I weep for this country

And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
I said it a year ago. Please run Hillary as your candidate because with her baggage, she doesn't stand a chance. Looks like I was right.

Democrats think because they don't care about their candidates corruption that no one else will. The exit polls showed how wrong they are
I translate the OP to mean you were wrong, your friends were wrong, your POUS was wrong, your political preference is wrong, all your sources were wrong, and today you're just a very unhappy clown, because Americans have sent a message for 8 years of regressive bullshit. Get fked.
I translate the OP to mean you were wrong, your friends were wrong, your POUS was wrong, your political preference is wrong, all your sources were wrong, and today you're just a very unhappy clown, because Americans have sent a message for 8 years of regressive bullshit. Get fked.

Everything we've heard for the last 8 years were so wonderful went down in flames last night. Totally rejected.
I translate the OP to mean you were wrong, your friends were wrong, your POUS was wrong, your political preference is wrong, all your sources were wrong, and today you're just a very unhappy clown, because Americans have sent a message for 8 years of regressive bullshit. Get fked.

And on January 20 I get to put a statement in her sig for six months because she bet me that Republicans would impeach Obama. I give her credit for one thing, she embraces her delusions
How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
Considering he bankrolled them for years I will have to agree he is establishment...But we shall see how he governs... I mean shit I didnt think he could win so as we see I have been wrong before.
I think this just takes us further down the rabbit hole. Corporations and billionaires own this country and the sheep in it.

But if the sheep are happy who am I but one sheep
Hey dummy your candidate Hillary Clinton took more Billionaire money than any other NEXT to Obama.
Yea, that's even more evidence.

So did every Republican you voted for stupid. That doesn't bother you?
You are such a hypocrite

Why asshole? Why is it that it's bad that Hillary takes money but not little Marco Rubio or all the other Republicans that won yesterday? If they take money and you don't mind, how are you not the hypocrite?

You guys are assholes win or lose.
How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
He is now.

OK, so you just turned it into an irrelevant word.

That isn't what establishment candidate means

Whatever. we will see where your wall isn't getting built and Trump pushes for amnesty just like Boosh promised to secure the border after he wanted to grant illegals amnesty . that will be for starters.
Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket. Hope I'm wrong

So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations? Are you on drugs?

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.
Considering he bankrolled them for years I will have to agree he is establishment...But we shall see how he governs... I mean shit I didnt think he could win so as we see I have been wrong before.
I think this just takes us further down the rabbit hole. Corporations and billionaires own this country and the sheep in it.

But if the sheep are happy who am I but one sheep
Hey dummy your candidate Hillary Clinton took more Billionaire money than any other NEXT to Obama.
Yea, that's even more evidence.

So did every Republican you voted for stupid. That doesn't bother you?
You are such a hypocrite

Why asshole? Why is it that it's bad that Hillary takes money but not little Marco Rubio or all the other Republicans that won yesterday? If they take money and you don't mind, how are you not the hypocrite?

You guys are assholes win or lose.

Pay to play is an entirely different thing than campaign donations
He is now.

OK, so you just turned it into an irrelevant word.

That isn't what establishment candidate means

Whatever. we will see where your wall isn't getting built and Trump pushes for amnesty just like Boosh promised to secure the border after he wanted to grant illegals amnesty . that will be for starters.
Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket. Hope I'm wrong

So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations? Are you on drugs?

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.

Yes, you did say that. It's in the freaking quote. Geez man. It's Democrats fighting to keep our borders open. Don't you follow politics?
OK, so you just turned it into an irrelevant word.

That isn't what establishment candidate means

Whatever. we will see where your wall isn't getting built and Trump pushes for amnesty just like Boosh promised to secure the border after he wanted to grant illegals amnesty . that will be for starters.
Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket. Hope I'm wrong

So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations? Are you on drugs?

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.

Yes, you did say that. It's in the freaking quote. Geez man. It's Democrats fighting to keep our borders open. Don't you follow politics?

Well close them. Now that you have the power democrats really have nothing to say. Fix it.
Whatever. we will see where your wall isn't getting built and Trump pushes for amnesty just like Boosh promised to secure the border after he wanted to grant illegals amnesty . that will be for starters.
Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket. Hope I'm wrong

So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations? Are you on drugs?

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.

Yes, you did say that. It's in the freaking quote. Geez man. It's Democrats fighting to keep our borders open. Don't you follow politics?

Well close them. Now that you have the power democrats really have nothing to say. Fix it.

What does that have to do with responding to what you said?
Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket. Hope I'm wrong

So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations? Are you on drugs?

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.

Yes, you did say that. It's in the freaking quote. Geez man. It's Democrats fighting to keep our borders open. Don't you follow politics?

Well close them. Now that you have the power democrats really have nothing to say. Fix it.

What does that have to do with responding to what you said?

I disagree but that's another conversation. Just close the border. It doesn't really matter what us liberals think but the corporations will use us as an excuse why they couldn't really solve this problem.

Didn't bush pass a border bill? With a bunch of high tech stuff that was going to fix immigration? Did it do anything? Why not? Oh yea, because of liberals and sactuary cities. No excuses, fix the problem.

And you do realize Obama deported tons of criminal illegals, right?

Anyways, I don't want to argue. You won. Don't be a dick. You have a year and a half and if you impress me I'll vote GOP in the midterms.
So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations? Are you on drugs?

I didn't say that, did I? I said "Corporations want the bodies so expect legal immigration to skyrocket"

Why don't you address my comment instead of coming back with "So you think Democrats fight to keep our borders open for Corporations?"

I don't even know how to respond but I'll try. I think CORPORATIONS are the ones who want the bodies. More bodies the lower the wages. Same way they don't really try to solve ghettos. They like having the huge pool of cheap labor to pull from.

You're probably trying to say that liberals want illegals coming in because they vote for liberals. Well we see how wrong headed that is? Those rapists and murderers don't even vote.

Yes, you did say that. It's in the freaking quote. Geez man. It's Democrats fighting to keep our borders open. Don't you follow politics?

Well close them. Now that you have the power democrats really have nothing to say. Fix it.

What does that have to do with responding to what you said?

I disagree but that's another conversation. Just close the border. It doesn't really matter what us liberals think but the corporations will use us as an excuse why they couldn't really solve this problem.

Didn't bush pass a border bill? With a bunch of high tech stuff that was going to fix immigration? Did it do anything? Why not? Oh yea, because of liberals and sactuary cities. No excuses, fix the problem.

And you do realize Obama deported tons of criminal illegals, right?

Anyways, I don't want to argue. You won. Don't be a dick. You have a year and a half and if you impress me I'll vote GOP in the midterms.

You disagree about what?

You said the corporations are going to keep illegals flowing in.

Obviously it's the Democrat party who fights politically for illegals to keep flowing in.

Are you arguing that there is no connection between the two? How does that make sense?

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