecea. You progressives have destroyed it.

Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
You accurately predicted destroying our country before you destroyed it?

Roll back not just the bush tax cuts but the Reagan cuts too. We predicted we'd go broke if you have them and guess what?
And yet it was Barack Obama - after record high revenues to the government through massive tax increases - who added more to the national debt than Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush combined. Math not your strong point sealybobo?

By the way...all of the things that made us go broke (Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) were put in by Dumbocrats loooooong before Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush ever took office. Oops. History not your strong point either sealybobo?

Those things didn't make us go broke. Politicians who are controlled by the rich ruined those programs and this country. Those rich people are greedy not because they want to keep the money they earned but because they don't realize they were born into a country where rich people paid their fair share. That's how come the country was great and that's the country they were able to be successful in. Now they want to remove the ladders they themselves climbed.

I'm a Republican now. I no longer care about young, gay, black, women and the poor because they don't care enough about themselves or they are too stupid to know they need to vote every 2 years. So I'm going to embrace GOPanomics now. Fuck all those losers. If poor people don't want to be poor do something about it. First step is to vote. Can't do that then I can't give a fuck about you.

I'll save and hopefully Republicans will get me better interest on my savings. That will offset the cuts that will for sure be made to SS and medicare.

Would I rather do it the liberal way? Yes. If I were superman I'd make the rich pay more and I'd make the governments not be corrupt. I would fly the Koch brothers 1 mile up in the sky and then drop them as a lesson to all the other greedy dicks out there. Capitalism is just another corrupted ISM.

Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Compatible With Democracy?
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
You know, just to avoid looking like fools in a year or two, you liberals might want to tone down your whining and doom-and-gloom predictions. What are you going to do if Trump gets the economy growing at a rate of 3-4%, brings back trillions in repatriated income, secures the border, starts to get us closer to a balanced budget, restores law and order, and gets the government to work better than it has in decades (like the VA)? You guys are gonna look mighty foolish.
What are they going to do? The same thing they always do. Rewrite history.
  • They will proclaim the 3% - 4% growth in GDP to be the result of Barack Obama's policies
  • They will proclaim the trillions brought back into this country caused massive national debt because we got less of it in taxes than their communist asses desired (never mind that there communist asses currently got $0.00 in taxes from it)
  • They will proclaim that securing the border was "racist"
  • They will proclaim the balanced budget "cheated families out of desperately needed government services"
  • They will proclaim restoring law and order was "racist" (yes, they will double-down on this one as it is their absolute favorite)
  • They will proclaim that the government didn't work better no matter how much it did
Mark it down right now. That's exactly how they will play it. They live to rewrite history.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Where were you 8 years ago? If you are just weeping now you are nothing but an ignorant hack.

You must be a loser if you are still hurting. Blue collar? I mean things aren't perfect but we aren't in the Great 2007 Recession.

I'm beginning to realize that anyone who worked for Gas Oil and Coal was happy under the Bush years. Of course when gas was $4 a gallon.
You know, just to avoid looking like fools in a year or two, you liberals might want to tone down your whining and doom-and-gloom predictions. What are you going to do if Trump gets the economy growing at a rate of 3-4%, brings back trillions in repatriated income, secures the border, starts to get us closer to a balanced budget, restores law and order, and gets the government to work better than it has in decades (like the VA)? You guys are gonna look mighty foolish.
What are they going to do? The same thing they always do. Rewrite history.
  • They will proclaim the 3% - 4% growth in GDP to be the result of Barack Obama's policies
  • They will proclaim the trillions brought back into this country caused massive national debt because we got less of it in taxes than their communist asses desired (never mind that there communist asses currently got $0.00 in taxes from it)
  • They will proclaim that securing the border was "racist"
  • They will proclaim the balanced budget "cheated families out of desperately needed government services"
  • They will proclaim restoring law and order was "racist" (yes, they will double-down on this one as it is their absolute favorite)
  • They will proclaim that the government didn't work better no matter how much it did
Mark it down right now. That's exactly how they will play it. They live to rewrite history.

Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
Well at least that would be a war that makes some sense since Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Unlike the Dumbocrat's war in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria.
You know, just to avoid looking like fools in a year or two, you liberals might want to tone down your whining and doom-and-gloom predictions. What are you going to do if Trump gets the economy growing at a rate of 3-4%, brings back trillions in repatriated income, secures the border, starts to get us closer to a balanced budget, restores law and order, and gets the government to work better than it has in decades (like the VA)? You guys are gonna look mighty foolish.
What are they going to do? The same thing they always do. Rewrite history.
  • They will proclaim the 3% - 4% growth in GDP to be the result of Barack Obama's policies
  • They will proclaim the trillions brought back into this country caused massive national debt because we got less of it in taxes than their communist asses desired (never mind that there communist asses currently got $0.00 in taxes from it)
  • They will proclaim that securing the border was "racist"
  • They will proclaim the balanced budget "cheated families out of desperately needed government services"
  • They will proclaim restoring law and order was "racist" (yes, they will double-down on this one as it is their absolute favorite)
  • They will proclaim that the government didn't work better no matter how much it did
Mark it down right now. That's exactly how they will play it. They live to rewrite history.

Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
It literally took less than 1 minute for my first prediction to come to fruition. Progressives are so predictable... :lmao:
Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
Is there anything more fall-down hilarious than libtard "logic". If you omit the poor, every economy is "great". If you don't count the poor in Afghanistan right now, their economy is epic. If you don't count the poor during The Great Depression, that economy was epic.

Progressives are something else. They just can't embrace reality over their ideology. They will say any stupid thing to make it sound like progressive policy didn't fail.
Can I interest you in a fallout shelter so you'll be safe during the imminent nuclear war?

OMG Like we all haven't been weeping for this country for the last eight years.

The country will be heading in the right direction. Finally.

I can't wait for the GOP to start a war with Iran so I can tell you I told you so. Do I hope it happens? No. But it's gonna. Republicans will destabilize the economy and world. Watch and see. It's going to like watching a scary movie. Just wait.

And don't blame Pelosi or Freddy Mack stupid.
Well at least that would be a war that makes some sense since Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Unlike the Dumbocrat's war in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria.
What a dope. First of all, let them have a nuke. So fucking what. Second, it would go much like Iraq went. How did that go? 3rd, Libya and Yemen and Syria are all directly due to Bush lying us into Iraq. Ask a terrorist to give you an example of why the USA is evil and wrong and high on the list will be Iraq. And it isn't just terrorists who feel this way.

a prima facie case can be made that the United States is guilty of the supreme crime against humanity, that being an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.

What is prima facie? based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
Obama handed Trump a great economy except the poor and blue collar aren't doing well. I can't wait to see you guys fix that NOT. LOL. You never will. Trumps rhetoric sounded very good but the GOP won't go along. Watch.
Is there anything more fall-down hilarious than libtard "logic". If you omit the poor, every economy is "great". If you don't count the poor in Afghanistan right now, their economy is epic. If you don't count the poor during The Great Depression, that economy was epic.

Progressives are something else. They just can't embrace reality over their ideology. They will say any stupid thing to make it sound like progressive policy didn't fail.
Good point. But just remember while your broke ass is crying the rich have never been richer. So productivity and profits are up. YOU just aren't getting any. Why is that? What do you think the Republicans are going to do to improve things for the poor? Besides kick all the illegals they brought in out and give companies more tax breaks?

I just can't wait to see how much better the poor do under Republican rule. Actually this isn't my first rodeo so I have a guess as to how you will do. Not well. Not well at all. But you will stop worrying about those poor people and you will start telling them all that THEY are the only ones responsible for their station in life. In a way I agree with you. Including the fact that they didn't vote or they voted GOP. So, they are responsible for the big let down they are about to experience. Liberals didn't let poor people down, poor people let themselves down by not showing up in 2010. So, they are going to get the government they deserve. I LOVE IT!!!

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