I weep for this country

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.

Yes, you did say that. It's in the freaking quote. Geez man. It's Democrats fighting to keep our borders open. Don't you follow politics?

Well close them. Now that you have the power democrats really have nothing to say. Fix it.

What does that have to do with responding to what you said?

I disagree but that's another conversation. Just close the border. It doesn't really matter what us liberals think but the corporations will use us as an excuse why they couldn't really solve this problem.

Didn't bush pass a border bill? With a bunch of high tech stuff that was going to fix immigration? Did it do anything? Why not? Oh yea, because of liberals and sactuary cities. No excuses, fix the problem.

And you do realize Obama deported tons of criminal illegals, right?

Anyways, I don't want to argue. You won. Don't be a dick. You have a year and a half and if you impress me I'll vote GOP in the midterms.

You disagree about what?

You said the corporations are going to keep illegals flowing in.

Obviously it's the Democrat party who fights politically for illegals to keep flowing in.

Are you arguing that there is no connection between the two? How does that make sense?
Lets just see what happens moving forward. For now, you are correct. About EVERYTHING.
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And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
Considering he bankrolled them for years I will have to agree he is establishment...But we shall see how he governs... I mean shit I didnt think he could win so as we see I have been wrong before.

Donating money to a church doesn't make you a Christian
Dude he was establishment. Might still be. Revisionist history does no one any good. There are many varied reasons that I felt ill voting for him. I am not omniscient so I dont know what is to come but if we look at history there are many things Trump must not do. One is higher Tariffs . That was the main cause of the great depression. Yet that is what we have a congress for to be a check

Again, I voted for Johnson. What you are not providing still are any examples of how the guy who just fought a year and a half war with the establishment is establishment.

Here's what you say. He won't have any credibility with me he's anti-establishment until he backs it up.

That is totally fair. What you keep saying though is he IS establishment and you have zero evidence of that
By the way I dont get the vote for Johnson... i mean I dont begrudge you a vote for a third party if you dont wish to vote for the two main party candidate...But Johnson was a fucking idiot. He was the least libertarian candidate to run. The man said to stop pollution we should colonize other planets. Couldnt you libertarians nominated a candidate that was not so high all the time that he didnt know where he was at any given time?

Yes, he's an idiot. But saying that doesn't give me an answer who I do vote for
Hell if I know I voted for Trump because I didn't want Clinton even though I didn't think Trump would win.Johnson did not help the libertarian cause any at all. There was a better guy but I don't remember his name.
Considering he bankrolled them for years I will have to agree he is establishment...But we shall see how he governs... I mean shit I didnt think he could win so as we see I have been wrong before.
I think this just takes us further down the rabbit hole. Corporations and billionaires own this country and the sheep in it.

But if the sheep are happy who am I but one sheep
Hey dummy your candidate Hillary Clinton took more Billionaire money than any other NEXT to Obama.
Yea, that's even more evidence.

So did every Republican you voted for stupid. That doesn't bother you?
You are such a hypocrite

Why asshole? Why is it that it's bad that Hillary takes money but not little Marco Rubio or all the other Republicans that won yesterday? If they take money and you don't mind, how are you not the hypocrite?

You guys are assholes win or lose.
Your a hypocrite because you excuse your candidates while attacking others for the same..
Just sit on the sidelines and whine and bitch libs, that's what you are good at. The rest of the country is moving forward to prosperity and greatness!
Donating money to a church doesn't make you a Christian
Dude he was establishment. Might still be. Revisionist history does no one any good. There are many varied reasons that I felt ill voting for him. I am not omniscient so I dont know what is to come but if we look at history there are many things Trump must not do. One is higher Tariffs . That was the main cause of the great depression. Yet that is what we have a congress for to be a check

Again, I voted for Johnson. What you are not providing still are any examples of how the guy who just fought a year and a half war with the establishment is establishment.

Here's what you say. He won't have any credibility with me he's anti-establishment until he backs it up.

That is totally fair. What you keep saying though is he IS establishment and you have zero evidence of that
By the way I dont get the vote for Johnson... i mean I dont begrudge you a vote for a third party if you dont wish to vote for the two main party candidate...But Johnson was a fucking idiot. He was the least libertarian candidate to run. The man said to stop pollution we should colonize other planets. Couldnt you libertarians nominated a candidate that was not so high all the time that he didnt know where he was at any given time?

Yes, he's an idiot. But saying that doesn't give me an answer who I do vote for
Hell if I know I voted for Trump because I didn't want Clinton even though I didn't think Trump would win.Johnson did not help the libertarian cause any at all. There was a better guy but I don't remember his name.

Yes, I thought other primary options were better, but Johnson won. That's the point, I rejected everyone, so criticizing Johnson is pointless, you have to show someone is better because I thought he was a terrible candidate too, but so was everyone else. So just tearing him down doesn't answer the question. Who DO I vote for?
Just sit on the sidelines and whine and bitch libs, that's what you are good at. The rest of the country is moving forward to prosperity and greatness!
I hope so. And we won't complain if that's the case now will we? And what we also won't do is be obstructionist bitches like you were the last 8 years.

You guys have no excuse. I'm happy because so many new voters showed up and once you vote you never stop voting. Its empowering. So if the GOP fucks us like I think they will, you'll see in 2022 just like you did in 2006. LOL. Assuming Trump will win re election easily. I don't see him losing in 4 years. MOTHER FUCKER!
Just sit on the sidelines and whine and bitch libs, that's what you are good at. The rest of the country is moving forward to prosperity and greatness!
I hope so. And we won't complain if that's the case now will we? And what we also won't do is be obstructionist bitches like you were the last 8 years.

You guys have no excuse. I'm happy because so many new voters showed up and once you vote you never stop voting. Its empowering. So if the GOP fucks us like I think they will, you'll see in 2022 just like you did in 2006. LOL. Assuming Trump will win re election easily. I don't see him losing in 4 years. MOTHER FUCKER!

Oh yes you will, you people root for failure and misery hoping that will return you to power. Its not a theory, that's what you did from 2005 to 2008. YOU PEOPLE have not changed your stripes overnight, you aren't fooling anyone.
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Just sit on the sidelines and whine and bitch libs, that's what you are good at. The rest of the country is moving forward to prosperity and greatness!
I hope so. And we won't complain if that's the case now will we? And what we also won't do is be obstructionist bitches like you were the last 8 years.

You guys have no excuse. I'm happy because so many new voters showed up and once you vote you never stop voting. Its empowering. So if the GOP fucks us like I think they will, you'll see in 2022 just like you did in 2006. LOL. Assuming Trump will win re election easily. I don't see him losing in 4 years. MOTHER FUCKER!

Oh yes you will, you people root for failure and misery hoping that will return you to power. Its not a theory, that's what you did from 2005 to 2008. YOU PEOPLE have not changed your stripes overnight, you aren't fooling anyone.
You sucked from 2000-2008 sorry we just noticed! Are you now back to suggesting GW Bush was a great president and that those were good times? They were not.

I'm not married to the Democratic party. If the GOP does a good job I'll be a fucking republican. Only YOU guys defended Bush/Chaney/Delay/Hastert during their rotten recession and obstructed Obama during his recovery. You said things were good when they were not and that things were bad when they weren't so bad.

You'll see. Watch! You won't hear Republicans talk again about the under employed or how wages are low or how the debt is doubling. The truth is, now that the election is over, is that we aren't really in that bad of shape. It was an election year and Republicans were just playing politics. Unfortunately it worked.

So now lead. Fix the things you said you would fix. No excuses.
Just sit on the sidelines and whine and bitch libs, that's what you are good at. The rest of the country is moving forward to prosperity and greatness!
I hope so. And we won't complain if that's the case now will we? And what we also won't do is be obstructionist bitches like you were the last 8 years.

You guys have no excuse. I'm happy because so many new voters showed up and once you vote you never stop voting. Its empowering. So if the GOP fucks us like I think they will, you'll see in 2022 just like you did in 2006. LOL. Assuming Trump will win re election easily. I don't see him losing in 4 years. MOTHER FUCKER!

Oh yes you will, you people root for failure and misery hoping that will return you to power. Its not a theory, that's what you did from 2005 to 2008. YOU PEOPLE have not changed your stripes overnight, you aren't fooling anyone.

It's hard not to root against assholes like you. It really is.
Just sit on the sidelines and whine and bitch libs, that's what you are good at. The rest of the country is moving forward to prosperity and greatness!
I hope so. And we won't complain if that's the case now will we? And what we also won't do is be obstructionist bitches like you were the last 8 years.

You guys have no excuse. I'm happy because so many new voters showed up and once you vote you never stop voting. Its empowering. So if the GOP fucks us like I think they will, you'll see in 2022 just like you did in 2006. LOL. Assuming Trump will win re election easily. I don't see him losing in 4 years. MOTHER FUCKER!

Oh yes you will, you people root for failure and misery hoping that will return you to power. Its not a theory, that's what you did from 2005 to 2008. YOU PEOPLE have not changed your stripes overnight, you aren't fooling anyone.

It's hard not to root against assholes like you. It really is.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Just wait for next year. The "buyers remorse" is going to be off the charts.

On the contrary, we will never look back...

There are several countries with safe spaces, socialized medicine, and insane tax rates that you are welcome to move to if you don't want to be a part of the REAL AMERICA.:wink_2:
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

It's benefits that we will be reaping. Taxes and regulation will be stripped allowing this massive engine that is the U.S. economy to run wild.:wink:

It's MERRY CHRISTMAS now!!:biggrin:
Why didn't it work in 2000-2006?

The Rich Are Hoarding Cash And It's Making Us A Lot Worse Off: Experts | The Huffington Post

It's just not trickling down.

When you are searching for facts to support your case, please do not cite articles from the soon-defunct liberal rag the Huffington Post.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Just wait for next year. The "buyers remorse" is going to be off the charts.

On the contrary, we will never look back...

There are several countries with safe spaces, socialized medicine, and insane tax rates that you are welcome to move to if you don't want to be a part of the REAL AMERICA.:wink_2:

Well, in the 2nd election in 16 years, the will of the people was not successful in putting the candidate with the most votes on election day into office. In 2000, Al Gore received over half a million more votes than W. The result of that flawed process was the Iraq War. That decision is STILL wreaking havoc in the ME and is at the VERY least partially responsible for the destabilization of the region and the mass migration that is causing problems for Europe.

Now on to this election: Currently, Clinton holds a lead in the vote count which, the last time I checked, is slightly over 200,000 votes. I've read that it may be as much as a million votes by the time all the votes are counted. That's a problem for Democracy.

I partly blame the media for this. It's ironic too because the chances are very good that if the media hadn't constantly broadcasted the message that Clinton was an overwhelming favorite and that Trump had very little chance of winning, more people would have gotten off their lazy butts and gone out to vote for her. The reason why it's ironic is because conservatives are constantly attacking the media.

Now on to Trump: Unless the Trump personae that we've all seen day after day for the last 17 months from the day he declared his candidacy, through the primaries, and into the general election process which dragged on for months was some kind of an 'act,' even the most casual observer should be asking him or herself how Trump will react as president when the attention, and the pressures, and the ongoing national legislative fights and the international competition (and conflicts fail to bend to his will. How will he react?

Here's the not so funny part. The volatile and predictably unpredictable Trump will be following the extremely low key "no drama" Obama. The contrast will be even more striking in light of the fact that Americans have always taken for granted the reassurance of a calm, cool, and collected dispassionate president, regardless of which party he belonged to. Oh, sure, I've heard stories of various presidents having a little bit of a blow up in private meetings, but I've never seen one happen in public. Trump, by contrast, seems to get riled easily which is made even worse because he seems easily baited. Now Trump will be leaving the cocoon of Trump Tower where he's essentially a king, and he'll move into the WH where the pressures are enormous and multiple factions will have their own agendas and consequently will be inclined to pursue those agendas regardless of what Trump says. We'll get the measure of the man before too long, and I fear that it won't be at all reassuring.

If I had to bet (and I've said this before he was even elected), I think Trump will be impeached within 2 years, and it will be almost unanimous. If that does, in fact, happen, I fear he won't go willingly.
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